Sept Full Moon – How to Welcome Good Fortune Today

There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)


There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)


This Full Moon Tarot card is the Sage of Cups – Regenerator. 

You’ve ridden the waves of your inner life, dealt with stagnation and are finding fulfillment in new ways. You’ve mastered how to negotiate emotional waters and generate new life vitality though joyousness.

Toast yourself. There’s happiness in growth. 

Relish it. 


This Full Moon has a 7 and 10 energy combination. 

The Moon reaches maximum with Venus, Saturn and the karmic nodes at 25° (2+5 = 7). While the Sun, Moon and Uranus are at 10°. 

The 7 is the past and present and the 10 is the future. This is excellent as the 7 is a mastery number, reminding you to take stock of your current position, while the 10 is all about fortune. 


Astrological Energies: 

You come into this Full Moon refreshed by powerful and influential connections.  You feel charismatic and creative allowing the Virgo Sun to push you to get to the task at hand. 

When the Pisces Moon opposes the Sun in her full position, it’s 1:23 am EDT. I love the 1-2-3, as in “Let’s go.” This is the energy of the entire week. 

Diving into the expression of the lunar-solar opposition, Pisces and Virgo come to the fore with Virgo outshining Pisces, but Pisces reaching into the Sun and pulling out all of his manifestation that may yet still be hidden.  

I love the unifying influence of these two signs. Virgo is feminine while the Sun is masculine and Pisces and the Moon are both yin, making this Full Moon 3 parts inner reflection and one part outer creation. With the energy of “Let’s go”, this provides opportunity to bring your whole self into the equation of all of your activities this week.

Speak with your whole self, reach out to others with your heart and connect to your passionate work without guilt or compromise. This is alignment with integrity. Your heart and soul step forward and take the reins allowing your mind to fall back and perceive. This is an excellent for strategizing, planning and intending as well as doing. (For me, as a strategist and intuitive, this is the stuff of dreams!)

The best question to ask right now is: “What is my best pathway forward to embrace my maximum potential for the future of my dreams?” 

Here are the opportunities for you during this Full Moon time. Choose those that speak to you. 

New possibility is here. It’s as if your future is standing right in front of you. How will you invite it into your life? 

  • Be bold and confident to say YES to moving forward. 
  • Shed the behaviors and patterns that have negative influence. 
  • Break bad habits.
  • Find original ways of doing things. 
  • Recognize your discomfort with change is only temporary.

Revisit your design, fortify your plans and attend to the details. Use Virgo’s energy to get your administrative world in order. 

  • Make plans. Schedule events. 
  • Clean up any unfinished business. 
  • Make the phone calls, send the emails. 
  • Perform all outreach activities. 
  • Negotiate deals and sign contracts. 
  • Set your course for the remainder of the year. 

Open your heart to romance and your mind to creative pursuits. You feel sexy, social and creative (in any order you prefer 😉). This is also a way to expend pent-up tension. 

  •  Set up an evening of romance. 
  • Make plans with friends for a safe and social engagement. 
  • Allow time to get creative and make something beautiful.
  • Get physical. Work out. 

Recognize the reason behind the pressure of feelings of inadequacy. Where have you given your permission for people to step on your toes? How are you unclear about your expectations? 

  • Step into your command. 
  • Appreciate your authority.  
  • Be clear and concise in your communications. 

Let go of preconceived judgments and open your heart and mind to the intentions of others. Your view of the world is growing and changing with you. How does your emotional safety stand up to confrontation with the way you see the world? 

  • Be discerning instead of judging. 
  • Accept that others aren’t perfect and have their own situations you may or may not be aware.
  • Allow yourself to become a role model for how you want to be treated.  Be the person you want to be. 
  • Treat yourself with the same attention and care you treat your loved ones. 

Value in every way is being tested right now. What are your priorities for your time, energy and resource? Where are your dollars going? How are you earning your money? 

  • Review your financial targets. 
  • Revisit your budget. 
  • Create pleasure for yourself.
  • Invest in pleasing surroundings. 

Full Moon Crystal: 

Blue topaz is a part of the family of topaz, signifying love, ease and good fortune. It promotes loyalty in love and truth. It promotes better communication through clarity of feelings and honest emotional attachment. 

This gem promotes truth and forgiveness. It’s a mellow stone that works where it’s most needed.  It aligns your mind, body and spirit. 

Blue topaz helps you see where you strayed from truth and bring you back to your core wisdom.It ensures you to live up to your own aspirations. It assists you in writing your own script.

It has cooling powers and helps prevents anger and frustration. (This will be good for this weekend.) 

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

As always, wishing you joy, 


Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast

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