How Neptune Shocks You into Reality

Neptune in Aries is a wake-up call like no other. After 14 years of illusion in Pisces, Neptune crashes into Aries’ bold energy, forcing you to face reality. No more avoiding, no more drifting—this is your cosmic truth bomb.

Neptune’s Star Story

This is a massive wakeup call into the New Era!

Neptune enters Aries for the first time since 1862 through 1875, so there’s no one alive who’s experienced this energy. Also, Saturn is going to enter this same energy in May, so this wake up is filled with reality and extended into the practical over a 3-year period.

The exact dates for Neptune in Aries are:

  • March 30, 2025: Neptune enters Aries
  • October 22, 2025: Neptune retrogrades into Pisces
  • January 26, 2026: Neptune re-enters Aries until 2038
  • May 21, 2038: Neptune dips into Taurus
  • October 21, 2038: Neptune revisits Aries
  • March 23, 2039: Neptune enters Taurus until 2052

March 30th is a huge wakeup call, especially since Neptune was in Pisces for the last 14 years that was like a hall of mirrors, altering what’s true and what’s fake. It was a great time for art, film and media, but not a good time for viruses, realism or pioneering the new world you’re trying to dream into reality. This was a lazy, contented, “I-can-kick-the-can-down-the-road” or “Let-someone-else-deal-with-it” energy for the last 14 years.

First, Neptune

Neptune’s ultimate quest is direct connection to the divine.

The quote of Neptune should be, “I help you talk to your soul”.

The persona of Neptune is “the stoner who misses life by smoking weed all day, like Spicoli in Fast Times of Ridgemont High.”

Phrases for Neptune

God of Sea, blank slate, mind without thought, pure being, be aware of everything, just be without doing, creativity, imagination, mysticism, dreams, spirituality, heartbeat of religion, delicate sense of intuition, connecting to everything that is, mystics, shamans, artists, also escape from reality.

Neptune’s worldview words

great strides in art, music and media, including books, dance, theater, TV, movies; illusion, fantasy, higher level of consciousness, spiritual reality, religion, dreams, oceans and seas, water, rain, ice, liquid, drugs, medicines: addiction, delusion, persuasion, fake news, manipulation through lies and deception.

Then, Aries

Aries’ ultimate quest is courage.

The quote of Aries should be, “I spark life”.

The persona of Aries is “the adventurous action hero Maverick in Top Gun or Mulan in the same-named Disney movie”.

Phrases for Aries

Natural leader, ambitious, passionate, confident, fiery spirit, competitive, brave, energetic, straightforward, pioneer, adventurer, 1st to create something new, innovator, initiator, move quickly, ferocity, help others in profound ways, courageous, daring, bold, enthusiastic, strong-willed, concerned with self; impatient, willful, aggressive, angry – need to find inspiration and enthusiasm and act on it to lead others to do so as well.

Aries’ worldview words

forward movement, fiery, competition, war, new growth, overcome obstacles, ambition, seek new territory, leadership, independence, bullying, combative, domination.

Next, The Neptune-Aries Combination

When Neptune hits Aries, Spicoli comes out of his van and notices that everyone at his high school is so much younger than him. He’s 30 years old and still a senior in high school! Man, that time flew – how did that happen?

Neptune lulled him into a sense of delusion and complacency, but now? It’s wake up time.

With Neptune in Aries, there’s the chance for lots of pioneering efforts supporting the New Era, to combine the gifts of the feminine (intuition) with the strengths of the masculine (innovation). The softer Neptunian influences meet the ambitious get-it-done attitude of Aries. This is the upside.

The downside of Neptune in Aries is when idealism meets aggression. This is when pioneering efforts fall into rebellion. Aries wins over Neptune. Neptune is in his fall in the sign of Aries as he gets burned by Aries fiery nature.

Neptune in Aries send signals for civil war, with uprisings and quests for freedom and independence. Throughout history, the American Civil War in 1862, along with Uranus in Gemini, the crusades in the 1200’s and the Hundreds Year War between England and France in the 1300’s.

The most remarkable time with Neptune in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius was in the 1530-1540’s signified by the reformation of the Church of England, the Industrial Revolution and Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Finally, Your Star Chart

What does all of this mean for you?

The stars in the sky interact with each other during their spins and cycles, yet they also interact with you through your natal chart, otherwise named your birth chart. Your birth chart is a picture of the stars the minute you were born, representing the life you long to live. Your birth stars depict your signatures of love, money and success and your expressions of bravery, mastery and destiny.

