
E82: From Astrology to Success: Kim Woods' Revolutionary Quiz


Welcome to another episode of “Your Star Path to Success”! In today’s episode, we delve deep into a transformative tool designed to help you align your personal and professional lives with your souls deepest desires. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we unravel the mysteries of the twelve-question Intuitive Success Signature Quiz that measures how well you Know, Like, and Trust yourself.

5 Key Highlights:

  1. Introduction to the Twelve-Question Quiz:
    • Discover how this simple yet powerful quiz can be the first step towards aligning your life with your souls desires, enhancing business strategies, and improving personal relationships.
  2. Understanding the Six Energetic Signatures:
    • Learn about the six Intuitive Success Signatures: Wise Strategist, Intuitive Visionary, Collaborative Explorer, Ruling Warrior, Creative Superstar, and Loving Alchemist, and discover how they best help influence your decision-making and interactions.
  3. Benefits of Knowing Your Energetic Signature:
    • Explore how understanding your Signature can help you make confident decisions, energize your life and work, and reclaim your personal power.
  4. Impact on Sales, Marketing, and Collaboration:
    • Unlock the secret to effective communication and sales strategies by tailoring your approach based on the six Signatures, ensuring better conversion rates and loyal clients.
  5. Leadership and Intuition Development:
    • Whether leading a team or your own life, discover how your energetic Signature influences your leadership style and can guide you in developing a more profound intuitive connection.

3 Fun Facts:

  1. Origins of the Quiz:
    • The Quiz is based on ancient astrological wisdom and the chakra system, integrating universal elements to provide a holistic understanding of personal archetypes.
  2. How it came to be:
    • The twelve-question Quiz and the six Intuitive Success Signatures were channeled during a particularly transformative time, around the winter solstice of 2020.
  3. Join thousands of Quiz takers:
    • Over 23,000 people have taken the Quiz, and the results have been heralded as groundbreaking by major media outlets like Forbes and Entrepreneur.

Additional Resources:

  • Take the Quiz:
    • Here it is! Want to find out your Intuitive Success Signature? Take the twelve-question “Do You Know, Like, and Trust Yourself” Quiz at com
  • Weekly & Monthly Forecasts:
    • Stay updated with weekly star forecasts and monthly insights at kimwoods.com
  • Full and New Moon Rituals:
  • Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy:
    • Dive deeper into aligning with your soul mission and achieving success with tailored programs and one-on-one sessions available through the Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy.

Join us on this journey as we explore how to use the stars strategically to align with your soul purpose, reclaim your power, and increase your prosperity. Until next time, happy soul tidings, and don’t forget to Like and Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!

Dive Into Kim Woods’ Bestselling Books:

  • All About Magic: Unlock your inherent power because magic is everywhere and tapping into it is easy – if you know how. Creating space in your life, learning about energy and connecting to your intuition are the first steps so that you can live a magical life. Next, blending practical, accessible and extensive solutions will help you access and use your magical side. I’ve been using magic for decades in my work, with my family and in everyday life.
    In all about MAGIC I’ll show you how to weave the practical with the magical so you make magic every day.
  • All About Abundance: Harness your prosperity. How do you make more money so that you can work less and travel to great places? How do you have better health, loving relationships and more joy? How do you create more abundance in your life? For years, people have been working hard and using the Law of Attraction for abundance with limited results.
    In all about abundance I’ll share my secret so you to live an abundant life by doing less and attracting magnificent bounty and glory.  This book will help you create your prosperous pathway taking essential steps so you can unfold your fullest potential.
  • All About Calm: Embrace your inner knowing so that you can be ready to create calm and live a more peaceful life. Yes you can!
    🗸 Do you feel stressed?
    🗸 Do you want more calm in your life?
    🗸 Do you need quick and easy solutions to create a more peaceful life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Everyone should be living with calm, joy and bliss.
    In all about calm I’ll guide you with quick tips and easy solutions that fit into your back pocket. There are tips for every aspect of your life: singlehood, work, home, and family. There are even tips for your teens and children.

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About the Show

The Your Star Path to Success podcast with Kim Woods guides you on an astrological journey and business strategy towards achieving your goals and unlocking your true potential. Explore the mystical realm of forecasts, practical business tools and ways to use lunar rituals to manifest your desires and release any blocks to your success, plus captivating expert interviews for real world examples to illuminate your pathway to business success.

Use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. ™

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