Strategy Leadership

Unlocking My Hidden Formula to Make Your Biggest Dreams a Reality, Against All Odds!

Maura was living in a constant state of low-level anxiety that was taking a toll on her life. As a high-performing realtor who took the risk to follow her dreams, Maura was overworked and overwhelmed.  This left her feeling stressed, anxious, and exhausted. 

However, Maura’s entire life has profoundly changed in just one year of working with me at Kim Woods.com. First, she has closed her lucrative real estate business in MA.  Then moved out of state to a town where she said there are more cattle than people. Lastly, she just launched her new business as a healer of homes. 

Maura shared, “Kim’s astrological guidance, combined with her impressive business background, is like rocket fuel. This powerful combination propelled me to take the risk I thought was impossible and live the life I so desired. She made it a reality for me. I no longer live in constant anxiety; I’m now so happy, grounded and balanced.

With Maura’s constant state of stress, I knew that we needed to start by helping her reduce her stress levels. 

Here are a few of my rocket fuel techniques that I used with Maura to help reduce her stress and propel her into the life she is now living and no longer just dreaming about:

  1. Giving a glimpse of what the future can look like: Understanding astrology and how the stars were aligned for Maura the moment she was born, I could see all the possibilities available to her. This helped her shift her focus from just going through the motions of life to focusing on the outcome she desired. By doing this, I gave Maura the hope and motivation she needed to make the necessary changes in her life.
  2.  Be accessible but not available: This meant that she could be reachable through various ways such as text, Voxer, and email, but with parameters. Only responding during certain times of the day. This helped Maura set the right definition and structure in her work and personal life. 
  3. Pattern interrupt: There’s a quick technique that interrupts the stress spiral of feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Interrupting pattern techniques range from taking a walk, phoning a friend, meditating, or finding a code word. By interrupting the vicious cycle, Maura was able to regain control of her thoughts and emotions.

It’s remarkable to see how my clients have been able to transform their lives.  Just by shifting their focus to what they want to achieve rather than just going through the motions of life. 

Clients like Maura, who are willing to step into their power and see how powerful they are by mastering their mindset, are forever changed. The changes Maura has made in her life have reduced her stress levels.  The changes have enabled her to live the life she has always dreamt of, creating success on her terms. 

Turn your biggest dreams into your greatest achievements by believing in yourself, staying determined, and pushing forward. No matter how unreachable they may seem now, your persistence will make them a reality against all odds!

Check out my stepping stone Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy program 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

June 2023: do you know how to find the best ways to choose your growth?

Stars + Strategy to Find the Best Ways to Choose Your Growth   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

Month 2023 Summar

June: Seeds Come to Fruition
Sun signs – Gemini & Cancer

Things out of alignment begin to fall away and what you’re left with are those things that support your future. You may have been holding too tightly to what actually isn’t yours. Let what’s falling away go out of your life and then you’ll find what’s truly yours. With the lighter load, what’s yours has the energy, space and resources to grow. Ease the fears that come up due to the unfamiliar sensations by knowing you are limitless. Believe in the feminine. There are no limits. The world is infinite as are you. It’s also time for women leaders. Heed the call. It’s time.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
  • June 1st – Jupiter conjunct North Node in Taurus @ 3°
  • June 11th – Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • June 17th – Saturn retrograde in Pisces
  • June 19th – Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces @ 7°
  • June 21st – Solstice – Sun enters Cancer
  • June 23rd – Mercury out of bounds in Gemini/Cancer
  • June 30th – Neptune retrograde in Pisces
Week 1: May 29th – June 4th

Access the possibilities and opportunities that present themselves this week. Brilliance and ingenuity provide solutions to complex issues. Financial advancement is possible through relationships, creativity and originality. Leadership is sought after with integrity, authenticity and decisiveness.

Avoid insecurities and lassitude. If it seems easy and in the flow, it probably is, and this isn’t typical. Surrendering to your intuitive nudges and pursuing sweet satisfaction and pleasure seem like that’ll get you off track. That’s not the case this week.   

Tips: Lead the way and do it with aplomb. Seek joy, ease and pleasure. Get romantic and write tender love notes. Spend time on creative projects. When your heart is involved, review your strategy and recent decisions. Let your heart have a voice. 

Big Star Event: June 1st at 8:43 pm ET – Taurus Jupiter conjunct North Node @ 3° 

Jupiter touching the North Node brings success and ease to realizing the future. The North node is on its last breath in Taurus, where it’s been since January 18, 2022. The soul destiny of finding simple solutions to complex problems is coming to an end, creating the opportunity for innovative resolutions. 

Opposing the collective soul karma in Scorpio, Jupiter stretches the issues of sex, drugs and women’s rights. Complicating this is a power struggle at the top with the confrontation from Mars in Leo. Be mindful of what’s happening on the world stage.

The associations of Taurus are love, money, and the natural world. Results in climate, money and being kinder to each other present themselves. Personally, if you’d like ease, comfort, stability, abundance or outdoor explorations, this transit is for you.

Week 2: June 5th – 11th

Access style, charm and flair. Flirty fun social engagements are aplenty. Your influence increases tenfold this week, personally and professionally. Sales, negotiations, business dealings with fruitful research and successful investigation gain power and impact.  Creativity brings success.

Avoid over-indulgence and excessive bad habits. They impress themselves on you, making it difficult to stay on the path for your health. Intimate relationships are in the pressure cooker this week with jealous, manipulative behaviors triggering power plays and control issues.

Tips: Find time for fun. Take time away from work to get sassy and flirty. Go shopping, if it’s within your budget as the deals will be amazing. Do everything business – sell, hire, succeed and then relax with artsy or creative projects. 

Big Star Event: June 11th – Pluto reenters Capricorn @ 5:35 am ET

Yet, Pluto doesn’t spark immediate change like Uranus. It’s not a lightning bolt energy, it’s a ‘work-up-to’ energy like Saturn.  Think of Pluto dragging the past, traditional power structures for dissolution on the return into Capricorn. This is a backward energy, so what has come up, will be coming down. The months of June – January 2024 mark evidence coming to light about false foundations, untruths and forceful power grabs.

Personally, if you have Capricorn or 10th house stars, you’ll complete the shift, started in 2008, of the changing position in your life. The good news, this isn’t a hard-charging or challenging force. It’s a letting go and ease-filled transformation. The culmination of all of your hard work is here – finally.

Week 3: June 12th – 18th

Access the boost in power to get ahead at work. Problems resolve themselves, great advice appears to optimize your outreach approach, review your finances, and assess your PR and/or social media campaigns. Socializing is fun and connections are easy and affectionate.

Avoid holding too tightly and getting lost in the serious work ahead of you. Heaviness and pessimistic views about how to deal with complex problems seem overwhelming. Problems are big and the path through may be too much for you right now.  

Tips: Take each situation on its face and do things one at a time. Looking at the big picture doesn’t help. Be task-oriented and celebrate each accomplishment, even the small ones. Seek trusted advice from someone with authority. Work and play this week. Have fun. Be romantic.

Big Star Event: June 17th Saturn retrograde at 7° Pisces – November 4th at 0° Pisces

Saturn is on the edge of consciousness in Pisces, so when he stations retrograde, he’s asking you how to become the master of your world.

Think Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Saturn Rx wants you to review every area of your life, align with your strengths and own your priorities.

Do’s & don’ts for Saturn retrograde include sharpening your goals, understanding your limits and optimizing your processes and not overpromising, taking shortcuts or being too hard on yourself.

To remember how Saturn stationing retrograde in Pisces shows up for you, reflect back to May 1993 – April 1996. This harkens back to the Uranus conjunct Neptune and the start of a 171-year cycle and its corresponding evolution of the future.  Many glimpses of the future are available during this period.

