Astrology Forecasts

Choose Important Priorities to Achieve Your Grand Vision

This is the first major direct confrontation of your priorities in the New Era. In 2020, you were asked to make difficult choices and given opportunities to, fully and deeply, know what truly matters. For the last few years, these priorities may have waxed and waned yet with Jupiter and Saturn challenging each other from August 2024 to June 2025, you’re confronted with these choices again. Can you remember your wishes of late 2020? The first inklings of the post-pandemic world were stirring, giving you an opening to move toward if you were willing.

Let’s take a closer look at the stars separately, then together and in tandem with their elegant cyclic dance.

The Stars


First, Jupiter’s quest is expansion.

In a nutshell, Jupiter is your key to opportunity, fortune and reward.

Jupiter adds optimism, good cheer, hope and confidence to anything he touches. At the same time, he hides your gifts and talents by making them too easy for you. He wants you to completely integrate your highest potential and gives you support to make your dreams come true.

Imagine your greatness. Jupiter shows you it’s within your grasp. Envision and reach for the edges to encapsulate your highest possibility. Jupiter doesn’t monitor whether you’ve overextended or overindulged. He can’t calibrate reasonable parameters as according to him, everything is boundless.

This is wonderful when you’re in the flow, have the resources and the energy to achieve your dreams. However, Jupiter destabilizes when you’re out of alignment, have limited funds or are too weary to endeavor.

Words associated with Jupiter are: lucky, happy, faith, triumph, richness and goodness in life. Blessings, abundance, benign support and exaggerated, indulgent and over confident.

Next, Gemini

Gemini’s quest is discovery.

Gemini is an air element sign involved with communication, dialogue and curiosity. Gemini loves to discover, gather knowledge, and interpret lots of data quickly, so this sign is busy, busy, busy. Quick wits, lively conversation and youthful vitality are also attributed to Gemini as is being flirty, fickle and fun.

The best attribute of Gemini is the ability to handle dueling or polarizing information and allowing both aspects to be true simultaneously. Gemini’s open mind is unparalleled, so full scale, no judgment acceptance is as well.

Words associated with Gemini are: versatile, problem solver, multi-dimensional, lively, inquisitive, explore everything, messenger, inquiry, adaptable, interpret lots wander & explore, and unstable, distractible and noncommittal.

Then, Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter moves into a new sign every year, carving a path through the zodiac every 12 years. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 2012. Jupiter is a fiery energy that ignites when in the Gemini air sign. Jupiter expands everything it touches and when in Gemini, it’s all about your mind. Your mental abilities grow, shifting perspectives and opening your mind to the new. You become less attached to limiting beliefs and see possibility everywhere.

You’re curious, flexible, social and intellectually stimulated. You want to take courses, read books and talk to experts. You tend toward speaking, writing, teaching and presenting. Your world becomes more and more ‘mental.’ Under the expanding Jupiter influence, any mental health issues also grow.


First, Saturn

Saturn’s ultimate quest is integrity.

Saturn is a tough teacher bringing you to your highest achievement and greatest works.

Saturn is the task master, traffic cop and illustrious engineer of structure and logic. He adores doing the right thing and is the captain of integrity. He moves slowly, grinding you down until you’ve become a sharpened tool for your own good. Dealing successfully with him, requires patience and virtuous intention while wrangling with him fuels frustration and often tears.

Believe me, it’s better to deal with Saturn than tangle with him. If you tangle with Saturn, he’ll win and you’ll lose, while working with him helps you both win.

Words associated with Saturn are: responsibility, authority, leadership, maturity, form, structure, tolerance, effort, role model, dignity, self-respect, integrity, tradition and stoic, aloof, cold.

Next, Pisces

Pisces quest is spirituality.

Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs and concludes the path through the other 11 signs. You come back into wholeness with Pisces. Your soul breathes, your heart sings and your body rests.

Pisces is the dissolution of structure, boundaries and order. Pisces is soft, expansive and ethereal, allowing you to melt into a hazy, dreamy state. You can get lost in the vagueness, lulling yourself into a wakeful sleep. Think scrolling endlessly on social media, binging on Netflix or imbibing too much. Pisces says, “Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to do. Don’t worry about it.”

Saturn’s been on steroids since the end of 2017, so going with the flow after the last 6 years feels heavenly. Easing into the tender side of life softens the edges and the relief is intoxicating. Take respite while pursuing the intuitive, creative aspects of life.

Words associated with Pisces are: receptive, imaginative, empathetic, fluid, sensitive, psychic, gentle, soulful, artistic, and overwhelmed, deceptive, escapist.

Then, Saturn In Pisces

Saturn urges you to do the things you don’t want to do, so you finish your work before you relax, eat your vegetables and not just sugary treats. You roll up your sleeves and tackle your to-do list, instead of scrolling mindlessly on your phone for hours. Pisces is the opposite. Pisces beckons you to let it all go and be swept away with your idle musings

The influence of Pisces on Saturn either heightens creativity, blends the sweetness of life with its success and gives you ease while pursuing your dreams. Or, this combination serves to deceive you to bask in false glory, join others on an elusive journey or follow those who persuade with lies and deception.

Jupiter-Saturn Together

With Jupiter, he runs amuck until he meets up with Saturn, who’s the only one who has the ability to reign him in and keep him in alignment for any length of time. The Sun and Pluto also confront Jupiter, but with those energies, Jupiter gets pushed and then bounces back.

With Saturn, Jupiter is close enough to listen to Saturn’s sense of responsibility and to respect his maturity. Jupiter likes to dance with Saturn because he can use Saturn’s fortitude to make dreams come true.

Saturn doesn’t like anything about Jupiter as he thinks Jupiter is a toddler wanting everything impulsively. Saturn also doesn’t appreciate Jupiter’s overindulgence. He feels Jupiter is selfish and spoiled. Think of a father trying to teach his bratty little child how to behave. In the hierarchy of planetary power, Saturn wins. He beats out Jupiter 9 times out of 10.

Although, the Jupiter-Saturn combination seems fraught with disruption and disappointment, these 2 stars actually help you create your grand vision. Jupiter supports your dreams and Saturn brings them into reality. However, it’s a complicated process, requiring you to make difficult choices and setting limits you don’t appreciate.

Right now, this alignment is incredibly personal as it’s on the heels of a Full Moon. You can listen to the Full Moon podcast here.

The Elegance of Planetary Cycles

To understand how Jupiter and Saturn interact over the course of their 20-year cycle, you can compare their dance to the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. You’re most likely familiar with the New and Full Moon cycles that happen every month when the Moon moves from her New Moon phase to her full lunar position.

