New Moon in Aquarius & Chinese New Year – Opening Doors to Abundance and Freedom

The Aquarian New Moon signifies the New Era with its future-oriented, visionary and inclusive ways and this year, this New Moon is also the Chinese ...

The Aquarian New Moon signifies the New Era with its future-oriented, visionary and inclusive ways and this year, this New Moon is also the Chinese New Year. The cosmic synchronicity of these 2 star-studded events with the uncharted territory of 5 outer planets changing zodiac signs, cannot be overstated.

It’s the New Moon, New Year and New Era.

Welcome to the New!

Let’s start with the New Moon and your Intuitive Success Signature, to measure how you enter into this new world, and then continue with the Chinese New Year and your power through your Chinese animal and finally, explore your success in the New Era with strategies just for you.

I. The New Moon in the New Era

New Moon in Aquarius 2025: Future and Innovation Unfurled

January 29th marks a momentous New Moon at 7:37am ET, when the Sun and the Moon align at 9° Aquarius. Aquarius, the sign of the visionary, ushers you into a world filled with innovation, independence, and the celebration of uniqueness without separation from the collective. This celestial event invites you to embrace originality, strategic thinking, and a deep appreciation for the mysteries of life.

Aquarian energy provides a fertile ground for grand ideas and breakthroughs, reminiscent of Darwin’s explorations and forward-thinking mindset. This isn’t just about new beginnings—it’s about fundamental shifts. The harmonious support from Jupiter in Gemini amplifies your ability to see the bigger picture while Uranus in Taurus brings about a bold reawakeningtempered by the grounding influence of Mars retrograde in Cancer.

There are no coincidences in astrology and the Jupiter influence with this Aquarian New Moon with the Chinese New Year is serendipitous because the Chinese energetic shifts follow the path of Jupiter’s rotation around the Sun. Get the benefits of your Intuitive Success Signature and then move onto the Chinese New Year energies.

Intuitive Success Signatures: Aligning with Your Cosmic Blueprint

You can step through the open window the New Moon has created.

Here’s how you can tap into the profound energies of this stellar alignment for your Intuitive Success Signature:

Wise Strategist: Embrace the opportunity to see the world from a new perspective. Focus on precise observation without self-blame. Remember, you are the expert. Trust your insights and maintain your power without external validation.
Intuitive Visionary: Stand in your genius. Allow your brilliant insights to shine through your marketing and sales efforts. Don’t just share your insights—live them and let them shape your presence.
Collaborative Explorer: You are the one who sees connections others miss. Recognize your gift in identifying these hidden answers and share them confidently. Your unique perspective fills the gaps in the collective understanding.
Ruling Warrior: Step into the future with confidence, even if it feels uncomfortable. Leave the past behind and embrace your growth opportunities. Stand in your success absent of comparisons or competition.
Creative Superstar: Reveal your true self to the world. Your charm and creativity will forge connections and bring freedom. Let your authenticity pave the way to new opportunities.
Loving Alchemist: Utilize your deep thoughts and conversations to magnetize others to you. Lean into your natural power to transform and bring forth life with grace and connection.

If you haven’t taken the 12-question quiz to find out your Intuitive Success Signature, go here to your default response – your thoughts, your feelings or your actions.

II. Happy Chinese New Year!

2025 is the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake that signifies wisdom, healing and transformation. Strategic growth is possible when you slow down and move like the tortoise instead of the hare. The 2nd half of the year is going to move impossibly fast, so progressing slowly to counterbalance the seismic shifts this year is imperative.

You’ll be out of alignment when you let the cosmic energies push you too far too fast. The snake digests everything thoroughly before moving onto the next thing.

Lunar Calendar

The lunar calendar is the New Moon in the late January to mid-February timeframe. It signifies the start of spring in China. On the Gregorian calendar, this date falls between January 21 and February 20. It’s always the 2nd New Moon, which is either the Aquarian or Piscean New Moon. This year, it’s the Aquarian one.

Chinese Zodiac Animals

There are 12 Chinese zodiac animals, beginning on the Chinese New Year of each year. These animals are associated with one of the five Chinese elements, making the full cycle a 60-year one.

Black and white illustration of the Chinese zodiac wheel featuring the 12 animal signs—Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig—surrounding a central Yin-Yang symbol.

Which Chinese Animal Are You? 

Refer to the table below to see which Chinese animal you are. Make note of the animal and the element under the year element column. This is your animal as the 5 elements change every 12 years, comprising the 60-year cycle.

