Introduction: Mercury, Mars, and Venus Retrogrades in 2024-25
Hello, star lovelies! It’s a great time to be a soul. Today on “Your Star Path to Success” we’re going to go through the next six months of planetary retrogrades. The three major personal planets – I’ll explain in the podcast – Mercury, Mars, and Venus all go retrograde within the next six months. Mercury does twice. When they do that, they turn inward, hampering their ability to make their impact with you. Dive in and listen as we cover how these retrogrades can guide you towards inner-growth, self-compassion, and help unlock your true potential!
Key Highlights:
- Personal Planet Focus: Learn why the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, and Mars hold significant sway over your personal development compared to the outer planets.
- Harnessing Retrogrades for Growth: Get practical advice on turning the challenges of retrograde periods into opportunities for deep personal reflection and empowerment.
- Smithsonite and Harvest Oracle Card: Discover the spiritual tools—the Smithsonite crystal and the Harvest Oracle Card—that can enhance your journey during these retrogrades.
Fun Facts:
- 6 months of retrogrades is unusual with Mercury acting as bookends to the MErcury – Mars – VEnus -Mercury retrograde period from November 25, 2024 – April 12, 2025.
- Retrograde Timeline: Contrary to common belief, retrogrades aren’t rare; Mercury goes retrograde three times a year!
- Go Inward with Magical Tools: Our stone Smithsonite and the Oracle card #12 Harvest tell us to look inward and cultivate opportunities to dive deeply into our personal selves.
Additional Resources:
- SPECIAL LIVE EVENT: Soul-driven Success in 2025
- Prepare yourself and your business for the massive wake-up call at the end of March, while learning how to be unwavering in your purpose throughout the chaos so you attract your soul mate clients.
- Go through the Stars, your Signature, and a deep dive into the Strategies to outline your annual business strategy.
- Learn more about Seasonal Strategies during the Holidays!
- Take our Quiz to discover your Intuitive Success Signature!
- Find out how you can best thrive during this month by discovering your unique (one of six) personalized energetic signature here. Over 20,000 people have discovered theirs: Know Your Life Quiz
Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to rate, review, and share your favorite episodes! Until next time, happy soul tidings.