
E68: Dive into Lion's Gate Energies: Spiritual Tools for the New Era


In this compelling episode of “Your Star Path to Success,” you dive into the mystical energies of the 888 Lion’s Gate Portal. Known for its profound alignment between Sirius and Earth at the midpoint of Leo, this year’s Lion’s Gate carries a unique triple eight power—promising an extraordinary opening of the Gateway of Wishes signaling new beginnings. Accompanied by numerology and ancient wisdom, this discussion is set to guide you through the special cosmic cycles that are reshaping your world.

Key Highlights

1.  Understand the Triple Eight Energy: Learn about the significance of this year’s Lion’s Gate, where 2024 in numerology adds up to 8 (2+0+2+4 = 8), making it a triple eight year. August, the 8th month, on the 8th day in the 8th year. This triple 8 energy amplifies the Lion’s Gate and the opening of a powerful Gateway of Wishes.

2.  The Role of Intuition and Cosmic Cycles: Explore how intuition and cosmic cycles intersect, helping you align with your soul mission and navigate the transformative energies of unprecedented planetary alignments.

3. Integration of Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies: Gain insight into the intricate balance between the divine feminine and masculine energies, and how understanding this balance can empower your personal and spiritual growth.

4. Lilith’s Message and Its Implications: Discover the impactful and timely message from Lilith and her role in the Lion’s Gate workshop, emphasizing the beginnings of creation, primordial potential and the essential unity of light and dark.

5. Preparing for Major Astrological Shifts: Get a sneak peek into upcoming astrological events such as Pluto’s move into Aquarius, Uranus into Gemini and Neptune into Aries and how these shifts will influence Visionary Leaders and the larger collective over the next 20 years.

Fun Facts

1. Midnight Sun and Spiritual Sun: The episode introduces the concept of Sirius as the spiritual sun and Lilith as the midnight sun, symbolizing the delicate dance between light and darkness.

2. Cross-Time Other World Energies: The workshop promises to channel energies from Lemuria, Atlantis, and Avalon—inviting participants to tap into ancient wisdom and advanced technologies.

3. Human Design and Astrology: There’s a fascinating overlap between Human Design and astrology, highlighting cyclical patterns that influence both personal development and collective evolution.

Additional Resources

–  New Era Podcast Episodes:  Dive deeper into the balance of divine feminine and masculine energies by exploring earlier podcast episodes in the first New Era podcast series. You can access this series by clicking here.

–  Astrology and Seasonal Guides: For those eager to learn more about astrology and its impact, as well as understanding seasonal energies to help you achieve your goals. Check out these recommended resources on Kim’s YouTube channel.

–  Lion’s Gate Workshop Registration:  Secure your place for the live workshop on August 6th  from 3 to 6 PM Eastern Time. Here’s the link with the bonus price of $197 for 3 hours, 5 activations and a 30+ page guide. Remember, for those of you in my Rich and Powerful Leaders program, you get free access.

Align with the cosmic energies, clear your mind, open your heart, and set your soul on its true path by tuning into this transformative episode of “Your Star Path to Success.”

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Dive Into Kim Woods’ Bestselling Books:

  • Intuition Oracle Cards and Guide Book

    Awaken your intuition through this spiritually channeled 48 Card Oracle Deck. Being intuitive gives you the clarity and guidance to effortlessly manifest your dream life. This magical Intuitive Deck is designed to help you connect and engage with your intuition providing you with trustworthy guidance for your burning questions. Allow this powerful deck of oracle cards to help you release and manifest your dreams.

  • All About Magic: Unlock your inherent power. Magic is everywhere and tapping into it is easy – if you know how. Creating space in your life, learning about energy and connecting to your intuition are the first steps to living a magical life. Next, blending practical, accessible and extensive solutions helps you access and use your magical side. I’ve been using magic for decades in my work, with my family and in everyday life.
    In all about MAGIC I’ll show you how to weave the practical with the magical so you make magic every day.
  • All About Abundance: Harness your prosperity. How do you make more money, work less and travel to great places? How do you have better health, loving relationships and more joy? How do you create more abundance in your life? For years, people have been working hard and using the Law of Attraction for abundance with limited results.
    In all about abundance I’ll share my secret to living an abundant life by doing less and attracting magnificent bounty and glory.  This book will help you create your prosperous pathway taking essential steps to unfold your fullest potential.
  • All About Calm: Embrace your inner knowing.  Are you ready to create calm and live a more peaceful life? You can!
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    🗸 Needing a quick and easy solutions to create a more peaceful life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Everyone should be living with calm, joy and bliss.
    In all about calm I’ll guide you with quick tips and easy solutions that fit into your back pocket. There are tips for every aspect of your life: singlehood, work, home, and family. There are even tips for your teens and children.

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About the Show

The Your Star Path to Success podcast with Kim Woods guides you on an astrological journey and business strategy towards achieving your goals and unlocking your true potential. Explore the mystical realm of forecasts, practical business tools and ways to use lunar rituals to manifest your desires and release any blocks to your success, plus captivating expert interviews for real world examples to illuminate your pathway to business success.

Use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. ™

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