Your birth chart is your map of potential and the planets or stars in the sky interact with your birth stars every minute of every day. As my mentor, Steven Forrest, always says, “The planets either work you or you work the planets.

Let’s see how Neptune in Aries are going to impact your star chart. As Neptune enters Aries, the effects are worldwide, affecting everyone on the planet. Yet everyone feels this star configuration differently, depending on where Aries is on your chart.

Phrases associated with your Star Chart are: map of potential, what you might become, your chosen life, pathway to you, process for your growth.

Steps for You

This is the purpose of this entire guide. First, you’ll want to get your natal or birth chart. If you don’t have one, you need your date, time and place of birth. The site will run your chart for free. Once you do, you’ll get a circle with a bunch of hieroglyphics. No worries, this article explains it all.

Step #1: Get Your Star Chart

Go to this astrology site and fill in your information. Here’s a screen shot of the entry page. Input your information and click continue.

Screenshot of an astrology birth data entry form. Fields include first and last name, gender options (female, male, event/other), birth date, hour, country, and birth town. A green 'continue' button is at the bottom.

Step #2: Select Transits

Once you input your information and click continue, you’ll have your natal chart. Click on the blue transits button to get the stars in the sky.

A screenshot of an astrology birth chart from, displaying a circular chart with various planetary positions and aspects. An arrow points to a "Back" and "With Transits" button in the top right corner, which is circled in black.

Step #3: Find Neptune & Your House Number

You’ll get a picture with green symbols outside of the circle. These are the stars in the sky called transits.

  • On your star chart, look for the green Neptune, which is outside the circle. It should be near ♈ Aries. Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025, so depending upon when you’re reading this, the ♆ will be near Aries.
  • Once you find the ♆, move into the center of the chart until you get a house number.
  • Note the number.
A detailed astrology chart with a focus on Neptune in Aries. The chart includes planetary positions, aspects, and house divisions. A black arrow points from Neptune's symbol (♆) at the outer edge of the chart to the house number in the center. The text at the top provides guidance on how to locate Neptune in Aries within the chart.

In the example above, the house number is 10. Once you have your house number, you can refer to the table below to see how Neptune in Aries is going to affect you in 2025 and beyond.

Neptune in the Houses Table

As Neptune moves from his own sign of Pisces into the fiery Aries, he gets hit with a force that wakes him up from his last 14 years of sleepy energy. He’s been lulled into a sense of complacency. Suddenly, he’s awake. When Neptune wakes up, he awakens you. Your rose-colored glasses come off and suddenly you see people and things for who and what they truly are.

This is like a truth bomb.

On March 30, you get a wakeup call unlike any other in your life. How will reality blast into your life? What will you wish you had done before now? How will you remedy making it real in order to succeed in the next 14 years?

HouseNeptune in Aries
1Awaken to your true identity. Be true to YOU.

Impact: Neptune kneels to the sign of Aries and is doubly whacked in the first house. His idealism becomes flawed, and his grand vision gets confused by anger, aggression, and impatience. This is one of the most difficult placements for Neptune in Aries.

Remedy: Know who you are at the core. Step into the wisdom of Neptune in active and bold ways by embracing your spiritual side, feminine gifts, and softer skills. Doing so makes you unstoppable. Patience, authority, and acceptance are your mantras to fully step into your truth.
2Your finances get a blast of reality. No more excuses.

Impact: Neptune in Aries magnifies your financial position, revealing what you’ve been avoiding. It’s time to get real about your money, skills, connections, and value.

Remedy: Trust your instincts to face your financial reality. Own your abundance, stop taking your resources for granted, and step into how you can attract, make, and manage your wealth.
3Define your spiritual voice. Show up in visible ways.

Impact: Your soul is waking up, urging you to express your spiritual truth. Aries gives you the courage to disrupt the status quo and take advantage of media, TV, or even radio.

Remedy: Success comes from finding your spiritual voice. Communicate, present, teach, write, or speak—start today! Use technology to shine. Start a blog, vlog, or podcast.
4Nurture yourself and your family in compassionate ways.

Impact: Open your heart to loving yourself and honoring your ancestors. Deep truths are surfacing that Aries wants you to face with courage.

Remedy: Seek healing experts, explore your ancestral roots, and do past life work. Instead of reacting defensively, respond with equanimity and compassion.
5Take a risk to be completely you. Express yourself in creative ways.

Impact: Aries reignites your creativity, passion, and self-expression. It’s time to fall in love with your business and life again.