Any forward momentum you’ve gained to this date pauses until Saturn gets back to 7° on February 5th, 2024.

Week 4: June 19th – 25th

Note the big star events with the deeper descriptions if you want more information. There are 3 this week.

Access generosity, faithful practices and the drive to succeed. Being purposeful, courageous and bold spirited gets a lift by the stars. Resources and security seeks balance between partners. Wisdom and abundance can be plucked from the ether as the feminine hits a peak.

Avoid confusion, lack of motivation and weakening energies, vitality and health. Disappointing news, complicated conversations and distorted perceptions rise to the surface. Insecurities and betrayals threaten to destabilize your footing.

Tips: Shift your point of view and you’ll find a way forward you missed before now. Seek solutions to financial matters. Let go of what’s not yours. Be discerning when meeting new people and making decisions. Take the initiative and success is yours.

Big Star Event: June 19th @ 11:52 am ET – Jupiter sextile Saturn @ 7°

This star angle stimulates the NEW ERA that initiated on the Solstice of December 2020. The New Way has been sought since the beginning. The merging of the divine feminine and masculine is the way forward. Signals of the new way of living and leading become evident. The heart remembers and the head yearns to recall. Diving deeply into your intuition through your imaginative spark brings belief and faith in the unfamiliar. 

The combination of Jupiter and Saturn calls for calculated risks to reap rewards. Saturn asks for concerted effort and with Jupiter, sound judgments pay off. Balanced negotiations create win-win scenarios.

Being realistic and idealistic at the same time seems to be too much. Think of it as seeking expansion in a realistic manner. Artistic and spiritual endeavors see a lift. The seeds planted at the end of 2020 come to fruition. Signs of life are being seen and recognized in the world.

Big Star Event: Solstice as Sun enters Cancer on June 21st @ 10:57 am ET

How can women be at home with themselves and each other? The new way of leading has its first exact planetary alignment within a few days of this solstice. Resources, ideas and inventions that help the feminine and all of her allegiances are boosted. New insights, perspectives and solutions are sparked for home, family and love. Food, nutrition, real estate and financial investments are in the spotlight. Past life healing makes a move into the mainstream.

It’s time for all women leaders to lead from the heart and from the well of wisdom.

Star Event: Mercury out of bounds from June 23rd – July 6th in Gemini/Cancer

When Mercury goes out of bounds, you have the opportunity for an explosion of innovative thoughts, excellent speaking faculties and talented performance abilities. Or, you can fall into exaggeration, obsessions and miscommunications.

When Mercury’s in Gemini, as he is until June 26th, your thoughts are out of control. The busyness is crazy-making. When Mercury’s in Cancer, your heart nudges your thoughts and vice versa. You’re either feeling completely in love and connected, or totally ungrounded and out of place.

Week 5: June 26th – July 2nd 

There’s so much star activity this week, it’s not easy to summarize in one or two sentences. The good news, it’s time to stand in the spotlight and shine your gifts. There’s something for everyone this week.

Access excellent communication, rewards, recognition and lasting success. Creative pathways open, connections benefit you and you can resolve family issues and business matters. It’s a great time for planning, strategy and growth.

Avoid continuing to tolerate people, actions or situations that don’t have your best interest at heart. Stop staying in the struggle. The energies support you letting things go by dealing with them head on. 

Tips: Schedule time to do lots of outreach. Take care of business administration and legal matters. Resolve outstanding issues. Buy or sell a home or business. Start new projects. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and move on. Practice meditation to dive into your intuition. Lose yourself in creative activities.

June 26th – Leo Mars square Taurus Uranus @ 21°– break free from restrictions, constraints and seek freedom. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and move on. Original and creative actions, movements and expression get a burst of energy.

Big Star Event: June 30th Neptune retrograde at 27° Pisces – Dec 6th at 24° Pisces

When Neptune stations retrograde, it’s a wake-up call. The rose-colored glasses come off and you see what’s in front of you clearly and harshly. You may want to retreat and the good news? A little retreat is warranted.

Here are benefits of Neptune’s magical retrograde stardust: dreamy recall, fond memories, heart-based creations, insights and intuitive whispers. Romance, sweetness and tenderness abound. Be sensitive to becoming overwhelmed, following blindly and gas-lighting.

Progress on creativity and intuitive practices take lots of turns until March 26th, 2024. Going with the flow without unrealistic expectations is the way to leverage this energy.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
Full Moon: Find Comfort in the Future
Details: June 3rd – Sun in Gemini & Moon in Sagittarius @ 13° @ 11:43 pm ET

This Full Moon helps you find comfort and stability in the new way, even though the newness feels unfamiliar. Security and rootedness combine with feelings of hope and love, especially when you’re vulnerable and honest with yourself and others. There is a calming and peaceful energy in this opposition between the light and the dark, the mind and the heart and the body and the soul. 

New Moon: It’s Your Choice
Details: June 18th – Sun & Moon in Gemini 26° at 12:39 am ET

The New Moon in Gemini is a meeting of the minds and hearts with openness and curiosity, yet the confrontation with Neptune in Pisces works against the greater good with its confusion, deception and lethargic energies. It’s a choice as it always is. You have choice between creativity, intuitive knowing and stepping more deeply into faith or you can choose to act the victim, escaping into destructive habits and railing against the injustice in the world.

On the world stage, watch the media, art world and cryptocurrency policies. Politics are also busy, giving you a look beneath the surface at the power plays and hidden agendas.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Order Intuition Cards online

Intuitive Oracle card: #34 Merge

Staying inactive and allowing, going with the flow and accepting what comes isn’t easy for many people. I love this card as it helps you lean into the resistance. It suggests the active way to melt into what’s best for you. Notice the image in the middle of the card. See how she’s leaning in and throwing her head back? This is what I love about merging. Say, “I’m open to dissolving the obstacles and I’m ready to take action to remove them.”  

Crystal: Lapis Lazuli

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Lapis Lazuli

This crystal leads the soul to immortality and opens the heart to love. It’s considered a royal stone that’s the key to spiritual enlightenment. Lapis links the mind with the heart and the body with the soul. Your higher soul is welcomed into your being, even as your mind is active.

Lapis is peaceful, while highlighting the power of the spoken word. Your truth becomes evident when you’re objective about what it means for you. Coming at your higher purpose with honesty may seem daunting, but lapis supports you.

This stone stimulates higher thinking, clarifies your path and brings objective awareness. You can see what’s in front of you and open yourself to getting around the obstacles.  I love lapis paired with emerald and sunstone. This trifecta is powerful, uplifting and peaceful.

Flower Essence: Oak

Oak helps release you from duty and obligation into the commitment of your soul. The wholeness of life isn’t the next hurdle, the wholeness of life is the yin of receiving, replenishing and pleasure along with the yang of achievement, success and reward.

With oak, you can stop pursuing relentless goals and embracing the struggle and instead find enjoyment and satisfaction in playful and relaxing ways. Goals aren’t the only pursuit; the journey is the sweetness of life. Imagine the mountain goat climbing the side of the mountain with a death grip, isolated and alone and singularly focused on getting to the top. If this is the constant activity for the mountain goat, that’s a sad existence. However, when the mountain goat reaches the top, he savors the plenty of vegetation and grazes under the warmth of the Sun, filling himself with the bounty along with other mountain goats. The joy and sweetness is a relief for the effort. Oak helps you find moments of solace, gives you permission for self-care and helps you understand the necessity of play.

