Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2024: How Do You Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth?

Month 2024 Summary: Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth

March: Be the Torch

Sun signs Pisces & Aries

Seasonal energies –  Apex of Purpose with Equinox on the 19th

Energetic Element –  Air

March’s Overall Meaning

How will you open to your soul’s truth and let it lead? Your soul is your guide, compass and light. Allowing your inner wisdom to lead illumes you to become the beacon for others. Are you courageous enough to live in your mastery? Without shouting, posturing, judging or playing false. This isn’t an explosion. This is an “of course” where you say, “I remember and I’ve known this all along. I call to those who can see. Here I am.”

Read about ways to make more money and have more success in 2024.

Seasonal Insights

Season of Purpose

Months: February – May

Sun signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be purposeful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth. This is how you will learn to master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year.  Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.


 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • All planets direct
  • Eclipse – March 25

The forward motion continues pushing you to keep up a grinding pace. You’ll gain solace with the ecliptic energy during the last week as it provides respite. It depends on what’s in flow for you – hard-driving forward movement or working with the cycles of two steps forward and one step back.

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast so you don’t miss out on getting stars + strategy tips. 

Star Power

Week 1: Pivotal Beginnings Under Piscean Skies

Feminine Energy and Strategic Pivots

The month starts under the dreamy Pisces sun, an auspicious time to tap into feminine energies. It’s sweet and tender, filled with intuitive nudges and loving whispers. You’ll want to take advantage through intuitive analysis and creative brainstorming. I advise you to pivot where necessary, utilizing the cosmic backdrop to fine-tune individual strategies. Uranus is center stage all month long, bringing change and fresh perspective to everything you think, feel and do throughout the entire month.

Listen to the March Forecast Podcast for much more anecdotal information.

Week 2: Navigating Deep Waters with Neptune’s Guidance

Trusting the Intuitive Flow

As you sail further into March, the Piscean and Neptunian influence deepens, encouraging a dive into your intuitive toolbox. This second week is filled with introspection and spiritual depth, prompting you to explore psychic realms for business insights. Permit yourself the space to connect with your intuitive insights and apply these revelations to your business model to elevate your business growth. Infusing your own value expression into everything related to your business puts you on the leading edge to make big impact.  

Week 3: Asserting Aries’ Fiery Path

Shifting Gears with Masculine Vigor

With the arrival of the Aries sun, the energy unmistakably shifts. The focus steers itself toward actionable choices and assertive decisions. This third week is a powerhouse for setting priorities and leaping forward with courage. It’s filled with the potential challenges and feelings of isolation and financial constraints. Yet these energies enable you to prioritize yourself, choosing what really matters to elevate your business growth.

Week 4: Eclipse Season and Embracing Uniqueness

Balance and Harmony Amidst Eclipse Revelations

The final star aspect heralds good fortune and success, enabling you to revisit what has been most successful for you in the recent past and repeating this through April. You’re about to enter Mercury retrograde season layered underneath the ecliptic energies. You’ll want to refine and renew your growth patterns.  


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Change and Healing Insights

Details: March 10th Sun & Moon in Pisces @ 5:02 am ET

This New Moon holds energy for you to dance between the productive, linear approach and the creative, spiral of connection. This is a signal for change. This Sun and Moon combination sets the tone for planting seeds of intent and it’s the ideal time for combining soft skills with strategic prowess.

Full Moon: Balance Logic & Intuition

Details: March 25th Full Moon/Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse Sun in Aries & Moon in Aquarius @ 3:01 am ET

This Full Moon Eclipse is a transformative celestial occurrence, which is helpful to rebalance and refine your business approach. This is a time that’s a cornerstone for growth and intuition-driven leadership. It’s filled with possibility and energy for power to merge in the collective.

Listen to my latest Full Moon Podcast that describes the general power of the Full Moon.  


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuition Oracle Card: #38 – Strategize

Read the section below to see what pops out at you from the Intuition Oracle cards guide book:

Intuition Card statement: The yin of strategy wants to interrupt you now.

Words to ponder: Predict. Invigorate. Fortify.

Message: “It’s time to lift your perspective for a 30k view. Set aside time to set your strategy for the coming months.”

Essence: Setting strategy is actually a yin energy. It involves reflection, observation and perception.

Meaning: Hit pause, look at your calendar and set time (½ day or full day) to set your strategy.

Image, mandala & color: Gather your materials and inner resources to lift you, your team and your business up another notch. It’s time for your next level of growth. Let’s go.

Number: 38 represents teamwork and has an inspirational energy. It’s the perfect number to invoke for strategic pursuits.

Intuition Card guidance:

Intuitive tool: Do a visualization with your team to commence your strategic meeting. Then set your intentions and choose a few crystals to symbolize your strategic vision. Sodalite is an excellent stone for strategy as is tiger’s eye, particularly the blue one. You may add clear quartz to amplify your goals and citrine to clear a path.

Practical tip: Revisit your strategy, intentions or goals for the year. Assess where you are, reprioritize, and make plans to attain your goals.

You can use any and all of the information about the #38 Strategize intuition oracle card to help you navigate difficult and propelling energies from the stars this month and year. 

You can get your own intuition cards online with guide book here.

Crystal: Blue Chalcedony

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Blue Chalcedony

Use this crystal to help you with communication to find your voice in varying situations. You can lean on this stone before a live event, a presentation or a sales call.

Blue chalcedony is a calming and soothing crystal, bringing a zen-life quality to you and your environment.

Spirit Animal: Chameleon

Chameleon personifies an open mind that gives you the ability to see many points of view. This animal is patient and determined, providing a foundation for you to anchor your own energy. You can use chameleon in business to connect more easily with others.

Call on chameleon when you want to stand firmly in your own power, yet blend into the background.

