
Do you feel like you're working way too much & not getting anywhere?

Join 7 Strategies to reclaim your time & live the life you’re desiring.

The fear of success can be SOOO exhausting

Saying yes, then no, then yes again, making it difficult to make decisions (it feels like you’re on a roller coaster! 🎢 )

It feels like you don’t belong in the room, whether it’s a stage, boardroom or office, even though you’ve worked hard to get there

You’re tired of being triggered by others’ successes (and want some of your own)

Your inner critic is loud and out of control leaving you drained

You’re doing so much, yet your results are inconsistent (the back & forth is frustrating 😤)

Are you ready to...

Make confident decisions from a clear mind?

Stand up to and tame your inner critic?

Leverage your skills and talents to engage as an expert?

If so, I have something for you.

I want you to know you’re not alone.

Did you know 90% of successful business leaders experience fear of failure?

Fear of failure sneaks in when the unexpected happens — unexpected bills, unpredictable toxic relationships, impulsive self-sabotage.

But these things don’t have to throw you off your game.

Discover secrets on how to save time & make work easier

This course is filled with simple, yet powerful secrets so that you can fit in your back pocket and use every day.

My course empowers you to tackle and address any issue or block you may have. Without a doubt, you’ll always know where to start.

Your unique success signature helps you leap to the top of your industry

Rene Serbon
International Skincare Expert

2020 Results: 51% improvement over prior year
Employed healthy mind set to overcome limits
Opened heart to possibilities
Recreated solutions to meet needs during pandemic

Recent results: Increased sales with less effort
Letting go of control & chaos
Just hired another VA
Introducing new product lines
Winning & giving awards

Are you ready to make success easier?

In 7 impactful trainings, I have essential tips that’ll equip you on how to stop the struggle.

No more sleepless nights questioning what’s blocking your success! No more fear of success!

Hi, I'm Kim Woods

Business Strategist | Master Astrologer | Author

I combine the ancient wisdom of astrology with my 25+ years of C-suite business experience to teach business leaders how to achieve their personal, professional and financial triumph.

My mission is to create a worldwide movement in the new ways of living and leading, which combines feminine intuitive wisdom with masculine logical strength.

As an astrologer, I’ve predicted C😷🦠D in 2020, the insurrection in 2021, the insane weather events in 2022 and the banking crisis in 2023. 

As a C-suite expert, I’ve led 150+ corporate executives and 425+ high-performing entrepreneurs, overseen $65M+ in sales and influenced 300,000+ team members.

I’ve been named one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs disrupting the business world in 2022 by Entrepreneur Magazine. I’ve also been featured in Yahoo, Forbes, INC, Entrepreneur, ABC, CBS, NBC, USA Today, Reader’s Digest, Fox News, Market Watch and Digital Journal.

What Industry Giants Say About Me

“When I think about the KLT Process, I think about Kim Woods. She gets it. If you want to get it at a different level to raise your vibration, frequency and awareness, you have to find people to sit in the situation that you want to be in; and I will tell you Kim Woods is one of those people.” 

– David Meltzer, Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing, three-time international best-selling author, a Top 100 Business Coach, the executive producer of Entrepreneur‘s #1 digital business show, Elevator Pitch, and host of the top entrepreneur podcast, The Playbook

Kim has the voice of an angel. Her clients could listen to her all day…her analysis is thorough and textbook perfect. I’m pleased to name her one of my Master Evolutionary Astrologers.” 

– Steven Forrest, Co-Founder of Evolutionary Astrology, Internationally Acclaimed & Best-Selling Author, highly recommended by Robert Downey Jr. & Sting, former columnist for Elle & featured in O Magazine

Exclusive 7 Strategies to Overcome the Fear of Success Program


★ 7 Essential training sessions with Kim

★Bonus Strategy

★ Lots of practical tips you can put in your back pocket to use everyday

★ 36-page Guide ebook


You being able to confidently make decisions, tackle any issues and address the unexpected is life-changing. 

Don’t let fear of success stop you now.

Check Out How Our Courses Have Helped Others Just Like You...


What are the Program Logistics?

This is a self-guided program with 7, plus a bonus, recorded sessions, so you can learn at your own pace and participate from anywhere.

You receive the guidebook, the sessions and the bonuses as soon as you sign up.

What's the rhythm of the program?

Once you have access to the online program, you can go through the sessions at your own pace.

What if I’m taking other courses and programs?

The 7 Strategies Program will actually assist you when you are taking other courses and/or programs as the strategies can help and be used in any situation you find yourself in.

Will there be homework?

Implementing the strategies is your homework. The more you use the tools, the greater the impact it will have on your life.

What if I’m feeling like I don’t have time?

This is a self-guided program with 7, plus a bonus, recorded sessions, so you can learn at your own pace and participate from anywhere.

You receive the guidebook, the sessions and the bonuses as soon as you sign up.

Do you give refunds? What happens if I need to cancel?

Refunds are not offered as you’ve gained tons of insight and learning right up until the time of your cancellation request. We discourage canceling as we want you to commit to 100% yourself. However, we recognize that life sometimes throws curveballs that may temporarily derail you from your path. If this happens, we work with you on a case-by-case basis.