Chinese AnimalWestern Calendar DatesYear Element
Rat1/24/36 – 2/10/37Fire
Ox2/11/37 – 1/30/38Fire
Tiger1/31/38 – 2/18/39Earth
Rabbit2/19/39 – 2/7/40Earth
Dragon2/8/40 – 1/26/41Metal
Snake1/27/41 – 2/14/42Metal
Horse2/15/42 – 2/4/43Water
Sheep2/5/43 – 1/24/44Water
Monkey1/25/44 – 2/12/45Wood
Rooster2/13/45 – 2/1/46Wood
Dog2/2/46 – 1/21/47Fire
Pig1/22/47 – 2/9/48Fire
Rat2/10/48 – 1/28/49Earth
Ox1/29/49 – 2/16/50Earth
Tiger2/17/50 – 2/5/51Metal
Rabbit2/6/51 – 1/26/52Metal
Dragon1/27/52 – 2/13/53Water
Snake2/14/53 – 2/2/54Water
Horse2/3/54 – 1/23/55Wood
Sheep1/24/55 – 2/11/56Wood
Monkey2/12/56 – 1/30/57Fire
Rooster1/31/57 – 2/17/58Fire
Dog2/18/58 – 2/7/59Earth
Pig2/8/59 – 1/27/60Earth
Rat1/28/60 – 2/14/61Metal
Ox2/15/61 – 2/4/62Metal
Tiger2/5/62 – 1/24/63Water
Rabbit1/25/63 – 2/12/64Water
Dragon2/13/64 – 2/1/65Wood
Snake2/2/65 – 1/20/66Wood
Horse1/21/66 – 2/8/67Fire
Sheep2/9/67 – 1/29/68Fire
Monkey1/30/68 – 2/16/69Earth
Rooster2/17/69 – 2/5/70Earth
Dog2/6/70 – 1/26/71Metal
Pig1/27/71 – 2/14/72Metal
Rat2/15/72 – 2/2/73Water
Ox2/3/73 – 1/22/74Water
Tiger1/23/74 – 2/10/75Wood
Rabbit2/11/75 – 1/30/76Wood
Dragon1/31/76 – 2/17/77Fire
Snake2/18/77 – 2/6/78Fire
Horse2/7/78 – 1/27/79Earth
Sheep1/28/79 – 2/15/80Earth
Monkey2/16/80 – 2/4/81Metal
Rooster2/5/81 – 1/24/82Metal
Dog1/25/82 – 2/12/83Water
Pig2/13/83 – 2/1/84Water
Rat2/2/84 – 2/18/85Wood
Ox2/20/85 – 2/8/86Wood
Tiger2/9/86 – 1/28/87Fire
Rabbit1/29/87 – 2/16/88Fire
Dragon2/17/88 – 2/5/89Earth
Snake2/6/89 – 1/26/90Earth
Horse1/27/90 – 2/14/91Metal
Sheep2/15/91 – 2/3/92Metal
Monkey2/4/92 – 1/22/93Water
Rooster1/23/93 – 2/9/94Water
Dog2/10/94 – 1/30/95Wood
Pig1/31/95 – 2/18/96Wood
Rat2/19/96 – 2/6/97Fire
Ox2/7/97 – 1/27/98Fire
Tiger1/28/98 – 2/15/99Earth
Rabbit2/16/99 – 2/4/00Earth
Dragon2/5/00 – 1/23/01Metal
Snake1/24/01 – 2/11/02Metal
Horse2/12/02 – 1/31/03Water
Sheep2/1/03 – 1/21/04Water
Monkey1/22/04 – 2/8/05Wood
Rooster2/9/05 – 1/28/06Wood
Dog1/29/06 – 2/17/07Fire
Pig2/18/07 – 2/6/08Fire
Rat2/7/08 – 1/25/09Earth
Ox1/26/09 – 2/13/10Earth
Tiger2/14/10 – 2/2/11Metal
Rabbit2/3/11 – 1/22/12Metal
Dragon1/23/12 – 2/9/13Water
Snake2/10/13 – 1/30/14Water
Horse1/31/14 – 2/18/15Wood
Sheep2/19/15 – 2/7/16Wood
Monkey2/8/16 – 1/27/17Fire
Rooster1/28/17 – 2/15/18Fire
Dog2/16/18 – 2/4/19Earth
Pig2/5/19 – 1/24/20Earth
Rat1/25/20 – 2/11/21Metal
Ox2/12/21 – 1/31/22Metal
Tiger2/1/22 – 1/21/23Water
Rabbit1/22/23 – 2/9/24Water
Dragon2/10/24 – 1/28/25Wood
Snake1/29/25 – 2/16/26Wood
Horse2/17/26 – 2/5/27Fire
Sheep2/6/27 – 1/25/28Fire
Monkey1/26/28 – 2/12/29Earth
Rooster2/13/29 – 2/2/30Earth
Dog2/3/30 – 1/22/31Metal
Pig1/23/31 – 2/10/32Metal
Rat2/11/32 – 1/30/33Water
Ox1/31/33 – 2/18/34Water
Tiger2/19/34 – 2/7/35Wood
Rabbit2/8/35 – 1/27/36Wood
Dragon1/28/36 – 2/14/37Fire
Snake2/15/37 – 2/3/38Fire
Horse2/4/38 – 1/23/39Earth
Sheep1/24/39 – 2/11/40Earth
Monkey2/12/40 – 1/31/41Metal
Rooster2/1/41 – 1/21/42Metal
Dog1/22/42 – 2/9/43Water
Pig2/10/43 – 1/29/44Water