Flower Essence: Centuary

This flower essence helps you choose yourself and be a tad bit selfish. You deserve to put yourself first and to be the central character of your life. When you put others first time and time again, you neglect your own needs and desires. Your personal life and business requires your attention, energy and priority.

You deserve to live your life to its fullest. You deserve to fulfill your soul mission to be rich and powerful, make big impact and leave your legacy. Let centaury support you in pursuing your dreams.

Listen to the full March Forecast Podcast episode.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth by Success Signature Types

Wise Strategist

Give yourself permission to shine as things are clicking along at a good pace. Yet, hiding still holds you back from your success. Work with your strengths to develop an article series, your own Podcast or a limited LIVE event or workshop. Be visible and make money.

Intuitive Visionary

Is it possible that the world is finally catching up to you and your ideas? Present your solutions and offerings in ways that are perfectly clear to others. Your audience is ready. Now is not the time to miss their ability to see, hear and understand you.

Collaborative Explorer

Develop a clear offering that respects your gifts and abilities. Practice asking for money to wear your rates. Then, take the stage, invite your audience and let people know how to work with you. Turn your prospects into clients by actually making sales.      

Ruling Warrior

Even without a personal brand, your business is about YOU, not your products and services. Put yourself into the limelight authentically and with engaging connection. Be true to who you are, yet be obvious about who you are personally. Tell your story.

Creative Superstar

Stand by your creations. Let your heart be seen by others. This month calls for a deep connection, not a flirty or sassy one. It’s time to be real, down-to-earth and approachable while also being a leader, who’s respected and honored. Lead like a boss.

Loving Alchemist

March is nirvana for you as the energies support everyone at a deep, soul level. You feel aligned with others in ways you haven’t in a long while. Be you – intimately, magically and lovingly you. When you do, others appreciate and value your power and gifts.

Listen to Podcast episode that relates to your Intuitive Success Signature.

Bottom Line

Strategic Intuition as a Catalyst for Growth

Finding our path in business often requires a harmonious blend of strategy and intuition. The month offers a robust canvas for those ready to integrate celestial wisdom with business strategy, highlighted by intuitive practices. March isn’t merely about navigating your star path; it’s about elevating your growth through your unique Intuitive Success Signature. This month, let’s master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

If you’d rather not read, listen to the March forecast Podcast episode here.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

February 2024: Use the Stars to Dream your Life into Being and Take Action to Make It Real

Monthly Summary from the Annual Forecast

February: Planting Foundation for New Life

Sun signs: Aquarius & Pisces

Seasonal energies: Origin of Purpose with Imbolc on the 1st

Energetic Element: Air

Overall meaning: Establish routines, systems and approaches for your new life and business model. The gifts of intuition, connection and empathy fortify your older structures and ways of doing business. Strive – yes? Engage – yes? Think of the former straight line becoming a spiral. Collect, move, galvanize, grow. One step forward, two steps back; two steps forward, one step back. Make a circular process of energize <-> prioritize <-> focus.

Click here for my Podcast to listen to the 2024 annual forecast. 

Seasonal Insights

Season of Purpose

Months: February – May

Sun signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be purposeful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year.  Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Above all, setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.


 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
  •  All month – All the planets are direct until April, giving you forward movement in every area of your life and business. Launching, promoting and selling get a boost from the stars. Pursuing your soul mission and heart’s desires are also amplified. Now is the time to use the stars to dream and making them real.
  • February 10th – Happy Chinese New Year! The Year of the Wood Dragon, so filled with success, traction and good fortune. The dragon is the most yearned for animal in the Chinese zodiac. This is an auspicious time when you make progress on your dreams. Being goal-oriented and intuitively open is the best recipe for abundance this year.
  • February 14th – Aquarius Mars conjunct Pluto @ 0°kicks off your quest to live your future and wrangles with you throughout the entire year to make sure you’re taking action to make it real.
  • February 19th – Collective soul destiny healing between me and you, masculine and feminine and violence versus diplomacy has the potential to shift massively with resolution, invention and compassion. Is the world brave enough to do the right thing?
  • February 29th – Happy Leap Year. Here’s the extra day, that happens every 4 years, to make up for the fractional calendar days in the year.

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast so you don’t miss out on getting stars + strategy tips. 

 Star Power:

Week 1: Beginning of the Month – Feb 11

Creativity, adventure and power are intensified this week. You have all you want at your fingertips and can make anything and everything you want become real when you keep a positive outlook, align your mind, heart and will and power your ideas with action. Magically, deepen your intuition through creativity, reflection and spiritual activity. Practically, get ahold of your finances, refine your sales strategy and lastly, make progress on your lead list – generate, nurture and prospect.

The only downside is to these energies is if you’re moving in the wrong direction. You’ll gain lots of traction and you don’t want to be moving down on the wrong path. So above all, ensure you’re aligned with your soul mission and your unique energetic signature and enjoy your progress.  

Week 2: Feb 12 – 18

You feel trapped and will do anything to break free from cultural norms, societal expectations and familial conditioning.  Try not to react to triggers and power plays. Emotional outbursts and temper tantrums feel good in the short term, but have negative long-term consequences. Find your patience.

You dive deeply into what scares you and reach for the edgiest part of you. Practically, stretch yourself by expanding your reach, finding new solutions and wearing your inner value. Magically, treasure your imaginative ways, creative pursuits and romantic exploits.  Leave time to step into your softer side to balance your ambitious one.

Week 3: Feb 19 – 25

Massive healing is available to everyone on Earth to bring people together in peaceful ways. This is a time for kindness, diplomacy and grace. People have the power to define their own destiny, take matter into the own hands and make their situations better for themselves. The stars conspire give you solutions to money problems, food shortages and power imbalances.

Love is also in the air. The stars have a sexy, romantic and celebratory vibe. It’s up to you whether you partake or not. For business, spend time with associates or like-minded cohorts to enjoy each other and deepen your connection. 