Every planetary cycle happens as the lunar ones with a New or conjunctive relationship, waxing to first quarter (square), then to Full (opposition) and waning to second quarter (square) and then back to new or conjunct again. Following this journey, you observe the energy building during the waxing phases and lessening during the waning ones.

Grand Conjunction Jupiter-Saturn Cycle

This Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs on December 21st in the 0° degree of Aquarius. In the first degrees, new, fresh and original have more energetic force.

In the collective, this is about revolution, humanitarianism, original rules, new structures and leadership. Lightning bolts of higher truths are available. It’s also about technology, innovation and higher ideals.

Details: Conjunction on December 21, 2020 at 1:20 pm ET @ 0° Aquarius

An astrological birth chart showing planetary positions within the 12 houses and zodiac signs. The chart includes aspect lines between planets and a table listing planetary positions and aspects, based on a specific date, time, and location in Beverly, MA, USA.

Rite of Passage (Saturn-Pluto & Saturn-Jupiter)

Here’s what I wrote in the autumn of 2019 about this configuration in 2020.

In 2020, the first cosmic power begins right at the start of the year on January 12th and ends on December 21st. This is the major sequence shifting you from who you’ve been to who you’ll become. This force tests your integrity, authority and morality. It’s about your truth at a soul level where anything out of alignment can’t hold up.

This power requires you to prioritize how you expend your resources, use your skills and convey your values. Remember, this is at the soul level, so there may be misalignments that you are unaware. This is the greatest trial. How can you prepare for something you don’t even know exists?

This is what the last decade has been about – for you to become aware of your all of your sides for healing and acceptance. It’s been an exploration of the good, the bad and the ugly.

You’ve needed to be like the phoenix – that which does not serve, burns to ashes. Your mind doesn’t get a say as this is within the depths of your soul. It’s subconscious.

If you have done deep healing, become aware of things about yourself that made you cringe and made significant changes, you’re well on your way to your future self. You’ve moved into wholeness – flawed, but genuine.

Once you embrace the totality of you, you step into your rightful position in the world. Let’s say you’re reading this and you haven’t been introspective, made any difficult choices and done any healing work at all. How is your life going? Are you happy, fulfilled and in service to a higher purpose? If so, great. Perhaps your path wasn’t fraught with angst and trial.

If, however, you’re not aligned with your soul intentions, you still have choice. You can traverse this next year by avoiding the painful exploration of your dark side. It will be tough, but it’s doable.

Here’s the kicker.

Let’s look again at that phrase from above ‘step into your rightful position in the world’.

If you choose to skip the hard stuff, your rightful position in the world won’t be one of power and influence, because the world is readying the stewards. 2020 is the final year preparing the guardians to take this world into its next era.

If you wish to be on board with the energies of the future, get to work. 2021 isn’t going to be easy either. I have no idea what that year will look like if 2020 is spent in complete denial.

At this point in 2024, it’s important to remember the strides you’ve made in the last few years to revisit from your Intuitive Success Signature perspective. Let’s look at your New Era promise from 2020.

Intuitive Success Signature New Era Tips:

Wise Strategist 2020

How will you test yourself in partnership with the Earth, yourself and others? Will you prepare by foregoing your mind to drop into your heart to follow your soul’s guidance? Your soul is clamoring to get your attention. Seeking and being curious about magic is the key.

Intuitive Visionary 2020

This is your time – finally others are catching up to you. The next 20 years are your playground to lead others into this New Era. If you want to lead others, then make yourself known by staying in this energy and unwinding it to get to the core. If you want to continue to show the way without getting involved, then channel the future as you see fit.

Collaborative Explorer 2020

Adjustments are being made all around you, so many that you may be swept up in them. Ask yourself what’s in it for you. You have the resources to uncover your worth if you focus inward, not outward. Give yourself permission to take the time and care of you that you typically do for others.

Ruling Warrior 2020

This is the biggest jolt for you as the tides are turning. What once worked magnificently for you is changing. You only like disruptions that you initiate. Figure out a way to be part of these changing times. In fact, your leadership is necessary. Get to work to get the leading edge then guide others.

Creative Superstar 2020

You create what you desire, but not if you look externally for resources and inspiration. Your best creations come from deep within you. Spend time in the quiet by getting rid of the noise around you unless you use it as motivation or as your muse.

Loving Alchemist 2020

Your voice is meant to be heard in concert with the deepest part of yourself. You have the power to set the tenor and tone of the new world (or New Era). When you align completely with your soul, you lead uniquely and in the intimate way that lights you up. Be true to you and watch the world swirl beautifully around you.

Waxing Square: 2024 – 2025

August 19th 5:46 pm ET Gemini Jupiter/Pisces Saturn 17.28
December 24th 4:59 pm ET Gemini Jupiter/Pisces Saturn 14.01
June 15th 10:36 am ET Cancer Jupiter/Aries Saturn 1.18

From August 2024 through June 2025, Jupiter and Saturn confront each other and ask you, “What have you been doing since December 21, 2020 when we brought the New Era into your daily life?”

This Jupiter-Saturn cycle began with its connection at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 opening the New Era portal for the future way of living and leading. This New Era signals the time for the divine feminine to equally position itself with the divine masculine. This is new and unfamiliar and you’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out along with everyone else. Leadership, sales and money work differently now and it’s hard to determine how to connect the dots to make it work for you.

Last year in June of 2023, Jupiter stimulated Saturn’s strengths to create sustainable growth. Did you plant seeds and help them germinate? Did you take advantage of this opportunity-creation energy to construct the pillars for your success?

Now, with Jupiter confronting Saturn for the next 11 months, you’re asked to be brave enough to note anything unstable in your life and business, then to get rid it. Where ever you have shaky ground, bad habits or overextension, you’ll reach a breaking point.

This initially feels uncertain and you’ll do anything to deny the truth of it. But when you buckle down and wrangle with your inner conflict, you’ll come to terms with the truth Jupiter and Saturn have laid at your feet.

When you shift your focus to withdraw from unhealthy routines, people and situations, you’ll fortify your foundation. This isn’t going to be easy or simple, but it’s worth it. Your continued success depends on it.

Intuitive Success Signatures 2024

Based on your energetic signature, Jupiter and Saturn have the following tips for you in 2024:

Wise Strategist 2024

Once again, you’re pressed to understand relationships in work, business and life. How do you see yourself? Imagining, dreaming, healing and intuiting are your paths for success. You can shift karma right now. Your heart yearns for success. Listen to its wisdom.

