2020 has been trying and here we are in its 9th month, tired and weary, and just in time as the energies pull you back to pause and take a breath. You’ve reached the summit and realize its only base camp, but that’s okay. Replenish yourself this month to gear up for the rest of your life beginning in December. You’ll relish this quieter time if you see it as positive instead of negative.
Better days: 9/1, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/6, 9/13, 9/14, 9/17, 9/22
Days to tread softly: 9/2, 9/4 (not a typo – it’s both), 9/9, 9/11, 9/15, 9/18, 9/19, 9/21, 9/25, 9/27, 9/28, 9/29
- Get all the things done in the first week.
- After that, be patient.
- Go inward to reflect and devise an excellent self-care regiment.
- Make plans, strategize and take stock.
- Make adjustments as necessary.
- Strengthen your foundation.
The Tarot card for September is the Harvest – Nine of Worlds.
This is an ending and beginning card signaling the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next one. You’ve been hard at work and now is the time of culmination. Ensure you’ve completed everything you set out to do. Go past the finish line.
Build the basis for the next cycle to make all of your dreams come true.
Weekly Energies:
Astrologically, there are 4 big forces this month – Mars moving into retrograde position on the 9th, Jupiter and Saturn stationing direct on the 13th and 29th respectively and Mars confronting Saturn again on the 29th. This month sets up the next 2 to round out 2020’s birthing of a new era.
Astronomically, Earth is passing between Mars and the Sun in an elegant cyclic dance that happens every two years, however Mars also has his own dance with the Sun. In 2018, Mars and the Earth came close while Mars was his closest to the Sun, making this the first time since 2003. This year, Earth and Mars will be the closest on October 6th, but is bright in the night sky until then. Enjoy!
Week 1: Get Things Done!
September begins with yummy energy helping you feel charismatic and influential. Reach out to others for powerful communication and connection. It’s also a great time for discovery and research. (Mercury trine Pluto Rx)
Full Moon: Your Role in the World.
On September 2nd, the Moon reaches her full opposition point at 1:23 am EDT. She’s in Pisces while the Sun’s in Virgo, each asking you to accept yourself and the world in which you live wholly and completely. This is both personal and universal and is directly in line with the “Yes, but…” conversations I’ve been having on my FB business page on Thursdays. It’s all about holding the expansive space of infinite possibility with the practicalities of daily life and all of the tension it involves and the almost impossible commitment it entails.
On this same day, there are 2 other influences affecting this Sun-Moon opposition, one supportive and the other conflicting. First the confrontation that complicates friendships, love and finance. This energy triggers feelings of inadequacy due to lack of attention, appreciation and acknowledgment. These are typically wounds from authority figures, particularly parents that get a zing right now. It’s an opportunity for you to learn to love yourself. Forgive yourself for the past and fully enjoy and appreciate yourself now.
In the outer world, prepare for healing by paying off debts literally and figuratively. It’s also a good time to plan home renovations or redesigning to beautify your home or office. (Venus opposition Saturn Rx)
The supportive energy brings insight and discovery. You have feelings of self-confidence about trying new things or new people. Be careful not to shed old things or people that are still aligned with you, even though they feel uncomfortable right now. Embrace the new WHILE healing any inner discomfort from the former. This is the time to see the true value in all areas of your life. (Sun trine Uranus Rx)
The next day, everything administrative feels good right now. Make plans, schedule events, negotiate, sign contracts and finish up anything you’ve been putting off these last few weeks. (Mercury trine Saturn Rx)
On the 4th, there are 3 configurations that make this day both good and a tad complicated. Firstly, healthy relationships feel delicious as this transit boosts your passion and stimulates excitement. In less than healthy ones, tension and conflict arises with a fight for control. Avoid conflict by working out or being creative. Find a positive outlet for your excess sexual energy. (Venus square Mars)
Secondly, make adjustments to your thoughts about moving forward on projects and work. You want to push ahead, but deep down inside you know you need to wait. Revisit your design, fortify your plans and attend to the details. (Mercury quincunx Mars)
Lastly, you feel sexy and yearn for social activity. You have the charm to satisfy all of your connections and make them a success. This transit typically occurs twice a year, but this year, it’s occurred 4 times. This is the 3rd one with the next in mid-October. (Mercury sextile Venus)
The next day, your thoughts move into harmonious terrain as you long for beauty, elegance and sophistication. Make peace with your mind and let your heart’s desires lead. Your mind actually wants to slow down and savor. (Mercury ingres Libra)
On the last day of the week, your feelings get a lift into joy from the sensitive and nurturing ones. It’s a time for love, fun and expressing yourself creatively. You may want a new style to step out with more flair and swagger. (Venus ingres Leo)
Week 2: Be mindful.
