Destiny & Karma
There’s a shift in the collective soul destiny on January 11th and stays there until July 26, 2026. The soul destiny is what you want to embrace and the soul karma is what you want to release.
So, it’s yes to destiny and no to karma.
In other words, these collective soul changes reflect how the cosmos pressure everyone on earth to open up to their soul destiny while removing blocks due to karma.
On January 11th, the shift into Pisces soul destiny and Virgo soul karma, the focus is how you show up in the world and in your own life.
This Pisces & Virgo configuration induces you to accept yourself as a spirit having a human experience.
Destiny & Karmic Movement
Every 18 months, the soul destiny and karma shift through the 12 signs of the zodiac to come to the same sign every 18 years. Think of the number 18 and how it reduces to 9 in numerology. This energy is always about wholeness and right now, this wholeness involves how you experience your world.
Picture a wheel where the soul destiny travels through the 12 zodiac signs, spending about 18 months in each one, coming back into the same zodiac sign every 18 years.
This year, the collective soul destiny moves from Aries into Pisces while the soul karma moves from Libra into Virgo. The image below represents the current movement with each sign representing 18 months.

A circular chart divided into 12 segments, each representing a zodiac sign with “18” indicating 18 months in each sign. Two clockwise arrows show the movement through the signs, representing the cycles of Soul Destiny and Soul Karma.
Going around the wheel completely, the Pisces-Virgo collective soul energy happens every 18 years and its opposition occurs every 9 years.
The same Pisces-Virgo energy occurred:
- January 11, 2025 – July 26, 2026
- June 23, 2006 – December 18, 2007
- December 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989
- April 20, 1969 – November 2, 1970
- July 27, 1950 – March 28, 1952
The opposing Virgo-Pisces energy occurred:
- November 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017
- January 1, 1997 – October 20, 1998
- July 6, 1978 – January 5, 1980
- December 16, 1959 – June 10, 1961
- May 25, 1941 – November 21, 1942
Pisces & Virgo
Every 18 years, the collective soul destiny wants you to experience the world in a spiritual way while being practical in how you live your daily life. Balancing the spiritual with the practical requires you to show up for yourself.
Show up for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Showing up for yourself means being healthy in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies.
Let’s explore what the soul destiny and karma means, then how to embrace and release respectively. Next, let’s discover how the other stars support this destiny and karma throughout the year. Then let’s dive into how to show up for yourself.
Collective Soul Destiny
The collective soul destiny is what you want to embrace, move into and open in your life. Say YES to soul destiny.
Pisces North Node: Embrace
With the soul destiny pursuing spirituality, you can create your life as you truly want to live it. This is the time to let your soul lead. Pisces is the soulful sign and a time to step into creativity, healing and intuition.
Using your imagination to dreams your biggest dreams while embracing your highest potential is the key with the soul destiny in Pisces. This configuration wants you to allow support from the universe and your higher self, while surrendering your escapism, addictions and victimization tendencies.
Having faith in yourself and others by allowing your life to be fully lived relying on your intuition. Your magical gifts and talents want to shine from your heart and soul, not from your mind. Envision vibrational resonance versus simply conversing, a full body alignment versus a mental exploit and soul mission versus a position at work.
Soul Destiny Tips
Your general tips to embrace your spirituality are:
- Avoid escapism through the numbing of binging on Netflix or TikTok, working too much, depending on chemicals, fitness or shopping.
- There’s a season for everything, so be mindful of leaning too much into avoidance.
- Deal with your emotions and step into self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others.
- The trifecta of awareness, acceptance and allowance is the key.
- Remember pain is a natural part of life – it’s for the living.
- Being the hero means showing up.
- Get creative, playful and be generous with yourself.
- Find your hidden treasure.
- Tap into your intuition.
- Stay connected with your intuition.
- Rely on your intuition.
Collective Soul Karma
The collective soul karma is what you want to release, resolve or remove blocks from in your life. Say NO to soul karma.
Virgo South Node: Resolve
The issue with Virgo lies in the habit of letting your mind run the show while ensuring you take action on every thought. It’s too much! The key is to let go of perfectionism, servitude, stress and addictions.
Virgo is a nag and she’s a hard task master, so it isn’t easy to release yourself from worry and anxiety, struggle and self-criticism. But, it’s worth it as judgment and skepticism makes you become bitter and resentful. You can avid this by letting go from Virgo.
Resolve your karma that makes you to push against life and all of its imperfections instead of being grateful for the bounty, ease and joy found in your heart and soul.
General Release Karma Steps
Lean into being satisfied with your work to get off of the hamster wheel.
Find your value, so you don’t work too hard for your money.
Get out of your mind and into your heart and soul.
Strive for wellness in every area of your life.
Develop rituals and routines that give you more pleasure in life.
