Strategy Leadership

Part 3: Stars and Stripes: Who Wins the US Constitutional Battle?

A few years ago, Pluto began its dramatic 250-year return to the sign of its origin when America was founded. Pluto represents the God of Hell. When Pluto returns to the sign where it began, it comes looking for a fight and wanting answers. This planet brings up the big questions the country was asking when it was founded. Now, Pluto is asking the United States how it has executed its democratic principles.

Pluto enters Aquarius for its 20-year sojourn on November 19th, amid its opposing fight with Mars until April 2025. The US is in for a long drawn-out fight to the finish. In the 2024 election cycle, the US confronts its origins in a never-before and never-again-in-this-lifetime scenario.

Can the stars predict which party comes out on top? Does this fight affect the soul of the nation? What does the future of the U.S. hold after this tense affair?

USA Pluto Return

In February 2022, Pluto in Capricorn at 27° in the stars hits the country’s Pluto near exact at 27.33° on February 21st. That same week, Russia invaded Ukraine, pushing the democratic experience into an ongoing tailspin.

The Western world’s way of life is being attacked by forces yearning for its demise. The United States must question its role internationally, caught between continuing as the ‘world’s policeman’ or foregoing the title for a more isolationist posture. The fight for its place may not continue with open debate but perhaps with violence, threats, and wider conflict.

In part one of this special series on the US election, I wrote, “America’s soul destiny involves stepping into a leadership role on the world stage to build bridges and radiate confidence effectively. It requires finishing old business and avoiding being judgmental, dogmatic, and isolated.

Healing its ‘exile’ or ‘outsider’ energy, utilizing resources responsibly, and resolving the insecurities of its position in the world are required to fulfill the nation’s soul destiny.

Opening to the discomfort of the unknown and embracing complexity to transform like a phoenix is also critical. Rising from the ashes is familiar and America can recover from its recent erosion as a sole superpower. It is also a choice its citizens can decide.”

For a look at the entirety of the USA’s star chart and its mission in the world, read part 1 right here.

If the sovereign rights of nations and their citizens aren’t upheld, is there a democracy in the world worth standing? Given the two-party political system in the United States, how do these parties uphold or violate the founding constitution?

Looking at America’s chart on February 21, 2022 on its Pluto return adds more cosmic force to the pressure on the country.

Stars: Realizing other stars with the Pluto influence lends additional information, so let’s dive into the key star aspects:

  • Capricorn Pluto in the sky conjuncts USA Pluto at 27.33°
  • Aquarius Mercury at 6°conjuncts USA soul karma and opposes its soul destiny 7°
  • The collective soul destiny in Taurus 26° trines with the USA Capricorn Pluto 27°
  • The collective soul karma in Scorpio 26° excites with the USA Capricorn Pluto 27°
  • Venus and Mars in the sky conjunct in Capricorn at 19 and 20° respectively

Astrological chart showing the USA's natal chart (July 4, 1776) alongside planetary transits for February 21, 2022, with symbols for planets, signs, and aspects.


Communication, messaging and thought processes are fraught with new ideas, inventions and original concepts that push against the outsider view and help heal the exile energy to oppose the fiefdom pressure.

The nation is supported by the collective soul destiny in Taurus to increase its ability to help others achieve abundance, simplicity of life, and the comforts of home. There’s also the possibility of calm and peace.

This is good news with the conflict, war, and aggression of this time.

The country is also stimulated by the collective soul karma of violence, terrible events, and the dark side of life. The good news is counterbalanced by this excitement. Unfortunately, the dark side usually wins.

Capricorn Venus and Mars in the sky stir the leadership to attract and repel with intensity and drama.

The last week of February is a mixed bag. In that month’s forecast, I wrote: “Put up or shut up. Something new and exciting or weird and upsetting closes the month.”

Political Party Star Charts

The results of the 2024 election will be heavily contested. Understanding the souls of the nation’s rival political parties determines how the outcome shapes the country’s chance of realizing its mission.

At the time of writing, court decisions across the country rattle the sanctity of the election, slowing down vote counting and disenfranchising the democratic process.

Bringing peace to my readers’ minds is my goal, so looking at each party’s chances during the election process against the star chart of the United States can provide insight into the outcome.

