July Summary
July: Shocks in the Media
Sun signs: Cancer & Leo
Seasonal energies: Optimize Power
Energetic Element: Fire
Overall meaning:
Shocking news, triggering events and insightful epiphanies abound. It’s up to you whether you respond or react. A positive response creates excellent opportunity for you to shine as a leader. Use your natural talents to express your benefits and results to others. A negative reaction sweeps you up in the turmoil, confusion and indecision. Not knowing what to believe is probable, so following other’s beliefs or getting caught up in differing opinions is too easy. Lean into the positive and shun the negative. This is a call for leaders.
Big Star events: 7/21 – 23
Seasonal Insights
The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.
The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.
During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Power – May – August; Gemini, Cancer, Leo
Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. You want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.
The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine. You bask. You create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy. The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought.
Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius and create your platforms or stages. This is a great time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.
Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.
Star dance
Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
- July 2nd Neptune retrograde until December 7th
- July 22nd Mars trine Pluto
- July 23rd Sun opposite Pluto
- July 26th Chiron retrograde until December 29th
Neptune retrograde – July 2 – December 7 @ Pisces 29 – 27°
When Neptune stations retrograde at the edge of Pisces 29.55° to be exact. Wow, this is a huge wake-up call. The idealism, overly optimistic and escapist behaviors get a jolt back into reality. Any overextension snaps back so you can see how your actions create your circumstances.
Absolutely do not follow or buy from anyone who says they have all of the answers based on easy 1-2-3, ‘one size fits all’ or ‘it worked for me’ solutions. These people are charlatans preying on your gullibility or desperation. When Neptune is retrograde, you can see more clearly, but this may make you react by making a big change. This isn’t the time for change. It’s the time for reflection and consideration. It’s the time for using your intuition and internal compass to be your guide. It’s the time for compassion and healing.
Gemini Mars trine Aquarius Pluto – July 22nd @ 0°
The dance between Mars and Pluto continues with a supportive force occurring on July 22nd to give you a power surge to complete all of those difficult and complicated tasks. You have unending energy to get it done. You’re also excited for romantic, social and business engagements.
Connecting with others is at an all-time high. You also have opposing forces making you want to be sweet, tender and soft with loved ones, while also wanting to fight for control and manipulation. When you feel secure, you lean toward loving and if you feel insecure, you have a crisis of confidence.
Chiron retrograde – July 26 – December 29 @ Aries 23 – 19°
Once again, you have the opportunity for great healing. You observe old wounds and release your ties to them. You reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others in order to understand your past to give way to your future.
In Aries, Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world. Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough. Mercury retrograde in April gave you insights into how Chiron can help you know. Did you take note? Think back to remember what was happening for you in April. Ask Chiron to help heal you now.
For more information about 2024, listen to this podcast episode.
Star power
Week 1: Creative Constructs
Week of July 1- 7
Get creative about who and what require your attention right now. Roll up your sleeves and dive into your business dealings or personal relationships to add tender loving care. In business, take a step back and look at your daily dealings to get a different perspective. Review your offerings and add creative underpinnings to express client love. In your love life, take the time to whisper sweet nothings to express how you love to love.
Week 2: The Ups & The Downs
Week of July 8 – 14
The week begins with fun, excitement and positive influences. You’re lifted up by breakthroughs and solutions to irksome issues and gain strategic insight about your long-term plans. You may have a moment or two for recognition and promotion and suddenly want to change your style or image. Contemplate your new style while pushing off unwanted advances and competition. The end of the week is filled with possessive traits, compulsive tendencies and threats to relationships.
Week 3: Upsets & Erratic Behavior
Week of July 15 – 21
Tension, unease, discomfort are the overriding influences for the week. Deepening your connection to yourself and your soul mission threads the needle between the positive and negative. Your mind rebels, but your soul sings. Recall your big dream then proceed with tunnel vision. Acting with conviction and intention is the right pace. Let news, good and bad, swirl around you. Stay flexible about immediate plans. Rely on your intuitive routines to stay the course.
Week 4: Powerful Crisis of Confidence
Week of 7/22 – 7/28
Remember who you are at the deepest level. Tap into your ancient wisdom and use the powerful energies to galvanize your actions. You’re a force to be reckoned with and remembering your power is the key to all of the angst you’re experiencing. Whatever happens in the world may or may not have direct impact on you. When changes arise, ask yourself how they benefit you. Find the opportunities in expanding your influence while you let go of control.
