Part 1. Realize New Era Trends through Stars, Stripes and Strategies

I’ve been wrangling with how to set up an article/podcast series about the upcoming 2024 US election without getting political about it. Here goes.

“Hope is the anchor for your soul,” I read on the kitchen wall of one of my dear friend the other day. I love this quote, remembering it’s from the Bible. Like everything spiritual, it’s perfectly timed.

Hope is the key. Anchoring your soul is the key. Everything in the world right now, according to astrology insight, is on the edge of moving forward into the future versus sliding back into the past.

We’ve come to a crossroads where every single person is asked, “What do you choose? Do you choose the future or the past?”

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Part 1. STARS

Everything is written in the stars. In fact, the early Popes were either astrologers or had astrologers, seeking astrology insight. Reading the stars was as imperative for guiding the direction of kingdoms and nations as was navigating on the high seas.

Right now, the stars and astrology insight are a critical part of the equation in determining the future direction of the United States and the world.

New Era

On the world stage, Pluto moves the entire world from the institutional past to the individualized future through the energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Dragging everyone from the comfort of the familiar to the uncertainty of the unknown brings freedom, inclusion and innovation or detachment, revolution and chaos. A combination of these is likely.

Entering Aquarius, Pluto offers astrology insight into how it shapes the path for the next 20 years and no one alive has ever experienced this energy as Pluto traverses Aquarius every 250 years. In 1776 – 1778, when Pluto was last in Aquarius, the United States declared independence from Britain, fought for freedom and won the Revolutionary War.

Now, Pluto in Aquarius marks the New Era as a monumental period of change and growth. This transition encourages the world to dismantle old hierarchies to foster individual uniqueness for a more sustainable approach.

The heralding of the New Era actually began on December 2020 through a Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn initiating the new age, paving the way for an equitable and democratic future. It wasn’t just a celestial spectacle but a powerful energetic shift, inviting you to align with your heart and soul mission to live to your full potential.

For the special edition ‘New Era’ 3-part podcast series with 30+ page guide, click here to access.

Your heart and soul are positioned front and center now that the New Era is here. The cosmos are a key component to fulfilling your soul potential. It’s all about combining the ancient wisdom of the feminine energies, including the stars, with the advanced technologies of the masculine core strengths.

Right now, the stars are pushing everyone to make choices that are critical and permanent. One major area of concern is the future of America’s democracy. According to a PEW report published on July 10, 2024, 72% of Americans believe democracy in the US used to be good, but has not been in recent years. Revisiting the United States birth chart gives astrology insight into the remedies for the country’s soul mission at this critical juncture.

The Soul of the Nation

The USA was ‘born’ on July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm ET in Philadelphia, PA. The signing of the Declaration of Independence is a well-known birth time of the country.

Astrological birth chart of the USA, showing planetary positions on July 4, 1776, at 5:10 p.m. in Philadelphia, PA, with transits for November 5, 2024.

Sun & Moon

Astrology insight of America’s Sun is in Cancer giving the USA a mission to protect, heal, and nurture others while also defending itself against those who impede on its soil.

Cancer is a feminine watery energy with a powerful mix in the 7th house expanding the country’s mission to protect the underserved and marginalized. This star set up provides a justice flare to its mission.

With Venus and Jupiter also in 7th house Cancer, good luck and success comes when the USA is true to itself and participates in diplomatic partnerships.

The Moon in Aquarius emphasizes freedom, innovation and inclusion. Freedom of speech is paramount to the soul of the nation with the 3rd house placement of the Moon. When interpreting its Sun and Moon, the Constitution of the US as a founding document makes sense.

Other Notable Qualities


Capricorn is in the 2nd house making leadership, power and tradition tantamount to the mission of the country. Taurus in the 6th house lends stability, materialism and determination to the regular working cycles. The land and her resources are also important components into astrology insight for the nation. The 10th house is on the cusp of Libra, making justice and diplomacy central to America’s mission.


The identity of the country involves growing its sense of belonging and deeply anchoring into the ancestral roots of its citizenry. The instability of the nation’s partnerships is also an issue that pushes its officials to create chaos through shock and awe or lightning bolt campaigns. This isn’t logical, but produces results. The country’s soul karma and destiny are tied to this topsy-turvy energy.