Intuitive Visionary 2024

Power your words with meaning. Fortify your knowing and understanding about the way things really work. Recognize the past as a learning for yourself and a teaching for your followers. Instruct others about what you know expertly. Stay in touch with your audience and how they’re experiencing the world even though you’ve long since passed through these times.

Collaborative Explorer 2024

Plunge into your depths to fully realize how imperative you, your experience and your brilliance are to you, your clients, loved ones and audience. It’s time for you to commit to your skills and abilities to lead. The New Era has been waiting for you. The theme of 2024 is collaboration and 2025 is connection. You have all you need to know you’re in the right place at the right time.

Ruling Warrior 2024

Saturn is the God of Karma and Jupiter is the Guru. You can relate to both energies, which can serve you in ways you’ve been yearning. Healing your karma about forcing, controlling and regulating others involves opening your ability to negotiate, engage and connect with others based on their needs and not your own. Be as supportive as Jupiter.

Creative Superstar 2024

Learning to convey what’s in your head and heart when you create is the key to getting others to fully appreciate your value. Tell the story of how and why you render the creations, designs and offerings. Letting other’s see behind the curtain give you the conversational flow to sell and receive the value you deserve.

Loving Alchemist 2024

When things run amuck, dive deeply into the source of your power. Your heart and soul are the keys to your desires, satisfaction and success. Tap into your heart’s wisdom to follow its guidance. Find ways to converse with your soul to remind you how the universe really works. Your hidden source of power comes from your healing abilities and your intuitive connection.

In 2025, the signs shift for each of these planets as Jupiter moves into Cancer and Saturn travels into Aries. This zodiac sign transits give a different flavor to each of these planetary bodies.

In Cancer, Jupiter dials up your desires for family, stability and rooted sense of belonging. He yearns, supports and loves unconditionally. Jupiter in Cancer also enhances your longing for investment, fixed and secure financial planning and development of ancestral connections. Jupiter was last in the sign of Cancer late June in 2013 through July in 2014. Do you recall anything in particular from this time? You’ll experience similar feelings and longings, even though you’re in a different phase of your life.

Saturn in Aries, from May – August 2025 and then in February 2026 through April 2028, shifting your commitment into new situations, people or events. Aries is a jolt to the steady and straightforward Saturn. Aries awakens you to how you’ve been sluggish, unwilling to fulfill your dreams or self-deprecating. Your inner power is ignited and you have the resources, fortitude and tenacity to realize your goals.

The last time Saturn was in Aries was April 1996 – June 1998, then Oct 1998 through Feb 1999. Is this a familiar time to you? If you’re aligned with your soul mission, this is a positive influence. If you’re out of alignment, Saturn makes this increasingly difficult for you until you’re back on track. These difficulties are destabilizing and disorienting in the hopes of recalibrating your course of action onto your unique path.

The next 10 months are going to test you and put challenges and obstacles in your way unless you say YES to your soul mission. Until May 2025, you can delude yourself into believing you’re doing everything necessary to realize your life’s work. You’ll know when you’re on the right track as you’ll find opportunities and support that seem too good to be true. Once you do your due diligence, you can say YES as appropriate.

Hard work, effort and excruciating decisions. Difficult conversations, hard-won positioning and selective choices are the norm right now. It doesn’t seem right, because being in alignment with your soul should be easy. But, it’s Saturn and with Saturn, nothing is easy.

So, enjoy this time of dedication and fortitude. Your Diamond Core of Life is activated and like a diamond, you’ll be grinding yourself into your brightest version.

If you’d like to dive deeply into your core soul wisdom and do activating ritual, you can take part in the Magical Prosperity Pack at a special bonus offering. Find out more on the Events page.

June 15, 2025 Star Chart

 An astrological chart showing planetary positions and aspects for a specific date, time, and location in Boston, MA. The chart features 12 houses with zodiac signs, planetary symbols, and aspect lines. A table at the bottom lists the planets, their zodiac positions, and aspects.

Star details: Jupiter-Saturn square at 1° with Mars square Uranus at 28°, Saturn conjunct Neptune with 1° orb and Neptune sextile Pluto at 1° orb.

Asking yourself if you’ve done everything you can to realize your dreams while understanding the big picture is the key question. Your dreams and the energy to fulfill them get a huge boost as does your impulsivity to make everything happen immediately. Fiery forces make you burn for all of your passions and longings.

You have the ability to heal your karmic issues and resolve your difficulties with others, your finances and your pathway to success. Remember to satisfy your heart while achieving your goals and you’ll thread the needle of this star configuration beautifully.

Wise Strategist 2025

Releasing your attachment to an overactive mind, being subservient to work and foregoing your natural leadership ways is available to you. To embody your value, allow your guidance expertise and create opportunity for a healthy abundant exchange.

Intuitive Visionary 2025

You’re in the spotlight shining your brilliance for all to see. You can open your heart with humor, fun engagement and story to connect with your audience. Be honest and open about your desires. Your originally and innovative ways are compelling to others. Leverage your spotlight to convey your ideas and gather more following to lead people into the New Era.

Collaborative Explorer 2025

Speaking your mind and letting others know about their hidden motivations and group agendas is received and valued. Open dialogue is positive when you lead the conversation. Prepare yourself and your business to offer workshops, trainings or webinars about what you do and how you do it so successfully.

Ruling Warrior 2025

This feels familiar once again and you’re so relieved. You can become attached to how things have always worked for you. But, the shifts are real. Don’t be short sighted. Big strategy and sweeping changes are here and you are perfectly placed to be at the forefront. Be as disruptive, brave and committed as you typically are and let the world see you.

Creative Superstar 2025

You’re so triggered by everything that’s happening. You want to either put you head in the sand or play the victim. Please don’t do either. Use positive affirmations if you begin to spiral toward self-flagellation. Your exact influence is so healing to many. Use this time to become more of your true self.

Loving Alchemist 2025

While others are flaying, you’re steadfast. You belong in this New Era as you can appreciate the unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Rely on your surefootedness to galvanize your value and create a power vortex to be in the world even when it’s chaotic. You can harness your gifts and talents to share your insights and methods in the world. It’s time.

New Era Cycle Snapshot

Here’s the picture of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle in this 20-year configuration. The waxing phase occurs from 2020 – 2030 and the waning one from 2030 – 2040. 17 years of the cycle involves Pluto in Aquarius that was activated with the Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius initiation from 2020 – 2023, making the entire 20-year cycle an Aquarian one.