On the 9th, the first of the big guns of the month occurs. Mars stations retrograde until November 14th. Mars is in Aries, his own sign and amplifies the impact. Feelings of uncertainty reach an all-time high about your role in the world, at work and in relationships. This Mars retrograde is one for the books as this is the first time in 32 years Mars has gone retrograde in his own sign of Aries.
When Mars appears to go backward in the sky, he affects your energy level, your passion and any forward motion in work and play. Expect your energy level to drop and you’ll have no obvious momentum in life mission or passionate stimulation in relationships. Self-care is key and introspection is your vehicle. Plan, organize and get things together behind the scenes. Focus on what you truly want, but don’t make any lasting changes until this retrograde has passed. I’ll be diving as deeply into this as I’ve done for the March Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in 2020 articles.
Also on this day, good feelings and optimism arise, so take advantage of this good fortune by taking action. It may be the last day to do so for the next handful of weeks. (Sun trine Jupiter Rx)
On September 11th, deception and confusion come to the fore. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Be discerning. Drop into your heart space before making any lasting decisions. (Sun opposition Neptune Rx)
On the 12th, push ideas beyond their limits. Intuit and reach into your knowing in new and unexpected ways. The revelations may surprise you. I would set extra time aside for meditation as the connections may be surprising. (Mercury quincunx Uranus Rx)
Jupiter stations direct on the 13th after spending 4 months in retrospection. Your philosophy of life’s meaning and what it means to be successful has undergone review these last handful of months. Hopefully your inner compass has been realigned with your brightest future.
The last day of the 2nd week brings influential and appealing energies. You may be recognized for your efforts by those in position of power and authority. Yum. (Sun trine Pluto Rx)
Week 3: Take stock.
There’s a bid for freedom in relationships on the 15th. Any closeness feels chafing and any compromise seems stifling. Take heed before spending your way through this energy and overindulging too much. Get creative instead. (Venus square Uranus Rx)
New Moon: Recognition.
On the 17th, the Moon stills along with the Sun at exactly 7:00 am EDT in the practically universal sign of Virgo in harmony with Saturn Rx. Long awaited recognition for all of your hard work becomes obvious. You deserve it. Take this respite and redefine your intentions for the remainder of 2020. Set them to manifest magically for you with this new Moon. (Sun trine Saturn Rx)
Pay attention to the details as your broad view of the world masks them in your enthusiasm to bring anything to fruition. Be mindful of how to communicate and keep your high-flying self-importance to a minimum. This is a good transit for your self-confidence as long as you stay firmly footed in reality. (Mercury square Jupiter)
The 18th is a kaleidoscope of shifting colors making new shapes and patterns. Turn your thoughts and perceptions this way and that for different perspectives and points of view. (Mercury quincunx Neptune Rx)
What excites you? Expect changes in the definition of your passions and desires on the 19th. You’re maturing and so are your tastes. Let go of those that no longer fit. (Sun quincunx Mars Rx)
On the 21st, don’t get carried away with extremist thinking as Pluto loves to take things to the edge by plunging head first into anything objectionable, namely the underbelly of humanity. Stay in your lane and dive deeply into your own truth. This is an opportunity to investigate your relationship with your inner soul, not to defend wild theories to avoid introspection. This transit is hitting 3 times in 3 months and most importantly hits exact on November 2nd – the day before the US general election. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to post my findings for that day. Stay tuned later this week. (Mercury square Pluto Rx)
Week 4: Balance.