What Are Your Animal Characteristics?

Once you’ve gotten your Chinese animal from the table above, check out the characteristics to see what your animal has to tell you.

Year of the Rat – Wisdom/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Rat Years: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044

Characteristics: Quick-witted, charming, adaptable, creative, artistic, sociable, resourceful and versatile.

The rat is very resourceful, a natural leader worthy of respect and communicates in an honest straight-forward manner. They are humorous, charming and sociable. They have a heightened sense of danger and are excellent at keeping secrets if they choose.

It’s easy for them to escape harm in business, relationships and life in general.

Famous: Shakespeare, Mozart, Churchill.

Year of the Ox – Industriousness/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Ox Years: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045

Characteristics: Calm, methodical, loyal, strong, steady, determined, reasonable, decisive, honest, dependable and hard-working.

People born in the year of the Ox are independent, filled with integrity and stubborn. They are hard-working, even-keeled and always working at their own pace

Oxen are very serious folk, not much for roses and violins, but yet can provide a very stable loving home for the right partner.

Famous: Napoleon, Van Gogh, Nixon.

Year of the Tiger – Valor/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Tiger Years: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046

Characteristics: Enthusiastic, leadership, charismatic, brave, competitive, unpredictable and self-confident.

Tigers are pleasure-seekers, with endless supplies of energy and enthusiasm for life. They have a great sense of humor, love attention and are humanitarians.

Famous: Marco Polo, Mary Queen of Scots, Marilyn Monroe.

Year of the Rabbit – Caution/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047

Characteristics: Trustworthy, empathetic, modest, diplomatic, sincere, caretakers, sensitive, gentle, quiet, elegant, alert, kind and patient.

Rabbit people are agile thinkers who nimbly overcome obstacles. Resilient and lunar. They draw a crowd as they give good advice, seek peace and avoid conflict. They make great friends as they are sweet and gentle. Yet they will get what they want.

Famous: Confucius, Einstein, Orson Welles.

Year of the Dragon – Strength/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Dragon Years: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048

Characteristics: Lucky, flexible, eccentric, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, charismatic, confident, intelligent, ambitious, persevering, and hard-working.

Dragons are the guardians of wealth and power. Courageous and confident, dragons have ability to achieve legendary success. Full of most ancient mysteries, their reason for being born is karmic. Considered oldest souls in zodiac. Endless supply of energy, inspired by dreams and aspirations. Dragons are an open book, but may be too direct.

Famous: Joan of Arc, Freud.

Year of the Snake – Flexibility/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Snake Years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049

Characteristics: Philosophical, organized, intuitive, elegant, attentive, intelligent, decisive, insightful and communicative.

The snake represents ancient and primordial wisdom. Its existence is purely karmic. They are the deepest thinkers with a great sense of humor. Loyal, stoic and prosperous. They can be relentless. Seek transformation throughout life.

Famous: Darwin, Lincoln, Edgar Allen Poe.

Year of the Horse – Forging Ahead/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Horse Years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050

Characteristics: Adaptable, loyal, courageous, ambitious, adventurous, strong, animated, kind, straight-forward, active and energetic.

Horses make excellent business people. They are talented, strong and engaging. However, they are hesitant and need reassurance as they worry about the details. They are exuberant, independent and filled with potential. They may lose themselves in their passion or in making a bid for freedom.

Famous: Rembrandt, Chopin, Teddy Roosevelt.

Year of the Sheep – Unity/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Sheep Years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051

Characteristics: Tasteful, warm, elegant, charming, intuitive, sensitive, calm, gentle, shy, stable, sympathetic and amicable.