Waxing Square


Waning Square


December 21, 2020

August 19, 2024 December 24, 2024

June 15, 2025

November 19, 2030

August 1, 2031 October 6, 2031

April 25, 2035

October 22, 2035 February 22, 2036


Aquarius Jupiter & Saturn 0°

Cancer Jupiter Aries Saturn 1°

Sagittarius Jupiter

Gemini Saturn 6°

Taurus Jupiter 

Leo Saturn 28°

Type of Sign










You’ve completed one phase and are beginning another. You have a chance to make a new commitment for growth, success and opportunity.  Your themes are innovation, vision, creation, originality, independence, being of higher mind and vastly intellectual. This is the time for expansion and reaching for the edges. 

Going in the right direction is the key. You’re required to ensure your future path is certain and stable. Be brave to take action to make your dreams come true. Roll up your sleeves to identify what’s working and what’s not working. Then peel away the layers to get to your best steps forward. Be ruthless, your soul mission depends on it. 

Pressure for expansion hits limits, and snags that act like culminating events. Embodying patience and taking curated steps forward are best. This is the chance to realign with your soul mission. Stabilize your current efforts without beginning new initiatives. Assess your alternatives and make sound choices. Optimization is the mode.   

At this stage of the cycle, you’ve already sharpened your edges to reach your goals. Your fine-tuning and streamlining has paid off.   Reorientation of attitude and commitment provides relief and breathes new energy into your efforts. You create lasting changes with regards to your natural position, finances, and authority. Personal expression, trust and authenticity are the values to behold. 

Here’s a snapshot of your Intuitive Success Signature tips for the next 11 months based on the initiation of 2020. 

Intuitive Success Signature (ISS)

ISS Tips for 2020

ISS Tips in 2024

ISS Tips in 2025

Wise Strategist

How will you test yourself in partnership with the Earth, yourself and others? Will you prepare by foregoing your mind to drop into your heart to follow your soul’s guidance? Your soul is clamoring to get your attention. Seeking and being curious about magic is the key. 

Once again, you’re pressed to understand relationships in work, business and life. How do you see yourself? Imagining, dreaming, healing and intuiting are your paths for success. You can shift karma right now. Your heart yearns for success. Listen to its wisdom. 

Releasing your attachment to an overactive mind, being subservient to work and foregoing your natural leadership ways is available to you. To embody your value, allow your guidance expertise and create opportunity for a healthy abundant exchange.

Intuitive Visionary

This is your time – finally others are catching up to you. The next 20 years are your playground to lead others into this New Era. If you want to lead others, then make yourself known by staying in this energy and unwinding it to get to the core. If you want to continue to show the way without getting involved, then channel the future as you see fit. 

Power your words with meaning. Fortify your knowing and understanding about the way things really work. Recognize the past as a learning for yourself and a teaching for your followers. Instruct others about what you know expertly. Stay in touch with your audience and how they’re experiencing the world even though you’ve long since passed through these times. 

You’re in the spotlight shining your brilliance for all to see. You can open your heart with humor, fun engagement and story to connect with your audience. Be honest and open about your desires. Your originally and innovative ways are compelling to others. Leverage your spotlight to convey your ideas and gather more following to lead people into the New Era.

Collaborative Explorer

Adjustments are being made all around you, so many that you may be swept up in them. Ask yourself what’s in it for you. You have the resources to uncover your worth if you focus inward, not outward. Give yourself permission to take the time and care of you that you typically do for others. 

Plunge into your depths to fully realize how imperative you, your experience and your brilliance are to you, your clients, loved ones and audience. It’s time for you to commit to your skills and abilities to lead. The New Era has been waiting for you. The theme of 2024 is collaboration and 2025 is connection. 

Speaking your mind and letting others know about their hidden motivations and group agendas is received and valued. Open dialogue is positive when you lead the conversation. Prepare yourself and your business to offer workshops, trainings or webinars about what you do and how you do it so successfully.   

Ruling Warrior

This is the biggest jolt for you as the tides are turning. What once worked magnificently for you is changing. You only like disruptions that you initiate. Figure out a way to be part of these changing times. In fact, your leadership is necessary. Get to work to get the leading edge then guide others.  

Saturn is the God of Karma and Jupiter is the Guru. You can relate to both energies, which can serve you in ways you’ve been yearning. Healing your karma about forcing, controlling and regulating others involves opening your ability to negotiate, engage and connect with others based on their needs and not your own. Be as supportive as Jupiter. 

This feels familiar once again and you’re so relieved.  You can become attached to how things have always worked for you. But, the shifts are real. Don’t be short sighted. Big strategy and sweeping changes are here and you are perfectly placed to be at the forefront. Be as disruptive, brave and committed as you typically are and let the world see you. 

Creative Superstar

You create what you desire, but not if you look externally for resources and inspiration. Your best creations come from deep within you. Spend time in the quiet by getting rid of the noise around you unless you use it as motivation or as your muse.

Learning to convey what’s in your head and heart when you create is the key to getting others to fully appreciate your value. Tell the story of how and why you render the creations, designs and offerings. Letting other’s see behind the curtain give you the conversational flow to sell and receive the value you deserve.   

You’re so triggered by everything that’s happening. You want to either put you head in the sand or play the victim. Please don’t do either. Use positive affirmations if you begin to spiral toward self-flagellation. Your exact influence is so healing to many. Use this time to become more of your true self.

Loving Alchemist

Your voice is meant to be heard in concert with the deepest part of yourself. You have the power to set the tenor and tone of the new world (or New Era). When you align completely with your soul, you lead uniquely and in the intimate way that lights you up. Be true to you and watch the world swirl beautifully around you. 

When things run amuck, dive deeply into the source of your power. Your heart and soul are the keys to your desires, satisfaction and success. Tap into your heart’s wisdom to follow its guidance. Find ways to converse with your soul to remind you how the universe really works. Your hidden source of power comes from your healing abilities and your intuitive connection. 

While others are flaying, you’re steadfast. You belong in this New Era as you can appreciate the unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Rely on your surefootedness to galvanize your value and create a power vortex to be in the world even when it’s chaotic. You can harness your gifts and talents to share your insights and methods in the world. It’s time. 


For 10 months, from August 2024 – June 2025, you’ll be confronted with how much you want to make your dreams a reality. It’s not going to be easy, but it will be fruitful. Be as forthright and tenacious as you can and watch your dreams come alive in 2025.

Until next time,


Astrology Forecasts

Unlock the Keys to your Hidden Treasure of Love, Power and Wealth

Pluto’s Star Story

This personal star story focuses on ways for you to find the hidden treasures of love, power and success by going through denial, overcoming reluctance and surmounting fear. Think of the phoenix as Pluto takes your hand and gives you the courage to remove the blocks and clear the pathways.

