Astrology Forecasts Oracle

October 2022: Do You Want to Know the Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation?

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation
  2. Weekly LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools (including 7 steps for achieving intentions)
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


Take care of yourself to keep up your energy resources. Indulge yourself with a new design or splurge on a new look. Concentrate on yourself. Strive for clarity and define your role to avoid confusion. Avoid power plays by letting go of control and getting things done based on your own efforts.


  1. Use the Moon to power your manifesting energy
  2. Use crystals to charge your desires
  3. Set it and forget it

We’ve covered all of these in the Power Up group! Hit reply if you haven’t seen them.


Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on the fun & support!

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is Learning to Read the Tarot (and Kim may even do a few readings…) It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #28 Intend

The secret to achieving your intentions is to use both the magical and practical energies to make them come true:

Step #1. Get clear on what your intentions are for the remainder of this year.

Step #2. Set your intentions and charge them magically with the stars, crystal and guide energies.

Step #3. Place a magical representation of your intentions in plain sight.

Step #4. Make a plan to practically achieve your intentions.

Step #5. Make a wish for your intentions to the Universe.

Step #6. Tweak and adjust as the stars and your intuition indicate.

Step #7. Watch them come true and give great gratitude when they do.

Crystal: Orange Sapphire

Sapphire is a wisdom stone, the seeker of truth and the balancer of energies. Sapphire brings both calm and focus to the mind, which is absolutely necessary during the month of October. This stone also creates peace and restores balance in the body. It also stimulates self-expression. Orange sapphire adds a lift of joy, hope and connection that furthers sapphires natural tendencies. Grab this stone and use it as a worry stone for those stressful times and place it at your desk or in your purse for the entire month.

Flower Essence: Olive

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth. Your inner guidance is re-calibrated and your ability to achieve peace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being.

Spirit Animal: Bee*

Bee represents your commitment to success while enjoying the sweetness of life. You’re thriving, industrious and capable, yet deliver succor to the world. You work well independently, but also as part of a team. Call on bee when you need cooperation from others to complete a task, desire tact & diplomacy or want to be in service to the world.* Bee was the spirit animal of 2020.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • Planets direct: Mercury October 2, Pluto October 8, Saturn direct October 23
  • Pluto Squares: October 19 & 20
  • New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse October 25
  • Jupiter back into Pisces October 28
  • Mars retrograde October 30 – January 12, 2023 @ Gemini 25- 8°
  • Mars out of bounds October 22 – May 5, 2023

Week 1: October 3 – 9

Access your power and readiness to take on the world. Things have been too slow for too long. Ensure you have your home life in order and then dive right in. This is your time.

Avoid the residual mind games and antics from Mercury retrograde, especially for Wise Strategists and Collaborative Explorers. This is the time for YOU, so walk away when others ask too much of you. You don’t have to say YES just because they asked.

Tips: Use your influence to create your desires. Debate. Negotiate. Calibrate your pathway to success if you haven’t already done so and get moving.

October 8th – Pluto stations direct

You’re ready to come back out into the world after these last few months of gathering yourself, receiving healing and appreciating yourself at deeper levels. Pluto’s been asking you to release control by triggering you through others. Has she done her magic? Do you feel lighter, refreshed and energized? If not, you have more opportunities while she squares the Sun and Venus on the 19th and 20th and when the Sun illumes Scorpio from October 23rd until November 22nd.

Week 2: October 10 – 16

Access your flair for style and design. This is a time for beauty and love. Your heart knows what it wants and has a lot to say. Being open to your dreams, desires and satisfaction feels wonderful.

Avoid ill-fitting and tight feeling ideals, circumstances or relationships. Shrugging off the old and welcoming the new just feels right. Mid-week, there’s lots of gossip and scandal. Confusing thoughts and low energy fuel jealousy and deception.

Tips: Make a game plan for creating a new style – in life, love, beauty and success. Pay attention to the details to create stability as any changes can be long-lasting. Be a mentor to others who are struggling and looking to you for guidance. Most of all, leave the gossiping to others. You have too much to do for yourself to waste time getting caught up in dramas that aren’t even yours.

Week 3: October 17 – 23

Access your self-confidence, enthusiasm and strength in business and your personal life. There’s sexy romance at play this week as well as the ability to handle the details at work. Love and business get a big boost in equal measure.

Avoid power plays, jealousy and either wanting to control others or feeling defensive against others controlling you. Tensions and insecurities abound. Greed knows no bounds either as those in positions of power reach out to take, take, take. Entitlement becomes more normalized, while fierce advocacy for what’s right matches its energy.

Tips: Get social and/or get sexy and romantic with your partner, spouse or love interest to use up the excess energy this week. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Seek common sense and logic to fight for what’s right.