Sheep are prosperous and eternal. They have a quiet strength and resolve yet are compassionate and extremely generous. Good fortune seems to land at their feet. They are social creatures, yet are like to sit on the sidelines. They are very creative and artistic and love attention for their gifts. They are naturally sophisticated and have lavish tastes, so need to watch their spending. They are peace-seeking and avoid conflict.

Famous: Michelangelo, Mark Twain, Valentino.

Year of the Monkey – Changeability/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052

Characteristics: Witty, charming, lucky, bright, lively, intelligent, ambitious and adventurous.

Extremely, yet fun-loving, monkeys thrive on competition and self-improvement. They are confident, exhibit true genius are make excellent business people. They are clever and intuitive and successful. If backed into a failing position, they wouldn’t hesitate to use unethical means to extricate themselves from the situation.

Famous: Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Elizabeth Taylor.

Year of the Rooster – Being Constant/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Rooster Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053

Characteristics: Observant, energetic, flamboyant, diverse, confident, hardworking, resourceful, courageous and talented.

Competent, driven and direct, roosters seek success and often accomplish it early in life. They may be egotistical and flamboyant. They love receiving attention. However, they are always attentive and desirous to help others. Roosters are often writers or public speakers as they love knowledge and to tell stories. Although they appear extremely confident, they actually need lots of reassurance.

Famous: Rudyard Kipling, Caruso and Groucho Marx.

Year of the Dog – Fidelity/Yang

Chinese Zodiac Dog Years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054

Characteristics: Loyal, sociable, courageous, diligent, steady, lively, adaptable, smart, honest, amiable, kind, cautious and prudent.

Dogs are uncanny in their ability to sense danger, yet are warm, intelligent and generous. They are transparent, responsible and honest. They are duty-bound and often find themselves in leadership positions. They are prone to paranoia and will defend themselves and their families to the end.

Famous: Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, George Gershwin.

Year of the Pig – Amiability/Yin

Chinese Zodiac Pig Years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043, 2055

Characteristics: Diligent, honorable, philanthropic, determined, optimistic, sincere, sociable, compassionate, generous, easy-going and gentle.

Pigs or boars are committed to peace, but are also extremely strong. They have great courage and stamina. Sociable creatures, pigs love having people around – all of the time. They are devoted and trustworthy, making them great friends. They also love to entertain. They have earned their reputations as gluttons, so should be watchful of their appetites.

Famous: Albert Schweitzer, Ernest Hemingway.

The powerful characteristics of your Chinese animal can be utilized to support you during this fiery year. Moving through uncharted territory isn’t easy, so any help is appreciated.

III. The Strategies for the New Era

Strategic Alignment: Practical Steps to Harness Aquarius Energy
In addition to leaning into your Intuitive Success Signature tips and your Chinese animal powerful characteristics, you can use proven strategies to make actual progress toward your goals. Here’s how to ground the expansive Aquarius energy into your daily life and business practices:

Identify and Appreciate Differences: Much like Aquarius, understand and appreciate the uniqueness of those around you. This can be applied in team selection, client interactions, and partnerships. The diverse perspectives will enrich your strategies and outcomes.

Embrace Innovative Thinking: Allow the New Moon, New Year and New Era energies to inspire groundbreaking ideas. Set aside time for brainstorming sessions where no idea is too far-fetched. Innovation often comes from the most unexpected places.

Ground Big Ideas with Practical Steps: Use the grounding energy from the Wood Snake and the New Era’s imminent direct motion to anchor your visionary ideas into actionable plans. Break down grand visions into achievable goals and remain flexible to adapt these plans as insights evolve.

Enhance Your Visibility and Influence: Much like the Aquarian visionary, combine your analytical mind with intuitive insights. Focus on precision and clarity in your message. Stand tall in your expertise and allow your natural leadership to draw others toward you.

Integrating Cosmic Wisdom into Your Leadership

This New Moon in Aquarius 2025 coinciding with the Chinese New Year calls on you to awaken to your highest potential and engage in collective growth without losing your individuality. Align your actions with these cosmic energies and set intentions that reflect your unique strengths and visions.

This is a profound time for setting intentions that align with your future vision. It’s a moment to embrace your uniqueness, connect deeply with your higher self and ground these cosmic insights into practical actions. Engage with the energies at play and use the strategies laid out to walk confidently on your star path to success.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


P.S. If you haven’t taken your Intuitive Success Signature quiz yet, visit Your Star Map to Success and unlock the keys to your unique leadership potential.

Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast