Strategy Leadership

How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success

Using the seasonal energies opens you to your full potential and aligns you to your soul mission in ways other strategies don’t. This is so impactful, the seasonal forces also solidify your purpose, expand your power and increase your prosperity.

The dynamism of the cycles and their associated meanings urge you to lean into particular activities for your life and business that are both soulful and successful. Additionally, the seasons flow into each other and rely on particular elements giving you even more resources to leverage for your personal and professional growth.

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In order to utilize these powers, let’s discover each part of the seasonal energy:

  1. Meaning of the Seasons
  2. Seasonal Flow
  3. Using Seasonal Elements

The seasons present energies to work with and these involve:

I. Season of potential

Seasonal Meaning

Months: November, December, January
Astrological signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Earthly Element: Earth
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Samhain
Affinity: Feminine Energy
Impact: Inner Life

The stillness of the season welcomes potential for all of your dreams. Go inward to reflect on what you desire most. Let your mind wander and imagine. Plant seeds in the fertile soil of endless possibility. This is primarily a yin, reflective time, however, using your yang tendencies expands your potential as you actively pursue the unfamiliar by asking questions, letting your mind wonder and exploring your edges.

This is primarily a feminine expression with its inner life exploration. Think of words such as; opening, deepening, gathering, strategy, intentions, themes, milestones.

Magically, this season offers deep intuitive connection enhancing your ability to commune with your inner voice and the universal energy. Practically, this is the perfect time to set strategy, determine your annual word, themes and intentions as well as to anchor your pillars and milestones for high level navigation through the year.

Seasonal Flow

The Seasons are a beautiful wheel spinning and moving into and out of each other. The seasonal cycle begins with the Season of Potential that invades your soul as the thinnest veil between the known and the unknown permeates your being. The magical world communes with you in ways it doesn’t any other time of year.

When you’re observant and lean into your perceptive insights, you access your intuitive knowing and internal compass to give you an inward approach to your best path forward. In business, this time is called strategy. In magic, it’s named soul mission.

Using Season of Potential for Success

Season of Potential is the quietest season that stabilizes itself with the earth element. It also relies on ether, so it’s a yin energy that’s expansive into both the known (earthy) realms and the unknown (ether) realms. The key to this season is to recognize that both the yin power of strategy and the yang power of direction create your best strategic plan.

Open to your full potential through your Intuitive Success Signature. If you haven’t taken the 12-question quiz to discover your energetic entry into the world, take it here.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Potential

Wise Strategist

This isn’t your favorite time other than using the season to position your strategic direction. You readily embrace the strategy setting, but the yin influence benefits you when you open up to possibility. Take moments throughout the season to reflect and journal your innermost thoughts and deepest desires. Let these guide your strategy for the year.

Intuitive Visionary

Use the thin veil between the worlds at the beginning of the season to explore your soul voice and find your inner compass. Connect to your intuition and ask for guidance on your best energy, theme, word and intentions for the year. Let your inner voice dictate how to fulfill your highest potential.

Collaborative Explorer

Know your trajectory starts with you. Use the element of earth to stabilize your footing to set your strategy for the year by reviewing how you’ve tracked against your goals for the current year. See where you’ve come strongly ahead and look where you haven’t attained them. Select those that truly matter to you to set your strategy for the coming year.

Ruling Warrior

You love this time of year because you get to review where you stand. Look at your baseline for revenues, expenses and profits as well as your schedule to determine how to set your strategy for the next year. Remember to fold your resources, energy and passions into your plans.

Creative Superstar

Take the extra time available to be creative with the magical energies and holiday schedules. Relish these open hearted and intuitively guided and soul purposed influences. Let your imagination run wild. Dream your biggest dreams, embrace your greatest desires and pursue your deepest passions. Gather your reflections and use them to create the best version of yourself in the coming year.

Loving Alchemist

This is your favorite season. Make time to commune with yourself. Seriously craft a schedule through this season carving out time to reflect, to journal and to savor your heart and soul. Contemplate, ponder, marinate your value, power and version of success. If you want to get even more out of the season, dive deeply into your darkest places to discover hidden treasure.