October 23rd – Saturn direct

As the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio and Mercury dances with Saturn, you feel ready to push things forward once again. The roadblocks and obstacles lessen, as you’ve streamlined and optimized your pathway over the last few months. With fewer priorities, you have momentum to drive those things that are really important to you. With this laser-guided focus, success is in sight.

Week 4: October 24 – 30

Access mental bursts of energy, critical thinking and decisiveness while your communicative abilities are heightened, giving you charisma, charm and influence. Your imagination ignites to bring dreamy love, calm and compassion. The energies provide access to the mysteries while prompting serious commitment to relationships and wealth creation.

Avoid giving up and losing your sense of what’s true for you. The cosmic forces ask you to determine what’s real and what’s fake, while complicating positions of power and influence. On the world stage, aggression, anger and extremes are the norm. Leadership, at every level, gets destabilized. Pursuing greed for greed’s sake is running out of runway.

Tips: Create quiet moments to catch your breath and reconnect with yourself. Seek guidance from those you trust. Take care when getting into debates with others. Stay in your lane and dive deeply into YOU.

Big Star Events

As I wrote in the annual forecast for these big star events:

October 28th – Jupiter back into Pisces until December 20th

In Pisces, Jupiter brings compassion, service-orientation and imagination. He’s creativity personified as well as lucky and easygoing. He brought a breath of fresh air, however brief, to 2021 as he danced back and forth between Aquarius and Pisces. Saturn and Uranus wrangled with the Jupiter in Pisces energy in 2021 and it does the same this year.

As Jupiter makes you think everything is possible, even the improbable, so rely on the realism of Saturn to keep everything in perspective.

Jupiter expands everything and while he’s in Pisces, he focuses on feelings and emotions, as well as beliefs and dreams. Drop into your heart as Pisces rewards the heart over the mind. Better yet, rely on your intuition – that’s Pisces favorite.

Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent time to imagine and create as well as say YES to opportunity. He won’t be back in Pisces again until 2033.

Mars Out of Bounds: October 22 – May 5, 2023

We can act with bravery and courage, using our vitality to power us into our next project or adventure. Or we can act rashly, be too selfish or react defensively. This out of bounds coincides with his retrograde, making things completely out of control. Harsh words, violent tempers and aggressive messages become the norm once again. The virus, rebellions and weather events are at an all-time high during this period.

Mars Retrograde Oct 30, 2022 @ 9:26 am ET – Jan 12, 2023 (Gem 25 – 8)

Mars retrograde in Gemini may bring disruptions to mental pursuits and add to health issues, specifically for the lungs. This is music to the corona virus and all of its variants. This is also a time for accidents, so care is called for during this period. Gemini is everything mind, words and interests. This sign can’t get enough material to read, debate and broadcast. The cacophony that quieted down in January ramps up again with the sheer power of Mars.  Curiosity, excitement, new ideas and insights thrive and boredom, impatience and scattered focus reign. Mars pushes your mind in Gemini, making it a wonderful time to take a class, learn a new skill or digest lots of information. It’s also a great time for a meeting of the minds, where coming together in understanding is possible.

When Mars enters a sign, he usually stays for 6 weeks, yet will spend 7 months here between August 2022 and March 2023.

In August, I dove into the house placements to help you determine what actions to take to make the most of this energy. You can read it here.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Choose Healing

Details: Sun in Libra & Moon in Aries @ 16° on October 9th @ 4:55 pm ET

The past come rushing up to the surface. Suddenly you remember everything – the good and the bad. Savor the good and for the not-so-good, healing is possible when you let go of past embarrassments, moments of guilt and playing the blame game. Can you believe you did your best at the time? Will you be as kind to yourself as you are to others?  Flip your perspective and give yourself grace.

New Moon/Eclipse: Choose Your Path

Details: New Moon in Scorpio @ 2° & Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th @ 6:49 am ET

Clarity or confusion? Truth or lie? Get it done or chill out? The choice is yours. Both are available with this New Moon and Eclipse. October & November ecliptic pair is themed UNPREDICTABLE. Any positivity during these two weeks may be fraught with misdirection or misalignment. Take heed. Everything is cloudy and confusing. Take a break, time off or a staycation. If you must stay focused, dive deeply into your intuition. It’s the only clarity you have available. Better yet, follow the strategy you set at the end of 2021.


Oracle Cards:  https://www.kimwoods.com/intuition-oracle-cards/

Empowerment Membership:  https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Orange Sapphire (there are blue ones you can order): https://etsy.me/3CcTZJM

Flower Essence: Olive: https://amzn.to/3DUF1cB

Tarot Cards for Membership Workshop: https://amzn.to/3UWBqRx


Wise Strategist – What begins as a month of focus and determination slowly turns into a quest to find the meaning of life. Use the 7 steps of intentions to make progress on that which you seek in the first few weeks. As the energies deepen, take care to carve out time to explore the big questions without interruption and remember to go into your heart space to relieve overwhelm. Your mind runs amuck otherwise, so better yet, use that gorgeous instinct of yours to define what and how you want to get involved in the collective. Being a beacon of calm and strength amidst the storm is your super power, yet only you can determine whether it’s the right role for you.

