Astrology Forecasts Oracle

December 2022: Do You Know How to Use the Stars to Celebrate and Create Your Success?

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up how to take advantage of powerful forces that let you know when to reach out, relax, resolve or replenish.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. Monthly Tips
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts



have renewed energy and drive. 

also have passionate yearning for fulfillment. 

desire social fun as well as success. Why can’t you have it all? The stars will give you what you want, but ask something from you too.  Hard work and discipline is a better route than relying on an easier way.


  1. Celebrate your success
  2. Finish the year strong
  3. Have fun and enjoy!

We’ve covered all of these in our FREE Power Up group!


To get your weekly forecast by intuitive type, go to our FB Power Up group or connect to our YouTube channel by clicking here.

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is Celebrating Crystal Magic. It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #47 – Optimize

Sharpen the arrow of your desires by completely aligning your desires with your resources. You’re on a treasure hunt, so take the time to solidify the areas that bring you ease, joy and abundance. Cut out or tone down those areas that create struggle, frustration or overwhelm.  You are the treasure hunt, so what works for you – works for your success.

Crystal: Bronzite

A combination of grace and courage, this stone instills fortitude to deal with negativity, confusion and indecisiveness. Use bronzite for clarity, certainty and discernment, especially for making choices about your true-life purpose. Additionally, this is an excellent stone for emotional and physical harmony.Flower Essence: Chicory

Chicory seems to be overly done for most people as the description speaks to smothering others and being excessively needy. However, the core of the chicory flower essence is satisfaction, fulfillment and offering without expectation. This flower essence is essential for effective manifestation activities. Giving freely from a well that’s full is the maximum peak of successful manifesting abilities. When giving from an empty position, the energy stretches and repels healthy reciprocity. Reach for chicory when you’re feeling empty, unloved or lacking the nurturance you desire.

Spirit Animal: Scarab Beetle

The scarab beetle signals that you’ve come to a crossroads with a choice for growth and enlightenment. There are conditions:

  1. Be true to yourself as you go this layer of transformation.
  2. Rely on your inner strength to stay focused on your intentions for the new year.
  3. Be diligent toward your goals and fortune is yours.
  4. Seek community for connection, not persuasion.



Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • December 1st – Venus out of bounds
  • December 20th – Jupiter in Aries
  • December 21st – Solstice w. Sun in Capricorn
  • December 23rd – Chiron direct
  • December 29th – Mercury retrograde

Week 1: November 28th – December 4th

Access the honest, earnest and respectful energy available this week. People are being authentic and direct when revealing their true thoughts and feelings. Change is in the air, so you may be pushed out of your comfort zone. As always, you can decide how you want to respond.

Avoid hurt feelings, needy expectations and confusing conversations. It’s difficult to figure out where others are coming from and more interaction adds to underlying insecurities. Unstable relationships are shaken and people succumb to arm-twisting to gain control.  Erratic behaviors make it hard to understand what’s happening.

Tips: Put your head down and focus on your priorities. If you must interact with others, be as honest and as kind as you can be when having important conversations.

Week 2: December 5th – 11th

Access the drive, determination and confidence to be successful. Connections and collaborations can be fun. High-level strategy and big plans align with the flow of the stars. Excellent leadership techniques are noticeable and sound investments are available this week.

Avoid indulgent, complacent or lazy tendencies at the beginning and the end of the week. Glossing over details and making mistakes is easy. In the middle of the week, aggression, aggravation and anger take root making you want to compete and knock others to the side.

Tips: ‘It should be easier’ is your vibe, yet taking things seriously and expending effort are the keys to achieve the success you desire. Now’s the time to set yourself up for 2023.

Week 3: December 12th – 18th

Access commitment, practicality and goal-oriented energies. There are interesting and satisfying connections coming into your space. The mosaic of life shifts and turns, changing your point of view. This is a great time to learn new things.

Avoid vicissitude and low energy deceiving you into sitting back and letting time slip by, marking time until the holidays. Stopping the natural flow of reciprocity in relationships.  Imbalances are possible now.

Tips: Take stock of what you want and ask others for support. Seek connections that are helpful to getting you the results you desire. Use this week to solidify your foundation.

Week 4: December 19th – 25th

Access positive energies for love and money. Sparks of confidence, positive thoughts and soaring feelings propel achievement and success.  Financial well-being, desired impacts and good fortune are at the fore.

Avoid taking unnecessary risks, blind leaps of faith and greedy actions. Power plays and selfish pursuits present themselves. Ignoring the healing and supportive energy available this week.

Tips: Make time for working toward your goals – creative and practical. This is a time for dreams and actions. Even though it’s the holiday season, you can make progress. Actions this week pay off for the entire year.

Week 5: December 26th – January 1st 

Access love, romance and sexy vibes. Sensuality, compassion and sweet tender embraces are the norm. Desires and passions run deep. Style, image and flair get a blast of the new. Socializing and entertaining still feels good, even though the holidays are coming to an end.

Avoid overthinking and over analyzing. Stopping the flow of dreamy connections. Doubting how things will come together for you.

Tips: Write love letters and have intense conversations about what you want out of love. Journal to reflect on your dreams of romance. Take time to revisit and review what you love about your love life.

As a reminder, here are Do’s & Don’ts for Mercury Retrograde (12/29/22 – 1/18/23):


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Celebrate with Others

Details: Sun in Sagittarius & Moon in Gemini December 7th @ 11:08 pm ET

Balancing your point of view with others is easy right now. Your mind and heart opens to connection and understanding. Dream and celebrate your work and love life. Create a new style or image for the holidays.

New Moon: Success is Here

Details: Sun & Moon in Capricorn December 23rd @ 5:17 am ET

It’s the new you. Success, good fortune, prospects abound. Connect to your values, intentions and opportunities. Make time for you and also for your work. Putting your pillars in place for the new year support you throughout 2023.


Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3XG0r4u

Empowerment Membership: https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Chicory flower essence: https://amzn.to/3OMEBZd

Bronzite crystal: https://amzn.to/3F6PH75


Wise Strategist – Make a list of things that are working really well for you and then make one for those things that are gnawing at you. Plan ways to get rid of the gnawing list and to amplify the working one. After you have your list, take a step back and look at it from a higher perspective. Create detailed objectives and develop routines to make strides toward your goals this month. Wrap up 2022 on a high note.

Intuitive Visionary – Avoid taking big risks and getting swept up with the forces for success and achievement. Pause and take a few moments when opportunities present themselves. Review new ideas with your current goals. Then, add more definition to your evergreen solutions and simplify your latest ideas. Simplify them once, twice and three times.  2023 requires straightforward solutions.

Collaborative Explorer – Being swept up with your social obligations and holiday affairs keeps you from focusing on your future. Take the time to conduct an interview with yourself to answer how you value yourself, seek opportunities and desire to be loved.  Carve out work space and firm up your themes, intentions and pillars for the next year.

Ruling Warrior – You’re being tasked with leadership, leadership, leadership. Distracting connections throw themselves in front of you, seemingly every day. Cull through the ones that don’t fit with your new goals. Once you’ve taken the time to stop and set your strategy, everything falls into place. Get more detailed than usual to help you navigate through 2023.

Creative Superstar – You adore the energy this month. Love and romance compete with work, but you can float from one thing to the other seamlessly. Your swirling fun and social plans lift you up, inspiring you to buckle down as necessary. Cut through stale ideas and regretful tendencies by doing one thing that’s been hanging over your head for the last few weeks.

Loving Alchemist – The holiday season fills you up by connecting with family and loved ones. You may want to bask in the intimate moments provided by the entertaining and social whirlwind. Do so and also make time to fuel your dreams in the world. You have the ability to add power to your dreams, but only when you roll up your sleeves and commit fully to them. This is the time. If you miss out this month, it gets progressively more difficult to get back on track.


December ends a difficult year and sets you up for success in 2023 when you take advantage of the positive energies and stay aligned with your true-life purpose. Remembering the themes and intentions from the top of the year serves you tremendously. Hint: Value, Alignment and Momentum. These give way to Power, Success and Love in 2023.


Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.


As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

November 2022: 3 powerful ways to heal your ability to trust your heart

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. 3 Powerful Ways
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


This month is a roller coaster filled with challenges, stress and sudden changes and low energy and confusion. There’s a push and pull without momentum.  Be patient and stay determined. Don’t procrastinate, roll up your sleeves and resolve issues as they arise.


…to open to your heart’s wisdom:

  1. Follow the process outlined through the #6 Desire oracle card.
  2. Combine the flower essences from the last 3 months – agrimony, olive and hornbeam to drop into your heart, gain energy and ignite your heart’s direction.
  3. Learn your soul and ancestral imprints through the Akashic records to gain clarity and understanding of how and why you do the things you do.


To get your weekly forecast by intuitive type, go to our FB Power Up group or connect to our YouTube channel by clicking here.

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is on finding your soul and ancestral imprint through the Akashic Records. It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #6 – Desire

This card targets your heart and brings your heart song and soul inspiration to the fore. Fueling passionate desire as the pathway for decision-making. Unsure of how to do that, here are two options:

  1. Close your eyes and imagine yourself being whisked away for a grand adventure.
    1. Where are you going?
    2. Who are you with?
    3. How long will you be gone?
    4. Let the elements of your adventure come into your mind.
    5. Jot them down if you’d like to remember your desirous state.
  2. Do a search on Pinterest and look for eye candy.
    1. What pops out at you?
    2. Make note and fuel up your desirous body.
    3. Use the monthly crystal to ground your desires.

Crystal: Hematite

Hematite is an excellent stone to move the energy from your mind and into your heart and body. It grounds and protects. This crystal strengthens your connection to the Earth. It dissolves negativity, stimulates willpower and imparts confidence.

Flower Essence: Hornbeam

Become revitalized and mentally renewed with Hornbeam. This flower essences uplifts, energizes and motivates.  The dread of listless activity and boring routines threaten to completely exhaust you. Funnily enough through, once you relieve the structured approach with a change of activity, this fresh perspective lifts your attitude. Hornbeam helps dissipate mental fatigue and create energy for new discovery.

Spirit Animal: Koi Fish

This spirit animal represents achievement, new opportunities and good luck in success and finances. The symbol of the koi fish, as shown above, also works to imprint luck into your energy field. The koi fish wants you to find new opportunities, even if these opportunities are ones you’ve left incomplete. Finish what you’ve started with patience and determination. Go with the flow and stay calm to remain prosperous.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • November 8th – Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse
  • November 19th – Mars Rx square Neptune Rx
  • November 23rd – Jupiter stations direct
  • November 28th – Mars Rx trine Saturn

Week 1: October 31 – November 6

Mars is out of bounds and retrograde this month. The world is in for a huge and elongated jolt over the next few months. Things are ignited and powered as follows:

Access the surprises and delights of being in bonded relationships, whether with friends, romantic partners or business connections. New and unexpected circumstances arise in love and money.

Avoid pressures to spend lavishly or behave indulgently.   

Tips: Cooperating, negotiating and developing meaningful connections brings positive results. Careful spending and healthy routines increase physical and financial wellness.

Week 2: November 7 – 13

Access the ability to dive deeply into work and develop healthy routines. Instinctive and intuitive skills are available. Social justice issues and volunteerism go hand-in-hand. Strategic leanings and big picture views come into form.     

Avoid deceptive, distracting and anxious tendencies. Radical behaviors, impulsive moves and cross-communications are prevalent. Limits and challenges create heaviness and isolating beliefs.

Tips: Patience and determination help you through this week. Trusting your instincts and intuitive nudges are better bets than following others’ perceptions. Double checking details minimize losing track of ground you’ve gained. Creative pursuits get a boost of energy. Spending time alone or with close loved ones are infinitely more positive than socializing.

Week 3: November 14 – 20

Access provocative thinking, insightful solutions and lucky connections. There’s fun, style and flair, including delights in love and finance. Solid business energies, opportunities and creative innovations withstand pressures to defend original findings and positions.

