Astrology Forecasts Oracle

December 2022: Do You Know How to Use the Stars to Celebrate and Create Your Success?

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up how to take advantage of powerful forces that let you know when to reach out, relax, resolve or replenish.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. Monthly Tips
  2. LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts



have renewed energy and drive. 

also have passionate yearning for fulfillment. 

desire social fun as well as success. Why can’t you have it all? The stars will give you what you want, but ask something from you too.  Hard work and discipline is a better route than relying on an easier way.


  1. Celebrate your success
  2. Finish the year strong
  3. Have fun and enjoy!

We’ve covered all of these in our FREE Power Up group!


To get your weekly forecast by intuitive type, go to our FB Power Up group or connect to our YouTube channel by clicking here.

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is Celebrating Crystal Magic. It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #47 – Optimize

Sharpen the arrow of your desires by completely aligning your desires with your resources. You’re on a treasure hunt, so take the time to solidify the areas that bring you ease, joy and abundance. Cut out or tone down those areas that create struggle, frustration or overwhelm.  You are the treasure hunt, so what works for you – works for your success.

Crystal: Bronzite

A combination of grace and courage, this stone instills fortitude to deal with negativity, confusion and indecisiveness. Use bronzite for clarity, certainty and discernment, especially for making choices about your true-life purpose. Additionally, this is an excellent stone for emotional and physical harmony.Flower Essence: Chicory

Chicory seems to be overly done for most people as the description speaks to smothering others and being excessively needy. However, the core of the chicory flower essence is satisfaction, fulfillment and offering without expectation. This flower essence is essential for effective manifestation activities. Giving freely from a well that’s full is the maximum peak of successful manifesting abilities. When giving from an empty position, the energy stretches and repels healthy reciprocity. Reach for chicory when you’re feeling empty, unloved or lacking the nurturance you desire.

Spirit Animal: Scarab Beetle

The scarab beetle signals that you’ve come to a crossroads with a choice for growth and enlightenment. There are conditions:

  1. Be true to yourself as you go this layer of transformation.
  2. Rely on your inner strength to stay focused on your intentions for the new year.
  3. Be diligent toward your goals and fortune is yours.
  4. Seek community for connection, not persuasion.



Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • December 1st – Venus out of bounds
  • December 20th – Jupiter in Aries
  • December 21st – Solstice w. Sun in Capricorn
  • December 23rd – Chiron direct
  • December 29th – Mercury retrograde

Week 1: November 28th – December 4th

Access the honest, earnest and respectful energy available this week. People are being authentic and direct when revealing their true thoughts and feelings. Change is in the air, so you may be pushed out of your comfort zone. As always, you can decide how you want to respond.

Avoid hurt feelings, needy expectations and confusing conversations. It’s difficult to figure out where others are coming from and more interaction adds to underlying insecurities. Unstable relationships are shaken and people succumb to arm-twisting to gain control.  Erratic behaviors make it hard to understand what’s happening.

Tips: Put your head down and focus on your priorities. If you must interact with others, be as honest and as kind as you can be when having important conversations.

Week 2: December 5th – 11th

Access the drive, determination and confidence to be successful. Connections and collaborations can be fun. High-level strategy and big plans align with the flow of the stars. Excellent leadership techniques are noticeable and sound investments are available this week.

Avoid indulgent, complacent or lazy tendencies at the beginning and the end of the week. Glossing over details and making mistakes is easy. In the middle of the week, aggression, aggravation and anger take root making you want to compete and knock others to the side.

Tips: ‘It should be easier’ is your vibe, yet taking things seriously and expending effort are the keys to achieve the success you desire. Now’s the time to set yourself up for 2023.

Week 3: December 12th – 18th

Access commitment, practicality and goal-oriented energies. There are interesting and satisfying connections coming into your space. The mosaic of life shifts and turns, changing your point of view. This is a great time to learn new things.

Avoid vicissitude and low energy deceiving you into sitting back and letting time slip by, marking time until the holidays. Stopping the natural flow of reciprocity in relationships.  Imbalances are possible now.

Tips: Take stock of what you want and ask others for support. Seek connections that are helpful to getting you the results you desire. Use this week to solidify your foundation.

