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Selfish Podcast

“Kim Woods is a Spiritual Leader and Transformation Expert. She helps successful female business leaders shed other’s expectations to live their true life’s purpose. As her clients tap into the power of their core alignment, they find fulfillment, passion and ease.

Kim’s clients range from Fortune 500 companies & 7-figure CEO’s to solopreneurs and creatives.”

Listen link: https://anchor.fm/selfishthepodcast/episodes/8-3—The-Power-of-Transforming-ei9dal

Astrology Forecasts Lunar Cycle

August New Moon – Why Do You Need to be Vulnerable Right Now?


There’s tremendous healing and support for you right now, but only if you open yourself to it. 

The key during this New Moon is vulnerability.

It’s your coming out party. 

Allow the world to see the true you. 


Integrity – Nine of Wands

The Tarot never misses a beat. This card shows up a handful of months ago when I pick the lunar cycle cards. Crazy, how spot on each one is for the cosmic energies. 

The Nine of Wands is a spiritual card in the minor arcana. It represents your inner spirit of unbending self-determination to be true to yourself. 

And it urges you to be honest with yourself and your desires, to know yourself fully and value yourself completely. 

It also nudges you to walk your own path and to defend your spirit without compromise. 

Command the integrity for yourself as fiercely you do for others.  

Astrological Energies: 

Here you are on the 18th of August, having made it more than ½ way through this tumultuous month. 

Your reward? 

The New Moon as the Sun and Moon come together in solidarity at 10:42 pm ET in Leo at 26°. 

I would be lying if I said, “The energies are only supportive for you right now, so no worries – just lie back and enjoy.” 

This is only partially true. 

The energies are supportive right now and they’re also challenging you to transform anything that isn’t in alignment.

How do you know what’s in alignment? 

Things that make you uncomfortable, test your beliefs and press your priorities. 

This is alignment?  

Let’s unpack the influences so you can assimilate their meanings. 

The Sun and Moon kiss in Leo, the fiery and robust sign, where the Sun is completely at home.  The Sun overshadows the Moon as is true in any New Moon, but is over-the-top true in this one. 

Leo wants nothing more than to be loved and appreciated as he opens his sensitive and vulnerable heart to stand in the spotlight and say what he truly means. 

Leo, who’s scared, yet does it anyway as he knows it’s worth it. He knows HE’s worth it. He values himself and wants to share his gifts with the world. And he has something to say and wants to lift everyone up with his messages. 

The Sun and Moon also kiss Mercury, only separated by one-degree. This is a thought-provoking and expressive energy. It’s passionate and intense, so don’t be surprised if you’re more opinionated and verbose than usual. 

In the higher expression, Leo is open, giving and trusting. He’s also fun-loving and joyful. He’s a natural leader who loves to lead from the front, delivering his elegant speeches and inspiring the world at large. 

On the lower side, Leo is prideful and boastful against any perceived injuries of neglect or lack of appreciation. He pontificates about his achievements and acts like a spoiled child vying for attention. He throws his might around and rails against everyone and everything. He’s the jerk in the middle of the party making an ass of himself. 

There’s no middle ground with Leo.

Check your tendencies this week to see where you fall in your pursuit for self-confidence and esteem.  If you’re defensive and feel like you’re being attacked, stand back and see how this is serving to deepen your convictions. If you’re feeling supported and appreciated beyond your normal realm, then congratulations, you are on your way. 2020 has been pushing you in the right direction. 

There’s more, of course there is.

Saturn Rx is at the heart of this New Moon as he’s been at the heart of everything this year. 

Saturn Rx asks you to make adjustments in your material, resourceful and supportive constructs, especially in the area of work. What people and systems provide you with the best possibility of success? How have you pushed yourself beyond your confines? In what ways have you committed to yourself, your values and priorities? Are there any further refinements you can make to get the most out of 2020’s tunnel to the new era? 

Remember, you’re either exhausted or depressed with Saturn, so choose. He’s far from finished as he’s center stage until the end of the year. 

Then there’s Mars, who’s also an integral component of this New Moon. He’s adding fuel to the already overloaded pressure cooker of 2020. He’s ramping up to smack Saturn Rx next week. 

Mars wants to go-go-go and Saturn’s saying stop-stop-stop. It’s a tug of wars unless you fall back and allow. This is another part of the vulnerability puzzle. Just let go. Stop resisting, railing, flailing and otherwise wasting your energy. 

What’s the best way to handle this pressure? 

Step into commitment and discipline. Allow the deepening that’s been begging you for months nowSay YES to your transformation by seeing yourself in the full light. You have shadows and light, just like everyone else. Why should you be immune to being frail in certain areas of your life? (Mars square Saturn Rx/Pluto Rx @ 2 ° orb)

Let your natural confidence and optimism come to the surface to help you through. There’s always a silver lining. Find yours. (Mars trine Sun/Moon 2 ° orb)

You could have good news with your finances and your love life. Your creativity may also be at an all-time high too. Welcome it. (Venus sextile Uranus Rx)

Actually, welcome all of it. 

New Moon Recommendations: 

  • Recall your intentions from the beginning of the year and keep your eye on your long-term goals. 
  • Get delicious healing. Release old karmic patterns. Do ritual. Meditate. 
  • Make plans for 2021. Yes, 2021. It’s not too soon. Come up with contingencies as 2021 is going to be the release of all of the pressure from 2020.  Who knows what’s going to happen? Have a plan A, B and C. 
  • Fall in line with the unfamiliar, uncomfortable and unknown. Go with the flow and rhythms of life. 
  • Welcome the new and unexpected in money, creativity and love.  

New Moon Crystal: 

Obsidian is a powerful cleanser. It moves everything in its path. This molten lava is without boundaries or limitations. It’s a powerful and fast working stone that supports while clearing everything.  There are many types: 

Apache Tear – is a gentlertype of black obsidian. It’s to be used for protecting, healing, and spiritual grounding. It comforts grief and sadness. 

Black – protective stone that removes negativity. It cleanses, heals and helps with manifestation. It helps get in touch with buried issues.  

Blue – supports divination by activating the throat chakra and enhancing intuition. 

