Just for Fun

I’m a total foodie.

Since my heritage is Italian, I can get away with it. (Yes, my gravy cooks on the stove for 7+ hours!)


Just for Fun

My husband always lovingly says, “Loving you is an extreme sport”.

Now that I’ve stepped into my birthright, he says, “You’re the Perfect Storm!” 

Just for Fun

I’m a wife and mother of two.

My husband and I parented them magically as well as practically – even while growing a 7-figure business. (Don’t know what that means? Ask me about it.)

Just for Fun

My lineage goes directly back to John Dee.

What?! Who’s John Dee? Astrologer to the Queen. (I’ll use my oracle magic for you too.)

Just for Fun

I was 24 when I took off for Australia.

It was a pilgrimage to discover myself.

I found me – big time. (Psst…You’re looking at her.)

Just for Fun

Glass ceiling? Yup. I’ve heard of it.

I have 25+ years in business, so I was the ONLY woman in the board room, advising CEO’s and mentoring the other women. It’s shaped who I am and how I serve female leaders today.

Strategy Leadership

Discover Three Revolutionary Secrets to Being a Huge Success

Accomplishment and success aren’t the same. An accomplishment is something you do that is revered and rewarded. Success is the feeling of a job well done. Both can be defined by someone else and when that happens, you’re likely checking off boxes and creating an outer life and business by someone else’s design. If you’re not establishing your own definitions of success and achievement, you’re operating from someone else’s roadmap.

You’re not alone. Most of us accept the paradigms and paths provided to us by others that have gone before us. This is pretty much childhood, right? Doing things based on our parents or family values, traditions, ideas, etc. And then you go to college or get your first job and the models are now your professors or employers.

Time passes and we come to find we aren’t happy. We aren’t satisfied. We aren’t feeling successful or accomplished even though we look fantastic on paper. Our resume is delicious with achievement yet our minds are full of doubt and our hearts full of emptiness and our lives feel more like a game of charades than living.

Have I struck a nerve? (I hope so because I live for pushing people beyond their comfort into the zone of transformation. This is how it begins…) You

are tired of playing at life and business the way everyone else says it should be done. 

are dissatisfied with traditional business models and leadership. 

want to shake things up just to feel like you’re actually living.

You know what else? You don’t have to accept the way things are.

Because you can have passion, fulfillment, ease, and feel successful, not just play the part. I’m constantly seeking change for my clients and creating solutions for them. Shifting paradigms is pretty much my jam. Here are three revolutionary secrets (and shifts) to being a huge success in your inner and outer life plus your business.


Say what now? I hear you asking. “The who in my what?”

You heard me. There is a place for the Divine in your business. And before you get all caught up thinking, “This is way too woo for me,” hear me out.

First, I define the Divine as the unknown, unseen, and unfamiliar presence that is felt and can be accessed when you truly connect. It might be the gut feeling you get when you meet someone for the first time, or the instant knowing that something isn’t quite right or that you’re right on the brink of getting that thing you’ve been eyeing. Think about it: you’ve had times like this and likely dismissed it as nothing.

The typical paradigm for business is to be entirely cognitive (or in your head/mind). We 

– use data, quantifications, formulas, and rationalization for business decision-making and strategy. 

– establish metrics, goals, and measures. 

– go for formal training which is really just a fixed set of data someone says we should have or need to have to claim we are x. 

These are all amazing tools, but it leaves out instinct, feelings, or other sensory input we can receive if we cultivate it. This otherworldly input is otherwise known as intuition and derives from the Divine.

When we include the Divine in our business, we find our way to purpose, fulfillment, and the power and ease of prosperity. This gives you superpowers in decision-making, alignment, creativity (for products or services), high levels of energy, soul mate client attraction, and stark raving fans. Just to name a few.

Let me just note here, that changing your mindset or disrupting limiting beliefs is not enough to move away from your headspace and into your heart space for connecting with the Divine. Our mind’s job is to protect us. It’s not for taking that leap of faith- you know, those leaps that often have great reward on the other side. We should love our mind and use it, of course, but it’s not the only tool at our disposal. (More on this idea coming soon in another article.)


We’ve all heard about the necessity of the Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® (KLT) factor in business. Everyone always says you must get your audience to know, like, and trust you before they’re going to buy or convert to a sale. Classes, webinars, and experts in marketing will go on and on for hours about the importance of this principle and ways to go about doing it well.

Here’s the

Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ®  factor: it starts with knowing, liking, and trusting yourself. Not the other way around with your customer knowing, liking, and trusting you first.

(Did your mind just explode a little?)

Lean into this idea for a moment. How are you going to get anyone else to KLT you if you don’t KLT yourself? If you lack trust, confidence, or belief in yourself, how do you convince someone else to do it for you? KLT begins internally and it’s necessary for the traditional KLT to work. You must follow your instincts, develop your intuition, and listen to your inner voice. (See the aforementioned section about getting out of your head.)

Imagine the power over your business and life – forget just marketing and sales – when you know yourself so intimately, and are so confident about who you are and what you provide to this world, your colleagues, your clients, your network, your community…You become the magnet, your sales become beautiful and fun conversations and your teams or employees LOVE working with you. That translates to a full, satisfying, prosperous life and business which is what you want isn’t it? It’s the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow.