Week 4: Feb 26 – End of the Month

Fortify the strides you’re making by developing routines, good habits and open communication channels. Processes, systems and structures are your focus this week. The pathway to achieving your dreams and inspirations is revealed when you open your mind and heart. Drop into your intuition and the answers become obvious.

The pitfall this week is to avoid self-doubt or unproductive review of the past. Lean on your accomplishments and strengths to find the rewards you seek.


 The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
New Moon: Plant the Foundation for Your Future

Details: Aquarius 20° Sun & Moon on February 9 @ 6:00 pm ET

Unexpected changes spur you to reevaluate your creations and their value. You step up your game by finally appreciating how talented and accomplished you are. Now’s the time to own it. No more selling yourself short, pretending humility and doubting your gifts. Now’s the time to be who you want to be now and forever.

Full Moon: Celebrate Through Right Action

Details: Sun in Pisces & Moon in Virgo 5° on February 24 @ 7:31 am ET

Celebrate all you’ve done and all you have to do to make your dreams come true. Big moves support you right now. Be bold and brave to create success. Leverage your skills and talents to take strides to form the structures to gain traction pivot onto your growth trajectory. Your personal professional and financial foundation needs to be strong to scale yourself and your business. Your growth deserves it.


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal at this time, to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Order Intuition cards online
Intuitive Oracle card: #34 – Merge

I love the statement ‘merge with your resistance’. You can take action to more forward while opening yourself in the receptive ways. The divine feminine of yin and the divine masculine of yang form a perfect union. When you merge, you let obstacles move through you to avoid being swept up in things that don’t serve you. Align your body, mind and spirit to improve your chances for success.

Crystal: Tanzanite

Tanzanite Crystal

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Tanzanite

This stone helps with everything karmic healing. Tanzanite is rare, yet is replicated through artificial means. Finding this gem doesn’t require having it in your hands, whereas finding this gem involves connecting to its meaning.

You can connect deeply waves and patterns to dissolve karma and into the possibility of potential.

This is ancient wisdom unifying with advanced technology. Furthermore, dissolving old patterns makes way for creating new pathways.  

Animal: Skunk

Skunk symbolizes reputation and respect. You’re confident, charismatic, playful and nonchalant. You exude calm, courageous and love to pursue information yourself, rather than to rely on others.

Call on skunk when you need to defend yourself, want to regain your self-respect and self-esteem or want to be more playful.

Flower essence: Red Chestnut

closeup of red chestnut

Red Chestnut flower essence is for people who worry about others and things that they have no control over. It is for when we put too much energy into thinking about other people rather than doing things which might help and enables us to let go of negative thoughts.


 Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Use the Stars To Dream by Success Signature Types

Wise Strategist – You adore the energy this month. It makes sense to you and you can see your progression over the last few weeks as well as your pathway to your next goal.  Relish every single day. Get those pesky tasks done. 

Intuitive Visionary – You’re frustrated because the forward movement is more linear than you’d like. You feel as if you just got into the flow and now you’re knocked out of it again. Use this focus to your advantage to teach your audience about your offerings.  

Collaborative Explorer – Take the lead this month. Put together a solution, event or workshop to tell people how connection and collaboration really works. You can show people how it’s done and create a space for yourself at the same time.

Ruling Warrior – Be future thinking and get into the lead spot in the way the feminine energy does business – intention, connection and relationship versus tasks, going it alone and transactions. Additionally, set a goal with rewards to incorporate this new way.

Creative Superstar – Your creativity feels as if it’s waning this month because 1-2-3, straightforward and linear thinking reigns right now. Develop your authentic, value-based voice to attract your audience. Use this time to fine-tune your approach to the marketplace.  

Loving Alchemist – Further define your stage and how you connect with your people – think of the priorities of clients, prospects and followers and connect with them from the inside out. Step into your value exchange with each layer – clients, prospects, followers. 

Bottom Line

February holds so much potential for you to create the future you desire. It requires bravery, belief and action to live your soul mission to be the joyful, free and abundant being you know you’re born to be. 

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast to get your weekly tips by Intuitive Success Signature & Full.New Moon rituals.   

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

December 2023: Embrace the Cosmic Cadence: December’s Astrological Blueprint for Slow and Steady Triumphs

Monthly Summary from the Annual Forecast

December: Slow and Steady 

Sun signs – Sagittarius & Capricorn

Stay on task and focus on your long-term goals. Supportive people and opportunistic situations are presented to you. Say YES when it’s in your lane. Say a distinctive NO when it’s not. This is important. This season calls for authenticity and integrity. That means being true to you, when you’re alone and when you’re out in the world. Doing the right thing, even when no one’s looking, creates wealth and success for you. Finding your stride isn’t easy at the end of the month.


Big Star Events: 
  • December 6th – Neptune takes off your rose-colored glasses
  • December 13th – Mercury plays tricks with your style and schedule
  • December 20th – Mars urges you to take big risks
  • December 21st – Reach for the peak of your potential on the Solstice
December Star Reading

You move into the last month of the year with feelings about the year as a whole. You can take stock of what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve left behind. Review your business dealings, your love life and your finances to determine where you stand against the goals you set at the beginning of the year.

Focus on pillars, milestones and intentions that include your personal accomplishments and the softer qualities you’ve gathered and any heaviness you’ve released. This is a holistic review.

Remember to be kind to yourself. This year has been razor sharp and even harsh to your dreams, standards and beliefs. The universe has done this to get you completely aligned with your soul mission. Fulfilling your soul destiny isn’t just about how you track against your goals and targets for your business. It’s also about love, life and joy. Include those tender moments and precious memories. Think in terms of a scrap book, not a strategic plan.

Once you’ve completed your review, put it all away and get serious about spending time with the people who matter to you. Look at your calendar and set time aside for silliness, surprise and delight. Be spontaneous and say YES to those who you adore, who you’ve been craving and who you love to celebrate.

