My birthright involves the true sense of money – I embody its infinite grace.
Of course, I had to break away from both sides of ancestral “lack”. How wonderful it is to be free to express my absolute love …
Of course, I had to break away from both sides of ancestral “lack”. How wonderful it is to be free to express my absolute love …
I can justify my 3,000+ collection by using them in my work with you!
My personal finances are organized, analyzed and yes, I have my own pie chart of investments.
Since my heritage is Italian, I can get away with it. (Yes, my gravy cooks on the stove for 7+ hours!) Manja!
Now that I’ve stepped into my birthright, he says, “You’re the Perfect Storm!”
My husband and I parented them magically as well as practically – even while growing a 7-figure business. (Don’t know what that means? Ask me …
What?! Who’s John Dee? Astrologer to the Queen. (I’ll use my oracle magic for you too.)
It was a pilgrimage to discover myself. I found me – big time. (Psst…You’re looking at her.)
I have 25+ years in business, so I was the ONLY woman in the board room, advising CEO’s and mentoring the other women. It’s shaped …
You can have purpose, fulfillment, ease, and feel successful, not just play the part. I’m constantly seeking change for my clients and creating solutions for them. Here are three revolutionary secrets (and shifts) to being a huge success in your inner and outer life plus your business.
It’s such a sexy word invoking thoughts of romance and sensuality.
Yet, the true meaning of intimacy is ‘into me you see’.
Intimacy relates directly to the KLT factor.
Life continues even when you’re on the luge of self-discovery. Kids grow, careers change, families come together or fall apart – life goes on.
My parents and I have undergone a separation that I would like to say is initiated smoothly by my path of self-discovery.
I’ve been on the healing mission to get to my KWAN and know joy is part of it, so I explore everything about joy I can get my hands on. I delve deeply into the feminine, reach into bliss, find ways to happiness and define joy to figure out the similarities and differences.
It’s one thing to be resolute about changing something as big as the impact of a narcissistic mother and emotionally unavailable father while starting a family of your own and it’s another to actually do it.
“What’s your KWAN?” I’m asked at dinner by Dr. Bill, a friend of the new love of my life, Greg.
I answer confidently describing my work, my graduate studies, my travels…he interrupts, “That’s not your KWAN, that’s just stuff you do.”
Summary: 2020 has been trying and here we are in its 9th month, tired and weary, and just in time as the energies pull you back …
There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)
There’s tremendous healing and support for you right now, but only if you open yourself to it.
The key during this New Moon is vulnerability.
It’s your coming out party.
Allow the world to see the true you.
The Hardest Lesson should be the title of this Full Moon. The tightness of the energies is at an all-time high and the best thing you can do is to accept and allow. You’ll want to rail, fight and frustrate, but resist the temptation to succumb to these emotions.