There is no limit to the number of political parties that can contest American elections. Since 1860, however, just two major ones: the Democratic and Republican parties, have captured the presidency.

The outsider candidacy of Donald Trump in 2016 challenged this hierarchy. The Republican Party was wholly transformed and personally rebranded into one individual’s singular likeness. For this analysis, the ‘MAGA’ Party will be analyzed separately.

The ‘MAGA’ Party was created on June 16, 2015, in New York City when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president. The Republican Party has all but been dismantled, taken over by the ‘MAGA’ party, as Donald Trump has elevated his ilk to the fore of the party at every level – county, state, and national.

The political parties star chart analysis involves 3 parties:

  • Democratic Party
  • Republican Party
  • ’MAGA’ Party (2015-)

Democratic Party Stars

The Democratic Party was born on January 8, 1828, in Portsmouth, NH. It is the world’s oldest political party. Its origins included a platform based on limited government, agrarianism, and workers’ rights.

 Astrological chart for the Democratic Party, dated January 8, 1828, showing planetary positions, zodiac signs, and aspects. The chart includes symbols representing planets and their relationships, with red lines for challenging aspects and blue for harmonious ones. A table below lists the planetary degrees and signs.

Key Star Aspects

For the Democratic Party, the key star aspects are:

  • Capricorn Sun at 17° conjunct Neptune at 15° opposing Cancer Saturn at 16°
  • Capricorn Uranus at 27° trine Taurus Moon at 28°
  • Scorpio Mars at 12° conjunct Jupiter 10°
  • Aquarius Venus squares Scorpio
  • Jupiter at 10°and Mars at 12°
  • Capricorn Mercury at 2° squares Aries Pluto at 4°

Sun & Moon

Sun: The Sun of the Democratic Party is in Capricorn at 17,° with Neptune only 2° away. Uranus is also prominent in the chart at 27°. The 2022 Plutonian return of the United States is in confrontation with the party.

The Capricorn characteristics of leadership, striving for the summit, and standing in positions of power are the core elements of the Democratic Party. However, the typical stoicism of Capricorn is softened by Neptune. Neptune adds a dissolution of the boundaries and always questioning its worth into the central mix of this party.

The Democrats add an opposition of practical reality to its central theme, as well as a desire to master its sense of belonging and connection. The roots of the party and the soul of the nation are the intentions of the Democrats.

Moon: The heart of the party involves the working population and embodies the desires of the common layperson. The center of the party is smoothed out when there are changes, original intentions, and strides toward the future.

Other Notable Qualities


The mission of the Democratic Party involves putting women front and center. When the leaders of this party make women feel included, equal, and a critical component to the success of this party’s mission, they create lasting success. The transformative approach is the right one.

In other words, the Democrats can’t step into the future without women at the helm. Women attract big groups and create wealth as well as success for this party.


Democrats have trouble clarifying strong messages that resonate with the public. They’re great at negotiating but may give away too much to get what they want. Additionally, balancing the serious with the optimistic requires greater finesse and clarity from the top.


Diving deeply into transformative measures brings good luck and success to the party. Bold and strong actions are the best strategy for the Democrats. Women are a key component of the party and part of its soul destiny.


Standing in their genius necessitates masterfully and sensitively aligning with the soul of the nation. When the Democrats stand beside America and its origins, the party’s brilliance becomes evident. Talking about roots, heritage, and moving forward without losing the founding fathers’ intentions makes the Democratic Party’s genius shine.

Soul Destiny

Deep, transformative healing with bold action and big leaps of faith comprise the party’s soul destiny. Women and their needs are a focal point of the Democratic Party’s soul purpose. This party’s karma involves avoiding complacency, rigidity, and holding on too tightly to being comfortable. Moving into the unknown and unfamiliar brings success.

Republican Party Stars

The Republican Party was born on October 12, 1853 in Exeter, New Hampshire. It began as a radical new idea by a coalition of Northern reformers who opposed the expansion of slavery.

Pisces Neptune in the sky passing the square off at 11° brought trouble in 2021, triggering Uranus in Taurus. Its position, abundance, and practical realities were destabilized. The same star aspect accentuates bold, aggressive moves to put the spotlight on its chosen leader.

Pisces Neptune confuses itself and dissipates its energy. The star aspect doesn’t fortify, galvanize, or otherwise shore up the party’s interests. This dissolution meets a wake-up call in March 2025 and moves through a practical reckoning in 2024. Throughout 2024, the party requires adjustments and fine-tuning. If the party builds structures for unity, it can revive itself. If not, the pressure grinds the party’s ideals to the ground. Complications, delays, and confrontations spilled the party into further fragmentation.

Astrological chart for the Republican Party, dated October 12, 1853, with planetary transits for November 5, 2024. The chart shows planetary positions, zodiac signs, and aspects, with red lines for challenges, blue for harmony, and green for neutral aspects. A table below lists planetary degrees and signs for both natal and transit positions.

Key Star Aspects

For the Republican Party, the key star aspects are:

  • Libra Sun at 19° sextile Sagittarius Jupiter in its own sign at 20°
  • Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Venus at 27° trine Libra Mercury at 28°
  • Leo Mars squares Taurus Uranus sextiles Pisces
  • Neptune at 11°
  • Pisces Neptune quincunx Leo Mars at 11°
  • Scorpio Venus opposes Gemini Saturn with a 4° orb

Sun & Moon

Sun: The Sun in Libra strengthens the core identity into one of diplomacy, grace and the Venusian values of peace and harmony. This party’s central theme involves women and their collaborative approach. Short of having women as part of their core leadership, embracing compromise, equality, and justice are the party’s core values. Good luck and success comes when the party realizes its founding ideals.

Moon: The Aquarian Moon at 27° squares off with women and gets smoothed out when their messaging and ideation come in balanced ways. Discerning who and how the party attracts donors, founders, leaders, and key party organizers sparks their future. When they focus on the past, traditional ways, and masculine-only leadership, they cut off their support from women. They need women and deep transformative moves to realize their goals.

Other Notable Qualities


The mission of the Republican Party is to balance the hearts and minds of their voters. When they lead with authenticity and stand as role models for the people, they improve their chances of winning both the hearts and the minds of the public.

Their leaders are filled with courage and grit; with the tenacity to move through challenges as well as inspire their party’s followers. Republicans do best when they remember their roots. Channeling early visionaries like Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and taking bold risks help bring success and prosperity.


Balancing unity for the common layperson with courage at the leadership level creates the right approach to overcoming challenges but requires finesse and constant adjustments to support both missions. The Republican Party survives on shocking the public by standing up and defending its core principles, no matter the situation, timing, or politics. Their legal leaders advocate for the justice the party seeks. Furthermore, when their leaders are drawn from the military, they become role models for the common person.


The Republican Party needs brave and authentic leaders to bring them into the future, directly contradicting its core values of peace and harmony. However, success comes from prioritizing authenticity. If the party integrates support from women for their causes and takes bold actions to realize them, they weave their identity into their future.


Open-mindedness, inclusivity, and dealing with the duality of any given situation is the genius of this party. It’s not an easy energy to leverage, but with the support of women, they can achieve their brilliance. Being rooted in drama or intensity unconventionally helps them make strides toward their goals.

Soul Destiny

The Republican Party’s soul destiny involves opening minds, asking more questions than seeking answers, and being in a state of wonder. Communication is at the heart of this party’s purpose. Stepping away from gurus and shedding dogma and fundamentalism heals this party’s soul karma and brings them the success they desire. Instead of alienating women, they want to fold them into their party’s success formula to achieve their true purpose.

MAGA Party Stars

The MAGA Party was born on June 16, 2015, in New York City when Donald Trump announced his run for President. Just two days after Trump’s birthday, the candidate and the party share a Sun sign.

He is the party. (This is one of the reasons I’ve always felt Donald has an astrologer in his corner.)

Astrological chart for the "MAGA announcement" dated June 16, 2015, showing planetary transits for November 5, 2024. The chart displays planetary positions, zodiac signs, and aspects with red lines for challenging connections, blue for harmonious ones, and green for neutral aspects. A table below lists the natal and transit planetary positions in degrees and signs.