Astrology insight into Gemini Mars in the 7th house squares Virgo Neptune in the 9th house, requiring the people of the US to bravely open their minds and embrace the duality of their citizenry. Overcoming deception, delusion and escapism is required to bravely pursue the mission of the country.


Justice is the key to the US’ genius as Saturn in Libra in the 10th house squares the Cancerian Sun in the 7th house. Human, civil and workers rights are part of the country’s fabric and a necessity to fulfill in order for the country to live up to its promise. The US’ integrity, maturity, and responsibility are critical to achieve the nation’s commitment.

Soul Destiny

America’s soul mission and destiny involves stepping into a leadership role on the world stage to effectively build bridges and radiate confidence. Astrology insight shows it requires finishing old business and avoiding being judgmental, dogmatic and isolated.

Healing its ‘exile’ or ‘outsider’ energy, utilizing resources responsibly and resolving the insecurities of its position in the world is required to fulfill the nation’s soul destiny.

Opening to the discomfort of the unknown and embracing complexity to transform like a phoenix when burned is also critical. Rising from the ashes is familiar and America can recover from its recent erosion as a sole superpower. It is also a choice its citizens can decide.

Presidential Candidates

The 2024 presidential election puts America at a crossroad with the voters deciding the future of the nation. Accordingly, analyzing the star charts of the candidates lends astrology insight into the soul characteristics of each one.

Both of these presidential candidates were born under a Full Moon. They are both awakeners who have their soul destiny and karma within 2 degrees of each other. This is fascinating because the soul destiny cycle is every 18 years with the nodes rotating through each zodiac sign every 18 months.

The probability that both presidential candidates would be born 18 years apart with only a few months separating them is very low.

When reading the stars, the energies convey the potential and challenges for an individual, but don’t account for free will or the choices made along the way.

So, it’s important to subject the star influences with practical evidence the person has exhibited in his or her life. In this case, Kamala Harris is 59 and Donald Trump is 78 years old. They have both been in the national spotlight for years.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28 pm in Oakland, California. Kamala was actually born for this time right here and right now.

She is the Queen of the New Era as it was written in the astrology insight of the stars on the day she was born with her Full Moon configuration.

Astrological birth chart of Kamala Harris, showing planetary positions on October 20, 1964, at 9:28 p.m. in Oakland, CA, with Sun in Libra and Gemini ascendant.

Astrological birth chart of Kamala Harris, showing planetary positions on October 20, 1964, at 9:28 p.m. in Oakland, CA, with Sun in Libra and Gemini ascendant.

New Era Full Moon

Astrology insight into her 27° Full Moon with her Sun in Libra opposite her Moon in Aries is the absolute perfect formula for the New Era. The divine feminine energies of Libra and the divine masculine strengths of Aries are in exact opposition to each other, making the full range of possibilities available through her Sun and Moon.

Libra is a masculine zodiac sign, yet with a feminine advocate in Venus. Kamala’s Sun sign seeks balance, flow and peace, making her compassionate, diplomatic and a freedom fighter.

Her Libra Sun yearns for commitment to common ground. She has a fair and balanced energy with an underlying ferocity for justice.

With this comes a tremendous ability to deal with ambiguity and paradox, while always striving for harmony. She may obscure the boundaries between diplomacy and strength due to overprotection or advocacy of others.

Insightful astrology in the New Era, Libra is the perfect symbol of the Divine Feminine with its charismatic skills of diplomacy and grace while also embodying the edgy characteristics of tenacity, intensity and strength for equality and the rights of others.

The full spectrum of the creation and destructive forces of the feminine are evident in this zodiac sign. With her Libran Sun in the 5th house, the art of creation is the expression of her life force. Creation aligns with the divine feminine as well.

Her Aries Moon in the 11th house becomes stronger as the 11th house builds over time. This house is also about community ties, humanitarianism and unorthodox thinking. The 11th house holds the wishes, plans and aspirations for the future.