Gold-sheen – can be used for scrying. It gets to root of problem, shows you what you want to heal and balances energy. However, you need another stone for the actual healing. 

Mahogany – grounds and protects. It supports aspirations and removes blockages from life’s work. 

Snowflake– stone of purity. It balances the mind, body & spirit. It helps transformation by providing balance as well as the ability to see unhealthy patterns of behavior. And, it calms and soothes.

You’re in the 3rd quarter of this year with only 3 ½ months until the relief that’s available in the middle of December. It feels like it’s almost too much and that’s true – it is. 

But, you’ve chosen to be here at this time, in this place, with these people, doing these things. 

Stand up. And breathe. 

You’re in the final stretch. 

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

As always, wishing you joy, 


Astrology Forecasts Lunar Cycle

August Full Moon – Discover Ways to Overcome Frustration and Resistance


The Hardest Lesson should be the title of this Full Moon. The tightness of the energies is at an all-time high and the best thing you can do is to accept and allow. You’ll want to rail, fight and frustrate, but resist the temptation to succumb to these emotions. 

If you relent, you’ll then want to descend into self-sabotage, self-defeat or even despair. 

Instead, lean back and be vulnerable. 

It’s a big ask, but trust and have faith this is for the best. Fill your mind with wonder. Believe in potential. Welcome the new. 

All things are possible. 

I’ll be going LIVE on Monday, August 3rd at 9:00 am ET to talk all about ways to make this energy work for you. Join us in my True KLT group.


Regenerator – Sage of Cups

This tarot card brings the energies of the Moon to assist in regulating your inner emotional waters. It helps you go with the flow in the cycles of life. 

It also signifies the mastery of stagnation. You overcome the frustration of being held back when you see the benefits of fine-tuning, deepening and sharpening. Assess the areas of your life needing attention. 

Find fulfillment in folding new life into old patterns and behaviors. Create growth opportunities by discovering the joy of review, refinement and restraint. 

By doing so for yourself, you generate relief and satisfaction for others. The ripple effect is profound. 

Astrological Energies: 

The tension in this Full Moon is high as it’s awash in a sea of red. The Sun and Moon reaches her maximum at 11:59 am ET giving you the energy to break free by expressing yourself truthfully and vulnerably. 

Ask yourself a few questions: 

  • What yearns to be spoken? 
  • How does your heart want to open to trust?
  • What karmic shifts are revealing themselves to you?
  • Why are these patterns repeating? 

Be honest with yourself. You’re the only witness to your answers unless you decide otherwise. 

Let’s break down these energies to discover the tools available to you in this tense moment. 

Your thoughts, emotions and will are involved as well as your karma around money, relationships and love. 

Is that all? 

Actually, no. 

Thankfully, there are supportive energies that may not feel supportive. But, that’s okay as any support is welcome. 

Breaking free is possible as you have the energetic forces for freedom, fearlessness and success. Phew. 

Freedom from 

– being held back. 

– acting disingenuously. 

– ignoring, mitigating or depleting your inner voice. 

Ignore the discomfort and embrace the uncertainty of this moment. 

It’ll do you a WORLD of good. 

Rely on tools you may have ‘outgrown’ as these provide the appropriate level of assistance. They also provide solace by being so comfortable and easy to use.

When your thoughts drift into doubt, negativity or self-sabotage, use your mantras and affirmations to shift them into more expansive patterns. 

When your feelings move into either the hot or depressive zones, use EFT, flower essences, talk therapy or the Moon’s energy to give you the emotional safety to process your emotions. 

And when you will takes a powder, leverage your self-discipline to just do it. If your will amps into the aggressive, use this fuel by getting to work. Alternately, expend your excess energy with physical activity. You may even want to be amorous, if the mood strikes you. 😉

In all cases, any healing modality is excellent – absolutely excellent. Employ any and all that speak to you.  

Be wary of deflecting your inner work by projecting onto others. If you fall into the mode of ‘he should do this…’ or ‘why isn’t she doing that…’ Stop. Breathe and ask yourself the very same questions. 

This is about you, not them. 

It always is. 

Full Moon Recommendations: 

  • Strategize and set goals for the rest of 2020 and the first ½ of 2021. 
  • Take care of your financial wellbeing.  Talk about your finances with your partner. Budget and plan. (The time for organizing and handling the details comes later in the month.)
  • Be tender with loved ones, including yourself. 
  • Get karmic healing. 
  • Don’t negotiate any deals or sign any contracts. 
  • Gain solace by spending time in nature. 
  • Find ways to laugh. 
  • Seek solace in using your comfortable tools for support. 

Full Moon Crystal: 

Seek respite in the Full Moon stone: Smithsonite

Smithsonite is a stone of tranquility and kindness. It’s most common coloring is a soft greenish-blue that’s soothing to look at and peaceful to the senses. 

It’s the perfect crystal for this Full Moon as it provides a buffer between you and life’s challenges. It gives you courage and compassion in equal measure. 

If you want to delve into its magic, smithsonite heals the inner child and dissolves emotional trauma. It also strengthens psychic abilities, leadership qualities and provides harmony in uncomfortable situations. 

It can be placed in grid fashion around the bed and I thought of doing this, but it would be really expensive. 

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

As always, wishing you joy, 


Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August Oracle – Why You Want to Restructure Your LIfe


This month is about tweaking your mindset and approach in life, love and business. It’s an internal and external restructuring. 

It’s going to come at you from all angles, so be prepared by opening your mind and flexing your stance. 

I’ll be talking about everything August in my free Facebook group on Friday at 10:00 am EDT. Join us.


Better days: 8/5, 8/7, 8/16, 8/17, 8/18, 8/25, 8/27, 8/29

Days to tread softly: 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4, 8/10, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13, 8/24, 8/30


  • Say YES to all of the possibility.
  • Accept change and be flexible.  
  • Stay safe. 
  • Make the necessary adjustments. 


Breakthrough – 7 of worlds

This month offers breakthrough by urging you to restructure and streamline aspects of your life to help you overcome blocks and free up your talents and resources. 

Use the power from the planets to clear your vision, to propel you forward and to act with will and determination.