Establishing your priorities at the outset sets you up for either an enjoyable, fun-filled and relaxing holiday season or a busy time-starved, disappointing one.

New Moon Sagittarius

Details: December 12 @ 6:32 pm ET at Sagittarius 20°

On the 12th, it’s just in time for a favorable New Moon in Sagittarius. You have an opening for excellent relationships, love and good fortune. The Moon is filled with opportunities, good news and support. It’s also the time to embrace the qualities of Sagittarius for adventures, philosophical simplicity and cultural exploration.

Mercury Retrograde

Details: December 13 – January 1, 2024 from Capricorn 8° – Sagittarius 22°

In short, there’s a different method to achieve your long-term goals by appreciating your achievements, taking stock of your credentials and fortifying your value and worth.

This is the only Mercury retrograde in 2023 that crosses signs from Capricorn into Sagittarius. As each zodiac sign rectifies the one before it, retrogrades flip this formula, letting Sagittarius relieve Capricorn, instead of the typical way. Sagittarius brings hope and optimism to the stoic “We’ve always done it this way” Capricorn. Sagittarius says YES when Capricorn can’t find a way to affirm. This is a great time to review your current strategy and find ways to adjust it, keeping the new way of leadership in mind. Let the masculine provide the strength at the core and the feminine to dance on the edges. Mercury heralds the new way during this retrograde period. Using it to your advantage clears your path. 

Note: Capricorns take heed from November 25th to January 20th. Sagittarius take note too. Also, other cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer and Libra, ask yourselves deep questions about the way you’ve always lead in your life and how you can adjust to a new way. For Taurus and Virgo Sun signs, once you’ve gotten the true sense of your leadership style, shine your light to help others.

Mars Out of Bounds

Details: December 20th, 2023 – January 23rd, 2024

You can act with bravery and courage, using your vitality to power you into your next project or adventure. Or you can act rashly, be too selfish or react defensively. The virus, rebellions and weather events are at an all-time high during this period.

With Mars in Sagittarius until January 4th, risks and adventures know no bounds. You will say yes to literally everything. The bill becomes due, so to speak, when Mars enters Capricorn on January 5th, questioning your position and status in the community.  Have you gone too far and risked too much? Maintaining composure while Mars is out of bounds in Sagittarius makes it so much easier when he transits into Capricorn.

Celebrate the Solstice

Details: Sun enters Capricorn December 21 @ 10:27 pm ET

Creativity anyone? The edges of the year bookend the most powerful and the highest potential energies. This solstice represents your highest potential. What are you choosing to do and how are you spending your time? Take note. What you energize, grows and what you ignore, dies. The powerful energy of the Solstice is great for diving deeply into your love, money and success. What’s your position in life? Your purpose? Your potential? Get creative in your desires. You’re a magnet to create the life you want to live. Attract the support and say YES to opportunities.

During the holidays, you vacillate between taking it easy and relaxing into the holiday season and rolling up your sleeves and finishing those pesky tasks that remain undone. There’s no reason you can’t do both. Create a tempo that works for you to recharge, to create memories and to get organized.

Full Moon – Capricorn & Cancer

Details: December 26 @ 7:33 pm ET Sun in Capricorn & Moon in Cancer at 4°

Your work-life balance gets a workout with your mind trying to determine what’s truly important to you. This isn’t the time for you to make assessments by yourself. Reach out to someone you trust when setting priorities and making decisions. It’s confusing right now and given the holidays, perhaps you can push off these big decisions until the new year.

Get flirty and fun for the New Year. The stars boost your desire to party at year’s end.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuition Oracle card: #37 Purpose

December, while a month of fun, celebration and love, is also a month to take stock and figure out how you want to recalibrate your decisions, priorities and habits to build the future you desire.

Step into your own path by taking a turn off the beaten path others have created. Your path is your own, and only yours. There is the requirement to carve out your original trail.

Be purposeful about your life’s path. Are you terrified, excited, both? When you’re on your rightful soul path, you’re both. Seek out someone who does this for a living and ask them about your true life purpose. It should be unique and make you excited and terrified at the same time.

Intuition cards online

Crystal: Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is a stone of selfless love and compassion. It helps you feel loved and supported while still being appreciated. You can use this crystal when you want to learn how you’re in denial as it shows you the aspects of you that make you uncomfortable. You’re also able to release emotions and confront issues. As you do, rhodochrosite soothes emotional stress. 

This is one of my favorite stones of all time. She is deliciously supportive without being cloying.

Animal: Rabbit

Rabbit is brave. You are

– agile and adept at strategizing and planning. 

– optimistic, wise and artistic. 

– intelligent and have a lot of common sense.

Call on rabbit when you want to boost your creative energy, you want to have a baby or you need to act quickly to take advantage of a new opportunity. 

Flower essence: Beech

Beech is a beautiful, majestic and anciently wise tree and you can have a portion of this energy to help you feel love and tolerance for yourself and others. Think of the tree’s name without the spelling and you have the essence of this remedy.

When you feel critical of others, you’re most likely feeling insecure and judgmental. These actions tell your mind that you’re safe, although that’s patently untrue. The beech tree essence works with your third eye, so you see your life and rightful place in it with crystal clarity.

Weirdly as you push others away with your criticism, either said or unsaid, you create the exact opposite of what you truly desire. You care so much about what others think, you yearn longingly for acceptance and love. The more your longing grows, the more critical you become.

Beech flower essence is the perfect antidote to this cycle.

Bottom Line

Make a plan to incorporate business and pleasure. Your motto for December can be, “work hard and play hard.”

After work, it’s time to celebrate and enjoy yourself. Carve out time to get together with good friends, to reconnect with you and to strategize about the year ahead.

Get your business done and then play!

