October 2021: Relationships
October is all about relationships. Will you stay in your own lane or will you get caught up in other’s drama?
Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 3
Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.
Here’s part 3.
Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 2
Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.
Here’s part 2.
Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 1
Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.
Here’s part 1.
September 2021: Success
September is here! It’s the best month in 2 years. Fortune, success and brilliance is yours – right now!
August 2021: Patient Opportunity
August requires patience, but gives you opportunity. Get ready for the rest of 2021.
July 2021: Creative Tension
July brings opportunity or stress. It’s up to you to decide which one you’ll choose.
June 2021: TRUTH
Better Yet, the PERCEPTION of Truth Overall: The words I wrote back in October 2020 for the 2021 forecast hold true: We’re shaken about what’s …
What Do I Want for Mother’s Day?
Here’s another blog post from the way back machine (circa 2014) and it’s still relevant today.
April 2021: True KLT Cocktail
April is all about knowing, liking and trusting yourself. You get to set the stage for love in your life.
March 2021: Dreams Get Real
March comes in softly and goes out wildly. It’s filled with healing and power IF you step bravely into your future. Otherwise, it’s confusing and frustrating.
How is Love Like Blueberry Pancakes?
Here’s another blog post from the way back machine and I still love it. It’s from a post circa 2015, but the story is circa 2011.
Why Do You Want to Be Like a Puppy?
We’re featuring posts from the way back machine as part of February Love Exploration month. Here’s another one to enjoy from 2014.
What are the First 4 Steps to Using Your Intuition?
“How do you use your intuition?” my daughter, Katy, asks me several weeks ago. It’s a crazy time and I don’t have the ability to …
How Are You Writing Love Letters These Days?
“When I get you your favorite chocolate, or bake brownies, or make plans to go out on the boat, these are my love letters to you.”
This was something I said to my husband once and it stopped him in his tracks.
I Can Tell You How To Make This Year A Success
“Look to the stars when you want to know all the things.” Throughout 2021 and most of 2022, your past is on a collision course …
January 2021: Be Bold, Be True
What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? Firstly, things are not what they appear this month, so stay in your lane, focus on the long-term and discern what is true for you. Let go of everything else. Just. Let. It. Go.
Get Your Top 3 Tips on How to Be Calm
The energies are super tough right now and so many clients have reached out, I want to give you my 3 top tips for calm. They’re free, easy and take almost NO time!
Do You Want to Know the Meaning of the 800 Year Christmas Star?
Jupiter and Saturn make the brightest star in the sky in 800 years as they pass so closely, they appear to be one bright star. You’ll be able to see it with the naked eye on a clear night all month long, but with greater distinction starting on December 16th.
December: New Era NOW
As predicted by the Mayans re: 2012, we’ve been working on the NEW ERA since then with key celestial moments in 2012, 2016 and 2020.
We’ve had to plunge deeply into the dark in order to find wholeness and only then can we come to the surface, climb the right summit (which is unique to each one of us) to declare victory.
September Oracle – Discover How to Build a Stronger Foundation
Summary: 2020 has been trying and here we are in its 9th month, tired and weary, and just in time as the energies pull you back …
Sept Full Moon – How to Welcome Good Fortune Today
There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)
August New Moon – Why Do You Need to be Vulnerable Right Now?
There’s tremendous healing and support for you right now, but only if you open yourself to it.
The key during this New Moon is vulnerability.
It’s your coming out party.
Allow the world to see the true you.
August Full Moon – Discover Ways to Overcome Frustration and Resistance
The Hardest Lesson should be the title of this Full Moon. The tightness of the energies is at an all-time high and the best thing you can do is to accept and allow. You’ll want to rail, fight and frustrate, but resist the temptation to succumb to these emotions.
August Oracle – Why You Want to Restructure Your LIfe
This month is about tweaking your mindset and approach in life, love and business. It’s an internal and external restructuring.
It’s going to come at you from all angles, so be prepared by opening your mind and flexing your stance.
New Moon July – Learn the Hidden Power of Frustrating Limits
Summary: It’s super frustrating right now. Enough is enough! Yet, relief isn’t going to happen. In fact, more constraints and challenges await as 2020 continues …
July Oracle – Are You an Adult or a Victim?
July presents complicating forces that push you wildly, yet hold tightly. There’s a serious influence asking you for a tough love approach.
It’s best to get in front of this pushing force to navigate it strategically. You want to be in a place of action versus reaction.
Full Moon July – An Open Window
Summary: Powerful forces are beckoning you to dive deeply into YOU. Be true to yourself and your dreams. Go to your own depths and gather …