The last revolutionary secret to huge success is the most important of all. Great and powerful leadership requires feminine energy. Our typical leadership models are all masculine in energy, even women or women-identified leaders lead with this energy. Leadership paradigms have not yet made space for the feminine way.

But too much of any one thing is always a hindrance. Masculine energy by itself falls short. There is a better and more balanced way. Leadership has room for both and really requires it. Feminine energy is the yin to masculine energy’s yang. There is a fusion of these two that makes for powerful leadership (and I’ll give you more on this in an upcoming article.)

The time for feminine energy is now. No, really. The stars stay so. (And I’m on a first-name basis with the stars.)

When you incorporate feminine energy into your leadership strategy, you become irresistible in the marketplace. Everyone wants to follow you. People hang on your every word, or anxiously wait for the next time you’ll say something. They’ll devour the material you put out there as soon as it’s released and then they’ll buy. Your sales conversations are fun because your prospect has already convinced themselves of your worth.

You don’t have to accept the way things are.

You have one life to live, so make it your best. There’s no reason to lack purpose, fulfillment, and ease because someone once said (or you internalized) that there was only one way to do things or there was only one definition of success and it looked like this. You have the choice to operate your business and your life differently – to break the mold, change the pattern, and shift the paradigm. I just gave you three revolutionary ways to begin. Looking for more? Click here to find out more about my stepping stone Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy. I’ve got so much more to share with you.

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Professional Chronicles with Patricia Kathleen

Speaking with Kim Woods; MBA & Spiritual Consultant

Today I am speaking with Kim Woods. Kim E. Woods, MBA and Spiritual Consultant to high performing entrepreneurs and global leaders, has founded multiple 7 figure brick & mortar businesses. Her life truly began once she recognized that while she had checked all the boxes, so to speak, she still lacked a true feeling of satisfaction, power and contentment. When Kim finally embraced her own “Spiritual Coming-Out,” she was not only able to physically heal her son but also to help herself and her thousands of clients around the world to find their true purpose and step into their power, creating alignment, profit and a feeling of unparalleled satisfaction.

Key points addressed were  

  • Kim’s advent into the world of spiritual advising and writing her 3 books that define, describe, and map out how the multitude of techniques and theories in the Wu and spiritual healing realm work
  • We also discussed how Kim herself approaches new clients and the plethora of techniques, methodologies, and doctrines she employees in her consultancy with each
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Intimacy Part 5

Why You Need to Take the Intimacy Plunge

Over these past few days, I’ve been sharing 5 super personal stories around INTIMACY that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them and make the best choices.    

Here’s part 5. 


It’s such a sexy word invoking thoughts of romance and sensuality. 

Yet, the true meaning of intimacy is ‘into me you see’

Intimacy relates directly to the KLT factor. 

Knowing, liking and trusting yourself prepares you for intimacy at the deepest levels. 

In intimacy, you know, like and trust each other – unwaveringly. 

It’s been a handful of years since my epiphany sitting before my parents and I can say without a doubt, I’ve got this know, like and trust – thus the intimacy thing, down. 

All I have to do is look around me and at the life I’ve created. 

I have a deeply intimate business helping female leaders shed the expectations of others to live their true life purpose. We delve into all aspect of their lives and I’ve got them every step of the way. 

I have such close friends, I wear them. If you watch me on video, I talk about licking them I’m so close with them. I’ve got to the mat and back again with each (and would do so again today in a heartbeat.)  

I have two happy teenagers, yes even now, who are centered in knowing exactly who they are and what their gifts are in the world. 

I have a 22-year loving marriage with my soul mate, Greg, who I love more and more every day.  We’re perfectly imperfect for each other and I can’t imagine loving anyone more than I do him. 

I walk with the Divine in intimacy every moment of every day. My connection goes into the heart of Mother Earth and up through the Holy Spirit to the face of God. I commune with Jesus with each breath and honestly, there’s nothing I’ve experienced in such an intimate way.

And, I live each day with a completely open heart, following her wisdom at every moment. 

Also, I am a living version of intimacy ‘into me you see’. 

I’m intimate in all areas of my life – with myself, with the Divine, friends, family, clients. 

Life is so much richer when you live in intimacy. 

You receive gems on a daily basis, especially in the simple moments. 

During the Full Moon a few days ago, Greg and I shared a moment that wouldn’t be possible without emotional intimacy – its deepest kind.

It happened as I looked at him cleaning the kitchen after dinner and realized he loves to serve me. He truly LOVES to serve me and I know deep in my heart that this is an expression of his total acceptance and unconditional love for me. It’s such a simple thing, but filled completely with love. 

I don’t think these words convey the meaning of this moment all I can say is I’ll cherish it forever. 

We have total acceptance and unconditional love for each other and our children. I have total acceptance and unconditional love for my dear friends and clients. 

Life in intimacy is it. 

It’s everything. 

In fact, it’s my KWAN. 

Who would have known 25 years ago in that NYC café when I was pressed to define my KWAN, it would have been intimacy? 

Intimacy creates trust. 

It provides connection and knowing. 

It brings happiness, joy and love. 

I invite you to join me at this intimate level. 

Intimacy changes your life into one of endless possibility. 

Who wouldn’t want that? 

For an article on the different levels of intimacy, read here. 

If you want to live your life in intimacy, connect with me here. 

xxx, Kim