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

November 2023: Harness the Cosmic Currents: Astrology Predictions for Prosperity and Power

Monthly Summary from the Annual Forecast

November: Personal Success | World Domination
Sun signs – Scorpio & Sagittarius

Personally, this is an excellent month for success in love and business. Professionally, following your instincts and prescribed methods get you closer to your goals. Financially, money and wealth get a boost for creation and protection. Money likes to grow itself and loves to be used in practical ways. On the world stage, it’s hard to watch. Greed, corruption and power grabs also benefit from the star energies. Where’s the common sense? If women work together, there can be a huge push toward solving equality, freedom and justice for the marginalized.


Big Star Events: 
November 4th – Saturn Direct: The Real You


You’ve been getting real with yourself for the last 4 ½ months and now it’s time to bring your learning out into the world. The inner work life lessons and reality checks are coming to an end and now you’ll focus on your outer world. In Pisces, you’ll move from establishing roots for your success, intuition development and internal compass direction to your work status, love commitments and living situations.  


The purpose of the limits, frustrations and doubts about your emotional entanglements due to your priorities for success are for you to mature, evolve and gain wisdom. Saturn actually wants you to grow and his tough love is for your own good.  He wants you to succeed, but he wants you to want it for you and no one else. He’s the ultimate ‘shed the expectations of others’ energy. 


November 15th – Mercury out of bounds: Zany Fun or Out of Control? 


From November 15th – December 14th, when Mercury goes out of bounds, you have the opportunity for an explosion of innovative thoughts, excellent speaking faculties and talented performance abilities. Or, you can fall into exaggeration, obsessions and miscommunications.


In November, Mercury out of bounds in Sagittarius creates exaggerated claims of credibility and taking huge leaps of faith. You extend your connections, conversations and commitments beyond the bounds of normal for you. 


On December 1st, when Mercury enters Capricorn, the opposite is true. Thoughts of isolation and lack of authority threaten to spin you out of control. You may collapse in on yourself. Stay the course, rely on your logic and set parameters before November 15th to minimize the spin out and back into control of zany Mercury. 

Planetary Detail: 

The first ½ of the month is a minefield if you aren’t aligned with your soul. It’s that simple. Your heart and soul propel you toward your hopes and dreams. Your remembrance of ancient wisdom and natural feminine gifts give you the tools to create your desires. You can fulfill your soul potential, yet the roadblocks and intense energies make you shift your priorities. The movement of the month is fast. Subsequently, everything speeds up and yet your achievements don’t track.


Get into rhythm with your own tempo as it lines up with the Universal forces. Think adjustments, tweaks and fine-tuning. You’re weary as these are on top of a myriad of other adjustments, but isn’t your soul mission worth it? Sink into the intense star power to make your way through – it’s time to block and tackle.


The main energy this month is Mars, who’s super active as he dances in shock and awe, supports your intuitive gifts, excites your internal power, synthesizes your connection to Mother Earth and furthermore,

creates a powder keg of unrealized desire. Combining the force of Mars with the fires of Sagittarius makes this a combustible month. Creativity is your core strength. Draw upon creative methods to move through setbacks and limits.  


The best timing and ways to work with these energies are: 


Beginning November 11th – 17th, accept shock and awe and be flexible with upsets and rash actions. Try to avoid explosive outbursts. Make your mantra “I respond, not react”. You have the courage and fortitude to enhance your creativity, get healing and develop your intuition. Each one of these activities will undoubtedly, help stabilize you and your emotions. 


On November 22nd through the 28th, there’s massive energy available to you to push through obstacles and solve problems. You have everything at your fingertips when you step back and move through your days with your soul’s perspective. You can burst through to something bigger than yourself. Freedom seeks its day. 


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
New Moon: Intensity
Details: November 13th with the Sun & Moon in Scorpio 20°at 4:27 pm ET

On the world stage, it’s a hot bed of greed and corruption. The power grabs, global violence and explosive reactions are hard to watch.  Tensions pull everyone apart and make it almost impossible to come together in meaningful ways. Yet, this is the goal. Realizing the opposition isn’t a person, behavior or situation begins the healing process. Additionally, the edges have been getting too much energy. It’s time to fill the core.

This New Moon also offers intense and powerful healing for women and their feminine ways. Intuition, potential and creation are feminine aspects of leadership. And, the masculine linear skills of logic, purpose and production, require strengthening too in order to manifest a new way of leading.

Putting the masculine strength within the core and firing it up creates tensile strength. Allowing the feminine approaches to be on the edges, without judgment, creates flexibility to move at differing speeds to connect and align, instead of block and misconstrue.   

Full Moon: Revolutionary Forces  
Details: November 27th with the Sun in Sagittarius & Moon in Gemini 4°at 4:16 am ET

Civility and diplomacy are necessary for cooperation and world order. However, sometimes the price is too high. This Full Moon urges courage and stamina to choose the hard and the difficult. Chaos and change are creative forces, ones not to be taken lightly. But also, ones not to be wasted.

The genie is out of the bottle. It’s time to recognize the wealth of possibility to use the magical powers and not try to put them back in. Women and men are created equal. Race, religion and political leanings are labels at the human, not the soul level.

If women unite, there could be a massive revolution as equality and rights are continually being violated. The marginalized are within this force too. forego women’s rights, grace & civility – price is too high.

In addition to the restrictions to travel, dogmatic fundamentalism, deception, confusion, unwillingness to take decisive action, is prevalent in the world.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal at this time, to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Order intuition cards online

Intuitive Oracle card: #34 Merge

Staying inactive and allowing, going with the flow and accepting what comes isn’t easy for many people. I love this card as it helps you lean into the resistance. It suggests the active way to melt into what’s best for you. Notice the image in the middle of the card. See how she’s leaning in and throwing her head back? This is what I love about merging. Say, “I’m open to dissolving the obstacles and I’m ready to take action to remove them.”  