Avoid strong-arming and power plays to convince you that your feelings and instincts aren’t true for you. Low energy causes confusion and accidents. Comparisons bring jealousy and frustration.  Gossip and scandal create drama and distractions.

Tips: Take your time and go slowly to discriminate between what’s true for you and what’s false. Stand up. Help yourself and others by being authentic, even if it’s not popular. Focus on business dealings that have been in play for some time now. Use your power and position to improve your situation. Improve relationships through honest communication and open heartedness.

Week 4: November 21 – 27

Access independence, growth and optimistic leanings. Ability to complete projects by drawing on strength, ambition and determination. Dependability and action-oriented forces compel the outpouring of a steadfast focus on the overall mission.  

Avoid risk-taking, carelessness and lack of commitment. Being glib and prone to exaggerations, while staying on the surface and take advantage of other’s naiveté. Thoughts of inadequacy or circumstances of incompetence in others, create feelings of abandonment and isolation.

Tips: Allow space for individuality and originality. Give plenty of encouragement to those under your guidance. Make time for fun and frivolity. Hope and faith are the mantras for this week.

Big Star Events:

Jupiter Direct

On November 23rd, Jupiter stations direct after a 4-month period beginning on July 28th. Endings and beginnings has been the theme of this Jupiter retrograde period since Jupiter started the period in Aries and ends it in Pisces, signaling the beginning and the end of the zodiac. Combining Jupiter’s plunge with the star clang between Saturn and Uranus throughout 2021 and three quarters of 2022, you’re required to choose what you take into your future and what you leave behind. 

Jupiter is an opportunity creator, a light, a shining force, so there are opportunities for growth through your inner reflection as to what brings you happiness. By shining a light on your shadow side, you create clarity on what’s important for your happiness and what’s not. As Jupiter stations direct, your inner choice becomes obvious in the world. With this particular Jupiter retrograde, the Moon has harmonized the good-luck planet on each end of the plunge. Even more fortune and success is available to you.

Mercury Out of Bounds

There are times the planets rebel against the gravitational pull of the Sun. When they do, they become a somewhat crazy version of themselves and impact you in unforeseen ways. From November 23 to December 21, you have the opportunity for an explosion of innovative thoughts, excellent speaking faculties and talented performance abilities. Or, you can fall into exaggeration, obsessions and miscommunications.

Neptune in Pisces Square Mars in Gemini

On November 19th, Mars Rx (retrograde) in Gemini squares Neptune Rx in Pisces. This confrontation makes it extremely difficult to get motivated and the resulting inactivity ramps up fears about everything. There seems to be no way forward.  Breathing relieves the tension as does softening into the mysterious ways of living.

Mars in Gemini Trine Saturn in Aquarius

On November 28th, Mars Rx and Saturn are in agreement, giving relief to the overall heaviness. The respite, even though temporary, provides energy to get things done and mental focus for a boost of clarity. The addition of emotional balance makes this configuration a truly positive one.  


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse: WTF

Details: Beaver Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th @ 6:02 am ET

Typically, eclipses signal the hidden and the revealed as things go underground during the current ecliptic cycle and become revealed from past ones. This eclipse may not incur the revealing side of the equation, but only contains the hidden. There’s so much obfuscation, muddling, meddling and otherwise manipulating in this configuration, the truth may never be uncovered. 

The best advice I have for this Full Moon Eclipse is to trust your instincts over the impressions of others.

I’ve also been featured in POPSUGAR talking about the Eclipse and Beaver Full Moon. You can read my article in POPSUGAR here.

New Moon: Shining Force

Details: New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd @ 5:57 pm ET

Hope and good cheer ring in this New Moon. If you’ve taken the leap of faith in the last few months, this New Moon heralds new beginnings filled with good luck and fortune. Reflecting on the changes and celebrating how far you’ve come is a great way to mark this milestone. If you’ve held back and resisted these last few months, this New Moon beckons you to move toward your future with less baggage. This is about you – you get to decide without interference or influence from others. Your mind still isn’t your friend, it’s your heart. Listen to its wisdom. 


Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3gp0yAA

Empowerment Membership: https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Hornbeam flower essence: https://amzn.to/3ySNEAV

Hematite crystal: https://amzn.to/3TwXpwx


Wise Strategist – Your mind goes wild this month. You want to get things done. You’ve adored the energies in September and October for getting through your lists and now suddenly, everything seems to stop. If you stayed focused on the big picture, you’re in luck as this is the perfect time to review and tweak your strategy by adding connections and patterns to it. If you remained in the details, you’ll feel lost and insecure about what to do next. Review the plans you laid out a few months ago. Then, look at what jumps out at you. Use your instincts to determine your next move.

Intuitive Visionary – Amuck, amuck, amuck. Your mind goes in 20 different directions, almost completely eliminating your ability to get anything done. Use the crystal, oracle card and flower essence guidance all month to move your head’s energy into your heart. Fuel your desires by going back to your intentions from the beginning of the year. Focus on the seeds you’ve planted without creating more of the new. Deepen your study of subjects you’ve already discovered. This is a time for gathering and deepening of things already in progress. Removing new creations from your process isn’t your favorite, but you’ll discover the reasoning in 2023.

Collaborative Explorer – Snake oil salesman have your name picked out, targeting you for the ‘next greatest thing’.  Going internally to discriminate what’s real and what’s false for you doesn’t satisfy your desire for connection. However, it’s imperative to discriminate this month. Make your mantra, “If it sounds too good to be true – it is too good to be true.” Think independently. Prioritize what truly matters to you by listening to your heartfelt desires. Return to your dreams for answers.  Then choose your next steps wisely.

Ruling Warrior – You’re not happy the end goal is illusive, requiring you to take a leap of faith to get what you want. You’re also not happy you’ve got to let go of things no longer serving you. You feel you can carry old energies into your new life, but even with all of your power, you can’t. This isn’t a matter of fortitude and tenacity. It’s a matter of melting and allowing. The new energies are softer, collaborative and connecting. Learning how to navigate this new way of living and leading now changes the trajectory of your 2023 completely.

Creative Superstar – Spiraling out of control is such a possibility this month. You want so badly to connect everyone with your creations, you grow impatient when it doesn’t happen immediately. Others need time to make their decisions. Give them the space, but don’t let them give up the connection to you. Be intoxicating and provocative. Let them know what they’re missing out on. Have fun with it. For those creations that have grown stale, this month is a great time to add flair and finesse to your original designs.

Loving Alchemist – Things are confusing for most everyone and you want to jump in and save them as you can appreciate the depths of the energy and relieve the cloudiness of the mind.  Here’s the thing – you’re not the savoir. Oh, that’s so hard to hear. Yes, you may know exactly what someone needs to do to help them, yet, until they ask – it’s not yours. Instead, use the powerful healing energy to help those who have asked or have paid you for it. Your clients will be ecstatic. If you’re not working with people in this way, seek healing yourself. Also, dive deeply into the mysteries. Now is the perfect time.



There’s incredibly powerful energy this month when you let your heart lead.  Your mind has become the enemy, however, battling it isn’t the answer. Quieting the mind with fun and exciting rituals is your best bet. Go inward for the power you seek.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

October 2022: Do You Want to Know the Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation?

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation
  2. Weekly LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools (including 7 steps for achieving intentions)
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


Take care of yourself to keep up your energy resources. Indulge yourself with a new design or splurge on a new look. Concentrate on yourself. Strive for clarity and define your role to avoid confusion. Avoid power plays by letting go of control and getting things done based on your own efforts.


  1. Use the Moon to power your manifesting energy
  2. Use crystals to charge your desires
  3. Set it and forget it

We’ve covered all of these in the Power Up group! Hit reply if you haven’t seen them.


Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on the fun & support!

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is Learning to Read the Tarot (and Kim may even do a few readings…) It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #28 Intend

The secret to achieving your intentions is to use both the magical and practical energies to make them come true:

Step #1. Get clear on what your intentions are for the remainder of this year.

Step #2. Set your intentions and charge them magically with the stars, crystal and guide energies.

Step #3. Place a magical representation of your intentions in plain sight.

Step #4. Make a plan to practically achieve your intentions.

Step #5. Make a wish for your intentions to the Universe.

Step #6. Tweak and adjust as the stars and your intuition indicate.

Step #7. Watch them come true and give great gratitude when they do.

Crystal: Orange Sapphire

Sapphire is a wisdom stone, the seeker of truth and the balancer of energies. Sapphire brings both calm and focus to the mind, which is absolutely necessary during the month of October. This stone also creates peace and restores balance in the body. It also stimulates self-expression. Orange sapphire adds a lift of joy, hope and connection that furthers sapphires natural tendencies. Grab this stone and use it as a worry stone for those stressful times and place it at your desk or in your purse for the entire month.

Flower Essence: Olive

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth. Your inner guidance is re-calibrated and your ability to achieve peace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being.

Spirit Animal: Bee*

Bee represents your commitment to success while enjoying the sweetness of life. You’re thriving, industrious and capable, yet deliver succor to the world. You work well independently, but also as part of a team. Call on bee when you need cooperation from others to complete a task, desire tact & diplomacy or want to be in service to the world.* Bee was the spirit animal of 2020.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • Planets direct: Mercury October 2, Pluto October 8, Saturn direct October 23
  • Pluto Squares: October 19 & 20
  • New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse October 25
  • Jupiter back into Pisces October 28
  • Mars retrograde October 30 – January 12, 2023 @ Gemini 25- 8°
  • Mars out of bounds October 22 – May 5, 2023

Week 1: October 3 – 9

Access your power and readiness to take on the world. Things have been too slow for too long. Ensure you have your home life in order and then dive right in. This is your time.

Avoid the residual mind games and antics from Mercury retrograde, especially for Wise Strategists and Collaborative Explorers. This is the time for YOU, so walk away when others ask too much of you. You don’t have to say YES just because they asked.

Tips: Use your influence to create your desires. Debate. Negotiate. Calibrate your pathway to success if you haven’t already done so and get moving.

October 8th – Pluto stations direct

You’re ready to come back out into the world after these last few months of gathering yourself, receiving healing and appreciating yourself at deeper levels. Pluto’s been asking you to release control by triggering you through others. Has she done her magic? Do you feel lighter, refreshed and energized? If not, you have more opportunities while she squares the Sun and Venus on the 19th and 20th and when the Sun illumes Scorpio from October 23rd until November 22nd.

Week 2: October 10 – 16

Access your flair for style and design. This is a time for beauty and love. Your heart knows what it wants and has a lot to say. Being open to your dreams, desires and satisfaction feels wonderful.

Avoid ill-fitting and tight feeling ideals, circumstances or relationships. Shrugging off the old and welcoming the new just feels right. Mid-week, there’s lots of gossip and scandal. Confusing thoughts and low energy fuel jealousy and deception.

Tips: Make a game plan for creating a new style – in life, love, beauty and success. Pay attention to the details to create stability as any changes can be long-lasting. Be a mentor to others who are struggling and looking to you for guidance. Most of all, leave the gossiping to others. You have too much to do for yourself to waste time getting caught up in dramas that aren’t even yours.

Week 3: October 17 – 23

Access your self-confidence, enthusiasm and strength in business and your personal life. There’s sexy romance at play this week as well as the ability to handle the details at work. Love and business get a big boost in equal measure.

Avoid power plays, jealousy and either wanting to control others or feeling defensive against others controlling you. Tensions and insecurities abound. Greed knows no bounds either as those in positions of power reach out to take, take, take. Entitlement becomes more normalized, while fierce advocacy for what’s right matches its energy.

Tips: Get social and/or get sexy and romantic with your partner, spouse or love interest to use up the excess energy this week. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Seek common sense and logic to fight for what’s right.