Intuitive Visionary – Holy cacophony! Getting swept up by all the things and driving hard to get it all done now sums up October for you. Pace yourself and remember to take olive flower essence. Just because your mind thinks you have amazing amounts of energy doesn’t mean your body agrees. Develop habits and routines that support your long-term goals and desires. Remind yourself this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time in a rhythm that feels progressive, yet easy. Remind yourself you have support all around you. Ask for help as you let ease be your lens.

Collaborative Explorer – Everyone reaches out to you yet again. They’ve gotten into the habit of relying on your unwavering support and excellent advice. This is the time to develop a new habit by allowing others to take responsibility for their own actions (or inactions). Realigning responsibility with authority is your project this month. Managing your own desires is your goal. Make each a mantra, then do one thing every day just for you. Practice saying NO to others. I implore you to please do this in October. You’ll be setting up tons of success for yourself when you do.

Ruling Warrior – Be mindful that you may be contributing to the issues this month. Winning, and striving toward your goals is fine, but use caution that you’re not actually taking power away from others. You may feel really good right now as you look at your client roster and your revenue. However, progress in this way backfires in the coming months. This is a time for you to use your influence and charisma to engage and connect. Think in the long-term and tap into your heart’s desire for satisfaction. This is the key for realized success. Everything else is a mirage and you don’t want to wake up in mid-January without lasting connections and structures for support.

Creative Superstar – Creations galore! You’ve had so many creative ideas these last handful of weeks, it’s impossible to keep them all straight. Take a breath and carve out time at the beginning of the month to create a list with the following headers: ideas, patterns, goals, priorities, processes or steps, supports, outcomes and target dates. Next, put your ideas onto the page and step back to see the patterns to weave these ideas into a tapestry. Then complete the list to bring the woven ideas that speak to you the most into being. This seems to be too daunting of a task and you’re right. With such a bounty of creative ideas, you’re not able to complete any of them without organization. It would be a shame to see them all fizzle into nothingness.

Loving Alchemist – The noise is deafening, pushing you toward taking control of everything and everyone in your life. The triggers keep coming, seeming to urge you to grab everyone you love and protect them from the crazy. Yet, this is exactly the opposite of what your soul wants you to do. Letting go and allowing those you love to experience this month in their own way is the key that unlocks your soul’s path and not surprisingly, is the ultimate support for your own deep satisfaction. Calm your mind, open your heart and feel your soul’s yearning. Practically, drop into healing that feels luscious, make plans for intimacy with those you truly treasure and schedule quiet moments throughout the month to regain your balance.


October gives you forward momentum until the last week when you dive deeply into you and keep your focus on your own path. Allow your mind and heart to synchronize, take time for pleasure and fun and get active when feelings of frustration and impatience arise. Stay above or below the cacophony of life to pursue the next steps for your success.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

September 2022: 4 Top Ways to Improve Your Money, Love and Health Fitness

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. 4 TOP Ways for success, love & money health
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


Take your strength, devotion and ambition and put it to work this month. Make headway on those intentions you set at the beginning of the year.

4 Top Ways:

1. Want success?

Research, organize and declutter.

Tie up loose ends and finish those incomplete administrative projects.

Stay steady.

2. Want money?

Build a money bowl. Check out the shopping list below.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Depending on your Intuitive Type, sell, sell, sell.

3. Want love?

Develop a self-love regimen. Join us for our self-love event – details below.

4. Want fitness?

Make a plan and begin. This is a great time for commitment and dealing with the scheduling details to create time just for you.


Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on the fun & support!

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.  

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #46 Prosper

This is your time to thrive. Develop your muscle to thrive by:

  1. Creating a money bowl, box or jar by filling it with prosperity crystals; pyrite, goldstone, citrine and green aventurine. Add iChing coins, real money and your fortune intentions.
  2. Practicing giving and receiving compliments without mitigating them with extraneous information. Deliver them generously and then receive those coming your way with a simple “Thank you. I fully receive that.”

Crystal: Blue Chalcedony

Blue chalcedony helps you take care of yourself as it relieves you of overreaching in your care for others. This stone says, “You can care about others, instead of for them.”

Blue chalcedony is a nurturing stone, harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. Step into your creativity by enhancing your mental flexibility, communication and memory. The other magic this stone provides is weather magic.

Flower Essence: Agrimony

Smile! When you feel happy and even when you don’t. Agrimony helps those who hide their troubles behind humor. Get real and open your heart to who you are and how you truly feel. Your feelings matter. You matter. Agrimony supports your opening to self-acceptance. At its core, this flower essence brings inner joy.

Animal: Wombat

Be true to you by aligning with your rightful place in the world. When you appreciate your own strengths and talents, others will as well. When you’re in the alignment with your soul, you feel at home – no matter the circumstances.