Spirit Animal: Peacock

Peacock is filled with grace, perspective and good fortune. The peacock is showy, lucky and flashy, yet also wise, powerful and regal. With the peacock, you are protected at all times. Call on peacock when you require discernment, need a boost in self-esteem or want a guardian for any and all power plays.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Harness the Power of the Stars

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our Star Boost/Pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards:        

KW Intuition Oracle Cards


Lapis Lazuli

Flower essence:

Bach Oak


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – All of the energy movement may be too much for you as the stars are wild in the sky this month. The push forward is pulled back with the 2 big retrograde energies and as Pluto moves back into Capricorn. You love the revisiting of the past and the clarity that Neptune retrograde provides, however, the wild ride presented by the other stars isn’t to your liking. You benefit from reviewing your strategic goals and marking your progress against the targets you set at the beginning of the year. When you see how far you’ve come, you can enjoy the ride this month. Also, oak flower essence helps you get out of duty and responsibility and make commitment to what truly matters to you.

Intuitive Visionary – Hooray for June with its genius ideas, communication support and bottom-line boost. You love the Gemini effect and with Mercury out of bounds, you can ride this star energy. Staying focused on your long-term goals creates lasting success, while getting swept up in the busyness impedes your progress. Block and tackle on the administration side, even though this is boring to you. The details matter as much as the big picture, so either deal with them yourself or get someone to do it for you. Lapis lazuli was made for you this month. Reach for it when you don’t want to deal with the pesky and mundane.

Collaborative Explorer – Communication, outreach, connection – these are words that make your heart sing. Rely on your strengths and take advantage of the star push to create opportunities for sales and boost your income. The negotiation support is perfect for you to get what you desire. You sail until the 3rd week when everyone goes a bit wacky. It’s not your job to get everyone back on track. Keep your head down and focus on your goals – it’s only one week. It passes and the boost of star energy returns to help you fulfill your monthly targets. Peacock helps you, especially the 3rd week.

Ruling Warrior – You find the success, fortune and forward motion to your liking. You thrive when you’re able to ratchet up your wins, make deals, negotiate terms and sell, sell, sell. However, even with all of this movement this month, it’s not enough for you. Don’t be greedy. The stars are generous and being grateful lifts your success and income exponentially. Share your success with others by giving sage advice, offering to mentor others and taking the time to listen in helpful ways. Yes, it seems counter-intuitive, yet this is the new way of leading. Developing new leadership skills is super easy this month and it doesn’t detract from your success.

Creative Superstar – You’re the only Intuitive Success Type that doesn’t adore this month. The energies are up, down, forward and backward and you’re extra sensitive to the roller coaster ride. 2023 has been great for your creative exploits, but not so great in generating the income you desire. Remember, this year is about value and when you truly value your talents and gifts, the universe reflects it back to you. Be honest about your worth. You can’t fake it until you make it. You must internalize your value. June does bring fortune. Open your mind and heart to see how it shows up for you. Peacock supports you this month.

Loving Alchemist – Communicating with the mind and heart is right up your alley. It’s as if the stars were made especially for you this month. Money, power and wealth are at your door, knocking until you answer. The only way this month doesn’t boost your love, success and money is if you don’t show up for yourself. What opportunities are presenting themselves to you? Are you finding ways to say YES? With your intuitive knowing, you can discern which ones are right for you. If not, here’s a hint; going deep into the sophisticated layering is right for you, glossing over the surface is not. Lapis is the perfect crystal for you to see the truth about yourself and others.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

The Benefits of Integrating Astrological Insights in Your Business Strategy

Case for Astrology

Throughout history, astrology has been a useful tool for scientific methods, political strategy, business growth and the pursuit of fame. The earliest Popes used astrology either through other’s interpretations or their own.[1] Scientists such as Hippocrates[2], the Father of Medicine, believed astrology was invaluable to medicine, even teaching astrology to his medical students. He’s quoted as saying, “A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

Galileo Galilei was both an astronomer and astrologer, drafting horoscopes[3] for nobility and students and Johannes Kepler, the calculator of planetary motion, was also the official astrologer for the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II[4]. Carl Jung incorporated astrology with his psychological counselling work, calling it ‘synchronicity’ and is quoted as saying, “Your psyche is the breathing of the cosmos.”[5]

A famous astrologer, John Dee[6], counseled Queen Elizabeth I, Theodore Roosevelt hung his horoscope in the Oval Office, Franklin Delano Roosevelt quoted horoscopes and President Reagan used astrology when making decisions[7].

J.P. Morgan is the most recognized businessmen to use astrology, being quoted as saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrologers, billionaires do.” [8] Gloria Vanderbilt, heiress to a huge fortune and successful business woman in her own right, was a keen follower of astrology.[9] According to Fast Company, “astrology has officially infiltrated work culture.”[10]

The former U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Donald Reagan, once said “It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.”[11]

Angelina Joile uses astrology daily and to make important decisions about movie roles and premiere dates. Cameron Diaz, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna, Princess Diana have been avid fans of following astrology for their life and career choices. Beyonce even has a song titled, “Signs”.[12]  

According to a 2018 Pew Research poll, about 29% of American adults now believe in astrology. Likewise, the poll found that women are more likely to believe in astrology (37%) than men are (20%).[13]

Astrology in Business

Astrology is important for business because it creates certainty and calm amidst chaos. It helps business leaders with decision making, setting strategy, creating plans and scheduling. It helps inform teams of direction and next steps.  Also, it gives insight into team strengths, communication abilities and effective skill building methods.

Astrology supports timing and course of action for marketing events, sales promotions and outreach.  As well as product launches, travel, staffing, communication and investing or divesting. Astrology increases self-awareness and empathic relations for business owners and their staffs. It’s useful for branding, positioning and informs business modeling for success.

Across the organization, astrology is a useful tool, creating results on the top and bottom lines.

Results based on Astrology in Business

Kim Woods, MBA Business Strategist and Master Astrologer. She uses astrology in her own business as well as all of her clients. She and her team of Intuitive Leaders have consulted with over 350 business leaders in either 1:1 customized solutions or in small group programs.

For her own business, everything is based on astrology, from decisions regarding high-level multi-year strategy to timing during the day for reaching out to a prospect or associate. She uses the Sun and its power to leverage each monthly zodiac sign for coordinating launch cycles for seasonal programs and relies on the Moon for timing of the business growth and optimization phases. Kim’s organizational planning is dependent on her personal astrology as well as the worldly annual forecast. Each of her leadership team also consults their astrology when front-facing with the marketplace. Big star events are scheduled and communicated to her company’s audience to take advantage of the star energies for expansion or deepening, depending on their particular influences.

Astrology is effective as Kim’s company has grown an average of 378% over a three-year period, even during the pandemic.

For her clients, Kim begins every engagement with a ‘Big Reveal’ into the business owner’s birth chart by walking into their stars the minute they’re born and opening them to their full potential. She assesses their foundational personality characteristics aligning these with their life mission, bravery, mastery and soul destiny signatures. She compiles themes based on their evolutionary DNA, success factors and satisfying love, money and relationship expressions.

The client’s personal star roadmap constructs the foundation of their work together. This continues to relate to their business models, success blueprints, marketing and sales energies. The work doesn’t end with business.  It involves partner relationships and family dynamics in order to achieve the client’s goals for creating ease and satisfaction as well as growth and abundance.  Additionally, she reviews team, client, prospect, vendor and collaboration opportunities for her clients.  She also advises on buying and selling personal or business properties.

For corporations, Kim uses the astrological ‘birth’ chart of the business itself to further inform about the most successful direction for the business.

Kim also relays timing based on transit analysis to give her clients notice of positive growth-oriented periods.  This done for outreach, negotiations, promotions and sales versus the right timing for streamlining, optimizing and divesting.