October 23rd – Saturn direct

As the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio and Mercury dances with Saturn, you feel ready to push things forward once again. The roadblocks and obstacles lessen, as you’ve streamlined and optimized your pathway over the last few months. With fewer priorities, you have momentum to drive those things that are really important to you. With this laser-guided focus, success is in sight.

Week 4: October 24 – 30

Access mental bursts of energy, critical thinking and decisiveness while your communicative abilities are heightened, giving you charisma, charm and influence. Your imagination ignites to bring dreamy love, calm and compassion. The energies provide access to the mysteries while prompting serious commitment to relationships and wealth creation.

Avoid giving up and losing your sense of what’s true for you. The cosmic forces ask you to determine what’s real and what’s fake, while complicating positions of power and influence. On the world stage, aggression, anger and extremes are the norm. Leadership, at every level, gets destabilized. Pursuing greed for greed’s sake is running out of runway.

Tips: Create quiet moments to catch your breath and reconnect with yourself. Seek guidance from those you trust. Take care when getting into debates with others. Stay in your lane and dive deeply into YOU.

Big Star Events

As I wrote in the annual forecast for these big star events:

October 28th – Jupiter back into Pisces until December 20th

In Pisces, Jupiter brings compassion, service-orientation and imagination. He’s creativity personified as well as lucky and easygoing. He brought a breath of fresh air, however brief, to 2021 as he danced back and forth between Aquarius and Pisces. Saturn and Uranus wrangled with the Jupiter in Pisces energy in 2021 and it does the same this year.

As Jupiter makes you think everything is possible, even the improbable, so rely on the realism of Saturn to keep everything in perspective.

Jupiter expands everything and while he’s in Pisces, he focuses on feelings and emotions, as well as beliefs and dreams. Drop into your heart as Pisces rewards the heart over the mind. Better yet, rely on your intuition – that’s Pisces favorite.

Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent time to imagine and create as well as say YES to opportunity. He won’t be back in Pisces again until 2033.

Mars Out of Bounds: October 22 – May 5, 2023

We can act with bravery and courage, using our vitality to power us into our next project or adventure. Or we can act rashly, be too selfish or react defensively. This out of bounds coincides with his retrograde, making things completely out of control. Harsh words, violent tempers and aggressive messages become the norm once again. The virus, rebellions and weather events are at an all-time high during this period.

Mars Retrograde Oct 30, 2022 @ 9:26 am ET – Jan 12, 2023 (Gem 25 – 8)

Mars retrograde in Gemini may bring disruptions to mental pursuits and add to health issues, specifically for the lungs. This is music to the corona virus and all of its variants. This is also a time for accidents, so care is called for during this period. Gemini is everything mind, words and interests. This sign can’t get enough material to read, debate and broadcast. The cacophony that quieted down in January ramps up again with the sheer power of Mars.  Curiosity, excitement, new ideas and insights thrive and boredom, impatience and scattered focus reign. Mars pushes your mind in Gemini, making it a wonderful time to take a class, learn a new skill or digest lots of information. It’s also a great time for a meeting of the minds, where coming together in understanding is possible.

When Mars enters a sign, he usually stays for 6 weeks, yet will spend 7 months here between August 2022 and March 2023.

In August, I dove into the house placements to help you determine what actions to take to make the most of this energy. You can read it here.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Choose Healing

Details: Sun in Libra & Moon in Aries @ 16° on October 9th @ 4:55 pm ET

The past come rushing up to the surface. Suddenly you remember everything – the good and the bad. Savor the good and for the not-so-good, healing is possible when you let go of past embarrassments, moments of guilt and playing the blame game. Can you believe you did your best at the time? Will you be as kind to yourself as you are to others?  Flip your perspective and give yourself grace.

New Moon/Eclipse: Choose Your Path

Details: New Moon in Scorpio @ 2° & Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th @ 6:49 am ET

Clarity or confusion? Truth or lie? Get it done or chill out? The choice is yours. Both are available with this New Moon and Eclipse. October & November ecliptic pair is themed UNPREDICTABLE. Any positivity during these two weeks may be fraught with misdirection or misalignment. Take heed. Everything is cloudy and confusing. Take a break, time off or a staycation. If you must stay focused, dive deeply into your intuition. It’s the only clarity you have available. Better yet, follow the strategy you set at the end of 2021.


Oracle Cards:  https://www.kimwoods.com/intuition-oracle-cards/

Empowerment Membership:  https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Orange Sapphire (there are blue ones you can order): https://etsy.me/3CcTZJM

Flower Essence: Olive: https://amzn.to/3DUF1cB

Tarot Cards for Membership Workshop: https://amzn.to/3UWBqRx


Wise Strategist – What begins as a month of focus and determination slowly turns into a quest to find the meaning of life. Use the 7 steps of intentions to make progress on that which you seek in the first few weeks. As the energies deepen, take care to carve out time to explore the big questions without interruption and remember to go into your heart space to relieve overwhelm. Your mind runs amuck otherwise, so better yet, use that gorgeous instinct of yours to define what and how you want to get involved in the collective. Being a beacon of calm and strength amidst the storm is your super power, yet only you can determine whether it’s the right role for you.

Intuitive Visionary – Holy cacophony! Getting swept up by all the things and driving hard to get it all done now sums up October for you. Pace yourself and remember to take olive flower essence. Just because your mind thinks you have amazing amounts of energy doesn’t mean your body agrees. Develop habits and routines that support your long-term goals and desires. Remind yourself this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time in a rhythm that feels progressive, yet easy. Remind yourself you have support all around you. Ask for help as you let ease be your lens.

Collaborative Explorer – Everyone reaches out to you yet again. They’ve gotten into the habit of relying on your unwavering support and excellent advice. This is the time to develop a new habit by allowing others to take responsibility for their own actions (or inactions). Realigning responsibility with authority is your project this month. Managing your own desires is your goal. Make each a mantra, then do one thing every day just for you. Practice saying NO to others. I implore you to please do this in October. You’ll be setting up tons of success for yourself when you do.

Ruling Warrior – Be mindful that you may be contributing to the issues this month. Winning, and striving toward your goals is fine, but use caution that you’re not actually taking power away from others. You may feel really good right now as you look at your client roster and your revenue. However, progress in this way backfires in the coming months. This is a time for you to use your influence and charisma to engage and connect. Think in the long-term and tap into your heart’s desire for satisfaction. This is the key for realized success. Everything else is a mirage and you don’t want to wake up in mid-January without lasting connections and structures for support.

Creative Superstar – Creations galore! You’ve had so many creative ideas these last handful of weeks, it’s impossible to keep them all straight. Take a breath and carve out time at the beginning of the month to create a list with the following headers: ideas, patterns, goals, priorities, processes or steps, supports, outcomes and target dates. Next, put your ideas onto the page and step back to see the patterns to weave these ideas into a tapestry. Then complete the list to bring the woven ideas that speak to you the most into being. This seems to be too daunting of a task and you’re right. With such a bounty of creative ideas, you’re not able to complete any of them without organization. It would be a shame to see them all fizzle into nothingness.

Loving Alchemist – The noise is deafening, pushing you toward taking control of everything and everyone in your life. The triggers keep coming, seeming to urge you to grab everyone you love and protect them from the crazy. Yet, this is exactly the opposite of what your soul wants you to do. Letting go and allowing those you love to experience this month in their own way is the key that unlocks your soul’s path and not surprisingly, is the ultimate support for your own deep satisfaction. Calm your mind, open your heart and feel your soul’s yearning. Practically, drop into healing that feels luscious, make plans for intimacy with those you truly treasure and schedule quiet moments throughout the month to regain your balance.


October gives you forward momentum until the last week when you dive deeply into you and keep your focus on your own path. Allow your mind and heart to synchronize, take time for pleasure and fun and get active when feelings of frustration and impatience arise. Stay above or below the cacophony of life to pursue the next steps for your success.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

September 2022: 4 Top Ways to Improve Your Money, Love and Health Fitness

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. 4 TOP Ways for success, love & money health
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


Take your strength, devotion and ambition and put it to work this month. Make headway on those intentions you set at the beginning of the year.

4 Top Ways:

1. Want success?

Research, organize and declutter.

Tie up loose ends and finish those incomplete administrative projects.

Stay steady.

2. Want money?

Build a money bowl. Check out the shopping list below.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Depending on your Intuitive Type, sell, sell, sell.

3. Want love?

Develop a self-love regimen. Join us for our self-love event – details below.

4. Want fitness?

Make a plan and begin. This is a great time for commitment and dealing with the scheduling details to create time just for you.


Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on the fun & support!

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.  

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #46 Prosper

This is your time to thrive. Develop your muscle to thrive by:

  1. Creating a money bowl, box or jar by filling it with prosperity crystals; pyrite, goldstone, citrine and green aventurine. Add iChing coins, real money and your fortune intentions.
  2. Practicing giving and receiving compliments without mitigating them with extraneous information. Deliver them generously and then receive those coming your way with a simple “Thank you. I fully receive that.”

Crystal: Blue Chalcedony

Blue chalcedony helps you take care of yourself as it relieves you of overreaching in your care for others. This stone says, “You can care about others, instead of for them.”

Blue chalcedony is a nurturing stone, harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. Step into your creativity by enhancing your mental flexibility, communication and memory. The other magic this stone provides is weather magic.

Flower Essence: Agrimony

Smile! When you feel happy and even when you don’t. Agrimony helps those who hide their troubles behind humor. Get real and open your heart to who you are and how you truly feel. Your feelings matter. You matter. Agrimony supports your opening to self-acceptance. At its core, this flower essence brings inner joy.

Animal: Wombat

Be true to you by aligning with your rightful place in the world. When you appreciate your own strengths and talents, others will as well. When you’re in the alignment with your soul, you feel at home – no matter the circumstances.


Big Star Events:

  • Mercury retrograde September 9th – October 2nd as Mercury pulls back along with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
  • Happy Equinox on September 22nd @ 9:04 pm ET as the Sun moves into Libra

Week 1: August 29 – September 4

Access big ideas and desire for sweeping change. If you’ve gathered and deepened during the month of August, go for it. Take a calculated risk or two. They’ll pay off. For those who relaxed during August, keep your feet on the ground and reach for something just beyond the norm. Minor adjustments work for you.

Avoid stressing out about the changes going on at home. It’s back-to-school time for many and this adds another layer of turmoil. The kids aren’t sleeping, so they’re cranky and what does that mean for you? You’re cranky too. Those without the littles? Pesky details creep up, people are confusing and you feel isolated and confused.

Tips: Take a break, get perspective and make a list. The details are magic this month – use them. For those with the littles, get additional meal time help a few times this week and schedule extra early bed time for the little ones too. Everyone needs a break.

Week 2: September 5 – 11

Access your ability to discern what’s best for you. Health comes front and center. In what ways are you grateful for your health in love, money and fitness? What would you like to improve?   

Avoid judging others and their progress or lack thereof. It’s their business and you can get lost in what’s going on around you. The busyness and distractions are a cacophony and every little thing snags and niggles. In a word, everyone feels persnickety.

Tips: Make a 2-columned list. Use the headings: success, love, money and fitness for each column. In the left column, list what you’re grateful for and strides you want to celebrate and in the right one, list what you’d like to change or adjust. Rank them on each side and then make a plan to celebrate your top 1 or 2 accomplishments and make improvements to the first 3 top rankings. Now is the perfect time.

BIG STAR: Mercury Retrograde 9/9/22 – 10/2/22

From the annual forecast, this Mercury retrograde challenges how you lead and love. Mercury gives insight into how the Mars Gemini period will be for you. Mars goes retrograde from October 30 – January 12 and remains in Gemini until March 2023. Take note during Mercury’s antics in Libra and Virgo. It’ll be enlightening. Mariah and I are doing a workshop in our Power Up Group on September 9th. Join us to get your tips by intuitive type.