Big Star Events:

  • Mercury retrograde September 9th – October 2nd as Mercury pulls back along with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
  • Happy Equinox on September 22nd @ 9:04 pm ET as the Sun moves into Libra

Week 1: August 29 – September 4

Access big ideas and desire for sweeping change. If you’ve gathered and deepened during the month of August, go for it. Take a calculated risk or two. They’ll pay off. For those who relaxed during August, keep your feet on the ground and reach for something just beyond the norm. Minor adjustments work for you.

Avoid stressing out about the changes going on at home. It’s back-to-school time for many and this adds another layer of turmoil. The kids aren’t sleeping, so they’re cranky and what does that mean for you? You’re cranky too. Those without the littles? Pesky details creep up, people are confusing and you feel isolated and confused.

Tips: Take a break, get perspective and make a list. The details are magic this month – use them. For those with the littles, get additional meal time help a few times this week and schedule extra early bed time for the little ones too. Everyone needs a break.

Week 2: September 5 – 11

Access your ability to discern what’s best for you. Health comes front and center. In what ways are you grateful for your health in love, money and fitness? What would you like to improve?   

Avoid judging others and their progress or lack thereof. It’s their business and you can get lost in what’s going on around you. The busyness and distractions are a cacophony and every little thing snags and niggles. In a word, everyone feels persnickety.

Tips: Make a 2-columned list. Use the headings: success, love, money and fitness for each column. In the left column, list what you’re grateful for and strides you want to celebrate and in the right one, list what you’d like to change or adjust. Rank them on each side and then make a plan to celebrate your top 1 or 2 accomplishments and make improvements to the first 3 top rankings. Now is the perfect time.

BIG STAR: Mercury Retrograde 9/9/22 – 10/2/22

From the annual forecast, this Mercury retrograde challenges how you lead and love. Mercury gives insight into how the Mars Gemini period will be for you. Mars goes retrograde from October 30 – January 12 and remains in Gemini until March 2023. Take note during Mercury’s antics in Libra and Virgo. It’ll be enlightening. Mariah and I are doing a workshop in our Power Up Group on September 9th. Join us to get your tips by intuitive type.

Week 3: September 12 – 18

Access all possibilities for sweet success, passion and gentle caresses. Love is in the air – which type of love do you wish to access? Romantic sexy, tender kisses, kind gestures, friendly conversations, self-love deep dives or commitment to your long-term success. It’s all available. Choose your preference, dive in and enjoy.

Avoid overindulgence, lethargy and excuses for being too complacent. Your mind rationalizes keeping you stagnant by telling you now is not the time, you don’t have enough experience or everything isn’t perfect. Don’t fall prey.

Tips: Fall into your heart and listen to its wisdom. Your yearnings, passions and desires are beckoning you to take action. Spark interest in fulfilling your destiny and speaking your truth to achieve your future now. Let your mind wander and imagine your big dreams to inspire you to action.

Week 4: September 19 – 25

Access the excitement and power available at the beginning of the week and let it support your ability to gain success. There’s a balance between the practical and the luxurious. On one hand, you strive to be realistic in your tastes and on the other, you yearn for the extravagant.

Avoid the confusing, muddled and distracting mind games that come toward the end of the week. Don’t fall prey to deception for anyone you don’t know coming along with the answer to end all answers. It’s going to be false and can knock you off your path for the next handful of months. Also, modulate your energy by avoiding short bursts. Think marathon, not sprints.

Tips: Find the balance. Stay steady. Open yourself to the range of feelings and opportunities, while not going to the edges. Be moderate in your approach. Use the surge of energy at the start of the week to help you over the finish line at the end.

Big Star Event: Happy Equinox & Birthday Libras!

Sun enters Libra on September 22nd @ 9:04 pm ET. Think about what you loved about 2021 and about what you wish had gone differently. Join us for our entire team LIVE. We’ll help you create a plan for the remainder of the year.

Week 5: September 26 – October 2

Access all of the beautifully flowing energy making you feel optimistic and pushing you in all the right ways – love, money, success, calm, happiness. It’s all at your fingertips this week. You have…

the drive and commitment to complete projects. 

have the desire to make healthy choices. 

have good fortune on your side, so make the most of it.

Avoid spending too lavishly, making massive changes or creating new deals that have just sprung up in the last few weeks. Also, obsessive tendencies arise with this major uptick of energy. You’ve heard me say this statement many times in the past, “Commit without expectation.”

Tips: Lean into the good energy flow. Welcome the ease without question. Dive into work to clean up any outstanding tasks. Tie up loose ends. If funds allow, go shopping. You’re going to find what you’ve been searching for and it’ll be perfect.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Time for Healing

Details: Sun in Virgo & Moon in Pisces at 17° on September 10th @ 5:59 am ET

Establish healthy routines and habits before you get to the next Pisces/Virgo Full Moon in March of 2023. Fair warning; this is going to be critical. Healthy life, healthy love; healthy finances; healthy success. Relieve your past and step into your future. Gain balance as you enter the Equinox season in less than two weeks.