Weekly Energies:

Be careful all month as it’s fraught with accidents and injuries with Mars rattling around the sky. The exact transits hit on the 4th, 13th and the 24th. 

Basically, Mars is coming to whack the crap out of everyone all month. Perfect. 

When you actively handle Mars, he helps you develop courage. The house on your particular chart where you have Aries is where you want to be brave for the rest of 2020. Find out more here

If you’re handling him, Mars gives you power, energy and vitality, so you have the fuel to live up to your desires.

When you ignore Mars, he whacks you by putting aggression people, difficult situations or accidents in front of you to get your attention. 

My advice, pay attention and openly step into your bravery. This way, Mars will gift you instead of confronting you. 

Week 1: Struggle

On the 1st day of the month, what appears too good to be true, is too good to be true. You’re reaching for anything and everything to give you relief in reaction to the tightness of the energies that haven’t let up for days, weeks and months. It’s almost too much.

Complicating matters, there’s an internal struggle of thoughts and ideas as you’re grappling with secretive behavior and hidden agendas. You’ve come too far and dealt with too much to take the wrong step now. If it seems too good to be true – it is. Go deeply into your intuition and decide based on your instincts, not your mind. (Mercury opposition Pluto Rx)

The next day, be proactive about positive change. This seems to contradict the message from the first day, but it actually doesn’t.  Remember, the right kind of change won’t feel positive at first.  It’ll feel uncomfortable and perhaps a little scary or A LOT scary. If it gives you the jitters, give it another look. It may be your best chance for growth. 

You may also be running into challenges in relationships with others. Who’s been triggering you for the last few weeks? Look at patterns to find the underlying meaning and look internally as it’s always about you, not them.  (Sun square Uranus)

Full Moon – Karmic Chance. 


It’s never good when I start with ugh, but here it is. 

On August 3rd, the Full Moon reaches maximum at 11:59 am EDT with the energies of the Sun in Leo and those of the Moon in Aquarius.

With these two signatures, the higher possibility is forthrightness, creativity, and spontaneous self-expression with freedom and joyful abandon. The lower one is alienation, insecurity and the compulsive need for approval.

Unfortunately, the lower expression has tremendous energy as the rest of the Full Moon signature is awash in a sea of red.  Red means tension, difficulties and conflicts.


The red flavor involves your relationships in business and in love. The combination makes you want to overstep with advice and direction that’s unwanted and unwarranted. You may be on the giving or receiving end. 

If you feel the need to over-give advice, heed it yourself. 

If you’re the recipient, let it go if possible. It’s not really about you anyway. 

Either way, don’t react. 

Instead, lean back and look at the broader picture. 

If that doesn’t work, spend time alone. 

Solace may be found in solitude. 

I’ll be going much deeper into this on Monday’s LIVE in the free Facebook group at 9:00 am ET. 

(Mercury opposition Saturn Rx, Mars square Jupiter Rx, Venus & South Node quincunx Saturn Rx)

I do want to mention one of these planetary aspects is a big gun this month. 

On the 4th, Mars squares Jupiter Rx. This isn’t the worst thing. Jupiter is benevolent and Mars is fueling him, so how bad can it be? 

It’s not, unless you ride the overly exuberant optimism with exaggeration and overextension. Don’t overextend yourself. You’ll regret it with the rest of the Mars activity. 

On the 5th, your thoughts are lively, fun and confident. Yippee. You’re also persuasive, talkative and convincing. Use this to your advantage. (Mercury ingres Leo)

On the 7th, you’ll feel protective, loving and cautious. You’re more sensitive and caring, but also more impressionable. Leverage the softness while amping up your discernment.  (Venus ingres Cancer)

Week 2: Power Plays

 This week is all about power plays, so let’s go through it to give you ways to navigate around them. It requires adjustments in your thinking and changing your approach.  

The 10th moves quickly and brings more change and excitement, however this can be stressful making you unable to handle input from other people or situations. Stay open and flexible. Don’t let your mind run amuck. (Mercury square Uranus)

The next few days heighten all of the aggravations of the last few months. Take a deep breath and get ready to make adjustments. Watch for the triggers and take a wide-angle lens to see how you can tweak things to make them better, smoother and more effective. (Sun quincunx Jupiter Rx & Neptune Rx & Mercury quincunx Jupiter Rx)

Here’s the 2nd major planetary influence of the month. 

The 13th brings crisis in confrontation and a red-hot need to be in control. You have the choice of striving to be the best or falling into the role of victim. Either is really tempting, so be wary of how you don’t show up for yourself. You can experience internal and external power struggles. Use these forceful energies to propel you forward, not hold you back. (Mars square Pluto Rx)

Week 3: Step in. 

The retrograde parade continues with Uranus stationing retrograde on the 15th where he remains until January 14, 2021. He joins, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto in retrograde status. 

When Uranus is retrograde, he wants you to make the necessary changes to be more authentically you. Remember the urges you’ve had for change since February as Uranus tracks back to exert these same pressures for the next handful of months. He’s particularly active at the end of October when you’ll receive a clear revelation for further changes. 

Also on this day and the next, there are more adjustments required of you. Your thoughts, healing modalities and your love life are all brought up for review. Stay as clear as possible and don’t allow confusion to crowd your relationships.  (Mercury quincunx Neptune Rx & Pluto Rx & Sun quincunx Pluto Rx)

Forward movement is here on the 16th and 17th, hooray!

Finally, all of the martial energy aligns with the other forces to make you energized and want to start new things. Begin that project you’ve been putting off.  You have increased mental acuity and stamina. 

It’s a good time for communication and debate. Your thoughts are fast, variable and concise. You can have lively discourse to make plans and use your bargaining powers to get what you want.

You’re also charming and impressive with this added dose of self-confidence. Use your magnetism and charisma to gain support and leverage opportunities. (Sun conjunct Mercury, Sun trine Mars & Mercury trine Mars) 

New Moon – Breakthrough

The New Moon on August 18th stills in Leo at 10:42 pm EDT. The Sun and Moon angle with Saturn to help you find your way through obstacles and constraints. (Sun, Moon, Mercury quincunx Saturn Rx)

An unexpected windfall and positive connection befall you. You also have heightened creativity and good luck with instant attraction in love. (Venus sextile Uranus Rx)

On the 20th, your mind is logical and somewhat pedantic. It’s okay to decide what’s useful and let go of what isn’t. Yet don’t let your imagination go by the wayside for too long. There’s a downside to being too careful or too factual. Your mind attaches to doubt and criticism, breath in possibility. (Mercury ingres Virgo) 

Week 4: It’s a mix.