Remedy: Bet on yourself! Express your soul’s nature loudly and clearly. Stay playful, take creative risks, and have fun with this energy.
6Develop routines that meet your soul’s needs instead of others’ expectations.

Impact: You meet people who push you out of your comfort zone and show you where you’ve been stuck. It’s wake-up time for your wellbeing.

Remedy: Create spiritual practices that nourish you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Delegate, ask for support, and be open to receiving it.
7Commit to your soul-level relationships. Embrace beauty and harmony.

Impact: Your ability to find balance, seek cooperation, and commit in life and business is put under a microscope.

Remedy: Be discerning in relationships. Listen to your instincts. Deepen connections, be authentic, and trust yourself and others.
8Reclaim your power and step into your magical ways.

Impact: Aries forces you to see where you’ve been gaslighted about your true powers. Your spiritual birthright is calling.

Remedy: Own your gifts! Explore your intuition, go deep, and balance the mysteries of life with truth. Lighten up and embrace your magic.
9Become a seeker instead of following a guru.

Impact: Your beliefs are shifting. You’re questioning dogma, breaking routines, and seeking new perspectives.

Remedy: Explore other cultures, philosophies, and spiritual paths. Travel, learn a new language, and be insatiable in your quest for wisdom.
10Your soul mission becomes evident to you and the world.

Impact: If you’re misaligned, your soul mission will scream at you. If aligned, your purpose will be seen, heard, and known.

Remedy: Overcome your fears and pursue your true life purpose. Be a force in the world. Lead with feminine wisdom and masculine strength.
11Include spiritual intentions in your overall strategy.

Impact: You’re realizing if you’ve been drifting or if you’re truly aligned with your purpose. It’s a wake-up call.

Remedy: Set a spiritual strategy for the future. Attract soul-aligned connections. Step boldly into leadership.
12Dive deeply into spirituality to recognize your gifts.

Impact: You realize whether you’re escaping life or if you’ve mastered spirituality. Your connection to higher consciousness is heightened.

Remedy: Do an internal inventory. Balance your life through right action. Connect deeply with the spiritual world. Develop your intuition.

The Good News

The good news about Neptune? This planet is a big support missile just for you. He wants you to dissolve into your soul.

The good news about Aries? Anytime you feel like agreeing to something or someone you don’t want to say YES to – call on Aries to help you say NO. Commit to yourself so you don’t waste any more time on things or people who don’t have your best interests at heart.

The key to success in the New Era is to let your soul lead. Now is the time to lean into Aries’ boldness and Neptune spiritual ways to lead with your soul. It’s your time to shine!

Additional Support

2025 isn’t the year to go it alone. This is just the beginning. Soul-driven support is absolutely required.

My Soul-driven Success Series is perfect for the busy CEO who already has ongoing coaching support, but is looking for the right tools to be successful in the New Era.

My tried-and-true New Era formula saves you time, effort and money. It gives you the clarity, certainty and confidence you’ve been seeking to make sure you’re doing the right things at the right time – for YOU.

My New Era formula combines the stars to assure you’re going in the right direction, your energetic signature to ensure you’re attracting the right people and proven business strategies that confirm you’re relying on the right resources.

The Soul-driven Success Series includes 5 LIVE events:

  • Your Success Map to set your strategy for the entire year with the utmost certainty
  • Your Best Tools for Brilliance & Visibility to Make Big Impact with confidence
  • A massive Mid-Year Power Boost to Create Opportunities with ease
  • Walk through the Prosperity Portal of Lion’s Gate
  • The ability to Remove Blocks to Your Money to open your flow of prosperity

Your Soul-driven Success Series requires only 10 hours of instruction the entire year and it’s spread throughout the year. There are events in April, June, August and September, with instant access to your strategic set up for the year. The rest of the months are for you to use the tools and skills you’ve learned to give you that boost you’ve been seeking.

Each event includes a LIVE workshop and a step-by-step guide with your own guidance based on your Sun sign, energetic signature or both. If you can’t make a LIVE event, you can catch the replay.

This is the best of both worlds – detailed instruction and free time for you. You get to choose how and when you incorporate these strategies into your business.

This New Era formula is based on decades of experience, 10,000+ hours of delivery and successfully used with 500+ visionary leaders just like you.

The best news? The price is $2,497. But right now, you can get a full year of support for only $1,997. As another bonus, when you sign up today, you can pay with 3 monthly installments.

To sign up for this Soul-driven Success Series of support, go here to claim your spot.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast

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