Her Moon in Aries makes her brave, passionate, energetic and willful. It also makes her a natural leader, who aspires to make the future better than the past. Her goals will be inspirational, but realistic.

Her Moon in Aries gives her the masculine resources of Mars and his quick-action, warrior-like approach for the defense of others. At the same time, the Moon provides the pure feminine energy of nurturance, support and love.

This embodiment is also a reflection of the connection between the divine feminine and the divine masculine which is the key component of the New Era.

The 27 in numerology equals a 9 (2+7) which means harvest, fulfillment, the wholeness of the alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end. This signifies the complete cycle with her luminary energy.

Bottom line: According to astrology insight, Kamala was born for this moment.

Other Notable Qualities

Life Mission

Kamala’s life mission is filled with the watery signs of Cancer in the 2nd house, Scorpio in the 6th house and Pisces in the 10th house. Her skills and talents lie in her ability to care, help, support and protect the downtrodden or marginalized.

Her daily work and routines require her to dive deeply into subject matter to investigate wrong doing and to transform and heal through truth and honesty while being a unifying role model for the collective.

When she heals the world, she heals herself and vice versa.


Kamala has Pluto, Uranus and Venus in her Virgo 4th house, enabling her to see perfection and pursue it relentlessly with fortitude and grace, especially in terms of safety and the sense of belonging. According to astrology insight, this is not an easy configuration.

Her ability to be attractive to large audiences is rife with unwarranted criticism and her values are judged without logic or reason. There’s a tendency for ups and downs that come out of nowhere, but bring great healing when they’ve completed their cycle.


Kamala steps into her leadership through her voice. Her message matters, but equally important is her tenor and tone. When she’s bold and resonating with the truth of justice, her leadership shines.

When she’s timid or dissembling, she steps outside of the authenticity of her leadership. Taking courageous action is what makes her a great leader.


Her genius lies in her ability to weave disparate patterns into the meaning of life, set strategy and pursue both fortitude and integrity until satisfaction and completion are realized.

Her communication skills come into play requiring deep and transformative messaging that’s radically honest. She drives with intensity and passion to reach her goals and aspirations for the future.

She will not give up on you, especially when you don’t give up on her.

Her Soul Destiny

For Kamala’s soul mission, the questions are more important than the answers. Her soul yearns for debate, negotiation and floods of unexpected, mind-stretching experience with an appreciation of the vast differences of material, thoughts and constructs.

The duality of life is the succor and the remedy. She’ll find common ground and position the best possible outcome based on it. At the same time, she fully appreciates, and helps others fully appreciate, not only differences, but the need for those differences.

Her soul story involves loss of the safety of land and family, mass migration and fundamentalism pressing her to remedy these through a collective sense of belonging, security and freedom.

Collective Soul Destiny

Kamala’s Full Moon configuration matches the energy of the collective soul karma and destiny. They are in both of the signs of Libra and Aries until January 12, 2025.

Kamala’s Sun astrology insight helps shine a light on soul karma ripe for healing, in terms of dithering, codependency and paying too high a price for conflict avoidance. Kamala’s Moon matches the quest for individualism, self-awareness and confidence without sacrificing the whole.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s birth time is based on Trump’s family chart. They use the birth time of June 14, 1946 in Queens, NY at 9:51 am ET. According to an article written by Christine Arens of Kepler College, Trump’s family uses this birth time for his astrological chart.

Two points of note:

  • The birth time is more than 1 hour different than his official birth chart, making his house alignment off by more than 12 degrees.
  • The Trumps refer to astrology insight. Given his timing for everything, I can attest to a strong coincidence or synchronicity of favorable energies in his presidential announcement, his upcoming debate schedule and the results of varying events.
Astrological birth chart of Donald Trump, showing planetary positions on June 14, 1946, at 9:51 a.m. in Queens, NY, with Sun in Gemini and Leo ascendant.

Full Moon

Donald Trump was born under the waxing edge of a Full Moon within hours of its peak luminosity.

Donald’s astrology insight into his Sun in Gemini in the 11th house getting stronger as he ages. Remember Kamala’s Moon is also in the 11th house. They share similar energies of aspirational goal-setting, strategic direction and future strength.