Case Study for Potential

A Sales Catalyst, who is an Intuitive Visionary, was dealing with tremendous pressure in her personal life, so had expanded her business support to continue her business in her absence.

This was logical, but the support was acquired without clear direction, measures or metrics.

It was confusing because the results were being obfuscated and the potential was there and always ‘just out of reach’.

This misalignment was driving her business in different ways and was, in fact, blocking her success.


First, we opened her to her full potential to realize she’s a paradigm shifter. Yet, her ability to make the desired change-making impact required definition and energetic alignment with her true life purpose. This required her to be able to receive the support to realize her mission in life.

Second, we identified the ways she wasn’t purposefully receiving support that had her best interests at heart. We removed blocks to her ability to receive and amplified her alignment with her purpose.

Third, we created the right scenario to separate from her acquired support by illustrating how opportunistic modes opened purposeful pathways to success.

Bottom line: Since the acquired separation, she’s grown her business 300% in the last few months.

II. Season of purpose

Seasonal Meaning

Months: February, March, April
Astrological signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Earthly Element: Air
Apex: Equinox
Northern Gateway: Imbolc
Affinity: Male expression
Impact: Intentional planning

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in a purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be mindful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth.

This is primarily a masculine time of strength to use your logic and purposeful planning skills. The season of purpose adores the linear processing, reasoning and scheduling aspects to get everything on the calendar to achieve the goals outlined in the strategy from the season of potential.

Magically, relax into the air element to learn to go with the flow, be flexible and stay in balance with the natural contracting and expanding influences of life. Change your mind, shift your perspective and see things fully. You can open your intuitive knowing through observation and perception for your best first steps.

Practically, align your schedule with the seasons and calendar with the cosmos. Infuse your goals and targets into your overall strategy. Set up your reports – financial, operational and marketing – to determine your capacity and resource needs. Begin to attract the right people into your world.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Potential becomes thoughtful and intentional as it moves into the Season of Purpose, where you put pen to paper, details to strategy and goals to ideas. Your yang skills are called for as you bring the inspiring thoughts and ideas into being. Making it real is your mantra. The pushing wheel of energy runs thin as you take out the magic and fill everything with the practical.

Using the Season of Purpose for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year. Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Purpose

Wise Strategist

This is your favorite season. Let your natural gifts, talents and skills to come to the fore. Taking your strategy and setting all the goals, targets, objectives and schedules comes naturally to you. Take the lead to convey the high-level pillars and milestones to your team. Inspire others to help you.

Intuitive Visionary

You’re challenged to stay on track and be detail-oriented. You have much more success thinking in big picture terms. Yet, you actually can fold the details into your overall strategy when you stay in touch with WHY you’re dealing with those pesky particulars. Remembering your why is the key.

Collaborative Explorer

Make a list of your key resources, networking buddies, collaborators, prospects, clients and alumni to identify your key opportunities and required support. Set up processes and scripts for outreach. Reach out to a handful of people every week. Keep on a regular schedule and remember to ask for the support and opportunities you desire.

Ruling Warrior

You love this season as everyone becomes goal-oriented and you can easily relate to them. You’ve set it all up to make this your best year ever. Yet, you need support to help you achieve them without overwork, exhaustion and stress. Take the time to actually communicate your goals, targets and objectives to others to get them on board.

Creative Superstar

This is your worst season when you focus on the planning aspects of it, but this season, with its airy flow, can be an excellent one when you pay attention to the creation aspects of it. Use the movement and flow to create a living vision board to bring your goals into fruition.

Loving Alchemist

Energize your strategy with your powerful passions and deep desires. Add fuel when marking your calendar for events, selecting people to support you or carving out time to seek opportunities. Aligning your heart and soul with your mindful intentions provides the foundation to make this year the one you truly love.

Case Study for Purpose

A landscape designer, who is a Collaborative Explorer, was working for a company that was growing, but not demonstrating solid leadership. He was frustrated, making too little money and working too many hours. He had responsibility without authority.

He wanted to start his own company, but due to his experiences in the field, he didn’t want to employ anyone.

He basically wanted to get relief without actually thinking about how starting a company would affect him and his family.

He had no clear direction other than getting out of his current situation. He actually quit his job, without any opportunities lined up, at the worst possible time in the season.


First, I walked into his stars and conveyed his life purpose that 100% involved leadership. There was no getting around it, his soul wanted him to be a leader.

Second, we removed his inability to wear his power in order to align his energy with his life purpose.

Third, we defined his purposeful strategic direction and gave him all of the tools to become a successful entrepreneur.

Fourth, because of his hesitancy to become a leader, we set up a business model that could delay this possibility as long as it took to remove his block.

Fifth, we removed his leadership block(s) to clear his pathway for success.

Bottom line: He blew away his targets in the first year and doubled his business in the second year. He’s increased his revenues by 567%.

III. Season of power

Seasonal Meaning

Months: May, June, July
Astrological signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Earthly Element: Fire
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Beltane
Affinity: Male expression
Impact: Powerful authority

Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes an impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. You want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

This is primarily a masculine expression with its fiery core. Energizing your core power involves fortifying your strength, fueling your passion and adding motivation to attract those in your niche. Folding the feminine energy around this fire turns up the volume to create big impact.

Magically, clear your mind and open your heart to create energy to bring people into your sphere who align with you. Your internal power speaks volumes and the trick is to send out the signals to attract those into your world.

Practically, expand your energies to reach out to those who can help you through support or opportunities. Network, introduce, connect and refer are your activities during this season.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine. You bask. You create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy. The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought. Staying open to the magical flow of power and its fluidity is critical to be sustainable.

Using the Season of Power for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius and create your platforms or stages. This is a great time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Power

Wise Strategist

Wrapping yourself with power helps you stay open when you’re networking and having conversations that are unpredictable but important. Your mind tends to focus solely on the transactional aspect of the outreach, thereby limiting the possibilities. Keeping an open mind benefits your ability to achieve your goal of making big impact.

Intuitive Visionary

You embrace the power available this season and love the idea of making big impact. The fire keeps you grounded yet in the flow. Take the power into the rooms with you when you speak to stay focused on your call to action. Plan on many speaking engagements this season to cultivate a stronger following.

Collaborative Explorer

You love the connective tissue in the energy this season. This is your time to connect, network and engage. During the Season of Purpose, plan on inviting people to your stage, podcast or group to guide them on how collaboration really works. Stepping into the leadership role bolsters your client roster.

Ruling Warrior

Your power aligns with the power of the season, so the rhythm and tempo serves to expand your authority to deepen your engagement in your field and perhaps to expand it. You want to infuse power into your conversations to induce them to further their connection with you. Use your powerful sales skills to further relationships, instead of just making sales. This isn’t a transactional time, it’s a relational one.

Creative Superstar

The fire in the energy fuels your creativity, so you can be excited about the creativity, ideas and solutions ripe for the plucking. You can derive a complete process for getting your designs into the world. Following your heart, telling your story, giving behind the scenes peeks stir your following. Remember to invite and offer with clear calls to action to generate abundance exchange for your creations.

Loving Alchemist

You are power personified, so this season has your name on it. Enjoy your power to the fullest by showing up for yourself on stages that put you front and center. Speak your truth, deeply connect to others and host parties in business and in life to share your glorious power.

Case Study for Power

A leadership consultant, who is a Wise Strategist, was limiting her impact because she was tied up in others’ definition and models for success. She was trying to put herself into a box that wasn’t hers. She let her mind lead in every decision without opening to her intuition or power.

She was trying to prove herself, so attached herself to outcomes and results. She was spending too much time and effort without realizing her power and worth. She was actually minimizing her impact and was unhappy with the way she worked and how it adversely affected her personal life.


First, we shed her attachment to other’s models and definitions of success.

Second, we turned her business model on its side and increased her capacity to make impact 100-fold.

Third, we worked to clear her mind and open her heart, so she began to realize her true power and ability for impact. She realized she didn’t need to prove herself, so she showed up without an agenda to impart her expertise to her clients. With all of the positive feedback, she completely opened to her power.

Bottom line: She’s attracting unbelievable opportunities with Fortune 50 clients and achieving never-before-seen results.

IV. Season of prosperity

Seasonal Meaning

Months: August, September, October
Astrological signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra
Earthly Element: Water
Apex: Equinox
Northern Gateway: Llamas
Affinity: Feminine energy
Impact: Harvest Bounty

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectation to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season. When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

This is primarily a feminine energy. Prosperity is a flow that involves giving and receiving and accordingly, this force involves reciprocity and synchronicity. Being in the flow requires a clear mind, open heart and active will. Embracing your full potential, aligning with your true purpose and owning your power increases your prosperity flow.

Magically, use crystals such as goldstone, citrine, aventurine, amethyst and pyrite and set up either a money bowl, profit plate or wealth vase. Use the cycles of the Moon to set intentions, fuel your energies and manifest your true desires.

Practically, wear your value – feel it rolling around in your mouth, speak it loudly and with authority and use this ownership to attract your soul mate clients.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your lane, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Using the Season of Prosperity for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning the energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Prosperity

Wise Strategist

You want to lean into the practical and evidentiary aspects of prosperity. You love to set your goals, review your finances and track your profits. However, the open-ended possibility of growth disorients your linear focus. Allow yourself to appreciate growth and all of its unpredictability.

Intuitive Visionary

You absolutely love prosperity and this season is your favorite. You align with the flow of giving and receiving with all of its variety and unexpected surprises. Step into an authority position for prosperity. Relish the ability to spend an entire season in each of the phases of prosperity – appreciation, reverence and reciprocity. Practice each daily.

Collaborative Explorer

Prosperity does indeed align with your energy, yet you don’t recognize this truth. Review all of your prosperous ways. Show appreciation for the abundance in your life. Have reverence for the value you hold and share with others. You naturally demonstrate the giving side of reciprocity, but want to work on the receiving end.

Ruling Warrior

You love the money aspect of prosperity, but the flow doesn’t appeal to you. Yet, appreciating the reciprocity and synchronicity facets increases your money, abundance and prosperity. Recognizing the connections to each of these energies, increases all of them.

Creative Superstar

You don’t like talking about money, but you do love having it. When you shift your mindset to accept prosperity without thinking about money, you can step into the flow. Allow the reciprocity cycle to open you to yourself and your natural gifts and talents. When you do, you widen your receiving container. Showing up to receive nudges you to make offers and get people to work with you.

Loving Alchemist

You are great with prosperity, but don’t realize it as you repel money as much as you attract it. When you own your power, money recognizes you and comes to you easily. Reclaim your ability to create wealth and align your energy with that of money. Embrace your love for money and watch it grow in your life and business. “I love money and money loves me” is a living mantra for you.

Case Study for Prosperity

A Loving Alchemist, who is a book coach, was not owning her power or her ability to make money using her gifts and talents.

We worked on reclaiming her power for her incredible ability to create clarity, hold space, and tease out her authors’ voices. Allowing her to realize the reciprocity and synchronicity of prosperity opened her to accepting abundance exchange.

Working together, she began to observe herself through the eyes of her clients. She got impactful feedback from her clients and had deep conversations with her followers.


First, she realized her true stories about holding back her power and how that affected her ability to own her gifts. She started owning her value.

Second, she revamped her pricing to align her value with her work. Accepting the full value for her gifts attracted the right people into her sphere of influence.

Third, we did the exercises and rituals that removed her blocks to money.

Fourth, she put herself in front of her followers and invited them to work with her.

Bottom line: She’s gotten 3X as many clients on the regular than she’s ever gotten at any time previously. She’s also delivered a podcast and is starting a new community.

Using the seasonal powers increases your chances for success. Take notes for your Intuitive Success Signatures for each season to amplify the energy you want to bring into your life and business.

You too can embrace your full potential to realize your life purpose, reclaim your power and increase your prosperity. Check out what everyone can easily fold into their schedule and payment capacity

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,
Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.