Week 3: September 12 – 18

Access all possibilities for sweet success, passion and gentle caresses. Love is in the air – which type of love do you wish to access? Romantic sexy, tender kisses, kind gestures, friendly conversations, self-love deep dives or commitment to your long-term success. It’s all available. Choose your preference, dive in and enjoy.

Avoid overindulgence, lethargy and excuses for being too complacent. Your mind rationalizes keeping you stagnant by telling you now is not the time, you don’t have enough experience or everything isn’t perfect. Don’t fall prey.

Tips: Fall into your heart and listen to its wisdom. Your yearnings, passions and desires are beckoning you to take action. Spark interest in fulfilling your destiny and speaking your truth to achieve your future now. Let your mind wander and imagine your big dreams to inspire you to action.

Week 4: September 19 – 25

Access the excitement and power available at the beginning of the week and let it support your ability to gain success. There’s a balance between the practical and the luxurious. On one hand, you strive to be realistic in your tastes and on the other, you yearn for the extravagant.

Avoid the confusing, muddled and distracting mind games that come toward the end of the week. Don’t fall prey to deception for anyone you don’t know coming along with the answer to end all answers. It’s going to be false and can knock you off your path for the next handful of months. Also, modulate your energy by avoiding short bursts. Think marathon, not sprints.

Tips: Find the balance. Stay steady. Open yourself to the range of feelings and opportunities, while not going to the edges. Be moderate in your approach. Use the surge of energy at the start of the week to help you over the finish line at the end.

Big Star Event: Happy Equinox & Birthday Libras!

Sun enters Libra on September 22nd @ 9:04 pm ET. Think about what you loved about 2021 and about what you wish had gone differently. Join us for our entire team LIVE. We’ll help you create a plan for the remainder of the year.

Week 5: September 26 – October 2

Access all of the beautifully flowing energy making you feel optimistic and pushing you in all the right ways – love, money, success, calm, happiness. It’s all at your fingertips this week. You have…

the drive and commitment to complete projects. 

have the desire to make healthy choices. 

have good fortune on your side, so make the most of it.

Avoid spending too lavishly, making massive changes or creating new deals that have just sprung up in the last few weeks. Also, obsessive tendencies arise with this major uptick of energy. You’ve heard me say this statement many times in the past, “Commit without expectation.”

Tips: Lean into the good energy flow. Welcome the ease without question. Dive into work to clean up any outstanding tasks. Tie up loose ends. If funds allow, go shopping. You’re going to find what you’ve been searching for and it’ll be perfect.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Time for Healing

Details: Sun in Virgo & Moon in Pisces at 17° on September 10th @ 5:59 am ET

Establish healthy routines and habits before you get to the next Pisces/Virgo Full Moon in March of 2023. Fair warning; this is going to be critical. Healthy life, healthy love; healthy finances; healthy success. Relieve your past and step into your future. Gain balance as you enter the Equinox season in less than two weeks.

New Moon: Thread the Needle  

Details: Sun & Moon in Libra @ 2° on September 25th @ 5:54 pm ET

You’re under a serious influence to commit to you and solve problems that are standing in your way. You have the energy and fortitude to push through. What’s coming up for you now? Develop a plan of attack (against your obstacles, not people). Take advantage of the fresh perspective and influential charm to make gains on your success. Then, go out and have fun. It’s a good time to reconnect with loved ones.


Oracle Cards:  https://www.kimwoods.com/intuition-oracle-cards/

Empowerment Membership:  https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Blue Chalcedony – https://amzn.to/3QTt4XH

Flower Essence: Agrimony – https://amzn.to/3dHf7Oz

Money Bowl

Bowl – grab a pretty bowl from your cabinet or clean out a candy dish that’s been sitting empty for too long.


Pyrite – https://amzn.to/3PCQKPb

Goldstone – https://amzn.to/3CiUz9d

Citrine – https://amzn.to/3QFifcm

Green Aventurine – https://amzn.to/3K4hAP9

iChing coins – https://amzn.to/3K7NDh5



Wise Strategist – You absolutely adore this month – it makes so much sense to you. Use this retrograde time to research, review and refine. Take the time to plan, schedule and optimize. Even though Mercury tests communication and connection, you can actually gather prospects and make sales. Everyone is being pushed to get organized, handle the details and analyze their standing. It’s litmus time. This synchronicity soothes your mind and makes your heart sing. You are in Heaven and it’s about time!

Intuitive Visionary – Slow down! Ah, you actually hate slowing down, so your patience is tested. BUT. You can either rail against the pace or use it to your advantage to let others catch up to you and your ideas. Fine tune your brilliant solutions by adding texture and details. You’re at a cross roads – you can either continue your fast pace and outwit your following or you can lean in and develop structure for tremendous growth. This month is the key to align the trajectory of your future. Use it wisely.

Collaborative Explorer – Your time is coming the third week of the month. You love the balance presented by the Equinox. In the meantime, gain clarity by spending time alone with an open journal or notepad in front of you. Write down what really matters to you. Include your desires, passions and dreams. This isn’t a logical step-by-step task oriented list. This is an assessment of your values and how you wish to take care of yourself in the future. Remember the annual forecast questions: What do you value? How do you love yourself? How do you reach for opportunities?

Ruling Warrior – Change your mind set about how progress works. Linear and ever-expanding momentum isn’t real anyway, so use this time to understand how spiraling creativity acts to create success, love and money. Fuel your efforts by doing physical activities to both relieve your frustration and add to your fitness goals. Pace yourself – these next few months are going to test you. Form creatively supportive habits now and the rest of the year goes your way.

Creative Superstar – The linear movement of the Sun and the swirling of Mercury retrograde threatens to knock you off center. There’s not a lot of foundational creative energy for the first 3 weeks of the month. That’s okay. Use the energy to refine your creations. Yes, August was a boring month for you as it involved production versus creation. AND, this month beckons to you to stay the course and review, refine and adjust. You have months ahead for more creativity. Get up-to-date with your to-do list. Once the Equinox hits, you’ll be happy you did. 

Loving Alchemist – Love is in the air during the second and last weeks of the month and that’s exactly your language. Plunge into love, swim around and try each love expression on for size. The rest of the time, focus on what you truly value. This is the month to fuel what’s really important to you. You can use all of the universal energy to gather momentum for your dreams. The only downside to the month is whether you let yourself be swept up in other’s drama or concerns. This is not the time to focus on everyone else. It’s the time to focus on you.   


Stay focused on what’s important to you in love, money and health and you can make great strides this month, gathering information, details and connections. You may or may not make forward movement in the conventional sense, but you are setting yourself up for success for the next 6 months. Review your intentions, refine your goals and set your strategy.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August 2022: Top 7 Tips to Make August the Best It Can Be for You and Your Family


I wish I could say August is a free and easy month but, I can’t. I would be lying.

BUT, I can say knowing how to ride the wave is key to making the month work for you. There’s goodness here, you just have to know how to get it.

AND, we’ve got so much in store for you inside this forecast:

  1. TOP Tips
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Workshops
  4. Support Tools
  5. Star Knowing
  6. Resources
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Let’s look first at some tips from the oracle cards, crystals, flower essences and animal spirits and then, of course, let’s look at the stars. ✨

Oracle card: #34 – Merge

Merge, instead of release. August isn’t about releasing and letting go unless that’s your vibe. If it is, go for it. However, if letting go is hard for you, merging is your best bet.  This way, you have an active way to deal with your issue(s).

TOP Tip #1: How do you merge?  


We’re going to go through this in our Power Up group on August 3 at 1:00 pm ET. Don’t miss it –bring a paper and pen and the biggest thing that irks you right now…let’s change it from an issue to an asset. 😘

Crystal: Aqua Aura Quartz

Aqua Aura quartz stimulates channeling and spiritual communication. This stone allows freedom, activates the chakras and releases negativity. This crystal can enhance other stone’s healing powers.

This crystal is a multitasker, amplifier and powerful healer as it meets the energy at the appropriate level in every situation.

TOP Tip #2: Let Aqua Aura call your intentions to you.

Grab some of this delicious crystal and charge it up with your favorite intention and then let it be the beacon for you for the rest of the month. You can get it here super-fast or if you’re not in a rush, get it here.

Flower essence: Holly

This flower essence helps you let go of over-control, judgment and jealousy. Holly lessens assertiveness and anger.  It also helps you follow your own path, increases goodwill and opens your heart to have a generous spirit. 

TOP Tip #3: Lighten up!

If you’re feeling angry or judgmental, grab some Holly here. Put 3 drops in water a few times a day and watch yourself melt in the best possible way.

Animal: White Raven

White raven is pure magic and helps you stay connected to the spiritual realm. With raven, you’re confident, knowledgeable and strong. Call on raven when you want to recapture the magic of life or want to reclaim innocence and joy.


 Big Star Events:

  • Uranus retrograde 8/24/22 – 1/22/23 to join Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto (more information below)
  • Mars is center stage this month (think lots of energy or aggravation – you decide)

Week 1: Stay Steady

Dates: August 1 – 7

The stars are just plain bonkers this week. Seriously, first it’s this and then it’s that. They’ve got you feeling all sexy and groovy, waiting for a windfall and then bam, they’ve got you questioning everything, not knowing what’s going on. I usually don’t say, “Kick the can down the road, but kick the can down the road.”

TOP TIP #4: Do 2 fun things this week.

Yup – just fun and not just one fun thing, but two.

Week 2: Balanced and focused

Dates: August 8 – 14

Energies ramp up. It’s like the slow simmer suddenly becomes a boil and you can’t stand the heat. But, you actually can. You’re used to it by now. Don’t let others get under your skin. Ignore them. This isn’t the week to smooth things or work it out with others. Everyone is testy and argumentative. They’re looking for a fight. Don’t give it to them. Instead…

TOP TIP #5:  Use the energy to make something happen for YOU.

You can leverage all of the force in the ‘air’ to succeed at something that’s really important to you. Get it done.

Full Moon: A New Way

Details: Sun in Leo & Moon in Aquarius @ 19° on August 11th @ 9:36 pm ET

This Full Moon is a story of 2 triangles. The first triangle brings energy, fortitude and forbearance – in other words, you can get through anything. The second triangle beckons the entry into the way of living and leading.  Combine the energies of both to create your life the way you want it.


We’re going to do a massive “Get ALL the Things” in our Empowerment Membership on August 12th at 10:30 am ET.

Not a member? Become one by clicking here.

Week 3: Solving Problems

Dates: August 15 – 21

Now is the time to solve problems when you lean into your experience, instincts and inner knowing. Your mind is still running a tad amuck (and gets more so as the week progresses), BUT you can definitely put it to work. Use that overactive mind of yours to solve problems. This is the week to work things out, bring things to a close, wrap it up.

TOP TIP #6:  Fix your #1 issue – right now.


Grab a pen and paper and let’s get to work in our Power Up group on Tuesday, August 16th @ 12:30 pm ET.

Big Event: Uranus Retrograde 8/24/22 – 1/22/23

Uranus rules natural disasters, technology, inventions, electricity, scientific breakthroughs, dictators and rebellions. He gets even more unstable and unpredictable when he’s retrograde, so be watchful. Personally, you get to choose yourself – freely without any intervention from others. When you embrace your authenticity, you take steps to gain independence and freedom. This is a time to express your true desires and to explore new ways of doing things.


Join our LIVE on our FB biz page to talk all things NEW on August 24th at 11:00 am ET. (Psst…maybe we can get Emily to channel another amazing message for us…I’ll keep you posted.😉)

Week 4: Stay committed 

Dates: August 22 – 28

The week starts off great and then gets dicey at the end. You start off feeling fulfilled and satisfied as if you can get anyone to do anything for you and then reality gives you a boost to get things done mid-week, but brings doubt and uncertainty with it. All of a sudden those feelings of “I’ve got this” turn into “Wait, what? Um…maybe, I don’t know…”

The mid-week shout out is a big Happy Birthday Virgos! 🎉

TOP TIP #7:  Commit to your end game. 