Happy Birthday Virgos! 

On the 22nd, you have the practicality, organization and analytical abilities to step into those pesky details to complete any unfinished business. It’s the perfect time to embrace the analytical, planning and administrative super powers of Virgo. 

The 3rd big gun of the month occurs on the 24th. This one has the tightest force and offers only frustration and resistance. The only way through is a softening and a leaning back into vulnerability. Meet the resistance with compassion and the frustration with acceptance. You will gain much if you find a way to do this. (Mars square Saturn Rx)

The 25th is a day of fun times, good news and playful energy. You feel affectionate and indulgent. It’s a social time with beneficial relationships, good communication and available possibilities. Your intuition is strong, so open your mind and your heart for excellent connection. (Mercury trine Uranus R & Venus opposition Jupiter Rx)

Romance, relaxation and creativity is your reward on the 27th.  It’s a slow down to enjoy and bask in for the moment. Unwind and find quit ways to amuse yourself and others. (Venus trine Neptune Rx)

August 29th carries good news, as plans and negotiations go well and any business matters are handled smoothly and easily. It’s also a great time for learning and research. (Mercury trine Jupiter Rx)

On the 30th, there are 2 configurations that distort and obsess. Don’t fall prey to relationship dramas, suspicions or jealousies. Ignore distractions and manipulations. It’s a time to easily misinterpret or to be deluded by others. Take care. Stay in your own lane and flex your authority. (Venus opposition Pluto Rx & Mercury opposition Neptune Rx) 

Bottom Line: Restructuring and making adjustments provides a platform for the rest of 2020. You have the opportunity to stand fully in your authority with influence and compassion. Will you take it?  

Monthly Stone:

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Pyrolusite. 

Pyrolusite transforms as it repels negative energies and protects your auric field. It dissolves emotional manipulation, defends against erosion of your authority and instils confidence. This tenacious stone gets to the bottom of things and gives you the determination to solve them. Pyrolusite also supports your emotional healing process. 

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

Remember, you are loved beyond measure,  


Astrology Forecasts Lunar Cycle

New Moon July – Learn the Hidden Power of Frustrating Limits


It’s super frustrating right now.

Enough is enough! 

Yet, relief isn’t going to happen. In fact, more constraints and challenges await as 2020 continues to build to its crescendo. 

This New Moon adds more fuel to the already ‘burning-out-of-control’ embers, but I’ll explain how this is actually a huge gift for you. 

Join me on Friday as I go live at 10:00 am ET in my True KLT group to talk about the last waves of this energy, the opportunity in it and to do yummy ritual. 😘

Tarot: Setback – 5 of Worlds

With every setback, there’s a hidden gem. The key is being able to think of it as an opportunity. You’re being tested and you can only be tested when you’re moving forward, so ask yourself: 

a)    Am I being tested a ridiculous amount this year, especially now? 

b)    Am I being tested, but not that much? 

c)    Am I not being tested at all? 

If you answered b or c, you’re relieved. 

You must be doing it right!

But, alas, that’s not necessarily the case. 

If you’re doing massive amounts of healing and pushing through tons, it may be. But, if you’re not doing these things in every area of your life, then look at where you’re not pushing yourself enough. 

You may still feel relief as you think you’re dodging a bullet. 

You’re not. 

Remember, you wanted to be here, in this moment, at this time, doing these things. 

If you haven’t recently gone through significant transformation, you’re not doing enough on your transformational path. 

It’s that simple and stark, and by the way, even if you have – what else can you bring up for healing? 

2020 is here to give you tremendous gifts, but you need to be committed enough to keep saying YES. 

Yes, yes, yes – to everything that’s uncomfortable, unfamiliar and unknown. 

All. Of. It. 

Because if you answered a?  


You’re pushing forward by just the right amount. 

Your transformation is happening beautifully and you’re in complete alignment with this epic opportunity of 2020. 

I’m in the a) category, where are you? (I’ll tell you story in the free Facebook group.) 

Let me know where you are as I’ll tailor my upcoming messaging. 😉

Astrological Energies: 

The July New Moon on the 20th at 1:33 pm ET is all about setback. It feels like a giant step backward with more limits and constraints due to circumstances beyond your control. The gift underneath this New Moon is actually about taking greater responsibility for your own life. There’s relative stark beauty in the configuration of this star alignment. (Sun, Moon opposite Saturn Rx at 28°)

The lower expression of the Sun and Moon in Cancer yearns for security. These 2 want to take it easy, curl up and ignore all that’s going on in the world. They want to erect barriers, isolate themselves and inoculate their feelings by overindulging in activities giving them comfort. And they pander to their unhealthy sides by hiding from anything that’s too hard. 

They say, “It’s not me. It’s them. What’s going on doesn’t have anything to do with me. I’m going to protect myself and my loved ones by creating space between me and them. I can’t watch the news, it’s too much. And politics? It’s not my deal. And the climate? I recycle, I do my part. And the economy? I don’t ask for much.” 

How much these 2 are missing when they slide into their lower expressions! 

In the higher expression, the Sun and the Moon gather all of the energy of the source of all life. 

Is that all? 

The. Source. Of. All. Life. 

Read that again. 

The. Source. Of. All. Life. 

This last decade has been a universal call to reset the devastation wrought in the world. 

In all areas, the ravaging inequality in every form, the all-but mass extinction of a healthy climate and the utter lack of morality. Greed has almost destroyed the Earth and her inhabitants, so here 2020 comes with a call for generosity. 

Generosity of kindness, compassion and care. One for the feminine way of intuition, cooperation and creativity. One for values and integrity of home, family and love over money, power and control. And one for the soul of the world.  

The planets are here to put the heart and soul back into the world. 

At this New Moon, Saturn is the main player. 

Saturn, the father, gives you tough love, makes you yearn for discipline and responsibility. He asks you to show up, be mature and adult, even when it’s hard. 

Especially when it’s hard. 

It’s easy to show up when things are going well. It’s easy to be your best self when everything is in the flow, you feel really good about yourself and how things are going. 

Saturn thinks showing up then is meaningless.  

Think about it. When are you most proud of yourself? What accomplishments matter most to you?  When someone asks to highlight the main points that gave you strength, what’s the common theme? ‘It was a really hard time’ is the usual refrain. 

When life’s hard, fraught with landmines without end, that’s when it matters.  

It’s hard to take responsibility, admit your flaws and mistakes, take ownership of them, heal them and move on during the best of times and these are not the best of times. 

But, this is the requirement. 

This is what 2020 is all about. 

It’s critical to get this right. 

The rebirthing of the soul of the world is at stake. 

Your part? 

The rebirthing of you, your loved ones and as a servant to the world, others who you touch throughout your days and weeks. 

New Moon Recommendations: 

Do a little research and tie a few things together: 

o   How do you need to be brave this year? What has Mars asked of you in 2020? If you missed it,check it out here. 

o   Where is your window into the new world? What does this new era mean for you? Find out by clicking here.  

Find out what it all means for you, check your progress on each and then make a plan to get to work. 

New Moon Crystal: 

Seek respite in Cherry Opal.

Cherry opal is of the opal family who is absorbent and reflective and teaches the karma of cause and effect. It induces mystical visions, amplifies traits, and enhances self-worth. It’s a family of love and passion.  

Cherry opal asks “What’s your intuitive expression? Do you hear, see, feel or know your connection with the mysteries?” And by mysteries, I mean anything unseen, unfamiliar or unknown.

This particular stone is all about passion and creativity. It also helps you with your pursuit of living your life mission. 


Amazing for a such little jewel, right? 

This New Moon feels yucky after more than a week of yucky (and a ½ year, depending upon your perspective.) 

However, dive deeply into your inner divinity to find the gems you’ve been keeping hidden for thousands of years.

I’m here – holding the space. It’s what I do. 😘

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

As always, wishing you joy, 


Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July Oracle – Are You an Adult or a Victim?


July presents complicating forces that push you wildly, yet hold tightly.  There’s a serious influence asking you for a tough love approach. 

It’s best to get in front of this pushing force to navigate it strategically. You want to be in a place of action versus reaction. 


Better days: 7/1, 7/4, 7/12, 7/22, 7/30

Days to tread softly: 7/8, 7/14, 7/15, 7/20, 7/31


  • Embrace tough love. 
  • Make a commitment to yourself to start on your intentions. 
  • Focus on doing the right thing, even though it’s hard. 
  • Be in a state of action versus reaction. 


July is the month of the Law of Life filled with its vitality, creativity and leadership. It’s another month of power. 

You have been awakened, so be alive, animated and active. Your mind is alert, your body light and your heart sunny. 

Be a full participant in the dance of your life by becoming the Sun in your own world. 

Know you have great power and influence. 

You are a life force. 


I’m doing another masterclass this month. Actually, it’s going to be a 5-day challenge so even bigger and better than my other ones. 😉

It’s all about your life purpose. 

It will be in my True KLT group starting July 20th.  

Stay tuned for more details. There’s too much deliciousness being worked on to share yet! 

Weekly Energies

Week 1 – Choice

July starts with a big bang of exciting and new energy filled with pleasant surprises. It’s time to break free from your doubts and fears to take a risk – just for you. Your thoughts are fast and lively and your mind searches relentlessly for answers. Open it to imagine your biggest life and you’ll be using this energy in the way it’s meant to be used. (Sun conjunct Mercury Rx & sextile Uranus) 

On a more somber note, these last 3 months have shown you A LOT about what’s coming to fruition for you in December 2020. Review your life since March 22nd and notice what’s appeared. Can you recall a few things you want to nurture into maturity?

Let’s expand the conversation. 

The outer world has been riddled with a pandemic, economic downturn and social uprising each giving a glimpse into the future. 

As always, you have a choice. 

You can fall into the downside of each; fear of getting sick, uncertainty about finances and judging others for their beliefs. 

Or, you can reach for the silver-linings of the Earth regenerating herself by putting humans in a time-out, concentration of your financial picture and choice of supporting yourself in new ways. 

Regarding the social unrest, equality is overdue. Period.

Every single human is a soul. By saying this, I’m not being color, religion or gender blind. I’m ultimately being color, religion and gender immune. There’s a difference and the key word is ultimately. There’s a ton of rebalancing that has to occur before equality is real.  With this star alignment, there’s actually a chance of this happening. (Saturn ingres Capricorn)

Full Moon – Open Window

The Full Moon in July is an open window for you to climb through to create your very best life. Seriously. 

On July 5th at 12:44 am ET, the Moon in Capricorn opposes the Sun in Capricorn. It’s the Full Buck Moon and accompanies a Lunar Eclipse. It’s penumbral so begins a few moments earlier on the eve of July 4th.  Here in the US, it’s the holiday of the country’s birth. (I’ll be talking about this in 2022, so make a mental note 😉). 

This is a time of new opportunities, change and excitement in your private life. It’s also energy you can use to break out of bad habits.

Week 2 – Healing Power

On July 8th, you feel short-tempered, irritable and impulsive.  My best advice is to exhibit control and take a conservative approach. Listen carefully and think twice before acting. This happens again on the 27th. Act with caution as you may get a double-whammy this month. (Mercury Rx square Mars)

On the 11th, Chiron stations retrograde through December 15th in the sign of Aries. When Chiron is retrograde, so much healing is available to you as you heal yourself, others are healed and vice versa. The ripple effect is phenomenal. 

The next day, you’re more understanding and want to help others. This deeper empathy makes you more creative and able to find solutions that are in service to the larger community. (Sun trine Neptune Rx)

On the 12th, Mercury stations direct. Phew, another Mercury retrograde cycle is complete. This is the second of three in 2020, all in water signs. The connection between these 3 cycles lent you a natural link between your heart and mind. Hopefully, you’re taking advantage of it to make it permanent. 

