A shower of gold coins raining down onto a large pile on a white background.

Discover Three Revolutionary Secrets to Being a Huge Success

You can have purpose, fulfillment, ease, and feel successful, not just play the part. I’m constantly seeking change for my clients and creating solutions for them. Here are three revolutionary secrets (and shifts) to being a huge success in your inner and outer life plus your business.

Hand holding a four-leaf clover against the setting sun by a river.

Sept Full Moon – How to Welcome Good Fortune Today

There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)

Person with long hair opening curtains, seen from behind.

July Oracle – Are You an Adult or a Victim?

July presents complicating forces that push you wildly, yet hold tightly. There’s a serious influence asking you for a tough love approach.

It’s best to get in front of this pushing force to navigate it strategically. You want to be in a place of action versus reaction.

The New Era – You Get to Choose

Saturn enters Aquarius this weekend until July and then comes back here to stay for 3 years beginning in December.
Right now, you get a glimpse into the New Era. With astrology, there are always many possibilities and the extremes are laid out in two expressions.