Aligning business opportunities with the stars is something unbelievably valuable, it’s almost priceless. Kim has seen her clients grow an average of 51% across the board during the pandemic, even with brick and mortar businesses. She’s experienced her clients double their revenues, or gain 30% revenues while lowering effort by 40%. She’s seen triple digit jumps month-over-month when her clients align themselves with their astrological signature, as well as the astrology going on in the world.

Check out Kim’s stepping stone Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy with Kim to see how your astrological insights can be leveraged in business so you can gain a competitive edge in the market!

[1] “Leaders Who Followed the Stars”, Orlando Sentinel, by Sam Hodges, May 17, 1988.

[2] Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum, July 7, 2014.

[3] Galileo’s Horoscopes, Swerdlow, N.M., Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol 35, Part 2, No. 119, p. 135 -141, 2004.

[4] “400-Year-Old Horoscope Shows Kepler’s Sideline”, New York Times by Associated Press, March 9, 1999.

[5] “Carl Jung and Astrology in Psychoanalysis”, Exploring Your Mind, February 8, 2018.

[6] “Painting of John Dee, Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I”, by Marissa Fessenden, Smithsonian Magazine, January 18, 2016.

[7] “White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point”, New York Times, by Steven V. Roberts, May 4, 1988.

[8] “Can Planets Affect Your Portfolio?” Forbes, by Kenneth Rapozza, February 20, 2012.

[9] “The Surprising Ways Successful Business People and Presidents Used Astrology”, Numerologist, August 29, 2019.

[10] “From Tarot Readings to Gemini Memes…”, Fast Company by Pavithra Mohan, September 9, 2019.

[11] “Famous People and Their Astrologers who Guide Them”, St. James Chicago, December 15, 2017.

[12] 10 Celebs Who Believe in Astrology”, The Things by Anja Grcar, January 8, 2021.

[13] “‘New Age’ beliefs common among both religious and nonreligious Americans”, Pew Research Center, by Claire Gecewicz, October 1, 2018.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2023: You’re Invited to Take It Slow for Good Luck

Stars + Strategy  Invites You to Take it Slow for Good Luck 

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

May 2023 Summary

From the annual forecast:
May: Universal Support
Sun signs – Taurus & Gemini

The stars do everything in their power to give you a boost. They gather the shaking you received in March 2020 and tell you, “It’s time. Now, it’s up to you to reclaim your unique gifts. The world needs you. It’s time. We’re doing everything we can, are you?” Luxury, ease and abundance is all around you. Can you see it? Will you see it? Relief is right in front of you. It’s here – open your eyes. Better yet, open your mind. Best yet, open your heart.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
  • May 1st – Pluto retrograde
  • May 5th – Lunar Eclipse
  • May 14th – Mercury direct
  • May 16th – Jupiter enters Taurus @ 0°
  • May 17th – Jupiter square Pluto @ 0°
  • Mars is active – sextile Ceres, trine Neptune; opposite Pluto; square Jupiter
Big Star Event: Pluto Retrograde 
Pluto retrograde – May 1 – October 10 @ Aquarius 0° – Capricorn 27°

Since Pluto so recently entered the sign of Aquarius, this initial retrograde time is especially powerful. No one alive has felt Pluto retrograde in Aquarius as the last time was the late 1780’s. New territory is entered.

These 4+ months are also a reminder of the confrontation between Saturn and Uranus from January 2021 – October 2022. Your past and future wrangle for your attention, while Pluto makes you see yourself in wholeness. What have you been doing right? What have you gotten wrong? Pluto also asks you to go with your intuition to determine your forward direction. Your intuition becomes your best advisor during this period.

This is also a time to fully understand your power and to realize how others around you are using theirs (for or against you). Power plays, hidden agendas and secret lore is a fascination. Focus on you and let the drama around you fall away. 

Week 1: May 1st – May 7th

Access the desire for home renovations and design as they take center stage. Success, love and money are boosted mid-week. Heart-based leadership gains ground and allows the deepening of connection with the right people and engagement with the appropriate opportunities.  

Avoid busyness, confusion and fake information. The mind runs amuck, all stirred up, with nowhere to go. Money issues arise and imbalances with others are crazy-making. What’s real? What’s fake? It’s impossible to tell.

Tips: Spend time appreciating your home, giving it a loving boost. Balance your checkbook and check your financial position. Your investments are asking you to pay attention. Your power and influence awaits. Drop into your heart and your inner knowing to avoid the cacophony around you.

Week 2: May 8th – May 14th

Access patience and discipline as fortitude and energy become available for your health and wellbeing. Your life purpose comes up for question, along with rewards and recognition when you’re on your true path. Unexpected change jolts you at the beginning of the week creating shock waves throughout every area of your life. Your future is here now.

Avoid the divergent energies pulling you toward complacency and lassitude or drive and aggression. The push-pull can tear you apart until you align your energy with the cosmic ones. Your inner drive doesn’t withstand a chance against the cosmic one. Flex and flow are called for right now.

Tips: Be patient throughout the week, no matter what happens. Your mature response is rewarded versus a negative reflex. Trust that all will be revealed and is for your highest and best. Analyze, assess and adjust to get on the pathway of your true purpose. Develop a healthy routine for your overall wellbeing.

Mercury stations direct on the 14th with the post shadow period lasting until May 31st.

Week 3: May 15th – May 21st

Access the creative, artistic and romantic leanings as well as the intuitive nudges. Luxurious, supportive energies as well as indulging in a new look with style and flair. Suddenly you want to take center stage. You have the courage and bravado to make yourself known in the world. Your influence and genius shines for all to see.

Avoid power plays, greedy or lack reactions to others stepping into your lane. Competition rises as selfish and entitled tendencies seem completely normal. Forces of fight or flight distract you from your purpose. Hurt feelings and sensitivities are glossed over, leaving you wondering whether you’ve been gaslit. (The answer is yes by-the-way).

Tips: Be visible. Take the time to ponder what you want to say and say it. State your great ideas and solutions with conviction. Get creative with your artistic pursuits. Drop into romance, especially at the beginning of the week. Be social at the end of the week.

Big Star Events:
May 16th @ 1:19 pm ET Jupiter ingres Taurus

Jupiter enters Taurus showcasing how hard work and compassionate effort bring luck, fortune and ease. This is a time of humble prosperity, lasting abundance and comfort and luxury. Financial security gets a boost with this transit. Success finds meaning and power quiets to lay sustainable pillars in business and money pursuits. The Earth benefits from innovation, research and wealthy philanthropy. Be mindful to avoid over-extension as excessive risk-taking can lead to bad ends.

May 17 @ 9:10 pm ET Taurus Jupiter square Aquarius Pluto at 0°

At zero degrees, this configuration sparks new beginnings that bring lasting change as both are in the fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius.

The first part of the cycle begins back in March 2020 when Jupiter blends with Pluto, sparking this new cycle. This is the opening of the energy.

It’s all or nothing. Personal possessions, values and luxuries compete with societal norms and conventions. This is a shake-up to the core – individuality is at cross-purposes with the collective. Saturn and Uranus laid the groundwork throughout 2021 and 2022, but that was a grind, a slow-mover, a frustrating act of ‘let’s get on with it.’ Be careful what you wish for now, it’s all or nothing.

Week 4: May 22nd – May 28th

Access the burst of energy to break out in the world, get on stage, sparkle and shine. Massive success awaits mid-week. Responsible choices, long-term focus and strategic growth are the cosmic intention this week. Surprisingly new, zany ideas come out to play. New ways of appreciating your value to open your financial flow just needs a positive response.

Avoid questioning and second guessing. Urges to taking the easy and fastest route abound. Leaping without any clear direction and saying yes to the first thing that presents itself is likely to bring you short-term gains, but long-term losses.

