Astrology Forecasts Oracle

November 2023: Harness the Cosmic Currents: Astrology Predictions for Prosperity and Power

Monthly Summary from the Annual Forecast

November: Personal Success | World Domination
Sun signs – Scorpio & Sagittarius

Personally, this is an excellent month for success in love and business. Professionally, following your instincts and prescribed methods get you closer to your goals. Financially, money and wealth get a boost for creation and protection. Money likes to grow itself and loves to be used in practical ways. On the world stage, it’s hard to watch. Greed, corruption and power grabs also benefit from the star energies. Where’s the common sense? If women work together, there can be a huge push toward solving equality, freedom and justice for the marginalized.


Big Star Events: 
November 4th – Saturn Direct: The Real You


You’ve been getting real with yourself for the last 4 ½ months and now it’s time to bring your learning out into the world. The inner work life lessons and reality checks are coming to an end and now you’ll focus on your outer world. In Pisces, you’ll move from establishing roots for your success, intuition development and internal compass direction to your work status, love commitments and living situations.  


The purpose of the limits, frustrations and doubts about your emotional entanglements due to your priorities for success are for you to mature, evolve and gain wisdom. Saturn actually wants you to grow and his tough love is for your own good.  He wants you to succeed, but he wants you to want it for you and no one else. He’s the ultimate ‘shed the expectations of others’ energy. 


November 15th – Mercury out of bounds: Zany Fun or Out of Control? 


From November 15th – December 14th, when Mercury goes out of bounds, you have the opportunity for an explosion of innovative thoughts, excellent speaking faculties and talented performance abilities. Or, you can fall into exaggeration, obsessions and miscommunications.


In November, Mercury out of bounds in Sagittarius creates exaggerated claims of credibility and taking huge leaps of faith. You extend your connections, conversations and commitments beyond the bounds of normal for you. 


On December 1st, when Mercury enters Capricorn, the opposite is true. Thoughts of isolation and lack of authority threaten to spin you out of control. You may collapse in on yourself. Stay the course, rely on your logic and set parameters before November 15th to minimize the spin out and back into control of zany Mercury. 

Planetary Detail: 

The first ½ of the month is a minefield if you aren’t aligned with your soul. It’s that simple. Your heart and soul propel you toward your hopes and dreams. Your remembrance of ancient wisdom and natural feminine gifts give you the tools to create your desires. You can fulfill your soul potential, yet the roadblocks and intense energies make you shift your priorities. The movement of the month is fast. Subsequently, everything speeds up and yet your achievements don’t track.


Get into rhythm with your own tempo as it lines up with the Universal forces. Think adjustments, tweaks and fine-tuning. You’re weary as these are on top of a myriad of other adjustments, but isn’t your soul mission worth it? Sink into the intense star power to make your way through – it’s time to block and tackle.


The main energy this month is Mars, who’s super active as he dances in shock and awe, supports your intuitive gifts, excites your internal power, synthesizes your connection to Mother Earth and furthermore,

creates a powder keg of unrealized desire. Combining the force of Mars with the fires of Sagittarius makes this a combustible month. Creativity is your core strength. Draw upon creative methods to move through setbacks and limits.  


The best timing and ways to work with these energies are: 


Beginning November 11th – 17th, accept shock and awe and be flexible with upsets and rash actions. Try to avoid explosive outbursts. Make your mantra “I respond, not react”. You have the courage and fortitude to enhance your creativity, get healing and develop your intuition. Each one of these activities will undoubtedly, help stabilize you and your emotions. 


On November 22nd through the 28th, there’s massive energy available to you to push through obstacles and solve problems. You have everything at your fingertips when you step back and move through your days with your soul’s perspective. You can burst through to something bigger than yourself. Freedom seeks its day. 


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
New Moon: Intensity
Details: November 13th with the Sun & Moon in Scorpio 20°at 4:27 pm ET

On the world stage, it’s a hot bed of greed and corruption. The power grabs, global violence and explosive reactions are hard to watch.  Tensions pull everyone apart and make it almost impossible to come together in meaningful ways. Yet, this is the goal. Realizing the opposition isn’t a person, behavior or situation begins the healing process. Additionally, the edges have been getting too much energy. It’s time to fill the core.

This New Moon also offers intense and powerful healing for women and their feminine ways. Intuition, potential and creation are feminine aspects of leadership. And, the masculine linear skills of logic, purpose and production, require strengthening too in order to manifest a new way of leading.

Putting the masculine strength within the core and firing it up creates tensile strength. Allowing the feminine approaches to be on the edges, without judgment, creates flexibility to move at differing speeds to connect and align, instead of block and misconstrue.   

Full Moon: Revolutionary Forces  
Details: November 27th with the Sun in Sagittarius & Moon in Gemini 4°at 4:16 am ET

Civility and diplomacy are necessary for cooperation and world order. However, sometimes the price is too high. This Full Moon urges courage and stamina to choose the hard and the difficult. Chaos and change are creative forces, ones not to be taken lightly. But also, ones not to be wasted.

The genie is out of the bottle. It’s time to recognize the wealth of possibility to use the magical powers and not try to put them back in. Women and men are created equal. Race, religion and political leanings are labels at the human, not the soul level.

If women unite, there could be a massive revolution as equality and rights are continually being violated. The marginalized are within this force too. forego women’s rights, grace & civility – price is too high.

In addition to the restrictions to travel, dogmatic fundamentalism, deception, confusion, unwillingness to take decisive action, is prevalent in the world.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal at this time, to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Order intuition cards online

Intuitive Oracle card: #34 Merge

Staying inactive and allowing, going with the flow and accepting what comes isn’t easy for many people. I love this card as it helps you lean into the resistance. It suggests the active way to melt into what’s best for you. Notice the image in the middle of the card. See how she’s leaning in and throwing her head back? This is what I love about merging. Say, “I’m open to dissolving the obstacles and I’m ready to take action to remove them.”  

Crystal: Stillbite

Stillbite comes from the Greek word ‘stil bein’ and means to shine. It opens your heart chakra and your mind, allowing universal love to bring inner peace and calm. This stone also helps with meditation as it awakens and expands your willingness to step into your spiritual connection. Additionally, using stillbite helps you access the Akashic records, past live energies and ancient knowledge.

With your connections and support, this stone quiets the mind and helps with sleep. It relieves overwhelm by clearing the mind and focusing on the positive. This crystal also helps build your self-esteem, making you want to share your brilliance with others.

Stillbite brings wholeness, helping you recognize the aspects of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This crystal’s influence is a manifestor of the new way of living and leading

The last time stillbite was the crystal of the month was December 2019.

Flower Essence: Walnut

This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from unwanted change and negative influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond.

Walnut was last month’s flower essence too.

Spirit Animal: Penguin

Penguin embodies wholeness. You’re well-balanced, caring, protective and patient. You’re able to integrate both the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself.

Call on penguin when you want a greater connection and intimacy with significant others. Penguin supports you when you need resilience and tenacity for an upcoming hardship and when you need to let something go from your past.