Happy Equinox Celebration! It’s the kick off of a new season, so let’s celebrate with a 3-day festival! I’m inviting you to my True KLT group to join the fun. You’ll see a light-hearted take on the weekly power tip emails to get you into the spirit of the festival. Stay tuned for all the things. 😉
Happy Birthday Libra. The day equals night on September 22nd. This is about balance. What’s in balance for you? What’s out of balance? It’s time to bring everything into alignment. Use Libra’s energy to help you. (Sun ingres Libra)
Also on the Equinox, make adjustments and course corrections in love and finance. You can make successful strides by planning accordingly after a full review. (Venus quincunx Jupiter)
The week continues to be active with energetic forces from the 23rd to the 28th, culminating with the biggest ones on the 29th. The month reaches a crescendo to launch October’s rehash of August-like energy.
On September 23rd, you have the chance to see things for what they truly are, especially relationships in love, business and even friendships. Take note of any imbalances and determine how you want to address them. (Venus quincunx Neptune Rx)
Also on this day, take your time in completing tasks and double-check your work. Take care while communicating with others – this is a time ripe with misunderstandings. This influence is your first hint of the Mercury retrograde October season. (Mercury square Saturn Rx)
On the 24th, be patient and relax as everything’s going to be taken out of context. Take a deep breath when dealing with aggravating people or situations. Don’t let them get the better of you. (Mercury opposition Mars Rx)
On September 26th, explore the underpinnings of self-love and take a few days to do it. Think about how you’ve gained awareness about yourself, then examine your self-care routines. Finally, discover fun and creative ways to love yourself. (Venus quincunx Pluto Rx)
Here it is on the 27th, the next step foreshadowing the Mercury retrograde plunge next month. This is an additional sprinkling of what’s in store for the next 6 weeks. Your thoughts turn to the unfamiliar with intensity not seen in almost a year. You want to know everything about the secret, hidden and until yet, unattainable. Be wary of drama or emotional outbursts. Don’t your intentions be swayed by other’s immaturity. (Mercury ingres Scorpio)
Undergo a bit of surgery in the areas of your budget of time, resource and money on the 28th. Any tweaks pay off 10-fold. (Venus quincunx Saturn Rx)
Saturn stations direct on September 29th after four long months. Your re-evaluation period weighing your responsibilities and how you expend your authority has come to an end. You’ve been in this energy since May 11th. How has it gone? Do you feel you’ve reset your responsibility and authority matrix?
There are 2 more influences on this day. The first one would typically be a positive impact on your love life and may still be if you enter into it tenderly and compassionately. Your love life has absorbed a series of hits this month. Relax and breathe. Make space to deepen your love, creative pursuits or self-care routines. (Venus trine Mars Rx)
Take a protective stance on what’s important to you now. This is the same energy, but backward from what you experienced on August 24th and positions you for the next round on January 13, 2021. Don’t defend defiantly. Softly, but strongly position yourself firmly for whatever comes next. (Mars Rx square Saturn)
Monthly Stone:
Seek connection with the monthly stone Lazulite.
Lazulite comes from the Latin word, Lazanward, meaning Heaven. This stone uplifts you with positive spiritual energies.
Additionally, it balances your chakras and aligns your thoughts with your feelings. While this stone eases your mind, it brings you a deep sense of inner peace. Your imagination and intuition are heightened, so you can find answers to questions that have been eluding you.
This crystal assists with true life purpose. It opens the mind and connects to the heart and soul. This stone gives you insights and guides you to the answers about every area of your life.
To ground this energy, pair with Hematite and Covelite. Hematite helps pull this energy down to Earth, while Covelite bridges the physical and spiritual realms.
September is a month of build-up in pressure if you look at the hold-ups as negative. However, if you lean into the standstill and treat it as a plateau for review and adjustment, you’ll be much better positioned for the remainder of 2020 and 2021.
Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.
Remember, you are loved beyond measure,