Professional Chronicles with Patricia Kathleen

Speaking with Kim Woods; MBA
& Spiritual Consultant

Speaking with Kim Woods; MBA & Spiritual Consultant

Today I am speaking with Kim Woods. Kim E. Woods, MBA and Spiritual Consultant to high performing entrepreneurs and global leaders, has founded multiple 7 figure brick & mortar businesses. Her life truly began once she recognized that while she had checked all the boxes, so to speak, she still lacked a true feeling of satisfaction, power and contentment. When Kim finally embraced her own “Spiritual Coming-Out,” she was not only able to physically heal her son but also to help herself and her thousands of clients around the world to find their true purpose and step into their power, creating alignment, profit and a feeling of unparalleled satisfaction.

Key points addressed were  

  • Kim’s advent into the world of spiritual advising and writing her 3 books that define, describe, and map out how the multitude of techniques and theories in the Wu and spiritual healing realm work
  • We also discussed how Kim herself approaches new clients and the plethora of techniques, methodologies, and doctrines she employees in her consultancy with each
Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast

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