Moon magic
The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:
- The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
- From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
- The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
- From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
New Moon: Connect to Your Heart’s Wisdom
Details: New Moon Cancer 14° July 5th @ 6:59 pm ET
During the New Moon, position yourself for new beginnings by setting your intentions for the remainder of the year. You have the energy reserves, discipline and determination to tackle anything in business and in your life. Ascertain how you want to lead your life in this New Era. How will you rely on your feminine wisdom to trust your intuition? What will you do to attain the stature and position of your dreams?
Cancer makes you yearn for family, home and quiet solitude while also desiring security, worldly possessions and material gain. These seem like conflicting desires, yet can be attained through the same means.
Bottom line: Follow your heart.
Watch this quick video to Listen to Yourself and Receive What You Want.
Full Moon: It’s Time
Details: Full Moon Sun in Cancer & Moon in Capricorn 29° July 21st @ 6:19 am ET
With the cuspy opposition of Cancer and Capricorn, this energy reminds you of the end of 2018 – mid-2020 when the soul karma was in Capricorn and the soul destiny was in Cancer. The fall of the patriarchy and the rise of the feminine is the lane to widen and allow to flood your being. It’s the time for the revolution into the New Era with the support of the soul’s longing to be true to itself. Your soul is at the helm.
In the world, however, it’s a different story. The truth comes to the surface. How immune will people be to any shocks in the media? To the power plays, triggers and shocking news? Chaos ensues when institutions, traditions and the familiar is being jolted out of alignment in order to be refitted into a new paradigm.
Our mind wants to think change happens without any disruption. That’s not realistic. Change breed chaos, but it also creates the new way of living and leading.
July magical tools
The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.
The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you so that you can create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.
For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.
For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day so that you can feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.
Order your Intuition cards online
Monthly Oracle Card: #30 Power
The oracle card has a message for you, “Stand in your power by claiming it. You are a powerful creature. Let yourself flow with your natural power.”
Let go of your need to hold onto power. It’s not possible to hold onto it anyway, so let it go and watch it grow. Enhance your power by going with its flow. It has a gorgeous rhythm and cadence. Dance with it.
You’re unstoppable as you step into the fluidity of power. The waves of power expand to embrace you and your growth. Allow them to work their positive energy on you.

Magically, take a moment to stand still and put your hands on your heart. Close your eyes and connect to your body by feeling your feet on the earth. Focus on how your breath expands and contracts your lungs. Breathe in 2 to 3 times. Imagine your power pooling in the core of your body. Let it build and acknowledge your potent power.
Practically, think about what lights you up and find time in your schedule to do more of these activities. Find ways to say YES to yourself.
Spirit Animal: Vulture

Vulture’s medicine is about rebirth and acts like the phoenix, signaling new beginnings from wasted and expended energy. They teach you about using energy and resources powerfully and efficiently.
The vulture typically is found amid dramatic happenings. They herald finding opportunity in the most challenging circumstances. The need for cleansing and rebirth is not evident.
The vulture transforms current events to prophesize the future.
Crystal: Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a powerful crystal that matches the power in the stars this month. Any quartz is a multitasker, amplifier and powerful healer as it meets the energy at the appropriate level in every situation. Smoky quartz is a gentle grounding stone as its attached to the energies of the earth in more powerful ways than other crystals.
Smoky quartz is protective and able to dissolve negative states. It will reach to deep levels of the self to cleanse and balance, and so can be a useful meditation stone. This stone relates to the past, present and the future to help you heal and assimilate your soul DNA with your cellular memory.
Flower Essence: Aspen

Known as the psychic flower, Aspen helps turn foreboding into conscientious sensitivity by surrounding you with a gossamer coating of safety, acting like a shelter against the storm. There are collective soul memories across time and space that can attach themselves to your auric layers. Freeing yourself requires active participation on a daily basis. Aspen comes to the rescue as this flower essence fortifies your own auric connection to both heaven and earth, surrounding you with its love.
Your sensitivity doesn’t change, in fact, it could enhance as you feel embraced by faith in the positive outcome and the belief that all is well. You are an infinite being where only love is real. Everything else is just perception.