Crystal: Stillbite

Stillbite comes from the Greek word ‘stil bein’ and means to shine. It opens your heart chakra and your mind, allowing universal love to bring inner peace and calm. This stone also helps with meditation as it awakens and expands your willingness to step into your spiritual connection. Additionally, using stillbite helps you access the Akashic records, past live energies and ancient knowledge.

With your connections and support, this stone quiets the mind and helps with sleep. It relieves overwhelm by clearing the mind and focusing on the positive. This crystal also helps build your self-esteem, making you want to share your brilliance with others.

Stillbite brings wholeness, helping you recognize the aspects of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. This crystal’s influence is a manifestor of the new way of living and leading

The last time stillbite was the crystal of the month was December 2019.

Flower Essence: Walnut

This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from unwanted change and negative influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond.

Walnut was last month’s flower essence too.

Spirit Animal: Penguin

Penguin embodies wholeness. You’re well-balanced, caring, protective and patient. You’re able to integrate both the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself.

Call on penguin when you want a greater connection and intimacy with significant others. Penguin supports you when you need resilience and tenacity for an upcoming hardship and when you need to let something go from your past.


The power of November propels your success based on your soul’s mission and your heart’s desires. The fiery energies don’t support your mind. Let your mind take a vacation and step into your whole being for your fullest potential and maximum creative abilities.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

Remember, you are loved beyond measure,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

June 2023: do you know how to find the best ways to choose your growth?

Stars + Strategy to Find the Best Ways to Choose Your Growth   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

Month 2023 Summar

June: Seeds Come to Fruition
Sun signs – Gemini & Cancer

Things out of alignment begin to fall away and what you’re left with are those things that support your future. You may have been holding too tightly to what actually isn’t yours. Let what’s falling away go out of your life and then you’ll find what’s truly yours. With the lighter load, what’s yours has the energy, space and resources to grow. Ease the fears that come up due to the unfamiliar sensations by knowing you are limitless. Believe in the feminine. There are no limits. The world is infinite as are you. It’s also time for women leaders. Heed the call. It’s time.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
  • June 1st – Jupiter conjunct North Node in Taurus @ 3°
  • June 11th – Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • June 17th – Saturn retrograde in Pisces
  • June 19th – Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces @ 7°
  • June 21st – Solstice – Sun enters Cancer
  • June 23rd – Mercury out of bounds in Gemini/Cancer
  • June 30th – Neptune retrograde in Pisces
Week 1: May 29th – June 4th

Access the possibilities and opportunities that present themselves this week. Brilliance and ingenuity provide solutions to complex issues. Financial advancement is possible through relationships, creativity and originality. Leadership is sought after with integrity, authenticity and decisiveness.

Avoid insecurities and lassitude. If it seems easy and in the flow, it probably is, and this isn’t typical. Surrendering to your intuitive nudges and pursuing sweet satisfaction and pleasure seem like that’ll get you off track. That’s not the case this week.   

Tips: Lead the way and do it with aplomb. Seek joy, ease and pleasure. Get romantic and write tender love notes. Spend time on creative projects. When your heart is involved, review your strategy and recent decisions. Let your heart have a voice. 

Big Star Event: June 1st at 8:43 pm ET – Taurus Jupiter conjunct North Node @ 3° 

Jupiter touching the North Node brings success and ease to realizing the future. The North node is on its last breath in Taurus, where it’s been since January 18, 2022. The soul destiny of finding simple solutions to complex problems is coming to an end, creating the opportunity for innovative resolutions. 

Opposing the collective soul karma in Scorpio, Jupiter stretches the issues of sex, drugs and women’s rights. Complicating this is a power struggle at the top with the confrontation from Mars in Leo. Be mindful of what’s happening on the world stage.

The associations of Taurus are love, money, and the natural world. Results in climate, money and being kinder to each other present themselves. Personally, if you’d like ease, comfort, stability, abundance or outdoor explorations, this transit is for you.

Week 2: June 5th – 11th

Access style, charm and flair. Flirty fun social engagements are aplenty. Your influence increases tenfold this week, personally and professionally. Sales, negotiations, business dealings with fruitful research and successful investigation gain power and impact.  Creativity brings success.

Avoid over-indulgence and excessive bad habits. They impress themselves on you, making it difficult to stay on the path for your health. Intimate relationships are in the pressure cooker this week with jealous, manipulative behaviors triggering power plays and control issues.

Tips: Find time for fun. Take time away from work to get sassy and flirty. Go shopping, if it’s within your budget as the deals will be amazing. Do everything business – sell, hire, succeed and then relax with artsy or creative projects. 

Big Star Event: June 11th – Pluto reenters Capricorn @ 5:35 am ET

Yet, Pluto doesn’t spark immediate change like Uranus. It’s not a lightning bolt energy, it’s a ‘work-up-to’ energy like Saturn.  Think of Pluto dragging the past, traditional power structures for dissolution on the return into Capricorn. This is a backward energy, so what has come up, will be coming down. The months of June – January 2024 mark evidence coming to light about false foundations, untruths and forceful power grabs.

Personally, if you have Capricorn or 10th house stars, you’ll complete the shift, started in 2008, of the changing position in your life. The good news, this isn’t a hard-charging or challenging force. It’s a letting go and ease-filled transformation. The culmination of all of your hard work is here – finally.

Week 3: June 12th – 18th

Access the boost in power to get ahead at work. Problems resolve themselves, great advice appears to optimize your outreach approach, review your finances, and assess your PR and/or social media campaigns. Socializing is fun and connections are easy and affectionate.

Avoid holding too tightly and getting lost in the serious work ahead of you. Heaviness and pessimistic views about how to deal with complex problems seem overwhelming. Problems are big and the path through may be too much for you right now.  

Tips: Take each situation on its face and do things one at a time. Looking at the big picture doesn’t help. Be task-oriented and celebrate each accomplishment, even the small ones. Seek trusted advice from someone with authority. Work and play this week. Have fun. Be romantic.

Big Star Event: June 17th Saturn retrograde at 7° Pisces – November 4th at 0° Pisces

Saturn is on the edge of consciousness in Pisces, so when he stations retrograde, he’s asking you how to become the master of your world.

Think Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Saturn Rx wants you to review every area of your life, align with your strengths and own your priorities.

Do’s & don’ts for Saturn retrograde include sharpening your goals, understanding your limits and optimizing your processes and not overpromising, taking shortcuts or being too hard on yourself.

To remember how Saturn stationing retrograde in Pisces shows up for you, reflect back to May 1993 – April 1996. This harkens back to the Uranus conjunct Neptune and the start of a 171-year cycle and its corresponding evolution of the future.  Many glimpses of the future are available during this period.

Any forward momentum you’ve gained to this date pauses until Saturn gets back to 7° on February 5th, 2024.

Week 4: June 19th – 25th

Note the big star events with the deeper descriptions if you want more information. There are 3 this week.

Access generosity, faithful practices and the drive to succeed. Being purposeful, courageous and bold spirited gets a lift by the stars. Resources and security seeks balance between partners. Wisdom and abundance can be plucked from the ether as the feminine hits a peak.

Avoid confusion, lack of motivation and weakening energies, vitality and health. Disappointing news, complicated conversations and distorted perceptions rise to the surface. Insecurities and betrayals threaten to destabilize your footing.

Tips: Shift your point of view and you’ll find a way forward you missed before now. Seek solutions to financial matters. Let go of what’s not yours. Be discerning when meeting new people and making decisions. Take the initiative and success is yours.

Big Star Event: June 19th @ 11:52 am ET – Jupiter sextile Saturn @ 7°

This star angle stimulates the NEW ERA that initiated on the Solstice of December 2020. The New Way has been sought since the beginning. The merging of the divine feminine and masculine is the way forward. Signals of the new way of living and leading become evident. The heart remembers and the head yearns to recall. Diving deeply into your intuition through your imaginative spark brings belief and faith in the unfamiliar. 

The combination of Jupiter and Saturn calls for calculated risks to reap rewards. Saturn asks for concerted effort and with Jupiter, sound judgments pay off. Balanced negotiations create win-win scenarios.

Being realistic and idealistic at the same time seems to be too much. Think of it as seeking expansion in a realistic manner. Artistic and spiritual endeavors see a lift. The seeds planted at the end of 2020 come to fruition. Signs of life are being seen and recognized in the world.

Big Star Event: Solstice as Sun enters Cancer on June 21st @ 10:57 am ET

How can women be at home with themselves and each other? The new way of leading has its first exact planetary alignment within a few days of this solstice. Resources, ideas and inventions that help the feminine and all of her allegiances are boosted. New insights, perspectives and solutions are sparked for home, family and love. Food, nutrition, real estate and financial investments are in the spotlight. Past life healing makes a move into the mainstream.

It’s time for all women leaders to lead from the heart and from the well of wisdom.

Star Event: Mercury out of bounds from June 23rd – July 6th in Gemini/Cancer

When Mercury goes out of bounds, you have the opportunity for an explosion of innovative thoughts, excellent speaking faculties and talented performance abilities. Or, you can fall into exaggeration, obsessions and miscommunications.

When Mercury’s in Gemini, as he is until June 26th, your thoughts are out of control. The busyness is crazy-making. When Mercury’s in Cancer, your heart nudges your thoughts and vice versa. You’re either feeling completely in love and connected, or totally ungrounded and out of place.

Week 5: June 26th – July 2nd 

There’s so much star activity this week, it’s not easy to summarize in one or two sentences. The good news, it’s time to stand in the spotlight and shine your gifts. There’s something for everyone this week.

Access excellent communication, rewards, recognition and lasting success. Creative pathways open, connections benefit you and you can resolve family issues and business matters. It’s a great time for planning, strategy and growth.

Avoid continuing to tolerate people, actions or situations that don’t have your best interest at heart. Stop staying in the struggle. The energies support you letting things go by dealing with them head on. 

Tips: Schedule time to do lots of outreach. Take care of business administration and legal matters. Resolve outstanding issues. Buy or sell a home or business. Start new projects. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and move on. Practice meditation to dive into your intuition. Lose yourself in creative activities.

June 26th – Leo Mars square Taurus Uranus @ 21°– break free from restrictions, constraints and seek freedom. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and move on. Original and creative actions, movements and expression get a burst of energy.

Big Star Event: June 30th Neptune retrograde at 27° Pisces – Dec 6th at 24° Pisces

When Neptune stations retrograde, it’s a wake-up call. The rose-colored glasses come off and you see what’s in front of you clearly and harshly. You may want to retreat and the good news? A little retreat is warranted.

Here are benefits of Neptune’s magical retrograde stardust: dreamy recall, fond memories, heart-based creations, insights and intuitive whispers. Romance, sweetness and tenderness abound. Be sensitive to becoming overwhelmed, following blindly and gas-lighting.

Progress on creativity and intuitive practices take lots of turns until March 26th, 2024. Going with the flow without unrealistic expectations is the way to leverage this energy.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
Full Moon: Find Comfort in the Future
Details: June 3rd – Sun in Gemini & Moon in Sagittarius @ 13° @ 11:43 pm ET

This Full Moon helps you find comfort and stability in the new way, even though the newness feels unfamiliar. Security and rootedness combine with feelings of hope and love, especially when you’re vulnerable and honest with yourself and others. There is a calming and peaceful energy in this opposition between the light and the dark, the mind and the heart and the body and the soul. 

New Moon: It’s Your Choice
Details: June 18th – Sun & Moon in Gemini 26° at 12:39 am ET

The New Moon in Gemini is a meeting of the minds and hearts with openness and curiosity, yet the confrontation with Neptune in Pisces works against the greater good with its confusion, deception and lethargic energies. It’s a choice as it always is. You have choice between creativity, intuitive knowing and stepping more deeply into faith or you can choose to act the victim, escaping into destructive habits and railing against the injustice in the world.