Forget everything that’s going on around you right now. Seriously, push it aside. Stay focused on what you want to accomplish. That’s the only thing that matters – your end game. Where do you want to be at the end of the year? What do you want to have done? Make strides at the beginning of the week and take time off at the end, if you have to, in order to keep yourself in the game.

New Moon: Tests of character

Details: Sun & Moon in Virgo at 4° on August 27th @ 4:17 am ET

This New Moon should be titled, ‘The New Moon of the Push and Pull’ as it tests you to the max by pushing you to your limits while pulling back the curtain of everything you’ve done or haven’t done. It’s also the ‘What have you done for me lately?’ Moon. It harkens back to 2021 with the past-future star clangs coming together once again (and lasting until October BTW).

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What do I REALLY care about – deeply and unfailingly?
  2. How can I shift my thoughts to support me?
  3. What’s actually real?


We’ve got you. We’ll be going through all of this in great detail with practical and ritual support on Friday, August 26th at 10:30 am ET. Not a member? Become one by clicking here.

Intuitive Types Forecasts:

Don’t know your type? Take the quiz at https://www.kimwoods.com/knowyourlifequiz/ and then come back and check out how the month affects you.

Wise Strategist – You actually loathe the first 3 weeks of the month – it’s so fiery and undulating, you don’t know how to find your footing. You may be predisposed to say, “Forget this month, I’m going to take an extended vacation.” That may be your best bet if you can’t review your goals and set a path to follow by taking one step at a time. When you chunk things down into smaller segments and follow the energies detailed above, you can get a ton done this month – A TON. By the time the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd, you feel at home once again. But, these first 3 weeks have a lot to offer you – they can get you out of your mind and into your heart and that’s going to be key in 2023.

Intuitive Visionary – You don’t mind the push/pull waviness of the month, it keeps things interesting for you. Go with it to get things done and to let things go as you see fit. Keep in mind that others really hate this energy and don’t know how to deal, so help them get through this month. Provide support in the ways that bring people closer into your world. Make sure you have your best interests at heart and aren’t just willy-nilly giving away free advice. Make a concerted effort to lead your prospects and follow through with your plans. By the end of the month, you’ll have a more robust client list.

Collaborative Explorer – It’s going to be so easy to forget yourself this month as everyone needs something from you right now. They’re flailing with the energetic push and pulls and you’re just the person who can help them figure everything out. Be this person for yourself and those who have make a commitment with you. Let everyone else either commit to working with your properly or finding others to help them. If you try to help everyone, you’ll lose sight of your own goals and end the month absolutely exhausted. This is the month you can hone your discernment skills – saying yes when it’s right for you and no when it’s not.

Ruling Warrior – Admit it – you love the fire in the stars and nothing puts you into high gear like a little confrontation (when you come out the winner). BUT, this month, the win is going to be short-lived. Stay focused on you – ignore everyone else, unless it’s a romantic partner and you’re grooving in the love vibe. Otherwise, do the other thing you love to do – succeed. Focus on your long-term goals and make headway on each and every one of them. If a goal involves others, just do your part for now. The time will come to get others involved, it’s just not now.

Creative Superstar – These fiery energies are good for your creative juices and Venus is front and center for most of the month, adding her style and flair to all of your designs. Yet, there’s enough doubt and uncertainty about where you fit into the world that has you spinning. Stake your claim at the beginning of the month by making a plan (yes, setting a schedule for each week) and sticking to it. Then, commit to following your schedule. Your schedule and only your schedule, will help you avoid getting swept up by the forces trying to knock you off center. If you do this, August is going to be a great month for you.

Loving Alchemist – Move into your power, deepen it and stay there. From this power place, allow yourself to go with the flow of energies and let others circle around you –without intention, control maneuvers or staking your claim in any way. This is intoxicating to you, so will not be easy. BUT let the magic of the prosperity season invite you to stake your claim on your abundance. In what ways are you already incredibly abundant and in what ways would you like to be more so? Make a list, create a plan and put all of your energies into making yourself more abundant. August is the month for you when you revolve around your own unique abundance.

Bottom Line:

August is a MONTH. Yet, it holds so much for you. Follow these guide posts and you’ll find yourself much better off at the end of the month than at the beginning. Otherwise, take a break, holiday or vacation.

This is going to be a bumpy month – fun and in the flow or filled with aggravation and angst. As always, it’s up to you.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  



© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July 2022: Let’s collect star power and watch your dreams easily come to life


From Annual Forecast:

You can release and heal this month. Transformation is in the air. Changes may be forced on you. Avoid the drama and desire to hold on too tightly. Can you let go of control and go with the flow? Now’s the time. You can either breakdown or breakthrough.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #41 – Flow

Allow the movement and rhythm of the month to gift you with ease and flexibility. Open yourself to the rhythms and cycles of the Universe. Let yourself blossom like a flower on an early summer day. Fill yourself with the warmth of the Sun.

Crystal: Moonstone

This is a stone that channels the Moon. It attunes to the ebb and flow of the moon. Moonstone helps with stability as it balances you during the cycles of life. It represents the inner Goddess and enhances intuition. This crystal also helps you resonate with the mysteries.

Flower essence: Centuary

This is a stone that channels the Moon. It attunes to the ebb and flow of the moon. Moonstone helps with stability as it balances you during the cycles of life. It represents the inner Goddess and enhances intuition. This crystal also helps you resonate with the mysteries.

 Big Star Events:

  1. July 2nd – Mars confronts Pluto
  2. July 6th thru 13th – Mercury out of bounds
  3. July 19th – Chiron retrograde
  4. July 20th – Sun challenges Pluto
  5. July 28th – Jupiter retrograde
  6. July 31st – Uranus and Mars stir up soul destiny

The Weekly Stars

Week 1: July 1 – July 10

Mars and Pluto are just wrangling with each other. They’re up to no good. They’re making mischief in a way that’s not fun. Don’t do anything this weekend that’s going to be edgy.

After the weekend, the energy provides fresh perspectives, new ways to change institutions and different avenues to view the world. There’s a softening and soothing influence, hopefully relieving the pressure that’s been building these last many weeks. Good news may appear at the end of the week.

Weekly tip: Reach out and connect.

Week 2: July 11 – July 17

This is the week for adjustments.

Full Moon

Details: Full Moon 7/13 @ 2:37 pm ET Sun in Cancer & Moon in Capricorn

There’s a building of beautiful energy a more realistic outlook as to what it is that you’re seeing, observing and realizing in your world. What is the right path forward? Traditional structures and leadership methods or new, inclusive and grass roots constructs. Intuitive answers may lead you along the right path to making progress.

Your relationships and finances are under review. What adjustments support you in love and money? What attunements are needed for love, value and relationship. Masculine and feminine energies have the ability to weave in new and different ways.

The remainder of the week continues allowing you to tweak and refine to make your future a reality. How can you adjust your thinking to receive the love and support you desire?

Weekly tip: Strike up a conversation. Ask and you may receive.

Week 3: July 18 – July 24

This is a fiery week with lots of trying to control you and pushing you toward a crisis of some sort. You may be forced to let go of something you’ve been wrangling with for quite some time. Allow yourself to let go and feel the relief. Your mind is playing games with you. Focus on the long term.

Chiron retrograde 7/19 – 12/23

You have the opportunity for great healing. And you observe old wounds and release your ties to them. Also, you reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others in order to understand your past to give way to your future. In Aries, Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world. Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough.

Chiron in retrograde in the sign is about your identity, uniqueness and ability to live in the world. He’s always a healer. When he’s direct, you have an easier time to release and let go. When he’s retrograde, you can sink in to ruminate and ponder.

Weekly tip: Get healing.

Week 4: July 25 – July 31

It’s time for fun and going with the flow. There’s a lot of energy pushing and pulling you with sudden changes and mind games. Relax into it. Take time off if possible.

Jupiter Retrograde 7/28/22 – 11/23/22

Jupiter retrograde in Aries dominates this retrograde cycle from the end of July until the end of October. During this time, Jupiter asks you to ready yourself for all of the expansion in your life. He wants you to shore up your confidence, your leadership skills and your courage. As he moves back into Pisces for the November portion of his retrograde, he calls for self-compassion and emotional support. He wants to pull back any escapist tendencies too.

When Jupiter goes retrograde. He’s basically asking, “Have you positioned yourself for the blessings, success, leadership and opportunities you want? He’s the giver of them. Jupiter brings them to you. When he’s moving forward, it’s easier to put deals together and to make things happen. When he goes retrograde, it’s optimize, streamline and efficiency time.

New Moon

Details: New Moon 7/28 @ 1:55 pm ET – Sun & Moon in Leo at 5°

The Sun and Moon aren’t the main attraction – Mercury’s dance with Uranus, Mars and the collective soul destiny is and comes into exact alignment in 3 days. The Sun and Moon urge the heart forward to move into generous and noble pursuits, however, in the collective, the pressing of ambitions may lead to greedy power grabs to protect pride and ego.

7/31 Uranus conjunct North node

BIG STAR GATE IS HERE! There’s good luck to achieve the higher expression – a massive breakthrough to ensuring an everlasting future for the Earth. (This is new earth). Otherwise, overly-sensitive or dramatic breakdown with violent behaviors and attachment to being victim. Your mind is wreaking havoc, don’t listen to it. Drop into your intuitive knowing.

Weekly tip: Choose to be surprised and delighted by what’s coming up for you right now.

July by Intuitive Type:

Wise Strategist – July can be powerful for you if you don’t hold onto your expectations of what you feel should happen and the way you want it to happen. It’s going to be different than you expect. Ask questions instead of waiting for answers. Stay curious and open by setting your plans and nimbly rearranging them. Your future wants you to be in the flow. Breathe and make refinements, adjustments and minor tweaks. You’re gathering is powerful beyond measure. Your mantra is “Allow, allow, allow”.

Intuitive Visionary – Patience is not your virtue and here comes July asking for it. Go back to the intentions you set at the beginning of the year and review your progress. What’s working for you and what isn’t? Adjust and refine to get into the razor’s edge alignment required to easily embody your future. Your ideas have stirred the collective and they’re trying to catch up. Work on something related to deepening your ideas, not expanding them. If you’re expanding something new, it’s going to crumble. Gather, intensity, define. Work your ideas in this way and watch the exploding expansion you crave come to be.

Collaborative Explorer – This month is a tough one for you as things stir up that require you to stand in your power. You feel you’re being pushed into too many uncomfortable situations. Think less about avoiding offending others and more about showing up for yourself. For more support, combine the annual flower essence of Cerato with the monthly one of Centuary.  Your inner voice becomes a confusing cacophony when you don’t follow it and this combination helps you listen and respond without your mind running amuck. Act from the heart, not the head. Make this your mantra.

Ruling Warrior – The staccato energy filled with power meets you perfectly. There are enough wins this month to satisfy, so take each one and celebrate it without looking for more. There won’t be a natural progression this month. Wins come and time elapses and then another win comes. Trust that the next win will happen. If you don’t trust, you’ll get frustrated and push your wins away. To prevent that, take a vacation or time off, if you must.

Creative Superstar– You can dance through the month by dipping into the power and using it to fuel your path forward. Some of the energies feel good and others don’t. Ask whether those that feel out of flow are even yours. If so, lean into the discovery available. If not, disregard and continue on your way. Be delighted by what shows up without judgment and July holds many treasures for you.

Loving Alchemist – This month feels luscious to you with its intensity and power. You’re at home in these energies. Savor and enjoy without trying to control. Stay in your own space and allow others to do the same. Focus on YOU with self-care measures and self-love exploration. Set up regular self-care routines for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. If you have the wherewithal to do more, drop into your heart to ask its yearnings for bonding. See what comes into your life you’d like to explore further.