The good news, your thoughts return to normal, confusion lifts and your mind takes its rightful place again. The better news, technology may actually start working again. 

On the 14th, good luck abounds and you’ll feel like throwing yourself into lots of different activities and opportunities. Wait a beat. Assess each and then make informed decisions. Temper your enthusiasm to have grown up success. (Sun opposition Jupiter Rx)

To note, Chiron and Mars don’t exactly align, but come super close on July 14th. Mars powers up your healing. Take full advantage of this martial influence to be brave and say YES to your transformation. 

Week 3 – Struggle

The third week of July is fraught with angst. It’s a constant struggle for control and power. Ensure you’re dealing with trustworthy people who have your back in business and on the personal side, be wary of any power plays. (Sun opposition Pluto Rx)

New Moon – Setback     

The July New Moon on the 20th at 1:33 pm ET is all about setback. There are limits and constraints that make you feel as if you’ll never make headway. It’s an isolating and serious influence. All of the preceding energy in the last few weeks is pent up and adds an aggravating layer that you need to accept. This is a time of reconciliation. It’s quiet and soft on one hand and hard and brittle on the other. It feels like a still point in time. Enter wait mode instead of using force to press forward. While you’re waiting, do a full assessment of every area of your life. You’ll be better for it.  (Sun opposition Saturn Rx)

Week 4 – Open Your Heart

Happy Birthday Leos! 

On July 22nd, you feel cheerful and optimistic after a difficult week. This is the time for you to step into your natural leader role by using your magnetic and creative style. Express yourself honestly and generously to assume your rightful place. Be careful of being too dominant or fragile. Your self-assuredness serves you well. Remember, Leos main purpose is to trust in love and joy. Embrace your open heart. (Sun ingres Leo)

Also, on the 22nd, more unexpected and surprising change is upon you. This is the 6th of 6 times this same configuration has occurred since February. Perhaps, any change isn’t surprising to you any longer. (Mercury sextile Uranus)

One of the big star impacts hits again on July 27th and is entangled with lots of other planetary influence. Let’s separate it. 

In February, July and October, you come into a sense of flow and smooth sailing. This is a glass half-full instead of half-empty scenario and with everything else going on this year, it’s one of the only supportive star angles. Yum! This is a time of optimism, faith and idealism. Even without the rose-colored glasses, you can see hope in your future. (Jupiter Rx sextile Neptune Rx)

Also, on the 27th, there are 2 familiar energies and one not-so-familiar. 

First, the familiar. 

You’re confused about your role in the world and have a distorted view of yourself. This is the 3rd time of 4 this year where you lack both self-esteem and self-discipline. The only good news is its relative quickness. Complicating this, the energy reoccurring from the 8th, makes you headstrong, impulsive and impatient. (Venus square Neptune Rx & Mercury square Mars)

Now, the unfamiliar. 

You have grand ideas that seem so far out of reach, you seek quick fixes and instant gratification. Alternatively, you may distract yourself with detours that seem too good to be true. (Venus quincunx Jupiter Rx)

My advice through all of this is to attach yourself to the faith and optimism by remembering what hints you received in February. Going back to these seeds and harvesting them is the right action to take this month. Anything new and sparkly may lead you astray. 

On July 30th, you feel even bigger and expansive energies coming in yet are pressed back and questioned by others.  Come up with creative and imaginative ideas and use your charisma to engage with others. You can gain harmony in relationships and figure out solutions to take advantage of opportunities. Bottom line: Take a big step, but proceed with diligence and fortitude. (Mercury opposition Jupiter Rx & trine Neptune Rx)

On the last day of July, open yourself to a slower unfolding than previously sought. Your transformation and growth are taking place, just not as quickly or easily as you’d like. It’s okay as the tension invites more change for a better outcome. Although this doesn’t feel comfortable, it’s ultimately for your own good. (Venus quincunx Pluto Rx)

Monthly Stone

Seek respite in the stone of the month: BERYL. 

Beryl helps deal with stress, enhances courage and attunes to guidance. It’s an excellent stone for scrying and can be used as a crystal ball. This stone is traditionally used for rain magic and protection against storms. 

Beryl in its purest form is clear, but impurities give it color. 

There are popular types of beryl listed below: 

Blue (Aquamarine) is well known for its ability to promote clear communication, courage and confidence. It helps you stand your ground and release the flow of clear communication.

Colorless (Goshenite) is the Mother of crystals as it holds the feminine energy of the Moon. It helps you look honestly at yourself as it resonates with the frequency of truth. It encourages open-heartedness and helps in discerning another’s sincerity.  

Green (Emerald) encourages you to enjoy life to the fullest. Life-affirming stone with great integrity. Stone of successful love. Enhances strength of character, overcome misfortunes in life and promotes enduring partnership. Heals negative feelings and supports infinite peace.

Pink (Morganite) Grandmother stone of rose quartz. Awakens the joy of life and stimulates the heart chakra. It cleanses heart, opens to unconditional love and dissolves egotism that blocks spiritual advancement. This stone also alleviates stress.

Red (Bixbite) improves your self-esteem and confidence, while making you feel more energized. This heart-based stone brings feelings of unconditional love and respect. 

Yellow (Heliodor) is known as the gift from the Sun. It’s a gateway to light that enhances your intuition and compassion. Regain your inner strength and develop maturity to reach your potential greatness. 

July is a window into the new and its cycles may drive you batty, but strap in. 2020 is just gearing up.  

Take the high road, the longer view, the adulating stance and all with serve you. Be impulsive, give way to distractions or fall prey to confusion and the rest of the year will be filled with roadblocks and detours. 

Hello 2020.

I’m ready. 

Are you? 

Psst…if not, I’m here to help. 😘

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

Remember, you are loved beyond measure,  


Astrology Forecasts Lunar Cycle

Full Moon July – An Open Window


Powerful forces are beckoning you to dive deeply into YOU. Be true to yourself and your dreams. 

Go to your own depths and gather your power. Come out into the world fully ready to be YOU. 