The power of November propels your success based on your soul’s mission and your heart’s desires. The fiery energies don’t support your mind. Let your mind take a vacation and step into your whole being for your fullest potential and maximum creative abilities.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

Remember, you are loved beyond measure,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts

October 2023 Forecast

From the Annual Forecast 


October: Ring of Love

Sun signs – Libra & Scorpio

Buckling down and committing to both your love life and business is the way to get through the rocky road of October. Some days are high-flying with wins and others are fraught with challenges. Judiciously seeking opportunities and connections positions you favorably. Tweaks, fine-tuning and adjustments are required to optimize your relationships and business dealings. Envision surrounding what matters to you with a ring of love. Softening the edges helps strengthen the core. The end of the month finishes with good news. Celebrate.  


October Summary 


There are lots (12) of quincunx energies this month and that means it’s a month of fine-tuning. You’ll be making adjustments, refinements and tweaks in your love life and your business one. Success and love don’t seem to go hand-in-hand, but this year it’s been a combination of both. 




When you open your heart to love, you open your ability to give and receive and this energy is the one driving success from this point forward. The world’s interest in greed, drive and thirst for power is gasping for its last breath in our lifetimes. Therefore, understanding how to live and lead through the power of the feminine combined with the masculine is the key. The stars are teaching you through their configurations. The star forces create an entryway into this new way of dealing with yourself and others. 


Saying YES now paves the pathway for you to become a beacon of the future to lead others.


Big Star Events 


October 14th – Annular Solar Eclipse

October 28th – Partial Lunar Eclipse


So, October begins as September ends. You’re in the middle of the Great Gathering and the Ring of Love as you’ve gone through the Gateway on the Equinox. 


Your intentions have been set and you’re in the lunar process of releasing or letting go and Pluto’s movement back to her direct station on the 10th asks you how you’ll recreate what’s been dissolving since May 1st


Think back to this time – what’s been going on with your handle on your power, your skill at dealing with your finances and your willingness to be deeply intimate with yourself? Pluto uncovers all and when she moves between her forward and ‘backward’ motions, it’s time to take stock. 


Your fortitude and commitment pay off in the middle of the month as living in integrity gets planetary props while cutting corners or leadings others astray falters. Honesty, loyalty and devotion come to the surface full force. Aligning with your truth helps you sail through the rest of the year. 


Remember the ‘Show me the money’ theme of the year? This only occurs when you’re living your soul mission. Stacking your mind, heart and will are imperative. Hence the tweaks this month. 


You’ve gotten 2/3 of the way through this year and with the remaining 1/3, you have the opportunity to prepare yourself for the luge at the top of 2024. 


Moon Phases & Eclipses


Details: Annular Solar Eclipse & Libra 21° New Moon on October 14th at 1:55 pm ET 


From the annual forecast: 


As the Sun and Moon come together, so can you in loving and committed relationships. This annular solar eclipse creates a ring of love as the Moon’s shadow darkens the Sun’s center, illuming the edges. Love is here. With a quincunx to Uranus (1° orb), simple adjustments are sought to harmonize the energies to make them everlasting.  


This is a Venusian time of beauty, peace and love. Even Mars gets into the mix soothing Saturn for loyalty and devotion. 


Astronomically, this Annular Solar Eclipse races across the Western part of the United States and is being called the Great American Eclipse. The first one since May 2012. 


Details: Partial Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon Sun in Scorpio & Moon in Taurus 5° on October 28th at 4:24 pm ET


From the annual forecast: 


During the 4 ½ hour partial Lunar Eclipse, change is in the air. The Sun provokes thoughts and feelings about deep abiding love and shared intimacy, while the Moon longs for simplicity and ease when coming together. The range between the two arrives with the help of Jupiter and Mercury. 


Your mind opens to possibility and your feelings welcome a lift for opportunity. Now is the time. It’s a ‘winner take all’ attitude.  The only caution – take care. Be calculating in your risk-taking for the changes you desire to create open pathways for success.



Magical Tools for Support


You can’t make this up. The crystal and flower essence that came in for this month are the same as April, the Ring of Fire ecliptic pair. Whatever you teed up in April comes to light in October. 


Oracle Card: #1 – Calm


It’s no coincidence this month’s card is the push and pull of the masculine and feminine energies. In numerology, the number 1 represents initiation and taking the first step in your journey, but the core of the message is to remain calm and respond to the energy around you. When you do, you can influence the outcome. When you don’t, the outcome becomes the creation you must deal with, whether you want to or not. 


Ø Last time for this card – March 2022


Crystal: Fire Agate 


Agate is a grounding stone with a powerful multi-level cleansing effect. It balances yin and yang, soothes and helps with self-acceptance and speaking the truth. It heals anger and facilitates spiritual growth. Fire agate promotes inner security and is antidote to emotional vulnerability. It’s an all-around healing stone as its grounding, mellowing and protecting.


Ø Last time: April 2023


Flower essence: Walnut for Change


This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from change and unwanted influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond. 


Ø Last time: 2021 and April 2023


Spirit animal: Butterfly


I’ve never gotten the butterfly for a monthly forecast. This is exciting. As you probably know, the butterfly signifies transformation. This spirit animal invites you to look at every aspect of your life and business to determine what you love and what you’d like to change. 


The butterfly’s flight is graceful and light and its pattern suggests an ability to go through life in the same way. When important changes come upon you, allow them to unfold gently and beautifully. There’s a cycle to life and butterfly reminds you to honor it as you expand and grow. 


Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.


As always, wishing you joy, 



Astrology Forecasts

Are You Ready to Use the Power of the Stars to be Brilliant?

Power of the Stars

Summary from the Annual Forecast 

September: Be Part of the Solution

Sun signs – Virgo & Libra

This month is a gathering of inventions, processes and constructs for remedying the broken, failing and outdated. Come together in healthy collaboration and leave the insecure doubts behind. A moderate position is rewarded to rebuild the core. Equilibrium is formidable, while edgy is fading. Integrity and purity reign. Falsehood and deception may still be loud, but who’s listening? Give your attention to that which you want for your future. Getting back to basics and dipping into your stock of ‘doing the right thing’ solidifies the foundation for you and the world.

Big Power of the Star Events in September

3rd – Venus direct: Unleash the New You

4th – Jupiter retrograde: The Great Gathering

15th – Mercury direct: Time for Clarity

23rd – Equinox: Gateway to the New

Unleash the New You

For 6 long weeks, Venus has asked you to go deep within and find the treasure of you. She’s wanted to know how you like to be appreciated, admired and adored. She also wants you to value yourself and your choices. She’s asked you to make choices that support you 100%. After this deep Venus in Leo dance, it’s time to come out and show the world who you are and what you have to offer.

The Great Gathering

From September 4th through December 30th it’s the Great Gathering to deepen your connections and foster women-led communities. Collaboration is the key to come up with new ideas and potential solutions for complex problems. You get to choose to be part of the solution or stay as part of the outdated ways of doing business. As always, it’s up to you.

