Have you been living your life based on the definitions other people made about what success is and what it looks like? Have you been building and operating your business based off of someone else’s roadmap?
Believe me, you’re not the only one. We look up to those who are successful in business and decide that since they did it this way, this is the way it has to be done. If you have found success that way, that’s great. Who doesn’t want success? I’m not knocking on that, but I do want to let you in on a secret (one of three actually). There is another way you can reign in even more success and fulfillment then those you’ve been following. Doesn’t that sound delicious?
I want to begin by addressing mindset. There is a lot of talk out there about mindset. Mindset is beautiful and I love it; but mindset is only the first step. We have to leverage the power of our mind with the power of the Divine. Stick with me here.
How would it feel to be fully confident in yourself and the decisions you make for your business, life and opportunities that come your way? What if I told you that passion, power and prosperity integrated with your business strategy, leadership and growth were the key to unlocking more success? Intriguing, right? Having the Divine as your business partner uplevels you and your business.
Mindset is Only the Beginning
If you have a closed mind, or a mind filled with doubt or fear, you are not going to be leaning in and saying “show me the money” right now. You are going to be weaving and rolling around with that doubt and uncertainty. Having a growth mindset or open mindset to receive abundance, joy, success, that is the first step.
Mindset is a beautiful gift but also a weapon. When I talk about that, people tend to take a step back. Our mind is programmed to protect us. As our mind is protecting us, our mind doesn’t want us to deal with anything unknown, or anything uncertain or anything unfamiliar. Think about what is going on right now, everything is unfamiliar, uncertain, and unknown. The mind is in overdrive.
We can love our minds because it is doing its job, but its job isn’t about taking that leap of faith. Its job isn’t just going with the flow and saying everything is going to be groovy-good even though it doesn’t actually know. The mind tends to freak out on us.
I love that people are talking about mindset. It is gorgeous. But it’s also only 30% of the equation. Because even if you’re open minded (or growth-minded) to receive more, the trust and faith you need to do the thing that will actually bring more to you, well, that’s where the brain is going to go “Hold up, I don’t think so.” So, yes, get your mindset taken care of. Make sure you’re open. Make sure you’re ready for growth. Then, take the next step. That’s where all the goodness lies.
Shifting the Paradigm
As I’ve said before in a different article here, the typical paradigm for business is to be entirely cognitive (or in your head/mind). We use data, rationalizations, quantifications, and formulas for business decision-making and strategy. And we establish goals and ways to accomplish those goals. We get formal training that tells us how something should be done, because “that’s the way it is done.” These are all great tools, but it leaves out instinct, feelings or other sensory input we can receive if we cultivate it. Here is where I bring in the Divine.
I define Divine as the unknown, unseen, and unfamiliar presence that is felt and can be accessed when you truly connect. It’s the gut feeling that you have when making decisions and taking action. Making those decisions based on values and personal goals, dreams, desires and intuition. This is where you can have the Divine as a business partner. You need the Divine in your business.
Connecting to the Divine can give you superpowers.
Now, I’m not talking comic-book superpowers, but individual power. You will have power in:
- Decision making
- Aligning with support and opportunity
- Creating products and service offerings
- Attracting your Soul-Mate client
- Drawing raving fans
With all those superpowers, how are you not going to see success in your business? So here’s how these two really work together. There are three pairs.
How the Divine Meets your Business in Application
There are three Ps I connect to the Divine (remember, that’s the unknown, unseen and unfamiliar). Those Ps are purpose, power and prosperity. But how do you apply those words and integrate it all into business? I partner each of the Ps with a business aspect.
The business aspect of strategy focuses on your mission, vision, values, philosophy approach and the pricing matrix. It is very straight-laced and corporate. To merge your strategy with the Divine is for you to get into your purpose, intuition and to not be the tumbleweed that is rolling down the desert road. It isn’t just about mindset. It is getting into making clear/definitive decisions, having clear focus, being aligned with the flow so you can be in your lane. People talk about values but they don’t make them a pillar of their business strategy. What values do you embody and what values do you intend? What is your purpose on this planet? And you have to be really aligned with the Divine to answer that question. The Divine gets you crystal clear and focused which informs your business strategy.
Typical business aspects of leadership focus on the 10 roles of a manager – only two are about work and eight are about people. There are also varying leadership styles around communication, decision-making, authority and organizational structure. To merge with the Divine, you have to own yourself. You have to have confidence and know your self-worth so you are clear internally that you have the authority to make stuff happen. It isn’t focused on caring about whether or not people like you. Yes, you can care but it isn’t a big deal anymore. It is more about being respected and that empowers how you lead, make decisions and stand in your own authority.
Business is all about growth, scalability, marketing, outreach, external communication, visibility, being a money machine, having something that you can sell. Now, that is a great list and yes, they are all important but having growth, just for the sake of growth, isn’t going to lead to prosperity. You have to be in alignment with opportunity and support. Being an unbelievable collaborator and working with others brings you tremendous growth and prosperity. You have to actually be on the impact side of being generous, giving referrals, testimonials, and moving into a position of influence. Command your own stage and have influence over it. Trust your stage and get rid of the money issues. When you are in abundance (personified) and have love and are open to your creativity, you will uplevel the power of the business aspects that we know of as growth. Focusing on the internal will only make the external more powerful.
You don’t have to live the status-quo
You have the choice to operate your business and your life differently. Break the mold, change the pattern and shift the paradigm. There is no reason to lack passion, fulfillment and ease because someone once said (or you told yourself) that there is only one way to do things. Or because someone else said that success was accomplishing ‘this’ or ‘that.’ It starts with you.
Starting with your mindset is important, but it isn’t where you stop. Having the Divine as a business partner completely changes and scales your business. You shift the paradigm from “it’s how it has always been done,” to using the superpowers of the Divine. Marrying the three P’s – purpose, power and prosperity – with your business applications will inform your strategy, leadership and growth.
With the Divine as your business partner you will reach your dreams. This transformation starts with you—the internal only makes the external more powerful.
Looking for more? Click here to check out my Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy stepping stone program. I’ve got so much more to share with you.