On the world stage, Pluto moves the entire world from the institutional past to the individualized future through the energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Dragging everyone from the comfort of the familiar to the uncertainty of the unknown brings freedom, inclusion and innovation or detachment, revolution and chaos. A combination of these is likely.

First, Pluto

Pluto’s ultimate quest is wholeness.

The quote of Pluto should be, “Come into the darkness to see the light.

Diving deeply into your dark places without fear and with great resolve is the signature of Pluto. Transformation through death and rebirth is the catalyst for change and Pluto, the God of Hell, knows the intense plunge required to come out the other side. Using this key to fearlessness and empowerment helps you reclaim the parts of you that you’ve lost along your soul journey.

Phrases for Pluto: Great intensity, courage, afterlife, wealth & riches, how to use your power in this world, agent of transformation, death & rebirth, catalyst for change, hidden gifts, honesty.

Worldview words: Pollution, volcanos, abuse, violence, destruction, psychology, subconscious, powerful forces, radical change, evolution, sustainability.

Then, Aquarius

The quest of Aquarius is the ideal.

The quote for Aquarius should be, “Live and let live.”

The air sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is a conundrum in his pursuit to include the whole world, yet detach from everyone. In his mission to set higher ideals, yet railing against conformity. In his journey to be original, while yearning for approval.

Personality words for Aquarius: Original, individualistic, liberal, idealistic, intellectual, friendly, creative, independent, freedom, inventive, aspiring, radical, obstinate, aloof, unpredictable, condescending.

Worldview words: Science, technology, air travel, astrology, inclusive, pursuit for equality, progressive, humanitarian, future, democratic, grass roots.

Next, The Combination

With Pluto, everything is systemic. With Aquarius, everything is worldwide. No one is immune to the Pluto drag between Aquarius and Capricorn. Due to retrogrades, Pluto dances between Aquarius and Capricorn for the next few months until traveling through Aquarius for 20 years.

  • March 23rd, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius
  • June 11th, 2023 Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • January 20th, 2024 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • September 1st, 2024 Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • November 19th, 2024 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • March 8th, 2043 Pluto enters Pisces
  • August 31st, 2043 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • January 19th, 2044 Pluto enters Pisces

These next few months are the most intense with Pluto being at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius through the back-and-forth degrees of 27 Capricorn and 2 Aquarius.

Let’s look more closely into the combination of these energies.

With Pluto in Aquarius, the world experiences an unending quest for discovery, invention and challenging the status quo. The world champions the truth of inclusion, freedom and service, while grass roots style movements celebrate social and environmental justice. Escaping the tyranny of authoritarianism and tradition is possible.

Yet, change for the sake of change and constancy for the new and novel may bring unexpected consequences. Doubt, detachment and revolution accompany revelation and wonder. Liberation requires admitting, reconciling and freeing the oppressed.

The key to negotiating both possible outcomes is to pursue the future without losing the heart of humanity and its need for connection.

Finally, Your Star Chart

What does all of this mean for you?

The stars in the sky interact with each other during their spins and cycles, yet they also interact with you through your natal or birth chart. Your birth chart is a picture of the stars the minute you were born, representing the life you long to live. Your birth stars depict your signatures of love, money and success and your expressions of bravery, mastery and destiny.

As Pluto enters Aquarius, the effects are worldwide, affecting everyone on the planet. Yet everyone feels this star configuration differently, depending on where Aquarius is on your chart.

Phrases associated with your Star Chart are: map of potential, what you might become, your chosen life, pathway to you, process for your growth.

Steps for You

This is the purpose of this entire guide. First, you’ll want to get your natal or birth chart. If you don’t have one, you need your date, time and place of birth. The astro.com site will run your chart for free. Once you do, you’ll get a circle with a bunch of hieroglyphics. No worries, this article explains it all.

Step #1: Get Your Star Chart

Go to this astrology site and fill in your information. Here’s a screen shot of the entry page. Input your information and click continue.

A form for entering astrological birth data, including fields for name, gender, birthday, time, country, and birth town.

Step #2: Select Transits

Once you input your information and click continue, you’ll have your natal chart. Click on the blue transits button to get the stars in the sky.

A screenshot of an astrological chart displayed on a website. The chart includes various planetary positions and aspects, with a button highlighted for adding transits. There are options to generate a PDF drawing or additional tables on the left side of the interface.

Step #3: Find Pluto & Your House Number

You’ll get a picture with green symbols outside of the circle. These are the stars in the sky called transits.

  1. On your star chart, look for the green Pluto, which is outside the circle. It should be near ♒ Aquarius. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023, and moves between Capricorn and Aquarius throughout 2024 and returns to Capricorn on September 2nd, then moves into Aquarius for 20 years on November 19th, so depending upon when you’re reading this, the will be near Aquarius.
  2. Once you find the , move into the center of the chart until you get a house number.
  3. Note the number.

A close-up image with instructions on how to locate the planet Pluto in an astrological chart. The instructions direct the viewer to find the green P symbol for Pluto, follow a straight line into the center of the circle, and note the number for the house.

In the example above, the house number is 4. Here’s another example below, where the house number is 8.

An astrological chart with an arrow pointing to Pluto's position.

Pluto in the Houses Table

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023 however, you’ve been working with these energies for some time as Pluto moves slowly, but Jupiter and Saturn entered Aquarius in 2020. The table below highlights each house into 4 segments:

  • Possibilities: the offering the stars are making for you.
  • Success Steps: actions to leverage the star energy.
  • Limits: pressures or tensions the stars are putting on you.
  • Clear Pathway: ways to overcome the limits.
HousePluto in Aquarius

Be honest about who you really want to be in the world.  

Possibilities: It’s all transformation for you right now. Change is happening in every area of your life. All of your decisions and actions are being questioned, so the trick is balancing action with allowance.  

Success Steps: Be honest with yourself about what you want. Embolden yourself by knowing you’re being called into the world. Step up and lead by example. Be an awakener for truth, inclusion and equality. 

Limits: Pluto smacks you in the face, making you deal with intimidation and coercion. You trigger people by making them feel unsettled and uncomfortable.  Everything seems electrically charged. 

Clear Pathway: The structural losses in your life serve you as they’ve freed you from undo responsibility. Look at the dark sides of yourself. Take control of your life with directness and brutal honesty. 


Realize your value by being seen, heard and known for your skills and talents.   