Use the 80/20 rule instead of seeking perfection.
Let go of doing everything and let others help you.
Ask for support.
Act as a guide or mentor and seek one for yourself.
Show up for yourself versus doing too many things for others.
Ask ‘what else is possible’ every morning.
Embody your true potential.
Blending the positive energies of Pisces and releasing the negative ones of Virgo provides you with the balance between reality and fantasy, intuition and logic. It’s the perfect remedy to align with your soul mission.
Soul Destiny Throughout 2025
There are a handful of planetary aspects guiding you to open to the accept the experience of you and the world. Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter poke at the collective soul destiny and karma to urge you to pursue wellness by balancing the self-directed and unity-guided pursuits.
- February 7 – Pisces Neptune conjunct True node @ 28°
- April 21 – Pisces Saturn conjunct True node @ 26°
- May 9 – Taurus Uranus sextile True node @ 26°
- May 18 – Gemini Jupiter square True node @ 25°
- September 3 – Cancer Jupiter trine True node @ 18°
Each monthly star-powered planner will take a deeper dive into these energies and how they’ll affect you as you move through the year. Bookmark this page to stay on top of the monthly events.
Dreamy Imaginings in February with Neptune
With Neptune blending with the soul destiny on February 7th, you get a blast of intuitive energy to pursue your spirituality. Neptune creates an opportunity to take a spiritual deep dive while letting go of the mental distractions and yearning to work, work, work. Relaxing or seeking healing remedies is the perfect way to leverage this cosmic configuration.
Blast of Reality in April with Saturn
Saturn blends with the collective soul destiny and opposes the soul karma giving you the fortitude and discipline to develop spiritual routines. Your intuition wants to come forth in your life.
Venus also merges with the soul destiny to bring love, calm and beauty into the mix. She also wants you to wear your value. Lean into sweet love, romance and tender love notes. Imagine, dream and love on April 21st.
Positive Changes in May with Uranus
On May 9th, when Uranus excites the soul destiny and harmonizes the soul karma, you get the chance to make the necessary changes to live your soul mission. Pisces is all about your soul and Virgo is all about daily life. Combining the two allows you to create daily spiritual routines and to accept rituals as part of your daily tasks.
Discerning the truth of your experience of yourself and the world is also possible. Let Uranus push you further into the truest version of yourself.
Big Moves in May with Jupiter
On May 18th, Jupiter moves in to support you with good luck in opening your mind, heart and will to live your soul mission. Surprising energy with the Sun and Uranus blending on the same day enhances your ability to be true to yourself. Show up in ways that are new and exciting.
Let Jupiter push you to show up for yourself. Say YES to you for self-care, self-confidence and self-love.
Nourishing Support in September with Jupiter
Be brave about being the whole version of yourself. Bravery in relationships to communicate what’s important to you happens on September 3rd. Nurturing yourself, caring for yourself within your family and showing up as your genuine self helps you be you no matter what the circumstances.
How to Show Up for Yourself
Generally, showing up for yourself involves knowing yourself fully, liking yourself enough to accept you for you and trusting yourself to take the right action. When you know, like and trust yourself, you align your mind, heart and will. Stepping into your Intuitive Success Signature supports you to lean on your mind, your heart or your will.
Showing Up with Your Intuitive Success Signature
Overall, Loving Alchemists are the best positioned to deal with the soul destiny in Pisces and the soul karma in Virgo. Creative Superstars are most likely to embrace the Piscean soul destiny with creativity in common. However, they are also least likely to deal well with the Virgo practical aspects.
Wise Strategists and Ruling Warriors have the most issues releasing Virgo’s soul karma. While Intuitive Visionaries appreciate the new soul destiny in Pisces. Collaborative Explorers need to make adjustments to accept their intuitive abilities, while shoring up their practical daily habits.
Show Up for Yourself Physically
Making things real requires you to shed your Virgo ways and she’s a nag. Every one of the signatures can navigate her successfully. Deep your most successful schedule to make sure you stay on track.
Positively, Ruling Warriors strive for wellness regardless of where the soul destiny lies. You love to give yourself goals and to set routines to achieve these goals. Ruling Warriors, you will succeed in your physical wellbeing. However, you also don’t like the tempo of gathering energy by relaxing and slowing down. This will be the quest during this collective soul cycle.
Wise Strategists can take this configuration literally, but when you don’t and let yourself have fun, your healthy body exploration can become a fan–favorite. Have fun and pursue wellness.
Loving Alchemists don’t get caught up in the nagging nature of Virgo. You can look her in the face and say, “You don’t affect me. I’ve got this.” Let your power override any negative self-talk.
On the other hand, Intuitive Visionaries will get swept up in the negative self-talk and will avoid it by creating distractions that actually will prevent you from achieving your goals. To succeed, you want to set up routines that work for you to hold you accountable.