Tips: Move into your intuition to affirm the new, even when it seems too far out there. Be wary of things that sound too good to be true with promises of, “Simple, easy, 1-2-3”. Ask questions, prod and prompt. Assess the answers you’re given. Do they seem genuine? Does the person or company have your best interest at heart?  Take care to act within your own tendencies as excessive risk-taking isn’t the answer. Be responsible and go with the flow, without losing your footing.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
Full Moon: Is this mine or yours?  
Details: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon Sun in Taurus/Moon in Scorpio 15° at 1:36 pm ET
From the annual forecast:


A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow isn’t fully covering the Moon’s reflection of the Sun. It’s a darker, softer ecliptic energy.

The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio opposes what my life means to me by myself and what my life means to me with you in it. Balancing between the two brings satisfaction and pleasure into relationships. When out of balance, either I’m satisfied or you are, but not both. Thankfully, Venus and Jupiter provide a positive blast of thought provoking love energy during this lunar eclipse.

Positively, sharing and coming together is the antidote to the imbalance. Negatively, being selfish, accusatory and dramatic relieves the tension, but doesn’t create the lasting change required to bring real relief. 

This has been going on since November 2021 and will come to its natural conclusion during the next eclipse in October.

New Moon: Power of Now
Details: May 19 New Moon in Taurus 28° at 11:55 am ET

This super cuspy New Moon in Taurus also includes a stellium with Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus and the North Node here too. These are powerful forces supporting your entry into the new way of living and leading. Pluto’s pressure with Mars and Jupiter gives you all of the tenacity, energy and drive to make things happen to bring your future into the present. What are you willing to do? How are you willing to say YES to yourself? Now is the time.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

Crystals: Grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

Flower essences: Put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Oracle card: #8 The Path

Queen of the Moon oracle cards, Stacey Demarco, and her message is “The way is open for you; the path is illuminated… and now is the time to walk upon it.” You see it, don’t you? Or you at least feel it… the path… or the fact that you are not on it. When we are on our path…

– we feel comfortable, at ease, in the flow of all that is unfolding. 

– it can feel as if we are walking through molasses or a fog, unable to even imagine where we will end up.

When we accept where we are, acknowledge what needs to change to grow and begin to love ourselves more completely, the direction of our lives begins to change…. our desires become more aligned with the needs, wants and values of our true selves.” Allow the magical flow to open the pathway before you.

Order intuition cards online

Crystal: Celestial Quartz

The soul is set free from the trappings of the human condition when sufficient work is done toward true life purpose. The calling and mission are revealed through the Akashic Records with the help of this crystal. This stone is known as the Candle Quartz, due to its revealing or shedding light amidst confusion or lack of direction. This crystal supports healing of Mother Earth through the alignment of her inhabitants.

Seek respite in the Celestial Quartz to help you release old patterns and wounding to bring the cellular body into vitality and vibrancy.

Flower Essence: Vervain

Moving from savior mentality to the bearer of light conserves energy, allows for deeper understanding and opens self-acceptance. Instead of outwardly focusing on getting people on board with your ideals and beliefs, you focus inwardly gaining poise and objectivity.  Nervous, impulsive and excessive behavior dissolves into mature authority. You illume from within to inspire and influence. Your impact grows along with your relaxed wisdom.

Spirit Animal: Squirrel

Deal with all of the changes upon you by lightening up and handling each and every thing as it comes up. No procrastinating – the time is now. Focus on your own pathway, without distraction or shiny-object syndrome as this is about you and no one else. This isn’t a race or competition. Your soul is calling you to be fleet of foot without excessive baggage. Are you ready to answer its call?


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

The Empowerment is a monthly membership with a monthly forecast, lunar phase rituals and a workshop to help you develop your intuition.

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Harness the Power of the Stars

The Star Boost/Pass is a quarterly analysis of big star events conspiring to bring you success through healing with retrogrades, becoming recession proof and manifesting your desires – for real. 2023 is the window into the next decade. Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our Star Boost/Pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards:        

KW Intuition Oracle Cards

Queen of the Moon oracle cards, Stacey Demarco

Flower essence:

Bach Vervain


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.  

Wise Strategist – You love the slower pace and the call to focus on what’s before you. You can step through your to-do list in a linear fashion. Oh, sweet heaven – finally! Keeping an eye on the long-term without distraction helps you stay on the pathway of your true purpose. Having an open heart and mind isn’t difficult for you right now. Take advantage. Develop a routine to connect your mind and your heart – Mercury helps you do this in his retrograde state. Also, remind yourself to ignore the noise and chaos flowing around you. It’s not yours.  Make that your mantra.

Intuitive Visionary – Dealing with the tension of your desire to claim your current brilliance and genius with the abundance of new ideas and solutions is crazy-making. The allure to capture and make progress on the old, the now and the new gets to be too much. Your mind swims with possibility, yet no one is ready or available to hear you until the end of the month. Ugh. You have so much to say and want to say it now. However, take my advice and wait. It’ll be worth it for two reasons. #1 – you’ll weave your ideas and solutions for even more brilliance and #2, people will be able to relate to your ideas. If don’t wait, you burn through your energy without gaining any ground. When the time comes toward the end of the month, you’ll have the energy to beguile and inspire. 

Collaborative Explorer – You can see and feel the hidden agendas and power plays, but they don’t become evident until mid-month. It’s as if there are two months for you, split exactly in the middle. During the first ½ of the month, gather your ideas and energies without casual engagement with lots of people. Keep it small, targeted and deep. Revisit those you’ve reached out to in the past. Make a more solid connection with them. There’s hidden treasure here. In the 2nd ½ of the month, people sense what you’ve known all along. They’re ready to hear from you now. Amplify your engagement. Better yet, make plans at the beginning of the month to connect with small groups of people or teams to talk (or present) to them at the end of the month.

Ruling Warrior – Your impatience has reached its highest point. You have no tolerance for waiting another moment. It’s been too long as it is. You rail against the meandering energies without forward movement. You don’t have the time or inclination to take it slow. So, no. You rebel and end up getting nowhere. It’s best you take this opportunity to streamline and optimize. Better yet, plan a team or client retreat. You can get everyone on board with your vision when you plan how you’re going to communicate and engage them. Your growth explodes when you take the time to solidify your foundation. Expansion without solid footing doesn’t last. The roller coaster you abhor continues. It’s best to use the energetic forces when they’re available. May is your time for strategy and planning, not sales and growth.  

Creative Superstar – There is so much surprise and delight with the creative energies, available solutions and unexpected connections. The zany and sassy energies lift you up and give you the boost you’ve been desiring for too long. Get clear on your definition, stay in your lane and keep your eye on the prize. Your value deepens when you gather yourself this month. Express gratitude and appreciation with an open heart. Creating solid footing this month makes June into a bonanza of value for you. You can still have fun by getting romantic and social. Indulge in a few well-thought extravagances. You deserve them.

Loving Alchemist – You want it and you want it now. Enough already. The swirling and back-and-forth forces have stripped away your patience. You think you want to shine brightly and brilliantly, yet have you focused on yourself and your offerings? Are you well-positioned to make a burst onto the scene or have you been swept up in other’s dramas? Pluto retrograde hits you hard and your heart knows your best bet is to drop into your heart’s wisdom to find the treasure offered there. But, your mind beckons, ‘It’s been so long, surely now’s the time.” No, it’s not. Any and all outward effort this month backfires. Gather your value and wrap it around you. June is your time.