On the world stage, watch the media, art world and cryptocurrency policies. Politics are also busy, giving you a look beneath the surface at the power plays and hidden agendas.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Order Intuition Cards online

Intuitive Oracle card: #34 Merge

Staying inactive and allowing, going with the flow and accepting what comes isn’t easy for many people. I love this card as it helps you lean into the resistance. It suggests the active way to melt into what’s best for you. Notice the image in the middle of the card. See how she’s leaning in and throwing her head back? This is what I love about merging. Say, “I’m open to dissolving the obstacles and I’m ready to take action to remove them.”  

Crystal: Lapis Lazuli

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Lapis Lazuli

This crystal leads the soul to immortality and opens the heart to love. It’s considered a royal stone that’s the key to spiritual enlightenment. Lapis links the mind with the heart and the body with the soul. Your higher soul is welcomed into your being, even as your mind is active.

Lapis is peaceful, while highlighting the power of the spoken word. Your truth becomes evident when you’re objective about what it means for you. Coming at your higher purpose with honesty may seem daunting, but lapis supports you.

This stone stimulates higher thinking, clarifies your path and brings objective awareness. You can see what’s in front of you and open yourself to getting around the obstacles.  I love lapis paired with emerald and sunstone. This trifecta is powerful, uplifting and peaceful.

Flower Essence: Oak

Oak helps release you from duty and obligation into the commitment of your soul. The wholeness of life isn’t the next hurdle, the wholeness of life is the yin of receiving, replenishing and pleasure along with the yang of achievement, success and reward.

With oak, you can stop pursuing relentless goals and embracing the struggle and instead find enjoyment and satisfaction in playful and relaxing ways. Goals aren’t the only pursuit; the journey is the sweetness of life. Imagine the mountain goat climbing the side of the mountain with a death grip, isolated and alone and singularly focused on getting to the top. If this is the constant activity for the mountain goat, that’s a sad existence. However, when the mountain goat reaches the top, he savors the plenty of vegetation and grazes under the warmth of the Sun, filling himself with the bounty along with other mountain goats. The joy and sweetness is a relief for the effort. Oak helps you find moments of solace, gives you permission for self-care and helps you understand the necessity of play.

Spirit Animal: Peacock

Peacock is filled with grace, perspective and good fortune. The peacock is showy, lucky and flashy, yet also wise, powerful and regal. With the peacock, you are protected at all times. Call on peacock when you require discernment, need a boost in self-esteem or want a guardian for any and all power plays.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Harness the Power of the Stars

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our Star Boost/Pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards:        

KW Intuition Oracle Cards


Lapis Lazuli

Flower essence:

Bach Oak


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – All of the energy movement may be too much for you as the stars are wild in the sky this month. The push forward is pulled back with the 2 big retrograde energies and as Pluto moves back into Capricorn. You love the revisiting of the past and the clarity that Neptune retrograde provides, however, the wild ride presented by the other stars isn’t to your liking. You benefit from reviewing your strategic goals and marking your progress against the targets you set at the beginning of the year. When you see how far you’ve come, you can enjoy the ride this month. Also, oak flower essence helps you get out of duty and responsibility and make commitment to what truly matters to you.

Intuitive Visionary – Hooray for June with its genius ideas, communication support and bottom-line boost. You love the Gemini effect and with Mercury out of bounds, you can ride this star energy. Staying focused on your long-term goals creates lasting success, while getting swept up in the busyness impedes your progress. Block and tackle on the administration side, even though this is boring to you. The details matter as much as the big picture, so either deal with them yourself or get someone to do it for you. Lapis lazuli was made for you this month. Reach for it when you don’t want to deal with the pesky and mundane.

Collaborative Explorer – Communication, outreach, connection – these are words that make your heart sing. Rely on your strengths and take advantage of the star push to create opportunities for sales and boost your income. The negotiation support is perfect for you to get what you desire. You sail until the 3rd week when everyone goes a bit wacky. It’s not your job to get everyone back on track. Keep your head down and focus on your goals – it’s only one week. It passes and the boost of star energy returns to help you fulfill your monthly targets. Peacock helps you, especially the 3rd week.

Ruling Warrior – You find the success, fortune and forward motion to your liking. You thrive when you’re able to ratchet up your wins, make deals, negotiate terms and sell, sell, sell. However, even with all of this movement this month, it’s not enough for you. Don’t be greedy. The stars are generous and being grateful lifts your success and income exponentially. Share your success with others by giving sage advice, offering to mentor others and taking the time to listen in helpful ways. Yes, it seems counter-intuitive, yet this is the new way of leading. Developing new leadership skills is super easy this month and it doesn’t detract from your success.

Creative Superstar – You’re the only Intuitive Success Type that doesn’t adore this month. The energies are up, down, forward and backward and you’re extra sensitive to the roller coaster ride. 2023 has been great for your creative exploits, but not so great in generating the income you desire. Remember, this year is about value and when you truly value your talents and gifts, the universe reflects it back to you. Be honest about your worth. You can’t fake it until you make it. You must internalize your value. June does bring fortune. Open your mind and heart to see how it shows up for you. Peacock supports you this month.

Loving Alchemist – Communicating with the mind and heart is right up your alley. It’s as if the stars were made especially for you this month. Money, power and wealth are at your door, knocking until you answer. The only way this month doesn’t boost your love, success and money is if you don’t show up for yourself. What opportunities are presenting themselves to you? Are you finding ways to say YES? With your intuitive knowing, you can discern which ones are right for you. If not, here’s a hint; going deep into the sophisticated layering is right for you, glossing over the surface is not. Lapis is the perfect crystal for you to see the truth about yourself and others.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.