New Moon: Thread the Needle  

Details: Sun & Moon in Libra @ 2° on September 25th @ 5:54 pm ET

You’re under a serious influence to commit to you and solve problems that are standing in your way. You have the energy and fortitude to push through. What’s coming up for you now? Develop a plan of attack (against your obstacles, not people). Take advantage of the fresh perspective and influential charm to make gains on your success. Then, go out and have fun. It’s a good time to reconnect with loved ones.


Oracle Cards:  https://www.kimwoods.com/intuition-oracle-cards/

Empowerment Membership:  https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Blue Chalcedony – https://amzn.to/3QTt4XH

Flower Essence: Agrimony – https://amzn.to/3dHf7Oz

Money Bowl

Bowl – grab a pretty bowl from your cabinet or clean out a candy dish that’s been sitting empty for too long.


Pyrite – https://amzn.to/3PCQKPb

Goldstone – https://amzn.to/3CiUz9d

Citrine – https://amzn.to/3QFifcm

Green Aventurine – https://amzn.to/3K4hAP9

iChing coins – https://amzn.to/3K7NDh5



Wise Strategist – You absolutely adore this month – it makes so much sense to you. Use this retrograde time to research, review and refine. Take the time to plan, schedule and optimize. Even though Mercury tests communication and connection, you can actually gather prospects and make sales. Everyone is being pushed to get organized, handle the details and analyze their standing. It’s litmus time. This synchronicity soothes your mind and makes your heart sing. You are in Heaven and it’s about time!

Intuitive Visionary – Slow down! Ah, you actually hate slowing down, so your patience is tested. BUT. You can either rail against the pace or use it to your advantage to let others catch up to you and your ideas. Fine tune your brilliant solutions by adding texture and details. You’re at a cross roads – you can either continue your fast pace and outwit your following or you can lean in and develop structure for tremendous growth. This month is the key to align the trajectory of your future. Use it wisely.

Collaborative Explorer – Your time is coming the third week of the month. You love the balance presented by the Equinox. In the meantime, gain clarity by spending time alone with an open journal or notepad in front of you. Write down what really matters to you. Include your desires, passions and dreams. This isn’t a logical step-by-step task oriented list. This is an assessment of your values and how you wish to take care of yourself in the future. Remember the annual forecast questions: What do you value? How do you love yourself? How do you reach for opportunities?

Ruling Warrior – Change your mind set about how progress works. Linear and ever-expanding momentum isn’t real anyway, so use this time to understand how spiraling creativity acts to create success, love and money. Fuel your efforts by doing physical activities to both relieve your frustration and add to your fitness goals. Pace yourself – these next few months are going to test you. Form creatively supportive habits now and the rest of the year goes your way.

Creative Superstar – The linear movement of the Sun and the swirling of Mercury retrograde threatens to knock you off center. There’s not a lot of foundational creative energy for the first 3 weeks of the month. That’s okay. Use the energy to refine your creations. Yes, August was a boring month for you as it involved production versus creation. AND, this month beckons to you to stay the course and review, refine and adjust. You have months ahead for more creativity. Get up-to-date with your to-do list. Once the Equinox hits, you’ll be happy you did. 

Loving Alchemist – Love is in the air during the second and last weeks of the month and that’s exactly your language. Plunge into love, swim around and try each love expression on for size. The rest of the time, focus on what you truly value. This is the month to fuel what’s really important to you. You can use all of the universal energy to gather momentum for your dreams. The only downside to the month is whether you let yourself be swept up in other’s drama or concerns. This is not the time to focus on everyone else. It’s the time to focus on you.   


Stay focused on what’s important to you in love, money and health and you can make great strides this month, gathering information, details and connections. You may or may not make forward movement in the conventional sense, but you are setting yourself up for success for the next 6 months. Review your intentions, refine your goals and set your strategy.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

How the July 31st BIG STAR EVENT Specifically Impacts You

The stars conspire to propel you into your future whether you’re ready or not. The lightning bolt planet, Uranus, blends with the world’s soul destiny on July 31st at 3:04 pm ET. Mars gets added to the mix for a turbo boost as if your Uranian potential needs any more impact.

These planets combine in Taurus, the sign of money, love and beauty asking you to define what abundance looks like in your daily life. How does money come into play? What kind of love supports you? Why is beauty important? Diving deeply into these questions creates opportunities and prioritizes your resources. 

Uranus in Taurus plays for keeps. Technical and scientific innovations to better the earth and all of her inhabitants comes at any cost. Uranus doesn’t seek to relieve, but to awaken. Abruptly, if necessary.