May is complicated with a push-and-pull of energies driving your mind crazy and your will wild. Patience is called for, but it’s been the mantra for too long now. You’ve worked so hard and so diligently, where are the rewards? For those who’ve said the insane HELL YES, your time has come. You will see gains this month with concerted focus and openly expressed appreciation for all of your growth to date. For those who’ve played it safe and held on to the comfortable and familiar – you’ll keep getting pushed until you say yes to yourself. Why are you waiting? The star force only grows in pressure from this point forward.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

April 2023: do you know it’s time to step out of your comfort zone?

Stars + Strategy   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

April 2023 Summary

Theme: Blind Leap into the New

Sun signs – Aries & Taurus

Simple truths come from the chaos. The restrictions continue and the world comes together and moves apart, simultaneously. The choice is here and blind faith is the answer. It will all work out – of this, I am sure. Dial into the frequency that soothes and helps you see the light. Attune to your own truth. Your belief system is put to the test. Yet, it holds.  Stay steady. Breathe. Take tentative steps into the new ways of living and leading. Leadership is required. Let’s be ready. 


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • April – All planets direct until the 21st
  • April 17th – Venus out of bounds
  • April 20th – Ring of Fire eclipse & Sun square Pluto
  • April 21st – Mercury retrograde

Week 1: April 3 – 9

Access the confident, deliberate and solution-oriented influences. Empathy, compassion and love win the day. Weather, food supplies and transportation issues take center stage. Hope for healing the climate, technological remedies and scientific innovations shine light for the future. Chances open to be part of the way forward.

Avoid the fear, doubt and confusion that breakdowns and limits create. The news continues to be explosive and scary. Problems appear to stack up without relief, especially about social and environmental justice.  Powerful people take advantage of fixed opinions to sway the masses toward their point of view.

Tips: Pay attention to the discoveries coming into the open. Remain detached and flexible. Think about what’s worked for you in the past and stay the course. Patience isn’t easy to come by, so remind yourself of your long-term goals.  Small celebrations bring levity and relief.   

Week 2: April 10 – 16

Access the benefits of committed and loving relationship. Deep feelings and intense emotions can strengthen your connections. Fortune favors the bold and it’s courageous to be dedicated to your convictions, even when they seem to take a beating. Your power grows by steadily racking up your accomplishments.

Avoid expending your energy on things that aren’t yours or distracting yourself with overindulgence. Money woes, physical obstacles and relationship doubts continue to build. Feelings of isolation and disconnection push you to seek support in inopportune and rash ways.  

Tips: Remember the adage, “Being happy is more important than being right”.  Review what’s truly important for you and trim down the rest. Read over your values every day to deepen your commitment to what’s true for you.

Week 3: April 17 – 23

On April 20th, Happy birthday Taurus, Hello Ring of Fire eclipse and confrontation between the Sun and Pluto.

Access flirty, sassy playfulness with Venus in Gemini and out of bounds. She’s eclectic and unusual in her tastes. The fun, lightheartedness paves the way for ease and simple truths. Simplicity and creature comforts are desired.  Wealth and power come to those who exhibit patience and commitment.

Avoid overindulgence and over-spending recklessness. Tensions and confrontations make it nearly impossible to find your footing. Power plays and competitive grabs trigger you and threaten your peace of mind. Typical processes and systems break and fall apart.

Tips: Stand in your authority and keep your eyes facing forward. Yet, notice what’s happening around you with an open heart. Ask yourself what you’re willing to do and not willing to do in world events. Ask how can this be provocative versus provoking. Remember you get to choose how you respond.

Big Star Event: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

Mercury Rx: April – May 2023: Connect to Your Future

Details: April 21 – May 14 in Taurus 15°-  5° (during an ecliptic cycle)

Through the fog of another ecliptic cycle, Mercury expects easy answers to difficult questions while churning everything in your path – people, technologies and schedules. You can’t find your way through the fog and suddenly, the floor seems to be shaking beneath your feet. The explosive square between the Sun and Pluto isn’t helping either. Shock waves reverberate through your core.  Mercury giggles and flashes mirrored reflections from everyone around you. He’s helped by Venus and Mars being out of bounds, adding more pressure to your love life by complicating how you show up for yourself and others. Ugh.

As for Mercury, what’s his deal? Mercury wants you to believe – without any logical reason to do so. A helpful mantra during this time is “I believe”. Say it over and over again until you actually do. 😘

Note: For Taurus signs and those with packed 2nd houses, add the shadow periods for this retrograde cycle. Add the shadow period beginning on April 7th and until May 31st. For Virgos and Capricorns, your world is shaken too, however, you have more certainty, so lean into it. For the fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, use your powers of self-persuasion, with an eye on the future, for the answers you seek.  

Click here to download an easy-to-follow Mercury Retrograde Checklist and guided meditation. 

Week 4: April 24 – 30

Access the abundant, brilliant new ideas with the will to implement them. Creative solutions for the Earth and her resources abound. Imaginative pursuits and intuitive leanings expand and become interesting to the mainstream.  Dissolution of old patterns. Unfair fix-it solutions get attention.  Willingness to take action based on these insights.   

Avoid feelings of righteous, judgement and smugness. Responding to unjust and out of balance happenings isn’t productive. Things come to surface and get buried just as quickly. The doing and undoing causes confusion and the desire to react swiftly.

Tips: Do things that bring you comfort and help you feel stable and secure. Connect to nature by spending time outdoors. Simplify your life. Expend excess energy through physical activity.  Cook your favorite foods, garden and entertain family and close friends.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Awaken to the Future

Details: April 6th Sun in Aries & Moon in Libra 16° @12:37 am ET

Today is a glimpse into the nodal shifts in July and the fiery energies of 2025. It’s possible to either create the world you desire or destroy it.  Full acceptance of the heart and soul as part of everyday existence is the key to unlocking the New Earth for the masses.  Will they accept? Or will they revolt? With chaos, comes creation. 

New Moon: Window into the New

Details: April 20th Sun & Moon in Aries 29° @ 12:15 am ET

The middle is missing, it’s been hollowed out. The Moon steps in to give power to the middle, literally and figuratively. During this blind leap of faith moment, the edges have all of the energy due to their vibrancy and intensity. It’s alluring to become part of a faction. However, it’s just that – a faction.  Where’s the middle? Does the middle show up or does it hide?

Big Star Event: The Ring of Fire Eclipse

Within 2 minutes of the New Moon, the annular effects of the eclipse create a ring of fire as the Moon covers the Sun’s center to peak around the edges as she gets between the Earth and the Sun.

In the last breath of Aries, the solar eclipse begins to bring a fiery, awakened response to what’s happening around you. This spark ignites and ripples for 6 months until the next eclipse.

The Moon’s energy combines with the Sun’s, making you live and breathe Aries forces of courage, independence and authenticity. Who are you and how do you want to live are questions that arise once again. It’s time for taking action, making changes and starting something new.  

Pluto’s influence suggests challenges and overcoming fears as you wrangle with how to begin something new, while Jupiter urges you to take calculated risks instead of reacting impulsively.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle card: #45 Sell

What you crave, craves you. It’s time. Your offerings are needed in the world. Come out and put yourself forward. It’s time to inform, invite and offer. The message of the card is: “Selling is a part of being a business owner. This card wants you to make those calls, invite those prospects and extend those offers.”

Quick tip: Print out your client roster and lead tracking sheets. Close your eyes and point your finger on a name. Call the person whose name you chose. There’s a reason that name was selected – make it count.

Crystal: Fire Agate

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Fire Agate

Agate is a grounding stone with a powerful multi-level cleansing effect. It balances yin and yang, soothes and helps with self-acceptance and speaking the truth. It heals anger and facilitates spiritual growth. Fire agate promotes inner security and is antidote to emotional vulnerability. It’s an all-around healing stone as its grounding, mellowing and protecting.