Possibilities: Reinvention of your skills and talents is possible. Strength, confidence and power weave patterns pushing you to take risks.  When you do, unlimited resources and unconventional opportunities appear out of nowhere. 

Success Steps: It’s time for you to find new inventive ways to make money in order to stabilize your finances. You have more patience & perseverance for gaining skills and competence. Perhaps taking a new course or working for the greater good will help replenish your resources. Your self-esteem is being hit, so lean into the new. Be creative and original. 

Limits:  You hold too tightly onto material possessions thinking they give you confidence and self-esteem. You fear taking risks and hold yourself back in self-defeating ways. You’re obsessed with security which may even lead to hoarding. You pay too much for your money. 

Clear Pathway: Discover your innate ability to attract and make money. Embrace your unique signatures for both. Find ways to gain confidence and power. Self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth are your stepping stones. When you achieve each, you align with your birthright of abundance. 


Rediscover your voice and speak the truth with alacrity. 

Possibilities: Become a paradigm shifter through shock and awe. Disrupt the status quo to inspire others with the vision of the future. The new way of living and leading is here and you’re just the person to help the shift.  

Success Steps: Success comes from finding your voice. Communicate, present, teach, write, speak. Do it now – start today. Take small steps. Technology can help you. Set goals to learn new, futuristic and unconventional things. Then, start a blog or vlog, or even a Podcast to demonstrate who you are and what you do.  

Limits: You’re scattered and unfocused, leading to chronic time wasting and disorganization. You defend your concepts too much for fear of competition. You stay in the intellectual world to the detriment of connecting emotionally. 

Clear Pathway: Tell your story with vulnerability and honesty. Be authentic to find you true voice, it’s rhythms, tones and cadence. Observe through your heart by creating quiet space. Write in a journal to connect more deeply to your inner voice. 


Break free from familial conditioning and connect with your soul clan. 

Possibilities: Knowing yourself at midnight through deep inner work plunges you into the dark, helping you reclaim missing pieces of your soul. Forces for freedom from familial conditioning and expectations that aren’t your own become available.  You’re like the butterfly cracking open the chrysalis.  

Success Steps: Find ways to feel independent while staying connected. Separate from ill-suited people who don’t have your best interests at heart. Then and only then, find and connect to your soul clan. Start a group. Use the internet to find new members.

Limits: You lack basic psychological self-knowledge, leading to neurotic, unsatisfying and obsessive behaviors. You analyze everything, so you don’t need to actually emotionally connect. You’re distrustful and protect your heart at all costs. 

Clear Pathway: Seek support with healing experts. Discover deep inner wisdom with non-traditional methods. Explore your ancestral roots and do past life work. Let go of your need to control those closest to you. Let them seek their own path.


Karmic healing enables you to express your unique creativity, pleasure and joy. 

Possibilities: Pure bliss, creative ecstasy and unending joy through honest and deep self-expression. New projects, interesting friends and charming connections abound. Design, beauty and artistry become part of your life. Freedom seeking adventures are thrilling.  

Success Steps: Be wildly creative. Work on discovering your joy. Become a pleasure seeker. Spend time with children. Stay in creative ecstasy as much as possible. Gain freedom by being earnest and original in your self-expression. 

Limits: Your relationships are self-destructive. You are either too self-indulgent or you ruthlessly control your access to joy and pleasure. You’re unable to relax and play. You may even be creatively blocked. 

Clear Pathway: Heal your karma in unconventional ways. Heal your karmic debts by cutting ties. Discover new love or new loving ways, i.e.; fall in love all over again.


Serve yourself and others by reaching your full potential. 

Possibilities: Innovative methods through technology, science and invention help you meet your job tasks. Strategic direction and the big picture becomes evident. Channels open up for your momentum to the top. You’re being called on to be in service as a leader. You’re switching from working from the bottom up to the top down. 

Success Steps: Change routines and work habits. Volunteer to be in service to others – especially in online communities. Be inventive on how to do this. Roll up your sleeves and lead from within. Seek a mentor or become one. Work with young people or groups.

Limits: You’re a slave to your work, filling your time with endless drudgery. You have so many tasks, you could never complete them all.  You subordinate yourself in key relationships. Burying yourself in work stops all opportunities and creates burnout. 

Clear Pathway: Take time off for rest and play. Clear your head and your desk by delegating to others. Ask for support and be open to receive it. Seek a mentor. Carve out time for a passion project, either at work or on your own time. Passion will fuel you and help you regain your energy. 


Open to love and harmony by committing to healthy long-term relationships.

Possibilities: Mastering relationships and seeking new ways to connect deeply with others. Everything seems to be about connection, bonding and commitment. The people you meet are soul mates – equally met in open-endedness and unique rapport. The relationships you’re forming may be business partnerships, friendship connections or romantic commitments. 

Success Steps: Be discerning when meeting someone new. Listen to your instincts. If it feels possible, take the first steps to deepen the connection. Tell the truth and be authentic. Find ways to negotiate, mediate and counsel when appropriate. 

Limits: You have a pattern of chronic submissiveness or bossiness in intimate relationships. You have the inability to form a stable emotional bond for fear of intimacy, resulting in co-dependency.  

Clear Pathway: Trust yourself and others. Put yourself into the hands of others win vulnerable ways to deepen your connections. Commit to yourself. Be open and giving, without losing yourself. 


Transform into the shared wealth of intimacy, power and abundance. 

Possibilities: Your birthright of abundance, power and deep bonding becomes evident in your life. You enter into intimacy in naked honesty and vulnerability. You honor your transformative process. You have an acceptance of death that integrates its reality into daily life. You’ve achieved a sense of spiritual immortality and love to pursue the mysteries. 

Success Steps: Accept your power, charm and charisma while letting go of control. Let others be free to be themselves and let yourself do the same. Your mystical side is being called to the fore. Dance with the mysteries. 

Limits: You experience either blocked sexual functioning or obsessive sexuality. You have a fear or denial of death, denial of religion, occult or mystical feelings. This results in getting caught up in debts, tax issues and an inability to create wealth. 

Clear Pathway: Holy transformation! Go to the emotional edge to allow the dark to be balanced by the light. Not everything is frightening, intense or dramatic. Lighten up. Acknowledge and accept your intuition. Learn to know yourself deeply and profoundly. 


Find the meaning of life by exploring different philosophies and cultures. 

Possibilities: You’re excited to break up routine and create new patterns of behavior. You love change and embrace it wholeheartedly. You seek new ways to see the meaning of life and actively pursue other cultures and lands. You want to master what it means to be spiritually human. 