July 31st, 2022 marks an opening for a better future. Look for your Sun and Ascendant in the following signs to get prepared for one of the most powerful awakenings in history.


What it means:  Awakening is natural for you, so you love this energy. Bring on the bold new ways. Break free. You have good luck in physical activities, adventures and stepping into your leadership role. Success is upon you.

What to do: Define what success means to you. Breathe in patience when you get frustrated. Use your energy to move forward, not destabilize the life you’re building. It’s easy to stray by throwing yourself into too many things. Choose wisely.


What it means:  It’s shock and awe time. Anything you’ve been holding onto too tightly falls away.  Now is the time to liberate yourself from the status quo. Your future is different. Period. Accept it with grace and ease.

What to do: Lighten up – figuratively and literally. Get physical. Be healthy. Seek healing. Go organic. Money and love improve when you open simple and clear pathways. Seeking comfort isn’t the answer. Get uncomfortable and know you’re on the right path.


What it means:  You thrive on change and suddenly, it’s here. Use your brilliance to find ways to bring about the future you desire. Dive into opportunities as they’re presented. It’s time for you to share your wisdom. Speak, teach, present.

What to do: Say YES to opportunities based on your heart, not your mind. Drop into your intuition. The more you use your intuition, the deeper your connection. Weave your mind with your intuition to realize your true brilliance.


What it means:  It’s time for love in all of the ways – self, family, partner and soul mate. All of the love you’ve been seeking comes to be. Discover healthy ways to connect and belong. Your value is appreciated, acknowledged and accepted. Open your heart and know you’re wealthier than you ever thought possible.

What to do: Take steps for self-care and self-love. Be a tiny bit selfish. Journal about the love you have in your life and make a list of other ways you want love to show up. Stay open.


What it means:  Heart-based leadership is the wave of the future for everyone, especially Leos. Generosity gives you the accolades you crave. Authenticity is non-negotiable. Be bold in opening your heart to others by expressing your truth. Seek adoration without apology. Be willing to give as much as you receive.

What to do: Practice connecting to others through your heart, not your head. Be aware of your impact on others when you speak from your heart. Your true nature is beautiful when its expressed authentically. Make this a daily exercise.


What it means:  Living to your full potential is possible as you embody your skills and talents. This isn’t the time for humility, it’s time for knowing your true value. Be you – fully and openly. You have the expertise the world needs. Admit it to yourself and others.

What to do: Make a list of your strengths. Leverage them to explore new ways to value yourself. Make a new CV or resume. Review your accomplishments. Perhaps it’s time to ask for a raise or promotion. 


What it means:  Commit to putting yourself first in relationship. You matter and it’s about time you negotiate your needs as you typically do for others. Your long-term relationships adjust to make room for interdependence. Codependence falls away as does too much self-reliance.

What to do: Review what you desire from your committed relationships. Make a plan to capture your relationship desires. Ensure they fulfill you. Compromise is healthy when its freely given and received.


What it means:  You can no longer avoid intimacy in any area of your life – love, passion, shared resources, the mysteries. You’ve transformed in so many ways, now is the time to reap the benefits. Let simple pleasures and calm replace dramas and waves of heavy emotion.

What to do: Make wealth your mantra. Be grateful for the wealth you’ve created in your life. Forgive and let go of holding too tightly. Practice being deeply and intimately open and available to yourself and others.


What it means:  You have a renewed exuberance for life as you find meaning through refined philosophies and strategies. Travel, different studies and new experiences abound. Opportunities you’ve been seeking come to fruition when they align with your unique gifts. Any knock-offs dissipate. It’s time to open yourself to your fullest life.

What to do: Seek to learn new things about yourself and the world. Stay on your own path. Have fun without falling prey to distractions that lead you too far off course. 


What it means:  Success is here. You’ve been working for so long and finally, you’ve reached the summit. All of your efforts pay off, giving you the authority, power and leadership status you desire as long as you’ve been true to your natural integrity. 

What to do: Plot your path and march forward without interruption. Keep to your schedule. Show up in leadership every day. Ask for support and rely on it. Now is not the time to go it alone.


What it means: Instead of being frustrated with limits, use them to deepen your ideas, weaving disparate information into more thorough solutions. You have the opportunity to use your genius for practical means. This is your time to shine. 

What to do: Review and refine your ideas. Find practical methods and uses. Bounce your discoveries off of others to create innovative solutions.   


What it means:  Get creative. Use your imagination and artistry to create beauty, then put them in the marketplace for others to enjoy. It’s natural to receive abundance for your gifts. Let yourself be valued.

What to do: Get your creations ready for sale. Put a value on them and commit to receiving what you’re worth. It’s time.

July 31st, 2022 presents you with an opportunity of a lifetime. You don’t want to waste it. What are you willing to do to get the life of your dreams? Your future is here now – make the most of it.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August 2022: Top 7 Tips to Make August the Best It Can Be for You and Your Family


I wish I could say August is a free and easy month but, I can’t. I would be lying.