Collaborative Explorers, you typically stand separately from what truly matters to you. Keeping your goals at the forefront of your task list ensure you keep up with your physical wellbeing.
Creative Superstars, you get caught up in the cycles of creativity and forget to keep to your best routines. Make sure you add your physical wellbeing as part of your creative cycle and you’ll succeed in this area.
Show Up for Yourself Emotionally
The Moon powers your heart to support the nourishment of you. Flower essences support you to open to your heart, so you can embrace satisfaction and fulfillment to appreciate your full self.
Creative Superstars are specifically involved in this soul destiny and this love of creativity and intuition allows you to be generous with yourself. When you’re generous with yourself, you support your emotional wellbeing.
Intuitive Visionaries don’t really appreciate the emotional realm and in fact, avoid it to limit your power. When you realize that you’re a powerhouse, you step into the emotional realm to fuel your desires. You are enough and your ability to inspire helps support your emotional wellbeing.
Collaborative Explorers are very emotionally intelligent, so use this to your advantage. Let your emotions reign and lead with your heart. You have a beautifully generous way of gathering like-hearted people together. Let this be your guide to your emotional wellbeing.
On other hand, Wise Strategists, you struggle with letting go of the mental pursuit to drop into your heart and listen to her wisdom. Virgo presses you more into negative self-talk than you’ve experienced in the last 18 months. Staying vigilant by keeping to an emotional-forward routine is the key.
Ruling Warriors are traditionally less emotional than other signatures, yet you can accept the emotional components by infusing these are part of your goals. Incorporate pleasure, joy and playfulness into your overall strategy.
Loving Alchemists, this is the only area you may have negative impacts as Virgo pushes you into servant-based activities. While these satisfy you, you may succumb to doing too many to keep you on the hamster wheel. Your heart is happy with your service, but your overall success misses the mark. Stepping into the power of the Moon to enjoy its cycles remind you of the cycles of serving others and serving yourself.
Welcome to my Bella Luna course as a free gift if you want emotionally powered support.
Show Up for Yourself Mentally
The stars totally support you to clear your mind and create certainty. Your mental acuity must rely on the Sun, Moon and the stars to stay calm and connected to your intuition.
Intuitive Visionaries are the most apt in the mental acuity of the Pisces soul destiny and the Virgo soul karma. You can flow with the cycles required by Pisces and connect fully to your intuition. When you do, you’ve mastered your namesake.
Loving Alchemists are also perfectly placed to traverse into intuition with the combination of logic and brilliance opening into influence.
Creative Superstars adore the creative and imaginary ways of Pisces while struggling with Virgo’s tendency for distraction. For you, letting go of the negative tendencies of Virgo, while holding onto her practical routine generating ways helps you stay on track. This requires finesse and a delicate balance.
Collaborative Explorers are the most adversely affected by the mental aspects of the collective soul destiny as it’s too amorphous and you can lose yourself easily. For you, use your mind, logic and reasoning to keep yourself at the center of your thoughts. Putting yourself first is the key.
Wise Strategists are also limited in the ability to keep their minds focused without succumbing to Virgo’s perfectionism. Open yourself to the 80/20 rule instead of always over performing toward 100% or beyond.
Ruling Warriors absolutely love the taskmaster ways of Virgo while not appreciating the intuitive notes from Pisces. The fail point is to stay on the Virgo karma instead of pursuing the intuitive nuances of Pisces.
Show Up for Yourself Spiritually
Magical tools help you in this category. Reach for crystals and your guides for this category.
Loving Alchemists, Intuitive Visionaries and Collaborative Explorers are simply the best at the spiritual pursuit of Pisces while letting go of the Virgo.
Loving Alchemists, your power overcomes your practicality in ways that are positive. Intuitive Visionaries, you have the win in this area all around. Give yourself permission to be the intuitive genius you naturally are. Collaborative Explorers, you are very intuitive, use your energy to step into your intuition. Focus on yourself to succeed in this area.
Ruling Warriors and Wise Strategists don’t fully appreciate the magical, intuitive talents when not incorporating the wisdom each provide.
For Ruling Warriors, this is the hardest aspect for you. Enjoy the wisdom of you and seek the win. For you Wise Strategists, wisdom is part of your moniker – own it.
Interestingly, Creative Superstars, you struggle with losing yourself in the creative, imaginative ways. It’s this loss that creates the issues for you. When you can stay practical, you actually achieve the win in this area.
Bottom Line
Showing up for yourself isn’t easy when balancing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Focusing on your strengths help you shore up your relative weaknesses. Sharpening your energies to align with your soul mission makes this effort smoother. This 18-month plunge into your spiritual experience helps you with the New Era influences. Lean into these cosmic powers to embrace your inner life, develop your intuition and let your soul lead.
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As always, wishing you joy,