Bottom Line:

July requires adjustments, not wide sweeping changes. Throughout the month, refine what feels good to align with your best future and rid yourself of what doesn’t work. If it’s not working now, it’s not going to. Let it go and move on.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

June 2022: Fortune Favors the Bold, Are You Ready for Huge Healing?


From Annual Forecast:

There is so much healing available. Will you take advantage of it or will you get frustrated by lack of progress? With discernment, get a glimpse of reality while you can. Your future is evident in your heart. Take notes on course corrections – think minor adjustments, not major ones.

Planetary Alignment – Astronomy:

Every few years, the planets ‘line up’ in the sky, while being illuminated by the Moon, so are visible without the need of a telescope.  In late March, Venus, Mars and Saturn begin aligning as Jupiter joins in mid-April. The Moon dances around the line to link up in late April and late May. Mercury joins in late June.  

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #23- Create

Creativity isn’t linear and the last few months have pushed you with its spiraling energy. Acclimate to it – it’s here to stay. Creation begins with your imagination, not your mind. Let your mind wander and your imagination take over. Think in questions, not answers. The magic happens in the creative spiral. What kind of magic do you desire?

Here are two ways to use this card this month: 

Intuitive tool: Lose yourself in the ecstasy of creation by listening to your favorite music, pursuing your favorite creative exploits or envisioning a rainbow and exploring each of its colors. Get out of your mind, open your heart and tap into your belly. Let your belly be your muse. Call on the Goddess Sarasvati to help. She’s always up for the creative process.

Practical tip: Do some creative writing on whatever topic suits you. Spend at least an hour to really get into your topic. Don’t research or follow any particular purpose. Allow yourself to write freely.

Crystal: Labradorite

This is a stone of transformation and magic. Awaken your imagination and creative powers by working with this stone. Use it in meditation to connect to your intuition. Labradorite asks you to be patient and to quiet your mind. The good news? It helps you do both.  

Flower essence: Scleranthus

This is a balancing flower essence bringing you from conflict to equilibrium. Scleranthus helps you make decisions, typically between two choices, without requiring advice or impulse outside of you. Scleranthus helps center and balance your internal compass instead of swinging back and forth between two options. Sometimes, the swing is wide and obvious and other times, it’s minor and obscure. Scleranthus is effective in either case.

Supportive Practical Tips

 Quick tip: Get healing. Schedule a massage, acupuncture, sound bath or your favorite healing modality.  Go to a spa. Any healing you do this month is exponentially effective.

Going Deeper:

  • Change your perspective. Ask yourself, “How am I wrong?” Instead of “How am I right?”
  • Find satisfaction with loved ones and through things you enjoy.
  • Get ready for the lightning bolt awakening on July 31st by addressing the areas of your life that need addressing. You know what they are – get to work.

 Big Star Events:

    • June 4th– Saturn retrograde- When Saturn is in Aquarius it helps you construct your life for the future and pushes you to go, go, go! However, when he goes into retrograde roadblocks may come in the form of delays, sluggish energy and health issues-all things that will give you the opportunity to determine what is important to you. During this time, he wants you to take a breath and rest, to reflect on your priorities and to give you a nudge to show up for YOU. 
  • June 21st– Solstice- The Solstice is the time of the year where the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky in the northern and lowest point in the sky in the southern hemisphere and stands still. It’s the still point where magic resides – the apex of POWER. We’re celebrating it by offering a free powerful prosperity cleanse. Get rid of stale blocks and amp up your prosperity flow.
  • June 28th– Neptune retrograde- It’s time for that reality check. Truths are starting to come into focus and any rose-colored glasses that you’ve been wearing are coming off now. Even though you may be feeling grounded, things feel confusing and uncertain. The only constant in life is change and Neptune is here to offer compassion and love through these times. Be kind to yourself and others as you continue to embrace your heart’s wisdom and follow its guidance.

 Supportive Events:


On June 21st at 1:30 pm ET, the entire team will be going live on the FB biz page for a Solstice Prosperity Power Cleanse Ritual. We’re getting you ready for the BIG lightning bolt awakening on July 31st by clearing your prosperity blocks and opening your prosperity flow.


Say YES to you:

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Power Tips are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Intuitive types (ways for you specifically to develop your intuition and step into your power) are going to be explored, so come have fun with us!

ENGAGE with your intuition:

In our Empowerment Membership, we’ll be doing rituals around the New and Full Moon in order to fully step into this pivotal time of power.  Join us in our supportive community filled with power and magic.


The Weekly Stars

Week 1: Welcome the Shift of Energies

Dates- May 30-June 5th

Let’s celebrate the end of Mercury retrograde this week and begin to get ready for the lightning bolt awakening on July 31st with Saturn’s karmic healing. Communications begin to flow easier and any snafus smooth out, however, lookout for upheaval that feels disruptive.

Surround yourself with support and take some time to really look at patterns or limiting beliefs that have been hanging around but no longer serve you. This is a good time for breakthroughs.

Weekly tips:

  1. Choose yourself and your health. Ramp up your health routines.
  2. Make a plan for lots of outreach next week.
  3. Celebrate! May is done – you’ve made it through one of the most difficult months of the year!

Week 2: Enjoy that Sigh of Relief

Dates-June 6th-12th

This week is a huge relief after all of the intense energies. Your mental game gets a boost and you have opportunities for some new partnerships. Excitement, freshness and freedom comes into play in your love life and with your finances. Enjoy.

Weekly tips:

  1. Look for opportunities by exploring potential relationships and collaborations.
  2. Do outreach – every single day this week – it’s been too long.
  3. Play in your love life.

Full Moon: Dream Big

Details: Full Moon Sun in Gemini & Moon in Sagittarius on June 14th@ 5°at 7:52am ET

Dream big and then get a glimpse of reality while you can. Your future seems evident in your mind. What do you really believe about your biggest and most heartfelt dreams? Think about what you are willing to do to achieve them. And what aren’t you willing to do? Explore ways to make your future a reality now. Take note and make any notes on course corrections—think minor adjustments, not major ones. The 5° symbolizes change and your ability to embody your goals. It’s time to shed the blocks and overcome the obstacles. If not now, when?

Week 3: Tread Lightly

Dates- June 13-19th

What a mixed bag! Some of the stars lift you up and energizing your life for success, love and money. Other stars bring you down, making you feel alone, lethargic and a bit depressed. Throw in a shift in power and you don’t know which way is up. Go with the flow. Lean into the yummy energies and lay low during the yucky ones.

Weekly tips:

  1. Release tension by going to the gym or relaxing outdoors.
  2. Embrace success in any form. Celebrate wins – however small. Minor victories count too.
  3. Give yourself a bit of a boost by adding a new design or flair to your wardrobe or office space.

Big Event:  Solstice on June 21st @ 5:41am ET as the Sun enters Cancer

Show up for yourself in ALL the areas of your life and business. This date marks either the longest or shortest day of the year and an opportunity to dive into the Power of the season! This Solstice is a great time to lean into wealthy ways of living and being, drinking in your values and standing firm in them.

Move forward in manifesting on this material plane – in a word – MONEY.

Join us on our FB biz page for a Solstice Prosperity Power Cleanse Ritual. We’re getting you ready for the BIG lightning bolt awakening on July 31st. You don’t want to miss this. It’s our first event of this kind and it will be epic.

Week 4: Things Are Moving!

Dates- June 20th-26th

Fortune, success, love, money all get a push this week. You’re thinking clearly, you’re feeling good and you’re ready for anything. Take full advantage and enjoy making strides.

Weekly tips:

  1. Say YES – in big ways and small.
  2. Do the Solstice Power Prosperity ritual. Seriously, this is a HUGE gift.
  3. Make the most of the week – sleep is overrated – catch up next week.

New Moon: Feeling Good

Details: New Moon in Cancer @ 7° on June 28 at 10:52 pm ET

Happy New Moon, New Beginnings, and Happy Healing. This New Moon is filled with energy for love-based endeavors, family time and home or office improvement projects. Power abounds Energy sizzles. Make the necessary adjustments to step into your power, gain authority and achieve success.

Week 5: Snap Back to Reality

Dates- June 27th-July 3rd

It’s time to get back to reality. You may wish for focus and realistic insights, but when they come – it can be too eye-opening. The confusion passes, but so does the ability to wish and dream. Intensity ramps up by the end of the week. Avoid power struggles and fighting for control. There are no winners in these type of scenarios, so use your energy to further your own goals. Keep your eyes forward and stay in your lane.

Weekly tips:

  1. Be flexible with the revealing of things you may have been avoiding.
  2. Get clear on your objectives.
  3. Do not scroll social media looking for easy answers. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

June by Intuitive Type:

Wise Strategist – June provides support, solace and relief. It also brings healing and openings to step into the best version of yourself. Use your patience to make sound decisions, but don’t let it to allow this moment to pass you by. This is one of those times where you can miss the mark. Don’t.

Intuitive Visionary – Fill yourself in at the core. Center, balance and grounding creates huge opportunity for success, love and money. Stop long enough to recognize when things aren’t in alignment and make the necessary adjustments. This can be a turning point for you.

Collaborative Explorer – Team work is still a challenge for others, so rely on your kindness to allow them to catch up. In the meantime, think of yourself and create success just for you. This month is supportive to open your power. Step into it and watch your goals materialize right before your eyes.  

Ruling Warrior – Things just aren’t moving fast enough. When you align yourself with your intuition, energy and strategy, then things fall into place. You see movement and your goals become real. Avoid power plays in the last two weeks and June creates the lift you’ve been desiring.  

Creative Superstar– June offers a beautiful creative backdrop. Let yourself sink into your creative pursuits in the 1st and 2nd week. Then, lean into the momentum the stars provide for the last two weeks. It’s still a creative time, but it’s one for outreach as well. Create and connect.

Loving Alchemist – You’ll love the energy of the Moons and the Solstice as these powerful intense moments match what you crave. However, it’s necessary that you let go of control at the end of the month. Get healing or advice to support you in allowing others to be – just be. It’s not your responsibility to step into their lanes. Stay in your own. Use this powerful time just for you.

Bottom Line:

June is filled with healing. Say yes to any and all healing, even though you may think you don’t need it. You do. Stay flexible and take advantage of the star energy pushing you toward your goals. The power is palpable. Are you harnessing the power available to you to its fullest?

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2022: Stay Grounded and Listen to Your Heart

Discover How the Stars Conspire to Help You Ride Out the Powerful Storm


This month has a cyclonic energy demanding you drop into your intuition to remain calm and be discerning. Charlatans and illusionists take advantage of the cacophony of chaos and uncertainty. Prepare yourself. Picture life as a chess board and you’re one piece on it. The board has gotten shaky and it’s unclear how to move forward. However, if you’ve been listening, you’ve already laid out your strategy. Trust it and follow it. Stay grounded and listen to your heart and you’ll actually stand in the center as the eye of the storm.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #8-Satisfy

Despite or because of the storminess, this month is the perfect time to dive into what satisfies you, whether it be in work, play or passion projects. Satisfaction comes when you like yourself enough to follow your heart’s desires. Your heart holds wisdom, helping you with your discernment, but more importantly it inspires, energizes and connects you to the deepest parts of you. Your intuition sings when you step into satisfaction.

Crystal: Jade

Jupiter stays front and center this month and actually becomes much more intense as he dances with Pluto and steps into Aries. The plus side – you can attract all kinds of things into your life. The down side is – it’s intensity times a hundred. Jade compliments Jupiter’s energy beautifully as it softens all of the intensity coming at you, while maintaining the attractive qualities. This stone brings a sense of love and peace.

Flower essence: Rescue Remedy®

This Bach flower essences contains 5 flowers- Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis to create a pattern of calm amidst stressful situations. Allow this essence to help calm your energy during this turbulent month. Let the flowers work their gentle magic in your system to align your mind, body and spirit. You can find this essence anywhere – it’s known as yoga in a bottle.

Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip: Go back to the basics for calming, grounding and centering. If you have tools you’ve used in the past that worked, go back to them.  Tried and true is the theme this month.