If you’re unsure what to do, here are a few steps:

  1. Set your intentions for the remainder of 2023
  2. Make a list of your current connections who can support your intentions
  3. Gather the names of those you’d like to meet to create opportunities
  4. Schedule time to reach out to everyone on your list
  5. Do regular outreach every week
  6. Follow up and follow through
  7. See where you are at the end of the month

Time for Clarity with the Power of the Stars

September 15th –  Mercury stations direct

Yay, another Mercury retrograde period has come and gone. Now things can flow more easily. Mercury is still in Virgo, however, so your nagging task list hasn’t gone anywhere. Gather your momentum by clearing your desk and head space of all of those pesky administrative tasks. Check them off your list, roll up your sleeves and do one thing every day that brings you closer to the future you desire.   

Gateway to the New with the Power of the Stars

September 23rd Seasonal Equinox

Sun enters Libra @ 2:50 am ET

Finally, there’s a place for moderation, balance and equilibrium as those who spend all of their time on the edges go out of favor. Diplomacy, grace, courtesy remind you of your neutrality. You’re not actually as spun up as the media and online space believe. You have your own opinions, beliefs and voice and aren’t afraid of making it known. Now is the time to take a breath to become stronger and more formidable. This is the time to shine your brilliance.

Special LIVE Event

The power of the stars line up between The Great Gathering and The Ring of Love star events to give you the opportunity to emerge through the rebalancing portal on the Equinox. 


Becoming rich and powerful depends upon your ability to clear the pathway to your success. 


In this LIVE event, you will:


  • Discover your star map signature for success
  • Get the star highlights for your signature
  • Neutralize your mind to stop its limiting chatter
  • Rebalance your energies
  • Learn how yo clear your pathway for success
  • Do ritual to boost your power and prosperity

I’m going LIVE on September 21st @ 1:00 pm ET and streaming across channels, so choose your favorite. Click on any of the following links:








Register today to get notifications and to be able to watch the #replay!


Moon Phases


September 14th @ 9:40 pm ET

New Moon: Sun & Moon in Virgo at 21° 

It’s a 3 energy for creation. It’s the time for the feminine energy of the Goddess to support her earthly creatures. The feminine is creation itself. The lunar power is purifying the energy to allow you to get back to the basics of the divine feminine.  Will you fill your core so you can go to the edge? Or will you lay back and savor the support to get comfortable? Comfort is the guidepost of mediocrity. Look at your wishes and dreams, which life do you want? Every choice you make sets your intentions. 


September 29th @ 5:58 am ET

Full Moon: Sun in Libra & Moon in Aries @ 6° 

This lunar station brings either excitement or instability. This Full Moon has the potential to act as a great awakening to provide you with a new style with lots of flair and an authentic way of leading with workable methods for success. Or this Full Moon can be confusing and cloudy, wreaking havoc with relationships. Power trips, grabs and deceptive behaviors push you down and cause you to lose your footing. As always, it’s up to you. 


Thank you for reading about the power of the stars and sharing with friends. 


Wishing you joy, 



Strategy Leadership

How Astrology in Business Can Help You Become Rich and Powerful

A Case for Astrology

Throughout history, astrology has been a useful tool for scientific methods, political strategy, business growth and the pursuit of fame. The earliest Popes used astrology either through other’s interpretations or their own.[1] Scientists such as Hippocrates[2], the Father of Medicine, believed astrology was invaluable to medicine, even teaching astrology to his medical students. He’s quoted as saying, “A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

Galileo Galilei was both an astronomer and astrologer, drafting horoscopes[3] for nobility and students and Johannes Kepler, the calculator of planetary motion, was also the official astrologer for the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II[4]. Carl Jung incorporated astrology with his psychological counselling work, calling it ‘synchronicity’ and is quoted as saying, “Your psyche is the breathing of the cosmos.”[5]

A famous astrologer, John Dee[6], counseled Queen Elizabeth I, Theodore Roosevelt hung his horoscope in the Oval Office, Franklin Delano Roosevelt quoted horoscopes and President Reagan used astrology when making decisions[7].

J.P. Morgan is the most recognized businessmen to use astrology, being quoted as saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrologers, billionaires do.” [8] Gloria Vanderbilt, heiress to a huge fortune and successful business woman in her own right, was a keen follower of astrology.[9] According to Fast Company, “astrology has officially infiltrated work culture.”[10]

The former U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Donald Reagan, once said “It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.”[11]

Angelina Joile uses astrology daily and to make important decisions about movie roles and premiere dates. Cameron Diaz, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna, Princess Diana have been avid fans of following astrology for their life and career choices. Beyonce even has a song titled, “Signs”.[12]

According to a 2018 Pew Research poll, about 29% of American adults now believe in astrology. Likewise, the poll found that women are more likely to believe in astrology (37%) than men are (20%).[13]

Astrology to Help you Grow Your Business

Astrology is important for business because it creates certainty and calm amidst chaos. It helps business leaders with decision making, setting strategy, creating plans and scheduling. It helps inform teams of direction and next steps, as well as gives insight into team strengths, communication abilities and effective skill building methods. 

Astrology supports timing and course of action for marketing events, sales promotions and outreach, product launches, travel, staffing, communication and investing or divesting. Astrology increases self-awareness and empathic relations for business owners and their staffs. It’s useful for branding, positioning and informs business modeling for success. 

Across the organization, astrology is a useful tool, creating results on the top and bottom lines. 


Kim Woods, Business Strategist and Master Astrologer, 

uses astrology in her own business as well as all of her clients. She has consulted with over 425 business leaders in either 1:1 customized solutions, small group programs or larger group teachings.

For her own business, everything is based on astrology, from decisions regarding high-level multi-year strategy to timing during the day for reaching out to a prospect or associate. She uses the Sun and its power to leverage each monthly zodiac sign for coordinating launch cycles for seasonal programs and relies on the Moon for timing of the business growth and optimization phases. Kim’s organizational planning is dependent on her personal astrology as well as the worldly annual forecast. Each of her leadership team also consults their astrology when front-facing with the marketplace. Big star events are scheduled and communicated to her company’s audience to take advantage of the star energies for expansion or deepening, depending on their particular influences.

Astrology is effective as Kim’s company has grown an average of 378% over a three-year period, even during the pandemic.

For her clients, Kim begins every engagement with a Success Accelerator into the business owner’s birth chart by walking into their stars the minute they’re born and opening them to their full potential. She assesses where they are on the map of living their soul mission, as well as their bravery, mastery and soul destiny signatures. She compiles themes based on their evolutionary DNA, success factors and satisfying love, money and relationship expressions.

The client’s personal star roadmap constructs the foundation of their work together, continuing to relate to their business models, success blueprints, marketing and sales energies. The work doesn’t end with business, but involves partner relationships and family dynamics in order to achieve the client’s goals for creating ease and satisfaction as well as growth and abundance.  Additionally, she reviews team, client, prospect, vendor and collaboration opportunities for her clients as well as advises on buying and selling personal or business properties.