Key Star Aspects

For the MAGA Party, the key star aspects are:

  • Sun in Gemini at 25° conjunct the Moon and Mars at 24°
  • New Moon phase with in Moon in Gemini at 26°
  • Aries Uranus trine Leo Jupiter at 19°
  • Gemini Mercury at 5° trine Libra soul destiny and sextile
  • Aries soul karma at 6°
  • Leo Venus at 10° quincunx Pisces
  • Neptune at 9°

Sun & Moon

Sun: The MAGA party leans on open minds, big ideas, and lots of messaging. The more this party focuses its voice, tone, tenor, and cadence, the better the public can relate to it. Courage and aggression create power, attraction, and value for the party.

Moon: The New Moon phase provides celebrity to this party’s core identity. This star placement indicates new beginnings. Big bold actions move the party into pole position among its established counterparts. The party’s Moon is the most important component of their star chart due to its placement with its leader’s Sun and Moon.

It will be interesting to watch the eventual future of the party without its leader at the helm.

Other Notable Qualities


The MAGA Party’s mission, according to the stars, is to attract women into its leadership sphere to be innovative and inclusive. The balance of advocacy and activism with diplomacy and civility is a key component to the party’s mission.


The challenges for the party involve giving up too much to stick to traditional roles, structures, and methods. Sudden change creates success, but it also brings surprising results. Zigging and zagging provide support in unexpected ways.


Opening minds to stay in the state of wonder is the key to the party’s stature. Dealing with duality and embracing big ideas integrates the core identity of the party with its ability to align with the country’s mission.


This party’s power of transformation must be embraced to realize its genius. Deep, magnetic, and intense drama is part of the party’s brilliance. Additionally, when this intensity involves transformational healing, it produces exponential success.

Soul Destiny

Upholding justice and advocating for the equality of its citizenry is the party’s soul destiny. The balance of advocacy and diplomacy is the key to unlocking the party’s destiny. The party’s soul karma involves giving up its attachment to anger, aggression, and selfish-centeredness. When the MAGA Party drops these attributes, it strives to reach its destiny.

Party Alignment with the United States of America

The Democratic, Republican, and MAGA Parties either aligned or misaligned with the United States during the 2024 election. Reviewing America’s stars through the lens of each of the parties indicates how each entity impacts the future of the nation.

Democratic Party & USA Stars

Key Interaction: The Party’s Capricorn Uranus conjuncts the U.S.A.’s Pluto at 27° for radical changes that can either be liberating or feel out of control. Open-mindedness and flexibility are the best approaches to creating transformational healing. Stubborn resistance is the kryptonite for this aspect.

Shared Destiny: Be brave about healing the issues with women by negotiating with compromise and without giving up the true essence of what you truly desire. Supporting the lineage of the common person is the key to realizing the shared soul destiny.

Republican Party & USA Stars

Key Interaction: The Republican Party’s Taurus Saturn trines the USA’s Capricorn Pluto at 27°, making the agency of government a supportive mechanism for the country’s people. Conservativism, capitalism, and long-term strategies all merge these two energies. Positive lasting change can be achieved with these two stars.

Shared Destiny: Realizing a rooted and anchored sense of belonging for families, women, and children is the key to the shared soul destiny between the Republican Party and the United States. Ancestral healing is also a shared component. Letting go of the traditional and institutional structures is an important element in healing this shared soul karma.

MAGA Party & USA Stars

Key Interaction: The Party’s Pisces Chiron squares off with America’s Gemini Mars at 21°to support assertive healing of deep wounds. The country’s unity can be achieved in creatively healing ways and with the power of an open mind. Moving from a victim complex to a hero complex is the solution.

Shared Destiny: Let go of self-absorption or victimization to heal shared soul karma. Be practical, get skilled, and stay focused on the common person. Get down to Earth to efficiently be useful to others. Make the little things and people matter.

Bottom Line

America has its own soul destiny. However, each of the major political parties has its own destinies that may or may not support the nation’s.

Thanks to Pluto’s dramatic return in 2022, analysis of the 2024 election must include the intentions of the United States at its founding.

Pluto asks, “What have you done about it?” Each political party has its answer, and the results matter greatly as we look ahead to November.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


Check out Part 4: How Do the Stars Predict the Fight to the Finish?