BUT, I can say knowing how to ride the wave is key to making the month work for you. There’s goodness here, you just have to know how to get it.

AND, we’ve got so much in store for you inside this forecast:

  1. TOP Tips
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Workshops
  4. Support Tools
  5. Star Knowing
  6. Resources
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Let’s look first at some tips from the oracle cards, crystals, flower essences and animal spirits and then, of course, let’s look at the stars. ✨

Oracle card: #34 – Merge

Merge, instead of release. August isn’t about releasing and letting go unless that’s your vibe. If it is, go for it. However, if letting go is hard for you, merging is your best bet.  This way, you have an active way to deal with your issue(s).

TOP Tip #1: How do you merge?  


We’re going to go through this in our Power Up group on August 3 at 1:00 pm ET. Don’t miss it –bring a paper and pen and the biggest thing that irks you right now…let’s change it from an issue to an asset. 😘

Crystal: Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua Aura quartz stimulates channeling and spiritual communication. This stone allows freedom, activates the chakras and releases negativity. This crystal can enhance other stone’s healing powers.

This crystal is a multitasker, amplifier and powerful healer as it meets the energy at the appropriate level in every situation.

TOP Tip #2: Let Aqua Aura call your intentions to you.

Grab some of this delicious crystal and charge it up with your favorite intention and then let it be the beacon for you for the rest of the month. You can get it here super-fast or if you’re not in a rush, get it here.

Flower essence: Holly

This flower essence helps you let go of over-control, judgment and jealousy. Holly lessens assertiveness and anger.  It also helps you follow your own path, increases goodwill and opens your heart to have a generous spirit. 

TOP Tip #3: Lighten up!

If you’re feeling angry or judgmental, grab some Holly here. Put 3 drops in water a few times a day and watch yourself melt in the best possible way.

Animal: White Raven

White raven is pure magic and helps you stay connected to the spiritual realm. With raven, you’re confident, knowledgeable and strong. Call on raven when you want to recapture the magic of life or want to reclaim innocence and joy.


 Big Star Events:

  • Uranus retrograde 8/24/22 – 1/22/23 to join Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto (more information below)
  • Mars is center stage this month (think lots of energy or aggravation – you decide)

Week 1: Stay Steady

Dates: August 1 – 7

The stars are just plain bonkers this week. Seriously, first it’s this and then it’s that. They’ve got you feeling all sexy and groovy, waiting for a windfall and then bam, they’ve got you questioning everything, not knowing what’s going on. I usually don’t say, “Kick the can down the road, but kick the can down the road.”

TOP TIP #4: Do 2 fun things this week.

Yup – just fun and not just one fun thing, but two.

Week 2: Balanced and focused

Dates: August 8 – 14

Energies ramp up. It’s like the slow simmer suddenly becomes a boil and you can’t stand the heat. But, you actually can. You’re used to it by now. Don’t let others get under your skin. Ignore them. This isn’t the week to smooth things or work it out with others. Everyone is testy and argumentative. They’re looking for a fight. Don’t give it to them. Instead…

TOP TIP #5:  Use the energy to make something happen for YOU.

You can leverage all of the force in the ‘air’ to succeed at something that’s really important to you. Get it done.

Full Moon: A New Way

Details: Sun in Leo & Moon in Aquarius @ 19° on August 11th @ 9:36 pm ET

This Full Moon is a story of 2 triangles. The first triangle brings energy, fortitude and forbearance – in other words, you can get through anything. The second triangle beckons the entry into the way of living and leading.  Combine the energies of both to create your life the way you want it.


We’re going to do a massive “Get ALL the Things” in our Empowerment Membership on August 12th at 10:30 am ET.

Not a member? Become one by clicking here.

Week 3: Solving Problems

Dates: August 15 – 21

Now is the time to solve problems when you lean into your experience, instincts and inner knowing. Your mind is still running a tad amuck (and gets more so as the week progresses), BUT you can definitely put it to work. Use that overactive mind of yours to solve problems. This is the week to work things out, bring things to a close, wrap it up.

TOP TIP #6:  Fix your #1 issue – right now.


Grab a pen and paper and let’s get to work in our Power Up group on Tuesday, August 16th @ 12:30 pm ET.

Big Event: Uranus Retrograde 8/24/22 – 1/22/23

Uranus rules natural disasters, technology, inventions, electricity, scientific breakthroughs, dictators and rebellions. He gets even more unstable and unpredictable when he’s retrograde, so be watchful. Personally, you get to choose yourself – freely without any intervention from others. When you embrace your authenticity, you take steps to gain independence and freedom. This is a time to express your true desires and to explore new ways of doing things.