Success Steps: Stretch your boundaries. Travel to immerse yourself in different cultures. Learn a new language. Study philosophy. Research other religions. Be a seeker of wisdom. Explore and experience everything life has to offer. Be insatiable. 

Limits: You get caught up in dogma, rigid rules and narrow-minded behavior. You disassociate with others who aren’t like you. You can’t handle change and desperately hold onto routine. Yet, you’re unhappy and bored with your current circumstances. This boredom may lead you into unprincipled behaviors. 

Clear Pathway: Shock yourself by taking a leap of faith. Be adventurous and let go of the binds that hold you too tightly. Question the status quo. Fast and furious is the pace, not slow and steady, yet this is for the long haul – be mindful and strategic. 


Stand in your authority and embrace the new way of leading.  

Possibilities: You’re aligned with your life purpose and are pursing your soul destiny. Your calling is evident in the world. Your role in society is needed and valued. You’ve discovered new ways for being seen, appreciated and valued in the world. You’re deeply satisfied with your life mission and are creating success.  

Success Steps: Be idealistic and future-oriented. Accept your responsibility to be a force in the world. Seek opportunities to talk about who you are and what you do. Embrace the new way of leading by weaving the feminine wisdom and masculine strength.  

Limits: You’re trapped in meaningless roles that don’t give you pleasure or satisfaction. You may hold onto status and power too tightly. Appearances matter more than self-fulfillment. You’re being called to make changes in your life’s work now.  

Clear Pathway: Overcome your fears to live your true life purpose. Let go of the safety of a meaningless position to pursue your soul mission. Set your goals accordingly. For every goal, ask yourself, ‘Does this bring me joy or give me relief?” If neither, seek another path.  


Shine brilliantly and act strategically to attract your community.  

Possibilities: You have concrete and specific sense of direction in life. You have realistic yet inspiring goals that are rooted in self-knowledge. You have a network of relationships that enhance and support the realization of your personal goals. 

Success Steps: Set your strategy for the future. Use technical and scientific methods to help you achieve your goals. Seek out like-minded people and form connections with them.  Expand your network. 

Limits: You’re drifting along with a vagueness of purpose. You lack clarity, so can’t commit to any particular thing. Your friends and associates don’t actually lift you up for your best future. 

Clear Pathway: Seek guidance internally to find what you truly believe in. Confront the challenges of separating from people who aren’t aligned with your future. Attract your soul mate connections. 


Dive deeply into spirituality to recognize your gifts to be of service in the world.  

Possibilities: You’ve transcended the need for other’s approval. You have the equanimity to be free from the worry about the typical ups and downs of life. You’ve mastered spirituality and have constant spiritual and psychic experiences.  You sense the presence of God and the higher levels of consciousness. 

Success Steps: Uncover your secret treasure by investigating every aspect of your life. Do an internal and external review and then adjust any imbalances through right action. Take your time with this inventory. This is about the process, not the results. 

Limits: You tend to escape the world through self-destructive relationships with alcohol, food, sleep, sex, television, and other ‘drugs’. You’re confused about your self-image. You haven’t discovered your hidden gifts. 

Clear Pathway: Create space to go within. Learn to connect regularly with the spiritual side of life. Open your heart and be compassionate. Tap into your intuition, develop it to rely on it full time.

The good news about Pluto?

This planet gives you the fortitude and courage to reclaim your wholeness.

The good news about Aquarius?

You have the yearning for the freedom to be completely yourself and will find inventive ways to do so.

Stars + Strategy = Success

Your mind is pleased to discover how Pluto in Aquarius affects you, yet this is only the first step.

Knowing is different than doing. Taking action is required.

There are two ways outlined in the table above to help you take action. The first way is a suggestion for success steps in your outer world and the second is clearing the pathway in your inner life.

Pro Tip: Make note of each of the success steps and put tasks and target dates next to each.

Success-Making Methodology

You can take this even deeper by following my success-making methodology through the Intuitive Success Signatures. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, click here and answer the 12-question quiz.

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created a success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business.

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out, so instead of helping customers to Know, Like and Trust you, YOU Know, Like and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to achieve your personal, professional and financial goals.

Following my Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® Method is critical in this New Era:

  • Knowing for clarity & calm
  • Liking for confidence & connection
  • Trusting for giving & receiving

It’s difficult to objectively know how you know, like and trust yourself, so the Intuitive Success Signatures I’ve developed help you gain the objectivity you need.

Intuitive Success Signatures (ISS)

This is a critical time in history with Pluto in Aquarius in the Aquarian age and the new way of living and leading ignited with the 800-year star in late 2020. Take note of the recommendations for your Intuitive Success Signature as this goes beyond the house configuration.

Wise Strategist

Know: 40% + Like: 35%+ Trust: 25% = Total: 100%

Many adjustments and confrontations present to you with Pluto in Aquarius. You were much happier with Pluto in Capricorn. For the next few months, you get your wish as Pluto passes back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius.

However, Pluto is asking you to let go of your safe and secure ways to acknowledge your strengths and gifts to fully stand in your power. You’re a gift to the world and Pluto is urging you to take your rightful place in the world.

Become the leader you were born to be.

Intuitive Visionary

Know: 40% + Like: 25% + Trust: 35% = Total: 100%

Pluto in Aquarius feels so much better than Pluto in Capricorn. You lose the groundedness of Pluto in Capricorn once Pluto enters Aquarius fully at the end of 2024.

Over the next few months, leverage the cuspy energy to step into your power. Weave your ideas together with technology and other innovative advances to streamline the results. Lighten the load of implementation by connecting with others who complement your offerings.

You are a powerhouse. Let your visions come to life by using your voice to inspire others.

Collaborative Explorer

Know: 25% + Like: 40% + Trust: 35% = Total: 100%

You alternate between being excited by Pluto in Aquarius and being soothed with the relief of Pluto leaving Capricorn. The time has come. You see the physical evidence of the breakdowns that you’ve felt for so many years.

Now, you can connect people who want to work together to find effective and equitable solutions. Pluto will also press you to put yourself in the mix to ask for the support and opportunities you need to make your solutions a reality.

You’ll also be pressed to participate in events that may require you to travel. Get your passport ready.

Ruling Warrior

Know: 35% + Like: 40% + Trust: 25% = Total: 100%

Pluto’s power, authority and wealth creation is music to your ears, whether Pluto is in Capricorn or Aquarius. You also haven’t minded Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius either.

Yet, the new way of living and leading requires you to be vulnerable and connect to others deeply and authentically.