Going Deeper:

  • Start a passion project that brings you satisfaction. Lose yourself in your own creations.
  • Go back to the strategy you laid out at the end of 2021 or revisit your intentions from January of this year. You have the pillars in place – follow them.
  • The stars want you to stay in your heart, so lean into all the ways of love, both the giving and receiving ends.
  • Take time off – a staycation is the perfect solution to relieve all of the noise swirling around you.

Big Star Events:

  • May 3rd– Jupiter excites Pluto: Jupiter and Pluto love power, success and influence and when they’re dancing there is nothing you can do, except let it happen. Anything you’ve set into motion in 2018 (the last time these two planets combined their energies) can come to fruition. Gather the energy around those seeds you planted – it’s their time to blossom!
  • May 10th Jupiter enters Aries: Fuel is added to the fire on the collective stage and greed, power plays and selfishness may come to the forefront at this time. However, this energy also has great power, opportunity and potential fortune if you’re bold enough to take a leap of faith with the discernment you learned in 2021. Your best options are to demonstrate confidence, stand in your leadership and innovate based on your own creative flow.
  • May 10th– Mercury goes into retrograde in Gemini: Mercury, the cosmic communicator, loves to get naughty when he stations retrograde. Most retrogrades have their share of technological snafus and miscommunications, but this particular retrograde is amplified due to the Gemini influence. It will be even more difficult to rely messages. Mercury wants you to drop into your intuition and let it reign. He’ll do anything to prevent you from allowing your mind to run the show. Other than following your intuition, your best bet is to release what no longer serves you, revisit your strategy, review your goals, revise your next steps forward and redistribute your resources.

Supportive Events:

For the public:

On May 3rd, Emily and I talk about Jupiter and Pluto with all of the exciting the energies on the world stage. She’s going to channel a message just for us! Join us on our FB biz page.

On May 10th, Miriam and I go deeply into the concept of power and why Jupiter moving into Aries is a BIG deal. Join us on our FB biz page.

Say YES to you:

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Scavenger Hunt Fridays are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Additionally, we’ll be going back to the 2022 forecast guide to talk about the Sun and the Moon for even more support this month. Join us.  

ENGAGE with your intuition:

In our Empowerment Membership, we’ll be doing star peeks on your individual charts once again to see how Jupiter affects your fortune, luck and success. Ooo la la!  Join us in our supportive community filled with power and magic.

Claim & Prosper:

In our small group programs, we’ll be gifting you with a lunar journal to dive deeply into your power to merge with the power of the Moon.

Impact & Lead:

For our 1:1 clients, we’re gifting the Lunar Journal and a Manifesting Ritual to harness the star power to create your brightest future.

If you’d like to see how to become one of our clients, book a connection call with me. We’ll talk all the things for you to open your full potential to live your true life purpose.  

The Weekly Stars

Week 1: Harness the Power

Dates- May 2nd – 8th  

This is it! You have the ability, energy and power to create the life you want to live. How are you doing with that? Think back to 2018. What seeds did you plant that year? They come to fruition right here – right now. Fresh, new, exciting changes are here for you in all the ways of love, power and abundance, based on your unique definition of success. The energies give you the chance to embrace the change you want to see in yourself and inspire others through your actions. Remember, Mercury goes into retrograde next week so take some time to communicate clearly while you can!

Weekly tips:

  1. Show the love and then take the time to really receive it too.
  2. Find an activity that makes your heart sing and do it as much as possible.
  3. Take advantage of any collaborative opportunities before Mercury goes into retrograde.

Week 2: Take it Slow

Dates- May 9th – 15th

Mercury heads into retrograde on May 10th and this particular cycle may make your mind spin out of control, so following your heart will be the only way to navigate until he gets back on course June 3rd.

With Mercury up to his antics, this week might feel particularly tough as forces push you to another level of awakening, whether you’re ready for it or not. If you’re in your lane, you’ll love this momentum. If not, it’s going to be jarring. The week is complicated by a dissipating energy that puts road blocks in your path. Dig deep and go with the flow – both work for you. Dig deep into the core values of who you are and what’s important, then let go of your expectations to step into the natural flow of the Universe.

Weekly tips:

  1. Lean into your support system to remain calm.
  2. Check in daily with your strategic guide posts for direction.
  3. Take the lead if you are aligned to attract even more opportunities!

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse: What is Real?

Details: Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio 5/16 @ 12:14am ET

Leverage the energy to move toward a mature response to the push and pull of your life. Curb overly stress-inducing thought patterns that lead to overly indulgent behavior. Stop gas-lighting yourself. Stand in your decisions – let your YES be a YES and your NO be a NO.

Dive into your intuitive knowing for the answers you seek. Use the Martial and Uranian energies to take action to achieve the future you desire.

Week 3: Creative or Spiritual Pursuit

Dates- May 16th – 22nd

Deceptions and illusions abound as scandals and gossip create confusion. Don’t believe the first headline you read or item you hear as you’re only getting the partial truth. Let these energies swirl, but don’t take them in. AND absolutely do not make any big decisions this week. Now is NOT the time.  Your best course of action is to get wildly creative, dive deeply into spirituality and look at your strategy from an intuitive perspective. Develop a discipline that serves you to stay grounded.

Weekly tips:

  1. Let yourself get creative – do so in unusual ways.
  2. Go outside. Explore nature.
  3. Remove unwanted energies from your life.

Week 4: Cheers to Good News!

Dates- May 23rd – 29th

Good luck, fortune and success surges forward to fill you with optimism and ebullience. You’ll be able to attract your desires. You may find your mind sharper and able to drive you to push forward with success. Take it slow and watch your participation in relationship. Power issues come to the fore, warning you to stay in your lane.  Be intuitive, stay honest with yourself and allow things to unfold with wonder right in front of your eyes.

Weekly tips:

  1. Focus on how you wish to engage in your relationships.
  2. Avoid any tendency to try to control what’s going on around you.
  3. Be open to new possibilities presenting themselves this week.

New Moon: Intuitive Discipline

Details: New Moon in Gemini 5/30 @ 7:30 am ET

Gain the ability to influence your thoughts, instead of letting them lead you astray. Your mind is a tool you have the power to yield. Notice how your mind takes the lead and train it to be a passenger. Your intuition is poised to create flashes of brilliance and genius insights. Discipline yourself to develop your intuition through regular routines and frequent practice.

May Energy for Intuitive Types:

Ruling Warrior: Honestly, you’re going to hate this month. The energies feel as if they’re pushing you forward, but don’t materialize easily or swiftly. This is a time of patience and deep dives – two things that aren’t your favorite. You hate watching from the sidelines, so get athletic to burn off frustration. Better yet – take a staycation and get things done around the house.

Intuitive Visionary: This month is frustrating as flashes of brilliance and ideas are still coming, but don’t form as quickly as usual. Also, bringing them to fruition is more difficult than it should be. Coordinate with a designer to add creativity to your new insights or refine those out in the world to provide more possibility in the coming months.

Wise Strategist: If you lead from your heart, this month actually satisfies you. Let your mind relax, so not to succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. Allow yourself the space to breathe and just be. Remember – heart first, intuition second and mind last.

Creative Superstar: You love when Mercury goes into retrograde because it’s a big heart opening, giving you permission to drop into your creativity. Splurge! Relish the opportunity to stay in your creative flow. This month lets you lean into solitude, so take advantage to gather your energy for a renewed entrance into the world in June.

Collaborative Explorer: Communications are tough and connections aren’t easy. You may initiate a collaboration or project, but it’s unlikely to come to fruition. You feel the hidden agendas and power plays circulating around you, frustrating your efforts. Execute with care. Let things play out in front of you without attachment.

Loving Alchemist: You will LOVE this month! With the depth of Pluto’s energy, combined with sinking into love and diving into intimate conversations, you feel right at home. Honesty is revered right now. Take advantage by going deeply inward and embracing all the luscious energies that are available to you.

Bottom Line: May is a rough month, there’s no need to sugarcoat it. Instead of being swept up in all of the false things presenting around you, take the opportunity to go inward, review your progress and strategize your next moves. You’ve already established what your core values and put your pillars in place. Stay in alignment and Let your mind relax and not succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. await forward momentum in June.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

April 2022: Claim your Power

The stars are demanding you claim your power NOW: are you ready?


Hang tight because April has a lot of intense energies that will demand that you claim yourself, step into your power and lead with integrity. Anger, power grabs and temper tantrum-like energy will push you to your limit at times, but if you let your heart guide you there is a wave of momentum that you can ride to massive impact.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #10- Allow

This card asks you to be vulnerable and to let go of limits and expectations. The only other ask is that you listen to your heart. Though allowing provides opportunity each and every day, this month you’ll want to double down on that sentiment so you can make strides along your pathway.

Crystal: Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz is typically associated with alignment, harmony and growth but when you really dance with its energy, you’ll discover it holds your full potential for you. As it does, you have the ability to step into your future. Let the transformation begin. 🥰

Flower essence: Walnut

Walnut is the perfect pairing for this month’s energy as it helps you stay grounded and steadfast in your commitment to yourself. Walnut gives you fortitude to accept the changes around you without losing who you are. This flower essence allows you to move into what your heart desires. 


Supportive Events

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Scavenger Hunt Fridays are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Join us every week.

On April 6th, Kristy & I will be talking about ways to use the Sun and Moon power. We haven’t explained it in quite this way, so you’re in for a treat. Get your tips for success, love and money all year long. Combine this information with the Forecast guide and BOOM SAUCE.

Power Up group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KEWPowerUp/

Forecast guide link: https://www.kimwoods.com/2022-forecast/


Supportive Practical Tips

 Quick tip:

  • Define and write down your top 3 core values and have them handy to refer to this month as disruptive energies run amuck.

Going Deeper:

  • Don’t shy away from difficult or uncomfortable actions this month.
  • Choose one or two creative outlets and let yourself have fun with them.
  • Get back to basics with your grounding, heart links and breathing so you can listen to your intuition.
  • Explore new ways to love as Venus moves gently through this month giving you softer energies.


New Moon – Do the right Thing

Details: Sun & Moon Aries on April 1st at 2:24 am ET

Do the right thing for the future. Use your mental prowess and heart-felt passion to help you awaken your creative aspects. The energy is ripe for volunteering and generosity as you gather momentum. Constriction is one of the themes this month, but for the New Moon focus on gathering your energy, your ideas and goals and then planting them down into the Earth for stability.


Week 1: Hit the Ground Running

Dates- 3/28-4/3

The stars are ramping up, making it the perfect time to gather your ideas and plans that have been ruminating. Ground yourself before diving in, then roll up your sleeves and get to work. Mercury is front and center as he kisses the Sun, so expect a lot of communication to be happening around you. This week is a great time for collaboration, meeting new people and even some travel planning. Make sure to listen carefully to your inner wisdom and don’t overcommit yourself.

Weekly tips:

  1. Use your voice and share some ideas. Better yet, reach out for collaborative opportunities.
  2. Enjoy the changing of the seasons!
  3. Buy a plant or plant some seeds to physically connect to the Earth.


Week 2: Do the Hard Work

Dates- 4/4-4/10

This week requires you to drop deeply and intimately into the hard work required to do the right thing. Integrity is strongest at the beginning of the week. You’re helped mid-week by Jupiter as he gives you the opening to step into your future of peace, abundance and sustainability.  But, only if you took advantage of making the hard choice to do the right thing.

Despite the intensity that Jupiter, Mars and Saturn brings this week, Venus gifts you with an underlying vibration of sweetness and romance. Lean into her energies when yearning for relief.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Choose something that has felt difficult before and start doing it.
  2. Ground yourself 2-3 times per day. Use your breath or go out in nature.
  3. Catch up on any administrative tasks you’ve been avoiding.


Week 3: Strap in and Stay Grounded


Hang on tight because the biggest star event of 2022 happens this week as Jupiter and Neptune meet for big impact. The possibilities these two planets bring to the table are bountiful- acceptance, inclusion, broadened perspective, increased awareness, imagination, creativity and love. Unfortunately, these possibilities may feel difficult to bring to fruition, especially if you’re not standing firmly in your core values or leaning into your intuition. When you’re not connected to yourself, this energy blasts you with delusion, distraction and escapist forces.

At the end of the week, take advantage of Saturn’s energy supporting you in moving forward on any tasks or goals that have been lingering. This is a blessing due to the other big star configuration. Patience, perseverance and strong work ethics are enhanced right now.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Revisit your values in your personal and professional life as things come up in the collective that may feel disruptive and cloudy.
  2. Creativity flows. Make sure to jot down any ideas so you can revisit them later.
  3. There is a sweet underlying tenderness in the air, take time to enjoy it fully.


Full Moon – Say YES

Details: Sun in Aries & Moon in Libra on April 16th @ 2:55 pm ET

This Full Moon is an invitation for you to step up to the challenge of saying YES to transformation. Remember saying YES brings the potential to step into the life of your dreams. This Full Moon is going to be what you make of it. If you choose to open yourself to new possibilities and opportunities, it feels amazing. If not, the pressure on you to do so increases – exponentially. Be brave and shine your brilliance. You know you want to… 😘


Week 4: Ride or drown in the waves – you decide

Dates- 4/18-4/24

The beginning of the week is going to feel amazing thanks to Mercury and Venus. Attraction is amplified, especially when it comes to new relationships, friendships or love in any form. With that said, there’s also transformative power asking you to come out and claim you place in the world. If you claim your place, it’s yours. Period.

Since attraction is the name of the game, there’s also the potential to bring in more of those things you don’t want. If you are not claiming what you desire, you may find yourself surrounded by competitive situations or fall into people pleasing scenarios. Be brave and continue to make those hard decisions to move forward in the way that YOU desire.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Claim it and say it! Decide what you want, visualize what it would look like and say it out loud to give you the power to make it come true.
  2. Open your heart to all forms of love.
  3. Get back to basics: sleep, eat well and stay grounded.


Week 5: Look ahead

Dates- 4/25-5/1

This is the week to visualize and plan your future. Look at where you’re meeting your goals and lean in to make them a reality. Pluto requires more transformation from you, but this week’s New Moon and Ecliptic energy is perfect for aligning your thoughts with your actions.

This month has been full of extreme and uncomfortable energies, but growth comes from pushing through your resistance. Enjoy the attraction of abundant energy and open yourself up fully to the possibilities!

Weekly Tips:

  1. Lean into the Ecliptic energy and visualize future plans and dreams.
  2. Journal or draw out some of your deep thoughts or feelings as they arise.
  3. Engage with loved ones and express your appreciation for them!


Black Moon/Eclipse

Details: Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio on April 30th at 4:28 pm ET

Your thoughts are aligned with your desires, but the tension and pressure cloud your ability to maintain the attraction. It’s confusing to know what’s real and what’s fake unless you dive into your intuitive knowing for the answers.

This New Moon has the potential to be full of fortune, unexpected good news and fresh perspectives. Ask yourself these questions as you set goals for this first of the Ecliptic pair: How can I be curious? How can I open my mind and shift my perspective? How can I open myself up to creativity?

Set goals right now and know that you can move forward to bring them into fruition. Stake your claim now as the upcoming energy shifts cause distractions. Don’t fall prey to getting off course.  

Have you taken the quiz to discover your intuitive type? If not, go to: knowyourlifequiz.com to receive specific energy forecasts, 2022 success tips and ways to develop your intuition.


April Energy for Intuitive Types:

Ruling Warrior: This is your month! Take advantage of this forward momentum to step-up and be the leader that you want to be.

Intuitive Visionary: These energies fascinate you and you may want to move fast with them, but take a few steps back and get some definition before going forward. Let those around you catch up to your vision, otherwise you’ll leave them behind.

Wise Strategist: This is the time to choose YOU and put yourself at center stage. Trust yourself and take that step forward, it won’t always be easy, but go back to your toolkit and continue to ground yourself and breathe through the energies.

Creative Superstar: You are going to LOVE weeks one and four, so mark your calendar and enjoy! The big star event on April 12th is also going to be fantastic for you to put your gifts out into the world and make your mark.

Collaborative Explorer: Clear and concise collaboration will be difficult this month, so take full advantage of your explorer side and do some personal excavation or move outside your comfort zone to try new things.

Loving Alchemist: This month is all about power and gathering, so you’ll love the healing energy available for both. Open yourself up to opportunities and lean into those pieces of yourself that need to be healed and released. Then fully claim your power.


Bottom Line:

April is an energetically charged month, challenging you to come out into the world. If you’re able to tap into your inner knowing and ride the waves of March, you’ll find April giving you the momentum to move forward at a quick pace. If you found yourself hiding in any aspect, last month you’ll be pushed to come out and stand in your power to stake your claim.


Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2022: Stand Firm in Your Beliefs

Intense energy is crashing around us: are you firm in your power?


March has the energetic signature of the ocean as it crashes and recedes from the shore. The expansion and contraction of energies feels off-putting and unstable at times. However, with these unsettling energies comes the potential to plant yourself firmly in your beliefs and positively respond to the chaotic energy instead of negatively reacting to it.

Another way to look at the month is through the annual forecast. This month is a mixed bag. There’s good news and fortunate progress on things that have been held back for too long. There’s also an impatient outburst because nothing seems to fit any longer. Enough is enough. Keep your cool and you’ll leverage the positive aspects of this month.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #1 Calm


It’s no coincidence this month’s card is the push and pull of the masculine and feminine energies. In numerology, the number 1 represents initiation and taking the first step in your journey, but the core of the message is to remain calm and respond to the energy around you. When you do, you can influence the outcome. When you don’t, the outcome becomes the creation you must deal with, whether you want to or not.  

Crystal: Moldavite

Moldavite is an extremely high vibrational stone that helps with transformation and quantum leaping. The crystal is thought to come from a meteorite thus holding the very essence of the cosmos and infinite possibilities. When working with moldavite, take care with its fast-moving energy. Combine this stone with a centering crystal such as; moss agate or ocean jasper. Either one will allow you to go with the flow of the change moldavite brings.

Flower essence: White Chestnut

White Chestnut calms the mind and soothes the repetitive thoughts that may get in the way of your intuition. This flower essence aids in sleep by helping quiet your runaway mind and remove the distractions by bringing you back into the present. This soothing flower essence is a go-to during times of stress.

 Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip:

  • Find a supportive way to stand firmly in your power. This isn’t the time to go it alone. Find supportive people, groups, situations.

Going Deeper:

  • Choose one of your favorite spots in nature and energetically connect to it through a heart link. Let us know if you don’t know how to do a heart link. We’ll show you in our Power Up Your Intuition Group. (link to group)
  • Claim one song or piece of music that you can return to throughout the month. For even deeper connection, take time to use the song to move energy through your body.
  • Take 3-5 breaks throughout each day to reconnect to yourself.
  • Open your mind to wonder in areas of your life that you don’t often notice. Embrace gratitude for these lesser known parts of you. Let them come out into the world.

 New Moon – Explosive Power

Details: Sun & Moon in Pisces on March 2nd at 12:35 pm ET

This New Moon is powerfully delicious and can be supportive as it asks you to open up to possibilities and look for creative ways to claim your future self. There’s a combination of Mars and Pluto asking you to courageously dissolve the things that aren’t working for you and shed habits, routines and practices that no longer serve you or your purpose. This is the time. Either claim your future or let it go. If you claim, you may feel as if you’re being pushed off a cliff. Yet, remember – you can fly.

Week 1: Embrace Passion & Fortune

Dates- 2/28-3/6

Use this first week of the month to take advantage of the forward momentum from February as you pursued your weirdly (“wyrd’) creative and imaginative side. “Wyrd” comes from ancient Norse culture and means: magical, unknown and wonder. This is a perfect week to explore ways to bring the original and unconventional into your everyday life.

Mid-week starts to feel explosive as Mars comes forward with his intense energy, but when you stand in your power, you can move forward toward in alignment. Be wary of power grabs and manipulation. This is the time to test your progress on the 2020 intentions of discernment and discipline. You’ve had more than 12 months to develop these strengths and it’s a good thing as you need them in spades now.

Stay in the eye of the storm to get passionate about your life and those you love. Welcome new and exciting possibilities.

Weekly tips:

  1. Explore your “wyrd” side by reading, exploring or doing something you’ve been interested in.
  2. Look at any problems that may arise from an opposite point of view and be open to creative solutions.
  3. Don’t let outside forces shift you from your lane.

 Week 2: Revel in the World – Within and Without

Dates- 3/7-3/13

Your future is here, can you recognize it? Creative innovations spring up around you. Are you aware of them or are you seeing reflections of your former self? It’s important to remember the pillars you planted last year. The energies are forcing you to take notice, but what lens are you looking through? Your own or someone else’s?   There’s a push and pull, outward and inward, making you want to put your head in the sand.  If you do, tap into your inner knowing. It’s your only reliable compass.

The good news? The last part of this week stirs up passionate, loving and tender energies to indulge you. Enjoy – you’ve earned it.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Look around in wonder at new things you may have overlooked.
  2. Take some time to yourself for indulgence.
  3. Stand firm in your authentic self and let your intuition guide you as intense energies threaten to pull you off track.

Week 3: Enjoy the Eye of the Storm


This week is a reprieve from the shifting energies so far this month. Imagine standing on a beach as the water recedes back into the ocean and take that time to revel in the calm surrounding you. Relish the calm you have created for yourself.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Get out in nature for a walk or hike to celebrate the Equinox.
  2. Take stock of the ways you’ve said YES to yourself and celebrate them!
  3. Revisit any intentions you have set in the past three months and see if you want to revise or update any of them.

Full Moon – Opportunistic Tension

Details: Sun in Pisces & Moon in Virgo @ 27°on March 18th @ 3:17 am ET

If you took the opportunity to dissolve unwanted thoughts, habits and beliefs during the New Moon at the beginning of the month, this Full Moon will feel delicious. You’re flowing in alignment and using the momentum of star power to propel you forward. However, there’s tension between your thoughts on what the future may bring and the actions you’re required to take.  Remember it’s easier knowing then doing.

Your thoughts are supportive of your future goals, so take some time to consider the words: power, magnetism and charisma and how they feel in different areas of your life. Lean into the earthy energies of Pluto and the Moon to support you as you create your very best future. This is about creation, not intending. Actions are required. 

Happy Equinox and Happy Birthday Aries!

As the Northern and Southern Hemispheres celebrate equal amounts of luscious energy from the Sun and the Moon, we also celebrate the beginning of the zodiac year and welcome in the energy of Aries.

This Equinox is all about the balance between: authority and power, masculine energy and feminine energy and the magical and practical. It’s a time to claim or reclaim your power: are you in or are you out?

 Week 4: Anchor yourself knowing that you are true potential

Dates- 3/21-3-27

Explore your creative urges, seeking areas you’ve overlooked previously. Be indulgent in your imaginative and intuitive pursuits. Listen to those messages and signals from the Universe but STAY GROUNDED!

Pluto wants you to go inward for those deep insights and connections, but stay alert for outside influences that may lead to self-delusion, gaslighting or manipulation from others.

Stay aligned and true to yourself as outside energies can feel aggressive or rebellious in nature.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Ground, ground, ground!
  2. Explore creative endeavors you may have been resisting.
  3. Be aware of any outside influences that may try to penetrate your energetic field. Fortify your energy.

Bottom Line:

March tests your willingness and ability to stay in your lane. Get centered and remain grounded. Mars is here to see if you are strong in your core values. If you are, you witness the energy and respond with calm authority. If not, you’re swept up with the tides. Either way, March is filled with power.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.