Week 4: December 19th – 25th

Access positive energies for love and money. Sparks of confidence, positive thoughts and soaring feelings propel achievement and success.  Financial well-being, desired impacts and good fortune are at the fore.

Avoid taking unnecessary risks, blind leaps of faith and greedy actions. Power plays and selfish pursuits present themselves. Ignoring the healing and supportive energy available this week.

Tips: Make time for working toward your goals – creative and practical. This is a time for dreams and actions. Even though it’s the holiday season, you can make progress. Actions this week pay off for the entire year.

Week 5: December 26th – January 1st 

Access love, romance and sexy vibes. Sensuality, compassion and sweet tender embraces are the norm. Desires and passions run deep. Style, image and flair get a blast of the new. Socializing and entertaining still feels good, even though the holidays are coming to an end.

Avoid overthinking and over analyzing. Stopping the flow of dreamy connections. Doubting how things will come together for you.

Tips: Write love letters and have intense conversations about what you want out of love. Journal to reflect on your dreams of romance. Take time to revisit and review what you love about your love life.

As a reminder, here are Do’s & Don’ts for Mercury Retrograde (12/29/22 – 1/18/23):


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Celebrate with Others

Details: Sun in Sagittarius & Moon in Gemini December 7th @ 11:08 pm ET

Balancing your point of view with others is easy right now. Your mind and heart opens to connection and understanding. Dream and celebrate your work and love life. Create a new style or image for the holidays.

New Moon: Success is Here

Details: Sun & Moon in Capricorn December 23rd @ 5:17 am ET

It’s the new you. Success, good fortune, prospects abound. Connect to your values, intentions and opportunities. Make time for you and also for your work. Putting your pillars in place for the new year support you throughout 2023.


Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3XG0r4u

Empowerment Membership: https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Chicory flower essence: https://amzn.to/3OMEBZd

Bronzite crystal: https://amzn.to/3F6PH75


Wise Strategist – Make a list of things that are working really well for you and then make one for those things that are gnawing at you. Plan ways to get rid of the gnawing list and to amplify the working one. After you have your list, take a step back and look at it from a higher perspective. Create detailed objectives and develop routines to make strides toward your goals this month. Wrap up 2022 on a high note.

Intuitive Visionary – Avoid taking big risks and getting swept up with the forces for success and achievement. Pause and take a few moments when opportunities present themselves. Review new ideas with your current goals. Then, add more definition to your evergreen solutions and simplify your latest ideas. Simplify them once, twice and three times.  2023 requires straightforward solutions.

Collaborative Explorer – Being swept up with your social obligations and holiday affairs keeps you from focusing on your future. Take the time to conduct an interview with yourself to answer how you value yourself, seek opportunities and desire to be loved.  Carve out work space and firm up your themes, intentions and pillars for the next year.

Ruling Warrior – You’re being tasked with leadership, leadership, leadership. Distracting connections throw themselves in front of you, seemingly every day. Cull through the ones that don’t fit with your new goals. Once you’ve taken the time to stop and set your strategy, everything falls into place. Get more detailed than usual to help you navigate through 2023.

Creative Superstar – You adore the energy this month. Love and romance compete with work, but you can float from one thing to the other seamlessly. Your swirling fun and social plans lift you up, inspiring you to buckle down as necessary. Cut through stale ideas and regretful tendencies by doing one thing that’s been hanging over your head for the last few weeks.

Loving Alchemist – The holiday season fills you up by connecting with family and loved ones. You may want to bask in the intimate moments provided by the entertaining and social whirlwind. Do so and also make time to fuel your dreams in the world. You have the ability to add power to your dreams, but only when you roll up your sleeves and commit fully to them. This is the time. If you miss out this month, it gets progressively more difficult to get back on track.


December ends a difficult year and sets you up for success in 2023 when you take advantage of the positive energies and stay aligned with your true-life purpose. Remembering the themes and intentions from the top of the year serves you tremendously. Hint: Value, Alignment and Momentum. These give way to Power, Success and Love in 2023.


Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.


As always, wishing you joy,


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