Relying on Cosmic Love Stars

Astrology can bring clarity to your love life. From astrological love compatibility to communication, the stars reveal what makes your relationships tick and how to create deeper, more meaningful connections.

Why Cosmic Love?

The stars have so much to say about LOVE! Cosmic Love Astrology helps you in your relationships by giving you clarity and objectivity while being deeply personal.

The personal objectivity helps you give your partner the benefit of the doubt, a broader perspective or a different lens in times of complexity. Love Astrology helps explain what makes you and your partner tick, the underlying motivations and how each of you make decisions.

Astrology also tells you what you require for a soulmate love. The astrological lens opens you and your partner’s self-care, self-worth and self-love profiles, so you know how each of you is brave, what you want to master, your future energies and leadership definitions.

It lets you know how each of you will parent, if that’s your choice.

Astrology informs you of your communication style to develop a pathway to grow closer, to deepen your love, to open up to intimacy and to allow vulnerability in order to create a soulmate love.

Who Loves Who?

Looking the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, have synergy because they like the same things.

These signs are bold, exciting and adventurous.

They want to socialize and be out in the world.

Each of you desires to party, to travel, and to be larger than life.

Fire signs are creative, light-hearted and willing to take risks. They also love to be in the spotlight.

When you look at air, you have Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and each have huge mental facility and intellectual curiosity.

The air signs like to problem solve, tell stories, rationalize, think critically, strategize and see patterns.

The air signs have a meeting of the minds. They love to talk, socialize and experience life fully.

Air signs are quick-witted and humorous.

In the earth signs, there’s Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and each of the earth signs like to get things done.

They’re reliable, loyal and honest. They’re also trustworthy, stable and secure.

The earth signs really enhance each other as working is very important to them. They like to know their position in society. They like to be leaders even though their leadership styles are different. Capricorns like to lead from the front, Virgos like to lead from the middle and Taurus likes to lead from the back.

This positioning details how these signs would ‘lead’ the partner through their cosmic love life.

With the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, you’re interested in home life and family.

Love is central to your life with a deep desire for intimacy. You thrive on feelings, heart-centered subjects and getting into the depths of psychology. You’re also connected to the creative and spiritual worlds.

You’re nurturing and giving, surrounding yourself with your loved ones. You love to dive deeply into the depths and get real. The more honest about feelings, the better.

Love is in the Air

Capricorn looks for long-term commitment and serious intentions in a romantic partner. She loves completely and fully and wants to ensure her mate does as well.

For harmony, Taurus and Virgo love astrology are the most compatible for earthly Capricorns. Taurus’ no nonsense approach to life and Virgo’s practicality appeal to Capricorns.

In a Taurus and Capricorn relationship, each strives for material gain, status of position and appreciation of the luxurious side of life.

With Virgo’s, the common interests with Capricorn are order and reliability.

For excitement, Scorpio’s and Pisces love astrology offer the most stimulation. Scorpio’s intensity, love of wealth and powerful impact draws Capricorn beyond her stoic leanings into a more passionate connection. Although her focus is on work most of the time, Capricorn loves to be appreciated and nurtured, so Pisces is a sign that appeals to her for understanding and compassion.

As for Aquarians, they seek intelligence and connections with others, yet fiercely guard their independence. They desire mates with mental acuity, social leanings and independent yearnings.

The most compatible sign for Aquarians is Gemini, with Libra and Sagittarius falling in close second. Geminis love ideas, insights and provoking conversations and with their distractibility, also appreciate being free to explore things on their own.

The fickleness of Gemini love astrology appeals to Aquarius as it keeps him on his toes. Libra is another good sign for Aquarius as each desire connection and collaboration. Libran’s ability to cooperate and create teams expands Aquarian’s definition of healthy relationship.

Sagittarius’ love of life, adventure and risk-taking tendencies appeal to Aquarius. These free-loving signs are big thinkers and social creatures who are open to explore all facets of life. Each leans into the future by dreaming of a better tomorrow. These signs are cheerful, independent and optimistic. This fiery-air combination is both exciting and fulfilling.

Cosmic Love Challenges

With each of these elements, there’s a downside as there may be too much of that element. With fire, your relationship could be too passion-filled and flare out quickly. The initial attraction burns out like a flash in the pan.

With air, you may be too fickle or flighty without the depths of emotions as everything is in the mind.

In earth, boredom could set in without any relief from work and good-doing.

In the element of water, your emotions could get the better of you, drenching you with emotional depths without lift to give the relationship breath.

It’s also really tough to navigate the squares – the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn; the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces or the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

Aries tries to get along with Cancer love astrology and it’s really difficult for the impatient, fiery, robust, risk-taking Aries to handle the soft, sweet, gentle, tender, quiet Cancer.

Capricorn tries to deal with Libra love astrology, “Oh, I want everybody to get along. Let’s make sure we have cooperation, consensus and a team approach.”

“Excuse me,” Capricorn says, “Are you kidding me right now. We’ve made a decision, so let’s go. I want to get to work and get things done.”

Depending on your willingness and the soul level reasons, you can definitely get around your incompatible aspects, if it’s in your best interests to do so.

That’s the key – is it in your best interest at a heart and soul level? Your mind will tell you stories, but your heart will tell you wisdom.

Example of Cosmic Love Gone Awry

One of my clients came to me for a love reading as she was recently affianced and wanted to know how the marriage would be for her.

Unfortunately, this ‘love’ match was fraught with complications, co-dependency and strife for her.

Thankfully, she and I had worked together for a very long time as I could deliver the difficult message to her gently, yet clearly. I gave her all of the information she needed to make the relationship a success.

After much reflection and work with her partner, she realized she didn’t want to give herself over to the relationship as the cost was becoming too high. We walked through the beautiful dissolution of the relationship and she’s happily in a healthy, gorgeous committed relationship now with someone who lifts her in ways she hasn’t ever experienced.

Cosmic Love NOT

When your partner doesn’t believe in an astrology love compatibility chart and you do, you won’t have the conversation, “Hey, your Sun is in this sign, my Sun is in that sign and that’s makes us…”

However, when you get the illumination and self-awareness for you and your partner through the astrological love compatibility lens, you can translate the information in non-star ways. You can say, “You love to stay home and relish the quiet nights in and you know that I really like to go out and socialize. Since both are equally important, can we find time to honor both of our needs?”

When you point out what’s important to each of you and pose it as a question, without getting into starry speak, your partner will be able to hear you and work with you to honor both of your needs. You can use the findings from love astrology to give you the insight and glean the tools you need to be able to navigate your relationship successfully.

Are You Ready for Cosmic Love?

Venus and Mars in your stars give you information about who you’re attracted to from a feminine and masculine perspective. When Venus or Mars in the sky aspect Jupiter, those are positive love times. When the Sun passes either sign, love is in the air for you.

The stars have so much to say to you about love and in this love month, it’s time to celebrate you and your cosmic love.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy, 💕


Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast