Intentions 2022

Intentions for the New Year!

Why you can’t rely on resolutions and how to create unlimited potential

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is ready to make resolutions for the new year.


There’s a problem.

Resolutions don’t work.





In fact, less than 10% of people keep their resolutions.

That’s a 90% fail rate.

This is a terrible statistic.

Why don’t resolutions work?

A resolution is a specific goal to change something you don’t like about yourself. They are born from the negative and because of that, you typically drop your resolutions after a few weeks. After you drop them, you feel badly about yourself.

Additionally, resolutions are:

  • The beginning of a downward spiral.
  • Based on the mind and what it deems to be unacceptable.
  • Trying to fix, cull or sharpen.
  • Determined by the calendar and not on your wants, needs and desires.


Throw that negative, failing and calendar-based tradition away.

There’s a better way.

Invite intentions into your life and watch the magic unfold.

Setting intentions is fun, supportive and powerful.

It’s a time to relax, unwind and wonder.

Wish, dream, create.

Set intentions, instead of resolutions, to:

  • Lift yourself up, instead of being dragged down.
  • Be positive, not negative.
  • Start an upward spiral, instead of a downward one.

Intentions are positive and heartfelt. They’re based on dreams and desires. They help you blossom and surround yourself with support, making it easier to step into opportunity.

Intentions matter because the entire process links your mind, heart and soul. They help you open your mind to the wonder of wishes, tap into your heart to dream and step into your power. Intentions are about the creative process, not hardline production to achieve specific results.

Creating intentions involves time for reflection and dreaming, connecting with yourself and opening to possibility.

Create intentions by:

  • Gathering a beautiful journal or stationary. Grab your favorite beverage and writing utensil. Pens, markers, colored pencils are all appropriate writing implements.
  • Set aside time to reflect and dream. If you have trouble quietening your mind and opening it to dream big, here’s my big dream meditation.
  • After you’ve reflected or meditated, write your wishes. Wonder, imagine, ponder. Your intentions should make you feel good, not pressured.
  • Draw them out. Make them pretty.

The biggest criticism about intentions is the inability to quantify whether you’ve achieved them or not.

That’s the thing.

Intentions aren’t measurable – on purpose. They open you up to YOU. Just like you’re not measurable, intentions aren’t either.

And just like you, intentions can be realized when you envision, fuel and open up to them.

Make intentions come true by:

  • Activate them with a Pinterest board or vision journal.
  • Do a heart link with them.
  • Display them somewhere – in a frame by your bedside, on your refrigerator or tapped to your bathroom mirror.
  • Talk with a friend about your intentions.

You can get make your intentions real when you develop your intuition, drop into your heart and follow your soul’s destiny.  

If you want more, join me on Marci’s Instagram LIVE on Instagram @Official Wake Up with Marci  on Wednesday, December 15th at 1:30 pm ET.

We’re going to talk all about intentions.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2021 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Kim Woods sitting on a couch holding a colorful journal, dressed casually in a tan jacket and white blouse in a cozy indoor setting.

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About the Author

Kim Woods, Master Astrologer and Business Strategist, combines ancient feminine wisdom, astrology and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help business leaders become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave their legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success so you fulfill your soul destiny.

Check out Kim's Your Star Path to Success Podcast

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