Flower Essence: Walnut

Change. This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from change and unwanted influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond.

Spirit Animal: Skunk

Skunk symbolizes reputation and respect. You’re confident, charismatic, playful and nonchalant. You exude calm, courageous and love to pursue information yourself, rather than to rely on others.

Call on skunk when you need to defend yourself, want to regain your self-respect and self-esteem or want to be more playful.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Our Annual Star Pass for Success Program

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our star pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3ZklPwe

Fire Agate: https://amzn.to/3zfnFni

Bach Walnut Flower Essence: https://amzn.to/40F6eIm. This was the flower essence for 2021, so you may already have some. Check your cabinet. If not, this is a great flower essence for these changing times.


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – Get ahead by stepping into the third week’s energy. Let Mercury Retrograde move you to the top. You love the review, refine, redefine, reassess requirements of this energy. All other types don’t. Use this time to your advantage. Get to the bottom of what really matters. Prioritize your activities. Choose those that utilize your strengths to give you the best results.

Intuitive Visionary – Gathering the momentum around your key offerings propels you to the next level. Focus on the bottom line, not your top revenue figures. Get back to what works for you and disregard everything that’s superfluous. Fine tune every aspect of your business.  The success is in the details. Your concentrated effort now pays off for years to come.

Collaborative Explorer – Your rebellious side comes to life this month. Allow the fiery tones to boost your exploration of your definition of love, wealth and success. Your competitive side has been slumbering for so long, you’ve forgotten how to access it. Healthy parameters to achieve your goals and get the results you desire need to be created. Spend the time to do so this month. It pays off during the next eclipse in October.

Ruling Warrior – You adore the fiery energies, but are impatient with the lack of results as things appear to come together and then fritter away. It’s best to remember what’s meant for you remains and what’s not, disappears. Appreciate the helpful elements of this energy – you won’t waste time. Saving time supports your efforts to optimize and streamline to improve your bottom line.

Creative Superstar – Alternating between feelings of being wronged and feeling entitled spins you into a frenzy. The urge to overindulge pushes at you daily. There are too many wishes and desires that aren’t being met. Your relationships intensify to the point of requiring commitment from you before you’re ready. Dive deeply into your core to find the answers. You know what’s right for you.    

Loving Alchemist – Close loving and family relationships get added energy this month, yet it’s unclear what each require from you. Each asks something of you on a daily basis. You get off track due to other’s needs. It’s important not to forget yourself. Now’s the time to figure out what you want. Your desires for success and wealth matter too. Let the eclipse be a time to refine your intentions.


This year is a series of gates that open for you to walk into the new energy that combines ancient wisdom with innovative methods. The feminine aspects of intuition and cyclic cosmic influence weave with the masculine forces of logic, reason and expansion. The Ring of Fire eclipse hearkens for the resonance of the future. Are you listening?

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2023: are you prepared to stand bravely on the edge of the world?

Stars + Strategy   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you remove the blocks to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

March 2023 Summary

Theme: Edge of the World

Sun signs: Pisces & Aries

There’s a crisis of understanding as threats to your stability and security ignite the greatest fears you have. Staying close to what’s familiar and comforting support you as the world swirls, seemingly into chaos. Remember, you are infinite and filled with the universe. Your potential and your future await. Give over to love, as it’s the only thing that’s real. Power punches peak at the end of the month. Be mindful of what’s actually true for you at this time.

There are 2 MAJOR star events in March involving Saturn (Hard Choices) and Pluto (Transformational Hell) as each are moving from one zodiac sign to the next. For Saturn, this happens every 2 ½ years, so his cycle moves through the zodiac every 30 years. For Pluto, this planetary cycle is 248 years and due to its elliptical pattern, spends between 10 – 25 years in each sign. Pluto also creates generational change in the world.

This is, without a doubt, a BIG deal.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • March – all planets direct
  • March 7th – Saturn enters Pisces @ 0°
  • March 12th – Aries Jupiter conjunct Chiron @ 14°
  • March 20th – Equinox: Sun enters Aries @ 0°
  • March 23rd – Pluto enters Aquarius @ 0°

Week 1: February 27th – March 5th

Access fortune, luck and success through connections for business and love. Diligence, details and serious discussions create excellent opportunities. Solutions, ideas and strategies present themselves. Ask and you shall receive.

Avoid stepping back and riding the ease of the energy. Feelings and thinking about taking time off, sleeping late or calling in sick aren’t in your best interests this week. 

Tips: Say ‘YES’ this week. Put the time in, work late and push yourself to make those calls, schedule those appointments and do the outreach.

Big Star Event: The Right Questions

Details: Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th @ 8:33 am ET

What is real and what is fake? It’s almost impossible to tell and will remain this way for another 3 years. Saturn and Neptune are in concert with each other as they both reside in Pisces from 2023 through 2025. Then, they co-join again in 2026. This time in Aries – a reckoning for resolution like no other.

Right now? There are no answers, only questions. And for the next 3 years, asking the right questions is critical.

Catch the video on YouTube as Mariah and I explain everything you need to know about the next 3 years. We also have star peeks. 🤩 Everyone goes crazy for them.

Week 2: March 6th – 12th

The first BIG star event of the year happens on March 7th as Saturn enters Pisces within the hour of the Full Moon in Virgo to open the gateway to the wholeness of you.

Access the fresh point of view and exciting news pushing you toward healing your relationships in business and love. When you do, you have the ability be unwavering in your commit to your full potential. There’s good news when you open to all aspects of who are you and expand your willingness to remember your internal wisdom.

Avoid playing it safe and going into protection mode as your creature comforts are pushed to the edge. Be wary of defending your current position and letting your prior actions dictate your future moves. Good fortune favors the bold.

Tips: Be brave. Welcome the powerful potential of this time. Do the unexpected.

Week 3: March 13th – 19th

Without the Moon, there are 14 star aspects this week. This is a FULL week!

Access information coming to the surface that sheds light and awakens leadership tendencies.  Bold ideas and out-of-the-blue innovations become known. Serious connections abound in your personal and business lives.  Creativity and compassion serve to open feelings about what’s happening around you.

Avoid busyness, impatience, aggressive thoughts and distorted reactions. Jealousy, hidden agendas and elbows thrown to jockey for attention are everywhere.  Short-tempers and messy feelings add confusion and wrong moves in business and at home.

Tips: Drop into your intuition or use your instincts. Do research and study diligently this week. In business, hire an expert and let them support you in negotiations and deal-making.

Equinox: Cliff Diving 

Details: March 20 @ 5:24 pm ET Sun 0° Aries

Leadership is awakened. Which type of leadership is the question. Tons of charm and magnetism enable influence and persuasion for your point of view. This can be positive for the greater good or abused by narcissistic desires.  Entitlement and nepotism are up for review. Who’s telling the truth and who’s lying?

Dancing on the edge works when the core is deep and strong. Otherwise, the edge may pull you too far. 

Big Star Event: The New World 

Details: Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd @ 8:12 am ET

Pluto in Aquarius creates generational change. This planet stirs up the revolutionary tendencies of Aquarius as a stellium resides in Aries at the time of the planetary transition into a new sign. Freedom, individual rights and quest for the future awakens NOW.  

By the way, Pluto is the God of Hell.

Pluto has no patience. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, 1778 – 1798, it sparked the American and French revolutions. For everything you need to know for the next 20 years, join our Star Pass program.

Week 4: March 20th – 26th

Integrity and decency are challenged this week.

Access the powerful forces to do the right thing. There’s an ignition or flash point awakening thoughts, feelings and actions. Your value, status and physical comforts are under the magnifying glass. Solutions to complex problems and healing energies are available when you say YES.