Tarot: Surfer – Man of Cups

You’ve mastered your fears and stepped into your fiercest passions, now it’s time to ride the wave of transformation. Maintain your emotional equilibrium by being flexible and opportunistic enough to take advantage of emotional energies while maintaining your own center. 

Astrological Energies: 

At 12:44 am EDT on July 5th, the Full Moon reaches 13° Capricorn while the Sun lands at 13° Cancer. It’s another lunar eclipse, a penumbral one, the 3rd eclipse of the season.  

This eclipse begins at 11:07 pm ET and lasts until 1:52 am ET, with its maximum point at 12:29 am ET. The Full Moon comes quickly after it, yet is under the spell of the 6-month fueling period.

This celestial event ties into the December 20-year grand conjunction as well as USA’s 246-year Plutonian return of 2022. 

I’ll be talking all about this on Friday at 9:30 am ET in my True KLT group

In the meantime, there’s such power for you to move into your true life purpose. Seriously, this Full Moon is yummy. It may not feel yummy with the Moon in Capricorn, opposite her natural position, where your heart yearns for great works, achievement and success. You’re serious and committed to long-term goals. 

Think about your heart’s longing to be worthy. It’s a bit solitary and contemplative, yet when combining this with the energy of the Sun in Cancer, you can fuel your ambitions. 

Cancer wants you to nourish yourself and be satisfied and fulfilled in life. Use the Sun’s vitality and force to lean into your dreams with integrity and authenticity. 

Ask yourself these questions: What does your heart really desire in terms of life mission? How do you want to be known in the world? What is your deepest wish?  

Full Moon Recommendations: 

  • Connect with your deepest heart’s yearning. 
  • Fill it with belief. 
  • Charge it up with passion, love and joy. 
  • Make a serious commitment to nurture it into fruition. 
  • Take a leap of faith. 
  • Begin.

Full Moon Crystal: 

Rhyolite is a stone of happiness that simplifies your world by clearing blockages and negativity from your heart. This crystal gets rid of distractions to help you narrow your focus on what’s really important. 

Rhyolite reminds you of what truly matters and helps you with achieving positive transformation. 

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends. 

As always, wishing you joy, 

Astrology Forecasts

The New Era – You Get to Choose

Time’s Up!

That’s right.


You get to choose – right here, right now. 

Choice 1 

You can adult. Step into your leadership role. Shine your light. Live in love. 

Choice 2

You can worry. Slip into anxiety. Distract yourself with mundane tasks. Complain. Stay small. Let this huge opportunity go. 

Choose – right now.



This is what Saturn is asking you right here and right now. 

This is scary stuff. It always is with Saturn. But guess what? Pluto is coming in April and that is scary as F*&K. 

So, what’s your choice? 

Choice #1 is being truly and completely you without any push and pull from anyone else. It’s reclaiming your greatness, standing in your full power and acting only based on your inner authority. 

What does this give you? Abundance, joy and success. Riches, power and love. It gives you everything beyond your imagining.   

To get it, all you have to do is master your soul desires. 


You must face every one of your fears, step completely into your calling and boldly commit to your success.  



Because, the alternative? 

Choice #2 is falling into fear, creating lack and staying in survival mode.  

There’s no judgment here – ever. 

It’s okay if this is your choice. 

But remember, it’s ALWAYS a choice. 

You either actively choose or passively choose. 

You’re always choosing. Every day – with action or inaction, your choice rises to the surface. 

What do you choose? 

For #1, you must fling yourself off of the cliff in complete faith without having any of the answers. 

But, it’s okay. 

There are so many of us here now. 

When I did it, there was no one. 

Now, there are many. 

Will you join us? 

Be brave. 

I dare you. 

Connect with me on a call. We’ll talk about how to you get you here. 

Now, let’s talk astrology behind this call to choose. (I have so much information for you – always.😉 )

The New Era? 

Saturn enters Aquarius this weekend until July and then comes back here to stay for 3 years beginning in December. 

Right now, you get a glimpse into the New Era.  With astrology, there are always many possibilities and the extremes are laid out in two expressions (yes these align with the 2 choices above).

1) Higher Expression 

Saturn loves mastery as he makes you choose and his choices are ALWAYS difficult. Saturn’s call for mastery involves taking all of your past experiences and bringing forward those that help you leap into your best future. Aquarius is about genius and revolution. He wants you to live your life by being the most honest version of yourself. He loves innovation, invention and striving for the unconventional. 

Together, Saturn and Aquarius ask you to serve humanity, gather ideas and solutions in the most organic ways and create the future together using everyone’s unique gifts. This is a grassroots movement. 

The world becomes new and ready for the peace we all say we want. 

2) Lower Expression

Saturn creates scarcity, isolation and strife. Aquarius spreads airborne ‘disease’, wrangles with technology and limits travel, particularly air travel. (Yup, amazing right?) 

Which expression has the world chosen? 

It’s no surprise with all of the fear, doubt and uncertainty. This is unfamiliar and is making everyone crazy. Yet, it’s critical that everyone chooses. 

Saturn is always about difficult choice. He wants everyone to adult, take responsibility for their actions and master working in the world based on their true life purpose. When you don’t align with your true purpose, he makes your life Hell. 

It’s just that simple. 

Let’s get you some insight into your own astrology based on your houses.  (I’ll be talking about this on Friday, March 27th in my True KLT Group. I’ll show you how to look at your chart, what to do about this signature crossing more than 1 house and even answer questions about other planets in this house if you’re LIVE for the Q&A). 

To run your chart, you need your date, time and place of birth. It’s free, merely go here and fill in your information. 

 Saturn-Aquarius in the Houses

Saturn in Aquarius is the flavoring I described above and he’s passing through your astrological houses. The sign (Aquarius) is how you feel, the planet (Saturn) is the energy and the house (1 – 12) lists the behaviors or actions for you to take. I’ve done all of the interpretation for you. 

Houses – Saturn in Aquarius


Higher expression: It’s all Saturn for you right now. Every area of your life is being called up for review. All of your decisions and actions are being questioned. Saturn is coloring how you see the world as well as how you step into it. You’re being called to lead by example. Be a role model. Choose your future today and show others how to choose theirs. 

