
E42: Total Eclipse Revelations: Harnessing Arian Energy for Fearless Progress

 Harnessing the Arian Energy for Fearless Progress of the New Moon and the rare Total Solar Eclipse

Welcome to “Your Star Path to Success”.  This is where we offer valuable astrological insights so that you are guided on a journey to your most successful self. In today’s episode, we explore the significance of the New Moon in Aries and the rare Total Solar Eclipse that accompanies it. Prepare to align your intentions and harness the celestial energy that this momentous occasion brings.

Episode Highlights for this Total Solar Eclipse:

Total Solar Eclipse in America
Gear up for a truly cosmic spectacle as the first Total Solar Eclipse visible in the lower 48 states since August 2017 graces our skies on April 8th, offering an awe-inspiring, approximately four-minute-long darkening of the sky.

Astronomical Alignment
Understand the intricacies of how the Sun, Moon and Earth align during an eclipse, casting a shadow upon our planet and delivering an astrological impact that involves every one of us.

Astrological Essence
Dive into the astrological impact of the eclipse with a focus on Aries’ initiating energy and how this New Moon marks an optimal time for awakening and setting intentions for growth over the next six months.

Mercury Retrogrades Influence
Explore the significance of Mercury’s retrograde during this eclipse in Aries, casting a spotlight on inner reflection, healing and the importance of self-discovery.

Intuitive Success Signatures
A guide on how to embrace your unique Intuitive Success Signatures during this period, focusing on overcoming fear of success and failure and making the choices that align with your intrinsic values and goals.

Fun Facts:

  1. Longest Eclipse Since 2017: The duration of the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse nearly doubles the length of the 2017 eclipse, delivering a grand show that extends the opportunity for reflection and renewal.
  2. Ecliptic Pairing: This eclipse is part of an ecliptic pair, with its counterpart Full Moon having occurred on March 25th. It’s a dynamic duo that impacts the astrological landscape for half of the year.
  3. Healing Stones and Essences: Garnet is highlighted as a stone that resonates with the initiating energy of Aries, while the olive flower essence is mentioned to unify the energies of the planets, offering joy and wisdom.

Notes & Additional Resources:

For those looking to deepen their astrological knowledge and personal growth, consider exploring the following:

– Invest in a personal garnet piece to meditate with or carry for inspiration and creativity.

– Research olive flower essence and consider integrating it into your daily wellness routine.

– Reflect on your Intuitive Success Signature and take stock of your goals as the eclipse unfolds. If you don’t know your signature, take the quiz.

– Attend or watch a local observatory event to view and learn more about the eclipse.

– Keep a journal leading up to and during the eclipse to record insights, intentions, and changes in your inner landscape.

Tune in to our previous episodes for more about understanding your astrological chart and Intuitive Success Signatures and be sure not to miss our next episode, where we’ll continue to provide stellar guidance on your star path to success.

Dive Into Kim Woods’ Bestselling Books:

  • All About Magic: Unlock your inherent power. Magic is everywhere and tapping into it is easy – if you know how. Creating space in your life, learning about energy and connecting to your intuition are the first steps to living a magical life. Next, blending practical, accessible and extensive solutions helps you access and use your magical side. I’ve been using magic for decades in my work, with my family and in everyday life.
    In all about MAGIC I’ll show you how to weave the practical with the magical so you make magic every day.
  • All About Abundance: Harness your prosperity. How do you make more money, work less and travel to great places? How do you have better health, loving relationships and more joy? How do you create more abundance in your life? For years, people have been working hard and using the Law of Attraction for abundance with limited results.
    In all about abundance I’ll share my secret to living an abundant life by doing less and attracting magnificent bounty and glory.  This book will help you create your prosperous pathway taking essential steps to unfold your fullest potential.
  • All About Calm: Embrace your inner knowing.  Are you ready to create calm and live a more peaceful life? You can!
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    🗸 Wanting more calm in your life?
    🗸 Needing a quick and easy solutions to create a more peaceful life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Everyone should be living with calm, joy and bliss.
    In all about calm I’ll guide you with quick tips and easy solutions that fit into your back pocket. There are tips for every aspect of your life: singlehood, work, home, and family. There are even tips for your teens and children.

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The Your Star Path to Success podcast with Kim Woods guides you on an astrological journey and business strategy towards achieving your goals and unlocking your true potential. Explore the mystical realm of forecasts, practical business tools and ways to use lunar rituals to manifest your desires and release any blocks to your success, plus captivating expert interviews for real world examples to illuminate your pathway to business success.

Use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. ™

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