Just for you
Connecting to your intuition is the key to your success in the New Era. This is achieved by weaving the masculine strengths with the feminine energies.
For the masculine: Your masculine strengths are enhanced through your Sun sign. The Sun can fill you at the core and is your guiding light. Your core is the anchor point and must be fortified to handle the edginess of the feminine remembrance of ancient wisdom.
For the feminine: Allowing the feminine wisdom to come to the fore and act as a guide and energetic force to pursue your soul mission is welcome in this New Era. Halleluiah. As such, learning how you enter your world, make choice and align with your intuition is measured by how you know, like and trust yourself.
Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.
Combining the remedies for your Sun sign with the tips for your Intuitive Success Signature boost your ability to navigate challenges and take advantage of positive influences.
Sun sign power
Your Sun Sign indicates who you are at the core and during strenuous times can help solidify your power. Each of the remedies listed below offer ways for you to collect yourself, create a firm foundation and act as a pivotal point to anchor you.
Fire Signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
This month of power serves to stir your fiery passions to get creative, express yourself and satisfy your desires for adventure. Get physical, stay active and plan outdoor activities. July is a rocky month that pushes your fire to the breaking point. Relieve the build up by intentionally releasing tension and frustration. The spirit animal, vulture’s medicine, can help you release and cleanse your energy.
Earth Signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Stay focused on the long-term and be strategic about how to navigate through the month. Any distractions in business or tugs from the outer world can be alleviated when you take the long view. Take some time for yourself this month either through planned vacation or by taking pause moments throughout the day or week. Using the oracle card of power supports you.
Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Your journal is your best friend this month as it helps keep you focused on what truly matters. There are too many distractions that turn you away from your priorities. Keep track of your ideas and solutions and leave them for another time. Remember to tend to your important relationships, the one with yourself included. Smoky quartz helps you ground yourself.
Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Finding tender and quiet moments takes vigilance this month. Carve out time to replenish yourself. If you prefer more intimate connection, be romantic and get sexy with your partner. Host small gatherings at your home if you want more entertainment. Take stock of your energy reserves at the end of each week. Slowly gaining energy is the goal. Aspen flower essence can support you.
Intuitive success signatures
Your Intuitive Success Signature helps you live your soul mission and measure how to connect to your intuition by knowing, liking and trusting yourself. The tips below help you navigate the month’s challenges and take advantage of positive cosmic forces.
Wise Strategist
Be the rock. Let your audience know who, what, how and why you are who you are and do what you do. Demonstrate your credentials, accomplishments and experience without stating them. People will respond positively to you as an expert and thought leader. They will know your unwavering strength and how you can help them without hearing the exact words. It’s in the posture, not the statements.
Intuitive Visionary
Shine. Speak. Stand in front of others. You are the future and finally people can sense it about you. Your future-oriented solutions are in your energy, your vibe and your voice. Be the beacon of inspiration for the positive future and set a clear path to help others see it too. Be as inspiring as you’re born to be.
Collaborative Explorer
Reach out to your network. Check in. Listen, but also advise. You have great wisdom and others need to hear it right now. You have the qualifications and qualities people require at this time. Advise. Guide. Lead. Mentor. You are the type of person and business leader everyone needs now.
Ruling Warrior
Quiet your message to be seen and heard. Being the leader requires softness and compassion and you can access both of these qualities when it truly matters. Let your audience know you care while letting them see how you can help them. You will make sales this month when you don’t focus exclusively on them. You’ll widen your influence when you exhibit your quiet power, instead of your vocal one.
Creative Superstar
You want to run and hide. Do that if you have the time and space and can spare losing opportunities. Gather yourself, especially if you planned for it. However, if you desire more business growth, show up and speak your truth without being the victim or showing overwhelm. This isn’t the time for weakness or indulgence.
Loving Alchemist
Figure out what you want to say, how you want to message and what you have to offer to your following. Develop a lead channel, then do live events with your audience. Conduct fireside chats. Host small cohorts. Do polls and manage Q&As. Develop community deeply and solidly while also letting them know your offers.
Bottom line
July is a complicated month that pushes you to be true to yourself while stirring up chaotic energies in the world. Fortifying your core through your Sun sign and invigorating your edges through your Intuitive Success Signature brings you closer to who you’re meant to be. This also helps get through the month as unscathed as possible.
Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.
As always, wishing you joy,

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