For corporations, Kim uses the astrological ‘birth’ chart of the business itself to further inform about the most successful direction for the business.

Kim also relays timing based on transit analysis to give her clients notice of positive growth-oriented periods for outreach, negotiations, promotions and sales versus the right timing for streamlining, optimizing and divesting.

Aligning business opportunities with the stars is something unbelievably valuable, it’s almost priceless. Kim has seen her clients grow an average of 51% across the board during the pandemic, even with brick and mortar businesses. She’s experienced her clients double their revenues, or gain 30% revenues while lowering effort by 40%. She’s seen triple digit jumps month-over-month when her clients align themselves with their astrological signature, as well as the astrology going on in the world.

Listen to Kim’s Podcast to learn how using astrology in your business boosts your results. 


[1] “Leaders Who Followed the Stars”, Orlando Sentinel, by Sam Hodges, May 17, 1988.

[2] Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum, July 7, 2014.

[3] Galileo’s Horoscopes, Swerdlow, N.M., Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol 35, Part 2, No. 119, p. 135 -141, 2004.

[4] “400-Year-Old Horoscope Shows Kepler’s Sideline”, New York Times by Associated Press, March 9, 1999.

[5] “Carl Jung and Astrology in Psychoanalysis”, Exploring Your Mind, February 8, 2018.

[6] “Painting of John Dee, Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I”, by Marissa Fessenden, Smithsonian Magazine, January 18, 2016.

[7] “White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point”, New York Times, by Steven V. Roberts, May 4, 1988.

[8] “Can Planets Affect Your Portfolio?” Forbes, by Kenneth Rapozza, February 20, 2012.

[9] “The Surprising Ways Successful Business People and Presidents Used Astrology”, Numerologist, August 29, 2019.

[10] “From Tarot Readings to Gemini Memes…”, Fast Company by Pavithra Mohan, September 9, 2019.

[11] “Famous People and Their Astrologers who Guide Them”, St. James Chicago, December 15, 2017.

[12] 10 Celebs Who Believe in Astrology”, The Things by Anja Grcar, January 8, 2021.

[13] “‘New Age’ beliefs common among both religious and nonreligious Americans”, Pew Research Center, by Claire Gecewicz, October 1, 2018.

Astrology Forecasts

🌟 Harnessing the Energy of Mercury Retrograde: 8 Powerful Business Tips 🌟

Hello Star Lovelies


Welcome to a new dimension of business strategy using powerful business tips


“Oh no, my computer has crashed.” 


“He hasn’t received any of my texts or emails.” 


“We need to reschedule this meeting and it’s been rescheduled more than once already.”


“My train/plane/bus is delayed – again!” 


Yes, this is the quintessential Mercury in retrograde period. When I tell people it’s happening, I hear gasps and groans. 


BUT, we can actually use Mercury retrograde to our advantage in business. Because, yes, all of the stars, even Mercury, are conspiring for our success.   


The planets actually have so much to say to us if we only listen and Mercury is the most loquacious. He darts and dives around the Sun 3 times a year and each time, when it looks like he’s running backward, it’s known as the dreaded Mercury Retrograde. 


Poor Mercury! He’s only trying to help and he wants us to know how we can use these periods to boost our businesses with powerful business tip ahead…


8 Powerful Business Tips


Here are 8 powerful business tips to not just survive, but thrive during Mercury retrograde:


1.    Revamping Strategy: Everything is up for (re) in this period – think review, refine, reassess, release. It’s a time to revisit or revamp, so let’s embrace this period as an opportunity to review business strategies and fine-tune goals to emerge stronger as Mercury shifts gears.

2.   Reigniting Customer Loyalty: Reengage with clients and reach out to former clients or partners who’ve fallen off the radar. Mercury retrograde encourages us to reimagine connections and rediscover opportunities.

3.   Making Small Decisions: This isn’t the time for major decisions as we’ll regret what we’ve been so firm about during the retrograde period. Mercury is a trickster as he wants us to slow down to ensure we’re building a strong foundation. He clouds judgment, so using this time for research, planning and groundwork is our best bet. 

4.    Unleashing Creativity: In retrograde, Mercury is asking us how we can be more creative. He wants us to drop into our hearts and feel our passion. This doesn’t necessarily mean we need to pick up our paint brushes or musical instruments. It means we get to brainstorm fresh ideas, innovative new offerings and imagine solutions to longstanding challenges.

5.    Energizing Vision: We get to restore our vision with a fresh new perspective, find deeper meaning to our mission and/or realign with our higher purpose. This is exciting and reigniting if we reach for our patience and allow new ideas to unfold. It’s an unfurling, not a lightning bolt epiphany. 

6.    Being Flexible: Change and change again is Mercury’s cosmic dance, reminding us that pivoting gracefully when unexpected challenges arise makes us shine. By going with the flow, we can define our intent without expectations. As we commit without trying to control the outcome, we actually increase our prosperity flow. 

7.    Clearing Communication Pathways: Knowing misunderstandings are more prevalent, we can lead the way by taking the time to foster communications within our communities, replenish connections and fine-tune collaborations. Laying out step-by-step goals, guidelines or procedures is very Mercury retrograde. 

8.    Getting Intuitive: Mercury wants us to see, know and hear without using our minds. Yup – this is his mission when he stations retrograde. Our challenge, should we choose to accept it, is to spend time in meditation, reflection and introspection. We can get to know ourselves better, more intimately, to become stronger in our convictions, deepen our passions and position our businesses properly within our niche or industry. 


All this being said, Mercury retrograde isn’t kind to anything new or big. However, sometimes we have to sign a contract, negotiate or start something new during a retrograde period. My best advice is to double and triple check on both sides. We don’t want someone to think they’re getting something we haven’t offered or vice versa. Taking extra caution, dotting i’s and crossing t’s laboriously, is the way through these retrograde periods. 


Also, if we have a launch or promotion that has to happen during a Mercury retrograde period, recognize it’s not going to be the rocket blast we may desire. It’ll be a slower, longer curve, so I always say, plan for a longer lead in and an extra-long tail. Doing an elegant outreach campaign is excellent positioning for the way of the future. 


It’s collaboration, collaboration, collaboration that clears our pathways for expanding our influence and making big impact.  


Using Mercury retrograde periods to teach us patience for clarity in goals, communication and connection, puts us in the driver’s seat for the future. 


Mercury may be a trickster, but he has our best interests at heart. 


Mark Your Calendar!


We’re in the midst of another Mercury retrograde period until mid-September, but never fear, another one is only a few months away. 😬


Mercury Retrograde Dates 


August 23 – September 15, 2023

December 13 to January 1, 2024

April 1 – 25, 2024

August 4 – 28, 2024

November 25 – December 15, 2024



For Geminis and Virgos, extend these periods a handful of days before and after each date range – no matter which year. In 2023, Capricorns and Taurians need to do this as well. In 2024, the fire signs are impacted the most, so those in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are going to join the Geminis and Virgos in the extension periods. 


Bottom Line to harness the 8 powerful business tips


As leaders, it’s our role to harness the energy around us and transform it into positive momentum. Mercury retrograde is our chance to realign, rejuvenate, and revitalize our businesses. Let’s rise above the common narrative so that we can use these cosmic tides to our advantage!


Stay tuned for more insightful updates to use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. I’m here to empower you with the knowledge and inspiration needed so that we can lead your business to new heights.


Cheers to cosmic growth,


xo, Kim

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August 2023 Planetary Message

Happy August from Kim and the planets. August 2023 Planetary Message for Feminine Leadership.


From the Moon: 


August is a Blue Moon month which means I’m full twice this month. I’m creating extreme tension pulling between your hearts and your beliefs at the beginning and end of the month. Your heart will choose between you and your spirit versus looking at others for guidance and connection. You have the chance to dream and embrace your authentic self to live your life freely in perfect alignment with your soul or take time worrying about others, what their concerns will be or reactions are to what you do or say. It’s always your choice. Choose wisely. 


From Venus: 


It’s time. Now is the time to be fully feminine. BE feminine leadership. Do you know what this means? Go into your heart. Your heart knows. Connect with its guidance. Breathe in its peace. Follow its wisdom. What are you waiting for? What else do I need to do to invite into your fullest self? 

When I’m in fire, I want to burn brightly, creatively and boldly. Right now, I’m calling you to go inside of yourself. I’m shining the mirror so you see your heart and soul, not your face or body, but your soul. Can you see it? I can, from here, and you shine as brightly as the Sun. Know yourself and know your worth. It’s time. 


From Mercury: 


I love to play games and I get to again in a few weeks when I move backward in Virgo. I get to pull at you in physical ways when you question everything about your work and day-to-day happenings. I’m going to be adding to Venus and I love to play with her. She doesn’t mind (well, she does, but I don’t care) when I add to her energy and muddle with your thoughts. It’s great because your feelings get involved too. I wonder why you don’t understand my intentions. I’m so misunderstood, so now I get company when you join my club. I thrive on the company. 


Let’s play together.  My riddles are worth solving. My new riddle – what do you get when you mix mind games with heart walls and lack of will? Right – look around you. This is what you get. How do you like it? Will you let us help you? We’re trying. Look up. Look inside. There are no riddles when you look inside and create your life around what you see there. You can be so brilliant – all of you. Right now, though, I get to play with Virgo and Venus. 


August Happenings: 




The Full Moons are on the 1st and 30th. The New Moon is on the 16th

Venus retrograde July 22nd – September 3rd. Mercury retrograde at August 23rd – September 15th

Uranus stations retrograde on August 28th


There are beautiful days when the planets conspire to support you. Those are on the 1st, 16th and 25th, coinciding with two of the lunar phases. There’s richness and opportunity for you. You can


– take advantage of opportunities. 

– have influence, charm and openings for success. 

– have the energy to fuel your direction, guide your decisions and allow your passions to be fulfilled. 

– also have the ability to clear pathways. 


There are days that are going to feel more difficult, August 9th, 22nd, 28th. These are the times when you’re getting pushed and pressed to take it easy, not push forward. Take time to fully appreciate yourself, your relationships and your unique ways of showing up in your life. 


Star Power: 


This month is a wonderful time for feminine leadership; to lead from your inner knowing, to lead from your heart, to lead from that instinctual remembrance of who you are. The key is going to be to not succumb to the delusion, the misperception, the miscommunication and the misinterpretation that the mind likes to explore. 


The mind really wants to take a back seat and wants to be relieved if it’s forward position, because it knows it’s not doing that well. Once you give it permission to do that, then the heart can come forth, so you can hear its whispers. Then, your soul through your intuition, can become your guide.


This month is filled with opportunity. The opportunity is for you to be able to live in your body, in your heart, in your intuitive knowing, guided by your soul versus being in your mind with the games that your mind continues to play. 


xo, Kim (and planets)

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August 2023: 12 Ways to Exploit the Impending Colossal Dose of Tough Love

When Venus enters her retrograde station, it’s the start of a 40-day dose of tough love. She hits you hard in the areas you desire most – success, love and money. She turns your focus inward and shines a great big light into YOU, so you see into every nook and cranny.

With all of your focus on YOU, she wreaks havoc with your ability to attain your desires. Success, love, money seem to leave you.


Why does Venus insist on doing this?

She expects you to know exactly what your value is without reflection from the outside world.

Let me say this again, “She expects you to know your value no matter how others respond or DON’T respond.”

What does this look like?

  • You wrote a great post and no one reads it.
  • You give a wonderful speech to tepid clapping.
  • You set up 10 sales calls and 4 are no shows and the other 6 don’t buy.
  • You go out with a new guy and feel you really connected and he doesn’t call.
  • You tell a joke and no one gets it.
  • You send 30 invitations to a fun soiree you’re hosting and most everyone has other plans.

Venus makes you look at yourself. And look at yourself.

And look at yourself without 

– relief. 

– feedback. 

– validation.

Venus wants you to believe deeply and unwaveringly that you’re successful, lovable and valuable.

You are

– successful – even though your efforts are not getting you the expected results. 

– lovable – even though friends and family seem to have forgotten how great you are.

– valuable – even though no one is buying from you. 

Talk about trusting yourself. Bam. 💥

This is a big deal.

Without any input from others, Venus wants you to know the answers to the following:

  • Who is the authentic YOU?
  • What makes you unique?
  • How do you show up as your true self in every situation?
  • Why do you wish to fulfill your soul purpose?
  • What’s your definition of success?
  • How does your definition of success satisfy your real desires?
  • In what ways do you love to be loved?
  • Where does love actually rank in your priorities?
  • How often do you express self-love?
  • What are your favorite ways of showing love to others?
  • Why do you desire certain things and not others?
  • Where is the joy and pleasure in your life?
  • Who makes you happy?
  • Why is money important to you?
  • Is there reciprocity in your life?
  • Are you generous with others?
  • Who supports your financial wellbeing?
  • How do you value yourself?
  • In what ways to you attract money?
  • Do you receive fully and easily?
  • How can you stand unwavering in your commitment, regardless of what’s happening around you?

Work with Venus in her retrograde station. Once you do, you’ll come out the other side of the retrograde able to ensure your success, love and money. Remember, she’s overing you a dose of tough love.

Venus (Rx) – 5-pointed Star

Venus has the most elegant star cycle that creates a flower.

Occurring in just five parts of the Zodiac, Venus retrogrades traces out a five pointed star – the pentagram or pentacle (the five pointed star inside a circle). This symbol is a potent Venus image.

Within your lifetime, you’ll only see Venus retrograde in 5 of the 12 zodiac signs as she stations retrograde every 18 months for 40 days and will return to same zodiac sign every 8 years. 

Venus Retrograde (Rx)

Details: Venus retrograde – July 22nd – September 3rd @ Leo 28 – 12°

Venus retrograde pulls all of the outward connections and turns them inward. It’s like having a multi-faceted mirror reflecting only your image for weeks on end.

People constantly want to make sure they’re in lock-step with everyone else. If you’re the same, then it must be right. More sameness is better. You may say may like diversity, yet strive for homogeneity. Let’s take a look:

  • Since everyone’s applying to a ton of colleges, we should too.
  • Most kids do a lot of activities, so we need to make sure ours are also fully scheduled.
  • If they just took a trip to Europe, we plan that (or something better) for our next vacation.
  • Overall, the time to settle down is X, to get married is Y and to have children is Z.
  • Home ownership is for everyone – oh and the bigger, the better.

This pursuit of sameness is insane.

People are also constantly comparing themselves to others to make sure they measure up. Because if they have or do something you don’t, then there must be something wrong with you.

  • “Why do they have it so easy?”
  • “She’s always out with friends. She has so much more fun than me.”
  • “Why do sales come so easily to him?”
  • “Look at their pictures. Their teenagers seem to want to be with them. Why don’t ours?”
  • “They’re always travelling. They have the best life.”
  • “We’re in the same business, why do her products sell better than mine?”

On and on and on…if you deem yourself ahead, you bask in your achievements. If you decide you’re behind, you fret, rationalize and judge your position. In relation to what, by the way?

People make life a relentless and depressing competition. With thoughts and conversations returning again and again to your perceptions of other’s lives.

You compare.

You compete.

Only to find yourself wanting.

That’s the key. When you constantly use others as a measuring stick, you come up less than. It’s inevitable when you think about it.

Venus Rx Dose of Tough Love: Dates & Signs

Venus takes her ‘backward spin’ once again after moving forward since the beginning of 2022. Over the last few years, Venus has been retrograde 3 times and she’s asked you:

July 2023 – Leo/fire: To be authentically you – without inference from family, society or cultural conditioning; previous dates July/August 2015 & 2007

December 2021 – Capricorn/earth: To know your value as a leader; December 2013 & 2005 

May 2020 – Gemini/air: To have satisfying conversations with loved ones; May 2012 & 2004

October 2018 – Scorpio/water: To love your yourself deeply and wholly; October 2010 & 2002

April 2017 – Aries/fire: To love how you show up in the world; March 2009 & 2001

Do’s & Don’ts with Venus Retrograde

In 2023, from July 22 – September 3rd, while Venus is retrograde, take the time to review the areas of success, love and money. Venus rules beauty and design too.

Things you do and buy during Venus retrograde may be ones you regret. “What was I thinking?” or “How could I have said that?” or “Why did I think he/she was my perfect mate?” are the questions once Venus stations direct. 

Do’s with Venus Rx
  • Take extra care with anything new regarding success, love, money (and beauty)
  • Make plans to beautify yourself, your home or office (plans only)
  • Review your relationships
  • Assess your finances, including investments, budgets and projections
  • Declutter and give away that you no longer love or use
  • Practice self-care
  • Notice who shows up from your past
  • Dive deeply into your feelings
  • Get healing
  • Journal on reflective questions about what brings you pleasure
  • Internalize your creative pursuits to evoke more depth and feeling
  • Begin the writing project you’ve been putting off for so long
Don’ts with Venus Rx
  • Get married
  • Start a new long-term relationship
  • Get a tattoo or cosmetic surgery
  • Buy expensive items – clothes, jewelry, etc
  • Launch a new book, offer or product
  • Make big investments
  • Buy large ticket items (cars, appliances, homes)
  • Begin big home improvement projects
  • Redesign large areas of office or home
  • Spend frivolously
  • Come out with a new image or style
  • Begin a PR campaign
Support Tools:
  1. Regarding success, here’s a list of tips for your business during Venus retrograde period:
  • It’s the perfect time for client appreciation and customer loyalty programs. 
  • It’s a great time to act like the leader you are and respond to your customers and following by giving them stability, security and solid footing. 
  • It’s a wonderful time for human connection – 1:1 calls, extra TLC and nurturing of your prospects. 
  • It’s amazing for team building or retreats.
  • It’s perfect for photo or brand shoots (if you know the photographer already). 
  • It’s excellent for those in the health, beauty, fitness industries. 
  • For everyone else, it’s creativity time, so write the book, organize your social content or do outreach and record your sessions for the Podcast

Also, for the business-minded among you, it’s great for planning, strategy, diving deeply into optimizing and/or solidifying your core business. 

  1. Regarding love, rose quartz, rhodochrosite and rhodonite are the best self-love crystals. Each asks you something different. Rose quartz loves you unconditionally, so only asks you to connect with her. Rhodochrosite wants you to remember times when you’ve felt loved and cherished and to wrap yourself in that energy. Rhodonite wants you to heal those aspects of yourself you don’t particularly appreciate or value.
  2. Regarding money, if you haven’t joined our 12-month Star Boost support program, you’ll want to as there many bonuses (yes, a few money ones too!) Our on-demand webinar Become Recession Proof is also included with its 39-page e-book.

I also channeled a message from the Divine Feminine and Masculine.  You can check it out here.

As always, wishing you joy,

Strategy Leadership

Do You Want to Know How to Unlock the Massive Power of the Stars for Success?

“The stars always lead the way,” I said to a group the other week, “The stars tell you what’s going to happen in the world, then the economics follow and finally the business trends. If you want to stay on top of things, follow the stars. Keeping up with the other indicators leaves you behind.” 

The look on the faces around the room as they range from aghast to intrigued and everything in between. I don’t mean to shock and awe, but it happens. Time and time again, especially when my predictions are accurate. 

In fact, I read my all-time favorite quote yesterday from a follower I don’t know, “You should follow this woman and her weekly forecasts. She’s annoyingly accurate.” 😆


Annoyingly accurate. 

Most. Favorite. Quote. Ever.

Unlocking the massive power of the stars does so much more than keep you ahead of the trends. The stars give you the clarity and energy to do more than survive and thrive in your business, they show you how to grow and lead the way. You get to be on that cutting edge where leaders follow you. You become the voice of wisdom. The leader among leaders.  

Let’s explore the 5 top ways the stars + strategy creates success:
  1. Guidance for Confident Decision-Making

Astrology provides you with a cosmic roadmap, guiding you through the twists and turns of the business world. By incorporating astrology into your strategy, you gain access to valuable insights that empower you to make decisions with unwavering confidence. You know when to launch, hire, sell, negotiate, optimize and take vacation with friends and family. 

My clients wire their schedules based on their annual outlook that I outline for them at the top of year and then we check in either every month or every quarter to ensure their calendars are in lock-step with the stars. They gain the advantage of never having to worry about running into unpredictable roadblocks. 

Every time they Voxer me with a decision-making question, I peek at their stars for the guidance that lays out their best scenario. They get the insights tailored just for them. 

Planning your timing with the stars gives you peace of mind, conserves your energy and helps restore your resources. Trust the celestial guidance and let the stars illuminate your path to success. If you want a glimpse of what’s happening in the stars, watch my 30-second weekly forecasts here

  1. Amplify Your Intuition by Tapping into Cosmic Wisdom

Every single person is intuitive. Period. End. You are intuitive, it’s merely a matter of how much you strengthen your intuitive muscle. As with anything, intuition development is a practice. 

When you hear about your strengths, super powers, areas for improvement and what may be blocking your success, you’re able to align with your energies beyond what your mind thinks. 

Your mind is a processor, only able to handle what it already knows. When you’re in a period of growth, your mind short circuits and creates reasons why you shouldn’t do this, follow that or say YES to new opportunities. Your mind is in the negative space to keep you safe. You can appreciate your mind, but your intuition is the wise one in times of growth. 

Your intuition knows, but it is exceedingly patient. Your intuition will wait until your mind is finished with its tape. Then your intuition looks for openings to be heard. It whispers, nudges and gives you inklings. If you’re not attuned to your intuition, you don’t hear it. Your intuition then quiets until it becomes completely silent. 

Following the stars gives you opportunities to validate your intuition. I can’t count the number of times my clients have said, “I knew that” when I tell them what’s coming up for them. Each time, they gain a little more confidence in listening to their intuition. 

I also tell them to use my intuition as they develop their own. 😉 I have many articles and TV appearances about using your intuition on my media page

  1. Embrace Authenticity and Lead with Purpose

Your journey as a female entrepreneur is about more than just financial success. It’s about embracing authenticity and leading with purpose. 

Astrology allows you to align your business strategy with your cosmic blueprint, helping you discover your true calling and fulfill your soul’s purpose. Aligning with your true life purpose and shedding the expectations of others is exactly what happens when I walk through your stars the minute you’re born to download your everything. Simply, every single thing. You are seen, heard and known at the soul level, perhaps for the first time in your life, and that becomes the blueprint of opening you to your full potential. It’s magical with each and every client. I pinch myself being able to do this work. It’s more than a passion, it’s a calling.

Short of coming into the reading room with me, I’ve developed a 12-question quiz based on the astrological archetypes to give you guidance on what and how your energies work to align you with your purpose. When you unlock your authentic leadership potential, you automatically inspire others to follow their own cosmic path. 

To find your Intuitive Success Type, take the quiz here. You’ll receive an 11-page report based on your type, be offered free access to my 8-minute webinar for 3 Secrets to Your Success and be given bonus tips and tools. You’ll also be given the link to follow me on YouTube and be offered a free 15-minute strategy call with me. That’s it. No hype. Just value. 

  1. Navigate Market Trends and Seize Cosmic Opportunities

In the fast-paced business world, staying ahead of the curve is vital. Astrology provides you with a unique lens to understand market cycles, consumer behaviors and emerging trends. By integrating astrological insights into your strategy, you gain a competitive edge, seizing cosmic opportunities and making strategic moves at precisely the right time.

This is critical, AND it’s the very reason I offer a 12-month Rich and Powerful Leaders stepping stone program for only $297 per month. I feel it’s vital to have an astrologer in your back pocket and this is my way of making it easy and accessible to everyone. No matter how busy your schedule, you have 2-hours every month to find out what’s happening in the cosmos,  to gain valuable insights into your own energies and to learn savvy business tools. Having this information at your fingertips is pure gold. 

I can’t tell you how many accolades I receive on the regular for this service. If you want to take a gander, here’s the link to the program page. You’ll get a sneak peek at the upcoming topics. You can also read the gushing for yourself. 😘 Join us, because when your mind knows what’s happening, it can relax and chill, allowing you to grow gracefully and easily.

  1. Cultivate Self-Awareness and Foster Personal Growth

Running a business is not just about external success; it’s also a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Astrology acts as a mirror, reflecting your innermost essence and illuminating areas for growth. 

Learning more about yourself is one of the most fun things to do, yet it requires strength and fortitude. You uncover aspects that are positive and heartfelt and others that are less favorable. However, moving into wholeness is required, especially for leaders at this time. The new way of leading dives deeply into the feminine ancient wisdom as well as incorporating the masculine logical skills. 

Authentic leadership is just that – authentically revealing you to yourself and others. With this level of authenticity, vulnerabilities emerge. 

In reaching for your full potential, it’s better to have support and guidance than trying to do it on your own. The stars want you to know, they’re here for you. As am I. 

It’s time to embrace this opportunity for self-awareness to uncover your strengths and nurture your potential. Allowing the stars to propel your personal growth elevates your entrepreneurial journey and makes it more fun!

By blending the stars with your business strategy, you embark on a transformational path that transcends the ordinary. It’s about welcoming the mystical energy of the cosmos, developing your intuition and leading with authenticity and purpose. The stars are aligning for you, visionary business leader. Let’s embrace the cosmic dance together and watch your business soar to unimaginable heights. Your destiny awaits!

xo, Kim

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July 2023: How Can You Navigate the BIG Love and Power Shifts in July?

Celestial Happenings from Kim’s Desk

We’re taking a different approach to the monthly forecast to bring you the most impactful and supportive information. This month we’ve interviewed Kim to talk about the big power shifts in July.

Q: What can we expect in July? Is it more of June or something different?

A: As we enter July, we have that beautiful continuation of the June energy filled with lots of connections, ideas and fortuitous unexpected news. We’ve got the ability to continue our growth and expansion. Then we get to a point where we reach the middle of July and the energy power shifts.

There’s a split in the month – the 1st half and the 2nd half. It’s evident and felt out in the world. During the 1st half of the month, if things have been going smoothly for you, they continue for the 1st 2 weeks. If not, you come to a tightening and it feels like you’re threading the needle. If you typically live on the edge, go into the core with this narrowing. You narrow your focus to optimize and streamline. If you typically hold yourself back, extend yourself to reach for the edges. Take a leap of faith. The stars have been urging you for the last few months. Will you listen? Now is the time for you to take action, because during the 2nd ½ of the month, the action will be done for and to you.

Q: This doesn’t sound pleasant, tell us more about the 2nd ½ of the month.  

A: There are 2 reasons for the mid-month energy power shift:

  1. July 18th – The nodal points move into new signs as they do every 18 months. This time they move from Taurus and Scorpio into Aries and Libra. The last time they did this was on December 26, 2004.
  2. July 22nd – Venus stations retrograde through September 3rd.
Q: Is the energy power shift a big deal this year?

A: It is a big deal due to the squaring of the nodes with Pluto. These are cardinal signs, signaling the beginning of something new and they are at the cusp of the end of each sign. So, it’s a beginning and an ending. The key question for everyone is; “How can relationships, particularly in families, shift their current power structures to be open to something new?”

Additionally, Mars is opposing Saturn adding confinement and road blocks. This will be a very frustrating time. The days of July 18 – 23rd are going to feel heavy, confrontational and may be overwhelming.

