
use  stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. ™ 

Staircase leading up through lush green foliage, bathed in sunlight at the top.

Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 3

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 3.

Single pink flower growing through a crack in the pavement beside a road, illuminated by soft sunlight.

Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 2

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 2.

Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 1

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 1.

Young woman standing against a wall, with her shadow resembling a superhero with a cape.

January 2021: Be Bold, Be True

What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? Firstly, things are not what they appear this month, so stay in your lane, focus on the long-term and discern what is true for you. Let go of everything else. Just. Let. It. Go.

Decorative lanterns hanging from tree branches, glowing warmly in the night.

December: New Era NOW

As predicted by the Mayans re: 2012, we’ve been working on the NEW ERA since then with key celestial moments in 2012, 2016 and 2020.

We’ve had to plunge deeply into the dark in order to find wholeness and only then can we come to the surface, climb the right summit (which is unique to each one of us) to declare victory.

A diverse group of business professionals standing confidently against a city skyline, each engaged in different activities such as thinking, looking ahead, using a laptop, and making a phone call.

What Does Powerful Leadership Look Like These Days?

What does it take to be a powerful leader? I define leadership as declaring a vision, holding the potential for the best possible outcomes and inspiring others to share in that vision. For all leaders out there, making the right choice of how to lead is critical to effectively leading others. There is also an energetic balance that needs to be had. Powerful leadership requires the fusion between masculine and feminine energies.

Double exposure of business people and a handshake with glowing connection lines overlaid, symbolizing networking and collaboration.

The best business partner is the Divine Business Partner

How would it feel to be fully confident in yourself and the decisions you make for your business, life and opportunities that come your way? What if I told you that purpose, power and prosperity integrated with your business strategy, leadership and growth were the key to unlocking more success? Intriguing, right? Having the Divine as your business partner uplevels you and your business.

I love breaking the mold!

I’ve created new businesses, business systems, departments and divisions. I have championed not-for-profit projects. I’ve literally rewired brains and shifted leadership paradigms.  BAM!