Lower one: You don’t have the self-assurance to lead and either do so in tyrannical ways or with vagueness of purpose. You feel defeated and lack the motivation to do anything. 


Higher expression: It’s time for you to find new inventive ways to make money in order to stabilize your finances. You have more patience & perseverance for gaining skills and competence. Perhaps taking a new course or working for the greater good will help replenish your resources. Your self-esteem is being hit, so lean into the new. Be creative and original. 

Lower one:   You hold too tightly onto material possessions thinking they give you confidence and self-esteem. You fear taking risks and hold yourself back in self-defeating ways. You’re obsessed with security which may even lead to hoarding. You pay too much for your money. 


Higher expression: Success comes from finding your voice. Communicate, present, teach, write, speak. Do it now – start today. Take small steps. Technology can help you. Set goals to learn new, futuristic and unconventional things. Establish intuitive connection to channel messages. Master your intuition. Practice every day. Create a spiritual routine. 

Lower one: You’re scattered and unfocused, leading to chronic time wasting and disorganization. You defend your concepts too much for fear of competition. You stay in the intellectual world to the detriment of connecting emotionally. 


Higher expression: You may want freedom from home, family and roots. Find ways to feel independent while staying connected. Discover deep inner wisdom with non-traditional methods. Explore your ancestral roots and do past life work. Let go of your need to control those closest to you. Let them seek their own path. Find and connect to your tribe by starting a group. Use the internet to find new members. 

Lower one:  You lack basic psychological self-knowledge, leading to neurotic, unsatisfying and obsessive behaviors. You analyze everything, so you don’t need to actually emotionally connect. You’re distrustful and protect your heart at all costs. 


Higher expression: Be wildly creative. Gain freedom through self-expression.  Work on discovering your joy. Become a pleasure seeker. Spend time with children. Heal your karma in unconventional ways. Heal your karmic debts by cutting ties. Discover new love or new loving ways, i.e.; fall in love all over again. Stay in creative ecstasy as much as possible. Be earnest and original in your self-expression.

Lower one: Your relationships are self-destructive. You are either too self-indulgent or you ruthlessly control your access to joy and pleasure. You’re unable to relax and play. You may even be creatively blocked. 


Higher expression: Volunteer, be in service to others – especially in online communities. Change routines and work habits. Find innovative ways to meet your job tasks. Leverage technology, science and invention to help you.  You’re being called on to be in service as a leader. Be inventive on how to do this. You’re required to work from the bottom up, not the top down. Roll up your sleeves and lead from within. Seek a mentor or become one. Work with young people or groups. 

Lower one: You’re a slave to your work, filling your time with endless drudgery. You have so many tasks, you could never complete them all.  You subordinate yourself in key relationships. 


Higher expression: You want to master relationships and are looking for new ways to connect deeply with a few others. These are soul mates – equally met in open-endedness and unique rapport. These may be business partnerships, friendship connections or romantic commitments. 

Lower one: You have a pattern of chronic submissiveness or bossiness in intimate relationships. You have the inability to form a stable emotional bond for fear of intimacy, resulting in co-dependency.  


Higher expression: You’re mastering healthy, flowing and spontaneous sexuality. You enter into intimacy in naked honesty and vulnerability. You honor your transformative process. And you have an acceptance of death that integrates its reality into daily life. You’ve achieved a sense of spiritual immortality and love to pursue the mysteries. 

Lower one: You experience either blocked sexual functioning or obsessive sexuality. You have a fear or denial of death, denial of religion, occult or mystical feelings. This results in getting caught up in debts, tax issues and an inability to create wealth. 


Higher expression: You’re excited to break up routine and create new patterns of behavior. You love change and embrace it wholeheartedly. You seek new ways to see the meaning of life and actively pursue other cultures and lands. And you want to master what it means to be spiritually human. 

Lower one: You get caught up in dogma, rigid rules and narrow-minded behavior. You disassociate with others who aren’t like you. You can’t handle change and desperately hold onto routine. Yet, you’re unhappy and bored with your current circumstances. This boredom may lead you into unprincipled behaviors. 


Higher expression: You’re aligned with your life purpose and are pursing your soul destiny. Your calling is evident in the world. Your role in society is needed and valued. You’ve discovered new ways of being seen in the world. You’re deeply satisfied with your life mission and are creating success.  

Lower one: You’re trapped in meaningless roles that don’t give you pleasure or satisfaction. You may hold onto status and power too tightly. Appearances matter more than self-fulfillment. You’re being called to make changes in your life’s work now.  


Higher expression: You have concrete and specific sense of direction in life. You have realistic yet inspiring goals that are rooted in self-knowledge. You have a network of relationships that enhance and support the realization of your personal goals. 

Lower one: You’re drifting along with a vagueness of purpose. You lack clarity, so can’t commit to any particular thing. Your friends and associates don’t actually lift you up for your best future. 


Higher expression: You’ve transcended the need for other’s approval. You have the equanimity to be free from the worry about the typical ups and downs of life. You’ve mastered spirituality and have constant spiritual and psychic experiences.  You sense of the presence of God and the higher levels of consciousness. 

Lower one: You tend to escape the world through self-destructive relationships with alcohol, food, sleep, sex, television and other ‘drugs’. You’re confused about your self-image. You haven’t discovered your hidden gifts. 

The good news about Saturn? He gives you the ability to do the things you don’t feel like doing. 

The good news about Aquarius? You have the yearning for the freedom to be completely yourself and will find inventive ways to do so. 

Other factors coming up

Generally, Pluto with Jupiter in April is requiring you to prioritize in ways you haven’t in a very long time. Venus retrograde on May 13th until June 25th is asking you to reshuffle your relationships and resources and Uranus in Taurus is setting you up for wealth and status creation in 2021. The Uranus in Taurus configuration is battling Saturn next year, so this is fraught with minefields as well. 

Getting your house in order is your mission right now. I’ve described the broader action in the first part of this post and given you more specifics within the house section. 

This is tough stuff, but remember you chose to be here at this time, in this place, with these people. You also chose your particular gifts.

You want this – desperately. I can hear your soul’s calling. 

Your time is now.  

What do you choose?

Loving you beyond measure, 