Here’s what I wrote back in October 2022 for the annual forecast:

July 18th @ 3:59 pm ET Nodal change – Fighting for Equality

On the World Stage

The soul destiny takes a turn and moves from Taurus and enters Aries. The repeating nodes occur every 18 years and not to scare you, but the last time the Aries North node and Libra South node changed was the week of the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Current and Prior Aries| Libra nodal dates:

  • July 17, 2023 – January 11, 2025
  • December 27, 2004 – June 22, 2006
  • April 7, 1986 – December 2, 1987

In Evolutionary Astrology, the True node indicates the collective soul destiny and changes every 18 months by going backward through the zodiac. The dragon’s head symbolizes the North node and shows how the collective can heal, thereby relieving its soul karma as indicated by the dragon’s tail or South node.

Moving toward the North node, Aries beginning in mid-July, changes what’s happening in the collective between the prior nodal pairing of Taurus and Scorpio. Throughout 2022, women’s rights (Dobbs), money fluctuations (recession) and climate crises (weather & more than 1.5°C) are the focal points. Beginning in mid-July, the focal points switch to righting the wrongs of inequality, injustice and imbalance in all relationships, including organizations, countries and the world. Libra represents the courts and diplomacy and when in the South node, it’s the negative aspects of each. So, think imbalance in the courts and ineffective diplomacy.


The tensions between the polar opposites strains the wounding to bring it to the surface for healing. The answers are always in the North node.

This nodal change makes it Mars time once again as the collective soul destiny takes on his energy while leaving the effects of the collective soul karma behind. Throughout 2022 and until July 2023, the world has been dealing with Mars and Pluto as the aggressors for peeking at the uncomfortable and unfamiliar hidden things. Now, it’s time for these things to be seen and felt with courage and bravery. That’s the key – is the world brave enough to face the effects of the hidden agendas, power plays and bad acts? If so, walking toward awakening and honest leadership is available now. If not, there’s dithering, compromise and unhealthy relationships.

It’s time for 

– bravery, leadership and inner authority. 

– quiet power and diplomatic solutions. 

– charm, grace and elegance while seeking the value in healthy partnership in business, romance and on the political stage. 

However, the energies burst forth bringing impatience, aggression and violence. The forces seek out the hidden and smother them with platitudes and false promises.

* Note: There are two schools of thought, one speaks to the True Node and the other to the Mean Node. As these are usually separated by a few days, in this case July 12th for the Mean nodal change, using the True Node is more prevalent, so I’m using it here for simplicity. 

Q: Now that we’re closer to the date, do you have any further information for us personally?

A: Yes, there’s actually more opposition, more adjustments and more contemplation. There’s a requirement to quiet down, to go deep, to be commanding, and then when we have sudden changes, it may not be as beneficial. It’s like threading the needle. It’s a tightening. It feels like we’re being held back.

My greatest advice to you is to follow your instinct, to gather yourself and to firm up your position. It could still mean spending and investing, but with people you know who are going to be able to deal with disruption, shifts and changes. They can help you stay the course. and help guide you through the next few months.

Q: How long does the power shift last?

A: Throughout the rest of August. Now August is the month of tough love. I will get into that much more deeply when we get to August. But for now, suffice it to say that there’s going to be a review for you of your image and your position in the world in every area – style, leadership, finances, connections, relationships, and your home or office. There’s going to be a desire to change. And the desire is a DESIRE. It’s better to wait, plan and take your time to make sure the changes are going to be lasting and not just whimsical and indulgent. You’re not got to be pleased if you make lots of shifts in physical ways during the month of August.

Q: What are the do’s and don’ts for Venus retrograde?

A: In 2023, from July 22- September 3rd, while Venus is retrograde, take the time to review the areas of success, love and money. Venus rules beauty and design too.

Things you do and buy during Venus retrograde may be ones you regret. “What was I thinking?” or “How could I have said that?” or “Why did I think he/she was my perfect mate?” are the questions once Venus stations direct. 

Do’s with Venus Rx
  • Take extra care with anything new regarding success, love, money (and beauty)
  • Make plans to beautify yourself, your home or office (plans only)
  • Review your relationships
  • Assess your finances, including investments, budgets and projections
  • Declutter and give away that you no longer love or use
  • Practice self-care
  • Notice who shows up from your past
  • Dive deeply into your feelings
  • Get healing
  • Journal on reflective questions about what brings you pleasure
  • Internalize your creative pursuits to evoke more depth and feeling
  • Begin the writing project you’ve been putting off for so long
Don’ts with Venus Rx
  • Get married
  • Start a new long-term relationship
  • Get a tattoo or cosmetic surgery
  • Buy expensive items – clothes, jewelry, etc.
  • Launch a new book, offer or product
  • Make big investments
  • Buy large ticket items (cars, appliances, homes)
  • Begin big home improvement projects
  • Redesign large areas of office or home
  • Spend frivolously
  • Come out with a new image or style
  • Begin a PR campaign

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

Unlocking My Hidden Formula to Make Your Biggest Dreams a Reality, Against All Odds!

Maura was living in a constant state of low-level anxiety that was taking a toll on her life. As a high-performing realtor who took the risk to follow her dreams, Maura was overworked and overwhelmed.  This left her feeling stressed, anxious, and exhausted. 

However, Maura’s entire life has profoundly changed in just one year of working with me at Kim Woods.com. First, she has closed her lucrative real estate business in MA.  Then moved out of state to a town where she said there are more cattle than people. Lastly, she just launched her new business as a healer of homes. 

Maura shared, “Kim’s astrological guidance, combined with her impressive business background, is like rocket fuel. This powerful combination propelled me to take the risk I thought was impossible and live the life I so desired. She made it a reality for me. I no longer live in constant anxiety; I’m now so happy, grounded and balanced.

With Maura’s constant state of stress, I knew that we needed to start by helping her reduce her stress levels. 

Here are a few of my rocket fuel techniques that I used with Maura to help reduce her stress and propel her into the life she is now living and no longer just dreaming about:

  1. Giving a glimpse of what the future can look like: Understanding astrology and how the stars were aligned for Maura the moment she was born, I could see all the possibilities available to her. This helped her shift her focus from just going through the motions of life to focusing on the outcome she desired. By doing this, I gave Maura the hope and motivation she needed to make the necessary changes in her life.
  2.  Be accessible but not available: This meant that she could be reachable through various ways such as text, Voxer, and email, but with parameters. Only responding during certain times of the day. This helped Maura set the right definition and structure in her work and personal life. 
  3. Pattern interrupt: There’s a quick technique that interrupts the stress spiral of feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Interrupting pattern techniques range from taking a walk, phoning a friend, meditating, or finding a code word. By interrupting the vicious cycle, Maura was able to regain control of her thoughts and emotions.

It’s remarkable to see how my clients have been able to transform their lives.  Just by shifting their focus to what they want to achieve rather than just going through the motions of life. 

Clients like Maura, who are willing to step into their power and see how powerful they are by mastering their mindset, are forever changed. The changes Maura has made in her life have reduced her stress levels.  The changes have enabled her to live the life she has always dreamt of, creating success on her terms. 

Turn your biggest dreams into your greatest achievements by believing in yourself, staying determined, and pushing forward. No matter how unreachable they may seem now, your persistence will make them a reality against all odds!

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