August 2024 seeking opportunities
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Stars + Signatures + Strategies = Success The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you remove the blocks to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

August 2024: Seeking Opportunities from Chaos in the Cosmos

Monthly Summary

August: Harvest Your Success

Sun signs – Leo & Virgo

Seasonal energies: Origin of Prosperity with Lammas on the 1st

Energetic Element: Water

Overall meaning: Tons of opportunities are created in chaos. As the world tries to find its footing, take a step back and ask yourself, “Does this matter to me? What’s my part in it? Better yet, how can I create opportunity from this situation for me and my business.” Find ways to lead your family, team and clients through the chaos by using your power, resources and energies. There’s tremendous opportunity here. 

Big Star events: 8/4 – 8/28 Mercury Retrograde; 8/8 Lion’s Gate

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Prosperity – August – November; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectation to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season. When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your place, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Seasonal Business Tips

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning the energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.  


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

August 4 – 28 Mercury retrograde in Virgo from 4° to Leo 21°

Any planet gets persnickety in Virgo. Mercury shifting here is never helpful for those who don’t keep good records with organized information at their fingertips or backups of important documents. Your routines are disrupted, your calendar negatively impacted and your connections temporarily tangled. Instead of getting frustrated, take extra time and care with those administrative details and with your relationships. Plan to check and recheck everything. Better yet, take some time off to relax and enjoy. Nothing is going to get done in these 3 weeks to move things forward anyway.

August 8th – Lion’s Gate

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a powerful time for spiritual evolution, manifestation and growth. Whether through meditation, intention-setting or simply being open to cosmic energies, Lion’s Gate offers a unique opportunity to align with your soul mission to achieve the success you desire.

If you desire to learn more about Lion’s Gate, you can check out this article.

August 19th – Gemini Jupiter square Pisces Saturn

Summary: Your grand vision meets making difficult choices to achieve it

With Jupiter, he runs amuck until he meets up with Saturn, who’s the only one who has the ability to reign him in and keep him in alignment for any length of time. The Sun and Pluto also confronts Jupiter, but with those energies, Jupiter gets pushed and then bounces back. With Saturn, Jupiter is close enough to listen to Saturn’s sense of responsibility and respect his maturity. Jupiter likes to dance with Saturn because he can use Saturn’s fortitude to make dreams come true. 

From August 2024 through June 2025, Jupiter and Saturn confront each other and ask you, “What have you been doing since December 21, 2020 when we brought the New Era into your daily life?”

This Jupiter-Saturn cycle began with its connection at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 opening the New Era portal for the future way of living and leading. This New Era signals the time for the divine feminine to equally position itself with the divine masculine. This is new and unfamiliar and you’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out along with everyone else. Leadership, sales and money work differently now and it’s hard to determine how to connect the dots to make it work for you. 

Last year in June of 2023, Jupiter stimulated Saturn’s strengths to create sustainable growth. Did you plant seeds and help them germinate? Did you take advantage of this opportunity-creation energy to construct the pillars for your success?

Now, with Jupiter confronting Saturn for the next 11 months, you’re asked to be brave enough to note anything unstable in your life and business, then to get rid it. Where ever you have shaky ground, bad habits or overextension, you’ll reach a breaking point.

This initially feels uncertain and you’ll do anything to deny the truth of it. But when you buckle down and wrangle with your inner conflict, you’ll come to terms with the truth Jupiter and Saturn have laid at your feet.

When you shift your focus to withdraw from unhealthy routines, people and situations, you’ll fortify your foundation. This isn’t going to be easy or simple, but it’s worth it. Your continued success depends on it. 

For more information about the next 20 years, listen to this Podcast episode on Pluto in Aquarius and what it means for you. 


Week 1: See with Your Heart

This week is more about satisfaction than success. The stars want you to feel more than think this month and the first week presents opportunities to make adjustments for your satisfaction. You can find creative ways to break free from your constraints with the changes that come to you. With Mercury retrograde and the New Moon, the celestial power is in your favor when you let your heart lead.

NOTE: Your free Heart Drop meditation can be found in your August newsletter. Check your inbox. ❤

Week 2: Lion’s Gate 888

The big event the 2nd week is the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8th which offers a window into the New Era. This portal is supported by the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter with their exciting energies boosting your love, money and success. With Mercury retrograde, you have the opportunity to revisit, refine and adjust your leadership skills, style and image. When you do, Venus and Jupiter give you a blast of good luck.  

Lion’s Gate is a triple power this year, so I’m offering a special 3-hour workshop. For more information, click here.

Week 3: What a Mess

The stars give you lots of information, feedback and evidence from your soul so you can make adjustments for your path forward. But, yuck, this week feels heavy, confusing and stressful. It’s up and down, shocking and validating. The key is to keep your footing. 

Saturn’s at the center, confronting Mars and Jupiter. Then Uranus enters with chaos and upsetting news. Uranus knocks you off your center and Saturn puts a spotlight on everything that’s wrong.

Ugh. This makes for a difficult review of what you’ve done or more importantly, what you haven’t done to live your soul mission. This is a big deal. The best remedy? Ask yourself, “How am I wrong?” and you’ll find this week uncomfortable, yet stimulating and informative.