Join our LIVE on our FB biz page to talk all things NEW on August 24th at 11:00 am ET. (Psst…maybe we can get Emily to channel another amazing message for us…I’ll keep you posted.😉)

Week 4: Stay committed 

Dates: August 22 – 28

The week starts off great and then gets dicey at the end. You start off feeling fulfilled and satisfied as if you can get anyone to do anything for you and then reality gives you a boost to get things done mid-week, but brings doubt and uncertainty with it. All of a sudden those feelings of “I’ve got this” turn into “Wait, what? Um…maybe, I don’t know…”

The mid-week shout out is a big Happy Birthday Virgos! 🎉

TOP TIP #7:  Commit to your end game. 

Forget everything that’s going on around you right now. Seriously, push it aside. Stay focused on what you want to accomplish. That’s the only thing that matters – your end game. Where do you want to be at the end of the year? What do you want to have done? Make strides at the beginning of the week and take time off at the end, if you have to, in order to keep yourself in the game.

New Moon: Tests of character

Details: Sun & Moon in Virgo at 4° on August 27th @ 4:17 am ET

This New Moon should be titled, ‘The New Moon of the Push and Pull’ as it tests you to the max by pushing you to your limits while pulling back the curtain of everything you’ve done or haven’t done. It’s also the ‘What have you done for me lately?’ Moon. It harkens back to 2021 with the past-future star clangs coming together once again (and lasting until October BTW).

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What do I REALLY care about – deeply and unfailingly?
  2. How can I shift my thoughts to support me?
  3. What’s actually real?


We’ve got you. We’ll be going through all of this in great detail with practical and ritual support on Friday, August 26th at 10:30 am ET. Not a member? Become one by clicking here.

Intuitive Types Forecasts:

Don’t know your type? Take the quiz at https://www.kimwoods.com/knowyourlifequiz/ and then come back and check out how the month affects you.

Wise Strategist – You actually loathe the first 3 weeks of the month – it’s so fiery and undulating, you don’t know how to find your footing. You may be predisposed to say, “Forget this month, I’m going to take an extended vacation.” That may be your best bet if you can’t review your goals and set a path to follow by taking one step at a time. When you chunk things down into smaller segments and follow the energies detailed above, you can get a ton done this month – A TON. By the time the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd, you feel at home once again. But, these first 3 weeks have a lot to offer you – they can get you out of your mind and into your heart and that’s going to be key in 2023.

Intuitive Visionary – You don’t mind the push/pull waviness of the month, it keeps things interesting for you. Go with it to get things done and to let things go as you see fit. Keep in mind that others really hate this energy and don’t know how to deal, so help them get through this month. Provide support in the ways that bring people closer into your world. Make sure you have your best interests at heart and aren’t just willy-nilly giving away free advice. Make a concerted effort to lead your prospects and follow through with your plans. By the end of the month, you’ll have a more robust client list.

Collaborative Explorer – It’s going to be so easy to forget yourself this month as everyone needs something from you right now. They’re flailing with the energetic push and pulls and you’re just the person who can help them figure everything out. Be this person for yourself and those who have make a commitment with you. Let everyone else either commit to working with your properly or finding others to help them. If you try to help everyone, you’ll lose sight of your own goals and end the month absolutely exhausted. This is the month you can hone your discernment skills – saying yes when it’s right for you and no when it’s not.

Ruling Warrior – Admit it – you love the fire in the stars and nothing puts you into high gear like a little confrontation (when you come out the winner). BUT, this month, the win is going to be short-lived. Stay focused on you – ignore everyone else, unless it’s a romantic partner and you’re grooving in the love vibe. Otherwise, do the other thing you love to do – succeed. Focus on your long-term goals and make headway on each and every one of them. If a goal involves others, just do your part for now. The time will come to get others involved, it’s just not now.

Creative Superstar – These fiery energies are good for your creative juices and Venus is front and center for most of the month, adding her style and flair to all of your designs. Yet, there’s enough doubt and uncertainty about where you fit into the world that has you spinning. Stake your claim at the beginning of the month by making a plan (yes, setting a schedule for each week) and sticking to it. Then, commit to following your schedule. Your schedule and only your schedule, will help you avoid getting swept up by the forces trying to knock you off center. If you do this, August is going to be a great month for you.

Loving Alchemist – Move into your power, deepen it and stay there. From this power place, allow yourself to go with the flow of energies and let others circle around you –without intention, control maneuvers or staking your claim in any way. This is intoxicating to you, so will not be easy. BUT let the magic of the prosperity season invite you to stake your claim on your abundance. In what ways are you already incredibly abundant and in what ways would you like to be more so? Make a list, create a plan and put all of your energies into making yourself more abundant. August is the month for you when you revolve around your own unique abundance.

Bottom Line:

August is a MONTH. Yet, it holds so much for you. Follow these guide posts and you’ll find yourself much better off at the end of the month than at the beginning. Otherwise, take a break, holiday or vacation.

This is going to be a bumpy month – fun and in the flow or filled with aggravation and angst. As always, it’s up to you.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  



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