In another article, I’ve mentioned the Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® (KLT) Factor as a revolutionary secret to being a huge success. We’ve all heard about (or are very familiar with) the KLT factor in business and how necessary it is. Experts say that having your audience know, like, and trust (KLT) you is the most important thing you can have in business. While it is important, my belief is there’s a different place to start.
What if I told you the starting point was actually knowing, liking and trusting yourself first? Just like bringing the Divine into your business (more on that here) is a matter of internal power giving you power externally, knowing, liking, and trusting yourself first works the same way. The Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® KLT Factor is all about knowing, liking and trusting yourself first before your audience/customers do. Once you know what it truly means to KLT yourself, you can bring in the typical KLT the business world has ingrained into our heads.
The KLT Factor the experts say we need
The typical KLT model for business says that in order to be successful you have to get your audience to know, like and trust you before you can even think about converting sales. There are a lot of classes, webinars and workshops in marketing that teach this concept and how to do it just like the experts. And, the experts aren’t wrong.
To have success in business, you have to convert sales or get clients to buy your services and/or products. So of course your audience needs to KLT you. Being genuine, transparent and honest is important and it’s a good way into the hearts of your audience.
Think about your favorite brands, stores, authors or anyone you’ve done business with that you keep going back to. Why are you going back to them? Our favorite brands have a certain reputation perhaps or position among the market. They are the best of the best. They might command respect. They might be the top leader or visionary. I don’t believe they became giants with stark raving fans simply because they were just trying to get sales. They know, like and trust themselves and their products/services, what they stand for and what they are all about, first and foremost.
There’s a way to make the depth of KLT even more delicious and magnetic and that’s to truly know, like and, trust yourself first. KLT is good. It’s necessary. But Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® is better. Here’s what Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® can look like.
Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself®
Ask yourself this: How are you going to get anyone else to KLT you if you don’t KLT yourself? If you lack trust, confidence or belief in yourself, how do you expect someone else to do it for you? Everything starts internally and it is necessary for the traditional external KLT to work. I break each section down so you can understand the internal portion of KLT.
What is it to know yourself fully? You want to step into that self-awareness of yourself. So when you do that, you absolutely want to be looking at things you are comfortable with, satisfied with, and thrilled with. Things you want to be really proud of and their strengths and their super powers and all that groovy-goodness. It’s taking that mirror and going in; when that mirror is reflected back at you, what do you see? Think about what you are passionate about and what makes you happy and how you find your joy. Those are three different questions and three different answers. These are all things to know about yourself. What I often ask my group members when talking about this is: Who are you at midnight when no one is watching?
When we like ourselves, we accept ourselves—the good, the bad, and the ugly. We can be really, really open about talking about ourselves and who we are. I bet you like yourself a lot. I bet you can say, “You know what? I really like myself. I like my friends, the life I have. I like myself as a person.” But what it boils down to is this: How much do you show yourself that you like yourself? Do you take care of yourself? Do you date yourself? Do you let yourself be enchanted? Do you ever pause and celebrate yourself? How much you show that you like yourself, whatever they may look like, is the real indicator as to how much you like yourself now.
Trusting your intuition is 100% something you can do on your own. You can practice doing it by making decisions with authority and when you see it come to fruition it proves to yourself that you were right. Each of these moments of “proof” fosters inner trust. But trust, real trust, is not something you can do on your own. Trust is between people. Trust is totally in the heartspace. The mind is the reflector of trust. The mind is a good measurement, so to speak. The mind brings you into judgment, fear, doubt and the fear of missing out (FOMO). It’s following somebody else’s path because it worked for them and they were successful.
When I talk about trusting yourself, I say it’s all about you and your uniqueness. Every single pathway to success is different. If you’re judging people for having a lack of integrity, look at yourself. If you’re judging people because they are gossipy, look at yourself. I’m not saying you are a gossip, I’m saying it’s trust. And it is a lack of trust in yourself, when you are looking at people externally. You have to look internally. When you build trust in yourself, you can build trust in others. It’s a beautiful lattice that just builds on itself.
Using Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself® to help increase your marketing and sales
When you truly KLT yourself, you become a magnet. Your sales become beautiful. You become the brand, speaker or author people are attracted to and come back to for more. This is where you turn back to the typical KLT factor in business. It will come naturally to your audience because you fully know, like and trust yourself. Imagine the power you will have! You won’t have to get your audience to KLT you because you’ve done all the work for them. Stepping into the world and your business, saying YES to yourself will only make your audience say yes to you, too.
Following your instincts, developing your intuition, and listening to your inner voice is all part of the true KLT factor. This is the starting point. You must look internally in order for the external to be powerful. Things in business will come easier to you when you are truly the person you are meant to be and have that power. Your audience will be drawn to you, and your teams or employees will LOVE working with you. That translates into a full, satisfying, delicious life and business—which is what you want right?
Want to know how you Know, like and trust yourself? Take the quiz I’ve got so much more to share with you. The results give you so much about your Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® quotient. It’s information all about YOU.