Avoid plunging into the darkness to protect yourself. Closing off, putting up barriers and taking a defensive posture seems like the answer. As does, following those who say, “I have the all of the answers. It’s as simple as 1-2-3,” or “I’ll save you. I’m the only one who can help you.” Neither benefit you.

Tips: Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. In fact, take 10 breaths. Do this every day.

Week 5: March 27th – April 2nd   

Access the willingness to be bold and original. Activation and ignition spark the pursuit of innovations. New ideas and suggestions position you for new heights and opportunities for success.

Avoid frivolous and distracting purchases. Self-soothing escapism and shiny objects. Impulsive and explosive moves. Breaking up and away just for the sake of breaking up and away.   

Tips: Fill yourself with self-care routines and satisfying actions. Then and only then, dance on the edges. Get creative to pursue brave and new ideas.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Crisis of Understanding or Embodiment of Full Potential?

Details: March 7th @ 7:42 am ET Full Moon Sun in Pisces & Moon in Virgo at 16°

Full Moons are opposing forces making both available when you act from the core and destabilizing when you choose one over the other. The polarizing actions over the last few decades come to a head later in the month, but are felt keenly now. 

The softness of Pisces meets the hardness of Saturn and that of Virgo, when she’s threatened. Gun violence, severe weather and political positioning (autocracy versus democracy) are ignited by the third week of the month.  

Will the world respond and take long-lasting steps for the wellness of its citizenry or will it choose ‘simpler, easier and shinier’ actions? 

New Moon: Point of Origin

Details: March 21st @ 1:26 pm ET Sun & Moon at 0° Aries

The stellium in Aries with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron in this sign of spark, ignition, and fire. This is a point of origin, a new beginning, an awakening. Finding the structural components that are necessary to sustain, support and provide for the world is possible. How will the world respond?

Every month, the New Moon signals a new beginning and this month is especially true with the Sun and Moon at zero-degrees. This is a flash point of energetic force. Typically, it’s like lighting a match, but this month, it’s like lighting a powder keg.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal at this time, to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuitive Oracle card: #47 Optimize

The essence of this card is perfect for March – Expand the trust you have for your business. It’s absolutely perfect when you’re standing on the edge, trying not to look down. I also love the words to ponder: Develop. Elevate. Enrich.  I can taste these words and want to savor them. I’m going to wrap these energies around me, especially the 3rd week this month.

This oracle card is particularly helpful for Collaborative Explorers and Creative Superstars.

Order intuition cards online

Crystal: Emerald

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Emerald.

Its’ true that emerald is a stone of love, as I’ve mentioned in previous monthly stone segments, however, I want to emphasize a few other qualities.

Emerald is a stone of awareness as it allows reason and wisdom to enter into your consciousness to accept the unknown. It promotes an ability to be discerning and a deeper inner knowing. It improves all of your bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, bringing harmony in all areas of your life.

This crystal enhances intuition, clear vision and clairvoyance to help you communicate with the Divine. And, emerald is indeed, a love stone activating your heart chakra, increasing joy and harmonizing relationships.

Call on emerald this month – often. Carry it with you and/or put it on your kitchen table or in your family room. Use it whenever you feel the need throughout this month.

I have a bowl filled with emerald, lapis and sunstone. As this was the stone of the month in June 2020, I’ve moved this bowl into the center of my kitchen table. It’s been there ever since. (Not ironically, the Tarot card that month was The Chariot – 2023’s card). The universe is like a hammer to the head in its messaging.

Emerald is excellent for Every Intuitive Success Type. However, Wise Strategists and Ruling Warriors, in particular, benefit the most from this crystal.

Flower Essence: Water Violet

Move from isolation to connection by taking water violet throughout the month of March. Specialness, elitism, over-rationalization of being separate or feeling above the rest is resolved with this flower essence. There’s nothing special about anyone, every person is unique, brilliant and filled with potential.

Furthermore, people benefiting from water violet control their emotions and hold themselves back with stoicism and aloofness. They 

– enter the world putting up walls and defending themselves against intimacy and connections. 

– tell themselves, “I need to put up boundaries because people take advantage,” or “Everyone is too much – too loud, too arrogant, too ignorant.” 

– feel superior, when actually it’s their lack of confidence in being able to relate and their fear of intimacy that holds them back from fully experiencing life.

Loving Alchemists take note of this flower essence.

Spirit Animal: Swan

The swan is intuitive with instincts to know what lies ahead. When this spirit animal shows up, it’s nudging you to accept your inner knowing and to trust it. Swans are excellent at seeing the truth and looking beneath the surface. When something presents itself, swan wants you to determine what it means for you and reminds you it may mean nothing.

Swans are loyal in relationships and commit to their partners for the long term. They are graceful and poised, no matter the circumstances happening around them. The swan loves going to the depths to avoid the chaos at the surface. Most importantly, call on swan when things become overwhelming.

The swan supports Intuitive Visionaries for grounding their brilliance and deepening their power.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Our Annual Star Pass

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our star pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3ZklPwe

Bach water violet flower essence: https://amzn.to/3IVJT3i

Emerald crystal: https://amzn.to/3Z4HPeX


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – This month is your kryptonite. There’s nothing of redeeming quality to these energies for your need to have predictable, clear and detailed guidance. March is anything but, as it swirls forth, picking up additional energies as each week passes. Water burns into fire on the Equinox, yet feels as if it’s burning a hole in your heart and mind. Stand in your core, remind yourself of your strengths and focus on the long-term. This month will pass and you’ll be standing in your power.

Intuitive Visionary – Captain chaos! You get swept up with all of the activity at every level. You love the distractions and chaos-creating energies as ideas are plucked, seemingly, from the sky. The pure potential that’s available this month belongs to you. Stick to your path. Put your head down and act in your own best interests. You’re the only type who can take complete advantage of everything happening. You can embody your full potential by grounding it into your being.

Collaborative Explorer – This month is everything you don’t like. All of the hidden agendas and feelings coming to the surface widens chasms and urges argumentative behavior. All of the power plays and manipulations intensifies tensions and increases chaos. Diving beneath the surface by focusing on yourself, your goals and your needs is the antidote. Acting only on the things directly in front of you eases your mind and soothes your nervous system.

Ruling Warrior – The emotional side of the energies push you to soften and dissolve into vulnerability. This, quite frankly, is one of your worst fears. You get defensive and protective of your position of authority. But, authenticity is the new professionalism, so vulnerability opens you to engage with others and deepens your connections. The fiery forces after the Equinox aligns with your energy. Be careful not to overdo.

Creative Superstar – You adore the Piscean creative, intuitive vibes the first 3 weeks, but loathe the fiery powerful forces after the Equinox. Diving deeply beneath the surface works when it’s balanced with taking physical steps to be active in daily life. Use the fiery influences to prompt you to show up with your audiences. You can be the shining star among the chaos.

Loving Alchemist – Providing for loved ones is your favorite thing to do and this month, every one of them needs your love and support. You thrive with all of these family needs, however, push yourself to reach beyond your four walls into the outside world. Your type can deal with the edginess, so reach into your vast reserves and stand in unwavering power. Be a beacon for all to see.


March 2023 will go down in the history books. The good news? You’re part of history. The bad news? It’s going to feel like you’re on the edge of the world. 

NOTE: I want to be wrong about what I’m seeing for this month. I wanted to be wrong with CO🦠😷D in 2020, the insurrection in 2021 and the crazy weather events of 2022. I hope the 3rd week of this month awakens the New Earth for solving the difficult problems we’re facing. Also, I hope it doesn’t ignite powerful and violent forces.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

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