Week 4: Tough Love

Nagging, doubtful, worried – Hello Sun in Virgo. She’s such a taskmaster and when the Sun enters her sign, she puts everything that needs to be dealt with front and center in perfect view. Luckily, there’s a mixed bag of other star configurations that both relieve and amplify Virgo’s nagging ways. Your best bet? Find the silver lining and remember only love is real.

Mother Earth and the cosmos are incredibly loving, but it’s a tough love. You get a glimpse of what’s real and what’s fake as you’re pushed to make changes. Stay flexible. You’ll find the answers when you take a step back and see the big picture. 


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Creative Solutions

Details: New Moon August 4th @ 7:14 am ET with the Sun & Moon in Leo @ 12°

This New Moon invites you to live authentically, being real and true to your soul. Your heart knows the answers and your soul guides your direction. Be observant about who and what is presenting themselves to you right now. These are supportive and helpful energies and you can easily find creative solutions to the obstacles standing in your way.

Full Moon: Sea of Red

Details: Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius August 19th at 2:28 pm ET @ 27°

Shocking news, topsy-turvy information and a reminder of your priorities based on the worldwide trauma of 2020. What’s truly important to you? What would you do to maintain your most valuable relationships, status and position or material things? These questions can either bring out the best or the worst in people.

Why is this happening? This is the New Era and the stars are pushing everyone to recognize there’s a new way of living and leading. For most, the only way they’ll accept change is to be pushed into it. So, hello chaos. This Full Moon is a glimpse of the fiery energies of 2025. The wake call is coming in waves with a big one on March 30, 2025.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be true in 6 months? Who do I want to be? How will I live and love my soul?”

This is the New Era. There’s no stopping the increasingly big waves. There’s only the railing or the embrace of it. As always, you get to decide whether to react or respond.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Card: #32 Authority

Order your Intuition cards online

What is Authority? It’s a powerful force within you that holds you steady while you pursue your big dreams and live daily life. You have competence, clout and sovereignty.

You pivot when things go wrong to recover quickly and make the necessary adjustments. You also take responsibility for every aspect of your life without blaming, judging or rationalizing.

Standing fully in your authority is the most freeing energy. When you align with your soul mission, you make authority your super power.

Spirit Animal: Horse

Horse is power. As horse, you love your personal freedom above all else, you adore exploring and having adventures and are a natural leader. You are strong, loyal and confident.

Call on horse when you want to travel and explore, need more energy and strength or want to expand your spiritual practice. Horse is particularly helpful this month. Call on him for guidance and wisdom on how to proceed throughout the month and beyond.

Crystal: Orange Sapphire

Sapphire is about truth and wisdom. You know what’s true and desire to express yourself in the world. Orange sapphire is joyous and free. This stone makes connections and brings people together. This was the stone in February 2022. I wonder how it can helps in Ukraine’s plight.

Flower Essence: Hornbeam

With the hornbeam flower essence, you can move your mind and heal its mental fatigue. Even though August devises ways for you to lead with your heart, your mind needs a break from overstimulation. It’s like hitting the refresh button and with the onset of Virgo at the end of the month, your mind can use the break. 


Connecting to your intuition is the key to your success in the New Era. This is achieved by weaving the masculine strengths with the feminine energies.

For the masculine: Your masculine strengths are enhanced through your Sun sign.  The Sun can fill you at the core and is your guiding light. Your core is the anchor point and must be fortified to handle the edginess of the feminine remembrance of ancient wisdom.

For the feminine: Allowing the feminine wisdom to come to the fore and act as a guide and energetic force to pursue your soul mission is welcome in this New Era. Halleluiah. As such, learning how you enter your world, make choice and align with your intuition is measured by how you know, like and trust yourself.

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Combining the remedies for your Sun sign with the tips for your Intuitive Success Signature boost your ability to navigate challenges and take advantage of positive influences.


Your Intuitive Success Signature helps you live your soul mission and measure how to connect to your intuition by knowing, liking and trusting yourself. The tips below help you navigate the month’s challenges and take advantage of positive cosmic forces.

Wise Strategist

Let your stillness show others the way. You can stand in your power and let people come to you. You won’t gain anything by chasing others down. In fact, this is a great time to set up a sales channel, kick it off and then take vacation. Let the marketplace simmer and stir.

Intuitive Visionary

Letting others see you in July hastens their desire to work with you this month. Repeat your actions with less inspiration and more innovation. Let your authority be apparent. Your typical fun and flowing messages don’t land, but your strong impactful ones do. Stand in the strong to make big impact.

Collaborative Explorer

Take the helm. Do soft and personal outreach to connect to those you know you can help. Keep your own business growth in focus while you lead everyone through the month. You’ve got this, but you don’t want to lose yourself or your goals while supporting others.

Ruling Warrior

Stay focused on your quiet power and your kind compassion. Tell stories of celebration about your clients. Tell your story. Host others on your stages to tell theirs. Being engaging makes you a great leader and the world needs great leaders.

Creative Superstar

If you gathered yourself during July, it’s now time to show up and show yourself to your audience. If you showed up in July, it’s also the time to go into other people’s audiences and share your qualities, offers and creations with others. You can exponentially grow your business when you show up.

Loving Alchemist

Making your results, celebratory client stories, testimonials and value proposition known to your groups, prospects and followers. Be clear in your value, offers and ways people can work with you. 


August is not a fan favorite, but the cosmos are speaking in earnest to align you with your soul mission. It’s time for the New Era. It’s the time of Aquarius who adores inclusion, democracy and equity as well as innovation and freedom.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

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