Choosing to rely on Pluto to help you find the inner corners of your heart and soul gives you the courage to open yourself in softer and lighthearted ways.

Creative Superstar

Know: 25% + Like: 35% + Trust: 40% = Total: 100%

Pluto pulls you way out of your comfort zone in every sign, but the blend with Aquarius adds possibility that seems elusive. You can see it and feel it, yet can’t touch it.

The available creativity seems just beyond your reach. It’s actually not out of your reach, but deep within. Going deeply into self-love helps you bring out your creativity to express yourself fully. There’s no holding back the fact that you are the creation.

Your willingness to dance between your solid position in the world and the fragility of your creative expression is the key to your fulfillment and satisfaction.

Loving Alchemist

Know: 35% + Like: 25% + Trust: 40% = Total: 100%

Pluto in Aquarius asks for small adjustments and major changes that push you way out of your comfort zone. The people around you seek freedom and independence, unintentionally hurting you with their unrelenting quest. You feel abandoned and alone.

Pluto wants you to know you are enough. You matter. You are a gift to the world.

Connecting to your inner power and the mysteries fill the void. Working with both gives you the best result of finding yourself and accepting your wholeness.

Success-Making with Pluto

Tie your house success steps and clear pathway with your Intuitive Success Signature.

The Intuitive Success Signature gives you the overall strategy, while the house outlines the steps to achieve your success in the outer world and clearing the pathway through your inner life.

Pro Tips: Answer the following questions to enhance your strategy through Pluto and your Intuitive Success Signature.

What is your overall strategy based on your Intuitive Success Signature? How does this strategy align with your goals from your success map? In what ways can Pluto help you achieve the success you desire?

Are there any action steps you can take from the overall strategy of your Intuitive Success Signature? How can you increase your self-awareness through your Intuitive Success Signature? Who can you connect with to empower you? What is your intention to trust your intuition?

Additional Support

Follow the guidance of an oracle forecast – weekly, monthly, annually.

The stars always tell you exactly what’s going on and give you the support you need to thrive instead of just survive. You only need an interpreter to listen and integrate. I’m here to be the interpreter and messenger of the stars so you can manifest the life you desire.

You can get weekly, monthly and lunar cycle support every month by subscribing to Your Star Path to Success Podcast.

Gain big star, signature insights and regular forecast guides by bookmarking my blog.

Get my monthly newsletter that includes monthly announcements, business tools and free meditative gifts delivered straight to your inbox. Simply go to the bottom of my home page and fill out your name and email. You’ll want to white list my email address to ensure you get your newsletter and weekly tips.

Want more? Listen to a special podcast episode on Pluto.

Happy Pluto Season!

As always, wishing you joy,


Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Dive into the Lion’s Gate Energy: Spiritual Tools for the New Era

Calling All Visionaries!

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a significant cosmic event, opening the Gateway of Wishes to help you manifest your dreams and desires. This portal opens every year from July 26th to August 12th, with its peak on August 8th, known as the 8-8 Lion’s Gate. This year, it’s a triple 8 power with 2024, being an 8 year. Happy 888 Lions’ Gate!

🎧 Listen to the 888 Lions’ Gate Podcast episode. 

What are the Key Aspects of Lion’s Gate?

  1. Astrological Impact:
    • The Lion’s Gate portal occurs when the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, aligns with Earth and the Sun in the astrological sign of Leo at 15° with the midpoint holding special power.
    • Leo, represented by the lion, is associated with the heart, courage and strength, making this a great time for generosity, authentic expression and empowerment.
  2. Numerological Importance:
    • The date 888 holds special numerological significance. The number 8 represents infinity, blessings and the abundant flow of energy.
    • The 8 repetition amplifies this power, creating a potent time for inspiring your heart and awakening your soul.
  3. Spiritual Evolution:
    • The Lion’s Gate is considered a time of heightened spiritual energy, making it ideal for reflection and awakening your soul DNA.
    • It’s also a powerful opportunity for releasing old patterns, healing and embracing new beginnings.
  4. Manifestation:
    • The alignment of cosmic energies during the Lion’s Gate is believed to enhance the ability to attract abundance, success and prosperity.
    • It’s a time to focus on your goals, visualize your dreams and take inspired action towards achieving them.
  5. Energy and Healing:
    • Lion’s Gate opens a portal for healing and the activation of new energy codes within your soul DNA.
    • This can lead to increased intuition, spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to your soul mission.

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a powerful time for spiritual evolution, manifestation and growth. Whether through meditation, intention-setting or simply being open to cosmic energies, Lion’s Gate offers a unique opportunity to align with your soul mission to achieve the success you desire.

2024 Lion’s Gateway of Wishes

As you may know, the upcoming 888 Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 is a powerful period for awakening and aligning with your soul mission. This year is especially significant as it features a triple eight – a unique numerological occurrence that amplifies the gateway of wishes and offers a profound chance for spiritual growth.

I’ve downloaded incredibly powerful information through Sirius, the Spiritual Sun and Lilith, the Midnight Sun, while they form a Creation Vortex to activate your soul DNA within the Diamond Core of Life. This life-giving energy positions you as the Visionary Leader in your field and life so you can lead the way for others in this New Era.

🔮Ready now? Register for the workshop. 

888 Creation Vortex

Within this Creation Vortex, connecting with your soul core wisdom, activating your divine spark, attuning to Mother’s Earth heartbeat, aligning with the natural currency flow and diving into your well of wisdom.

Each of these connections provide healing and intentional manifestation so you:

  1. Recognize Your Core Soul Wisdom and discover the profound talents aligning with your zodiac Sun Sign.
  2. Activate Your Divine Spark to awaken your deepest potential and connect with the universal energy.
  3. Attune to Mother Earth’s Heartbeat and bond deeply with Earth energies to foster groundedness and strength.
  4. Currency Flow Incantations in order to harness and understand the flow of abundance in your life.
  5. Tap into Your Soul’s Well of Wisdom giving you access to the deep ancient knowledge from Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon.

This Lion’s Gate is more than a date on the calendar and doing ceremony, ritual and activations sets you up for success over the next 20 years as you transition into the New Era marked by these significant cosmic changes.

If you want more information before committing to your soul mission, listen to the Lions’ Gate Podcast episode and you can get access to The New Era series by clicking here.

If you’re ready to say YES to your soul mission right now, I’m offering a special workshop for you. This workshop is gated and requires a paid registration to ensure the integrity and energy alignment of all participants. Click this link to secure your spot.

With cosmic events like these, the more fully you commit, the more profound your experience. You can tap into this unique alignment and unlock the power within you.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


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