In Gemini, however, the differences widen to involve lack of commitment, distractibility and exaggeration as these are characteristics regularly demonstrated by Donald.

This energy is enforced with his soul mission destiny nodal configuration and Uranus’ placement. Shock and awe create following and have always worked for him. Ups and downs in fortune, brilliance and communication is also a consistent struggle for him.

Donald’s Moon is in Sagittarius in the 5th house offers astrology insight enabling him to seek lots of experiences, to step into entertainment and to enjoy lots of accolades. Travel, international reach and willingness to take risks are at the fore as is his passion to break up routines, to stretch his horizons and to be amazed.

He has a magnetism that creates allure and status and his Full Moon configuration sets him up beautifully for persuading, charming and convincing others to do what he wishes them to do.

Donald’s Moon sits exactly on his soul karma, so viewing this luminary through a negative lens is appropriate. This is what his soul wants him to overcome in his life.

Sagittarius negative tendencies involve overconfidence, irresponsibility, insensitivity to other’s feelings and foolish errors. 5th house negative leanings include abusive, uncontrollable relationships and creative blocks.

Other Notable Qualities

Life Mission

Donald’s earthly life mission includes Virgo in the 2nd house, Capricorn in the 6th house and Taurus in the 10th house. His skills and talents involve developing his craft with skill and commitment.

His regular routines include the position of leadership, pursuit of power and ambitious success. His role in the world seems easy and natural embracing the traditional trappings of the wealthy with indomitable determination.


Donald has issues with women. His star chart shows a soul karmic wound involving his mother energy and a harsh placement of Venus with Saturn in the 12th house, limiting his ability to understand and connect with women.

Through the astrology insight of his Chiron in Libra in his 2nd house of money creates lack of awareness of himself in relationship limiting his money and success. Because Libra is ruled by Venus, this position amplifies the female impact of his challenging Venus placement, linking it directly to money and success.


Donald’s Mars lies in his first house in Leo, requiring bravery and action in his role as a leader. Mars loves to be adored and appreciated and has tons of energy to pursue everything he desires.

His passions run high as does his love for luxury. Donald and Mars in Leo are tightly bonded. This gives him magnetism and power to persuade others to follow him wherever he leads.


Donald’s soul mission yearns to understand the cycles of life, to surrender to the soul and to master the feminine experience of nurturance and support. Saturn and Venus in the 12th house in Cancer isn’t an easy configuration, according to astrology insight, as nothing with Saturn is easy. Saturn always requires maturity, integrity and responsibility. He’s the tough love planet. On a more practical level, Donald’s facility with real estate, investments and family-owned businesses is a natural pursuit.

His Soul Destiny

Donald’s soul destiny is similar to Kamala Harris’ as they’re born 18 years apart and the soul destiny cycle is an 18-year duration. Free will is important in this description.

They each must choose to fulfill their destinies. Sagittarius’ soul karma presses Donald to try to overcome his lack of commitment, carelessness with details and an unending need for adoration and accolades.

The astrology insight of the 5th house forces Donald to rid himself of self-destructive behaviors, gambling with his future and doubling down on pride.

His destiny involves pursuing strategy, humanitarianism and his ability to make money through groups, ambassadors and affiliates. While his strategy and humanitarianism aren’t evident, his ability to make money through his followers is unparalleled.

Bottom Line

“Hope is the anchor for your soul” is the signal of the future.

Freedom, innovation, inclusion and fulfilling the nation’s mission of justice to protect the underserved and marginalized aligns with the future.

The nation’s past is fraught with injustice, inequality and entitlement that doesn’t line up with its constitution. The nation’s destiny to fulfill its constitutional promise satisfies finishing business from long ago.

It requires a huge appetite for courage and change without being judgmental, dogmatic, and isolated.

If you’re a registered voter in the United States, you get to select the presidential candidate who represents what choice you’re seeking.

The next part of this article covers how the stars and astrology insight predict the electoral outcomes for the time period from the presidential debate on September 10, 2024 through the inauguration on January 20, 2025.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


Stay tuned for Part 2. The New Era: Stars, Stripes and Strategies for the outcomes and predictions.

Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast