Strategy Leadership

How to Trust Yourself Through Intuition and Astrology

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where intuition and astrology illuminate the path to trusting yourself deeply. Imagine navigating life with a clear sense of purpose and an aligned vision.

Dive into the incredible benefits of the 12-question quiz that unveils your Intuitive Success Signature. This insightful tool offers a roadmap tailored specifically for you, based on ancient wisdom and energetic signatures, to enhance your personal and professional life.

Whether you aim to refine your business strategies, strengthen relationships, or find greater fulfillment, this unique blend of intuition and astrology provides the key to reclaiming your power and living in harmony with your soul’s deepest desires.

Let’s embark on this journey together and discover how to trust yourself through the guidance of the stars and your own intuition. Learn practical tips for each Intuitive Success Signature to navigate this New Era of doing and being.

Discover your Intuitive Success Signature by taking the quiz right here.

1. Astrology of the New Era

Engaging with the star energies is akin to tuning into a cosmic symphony, where each constellation and planetary alignment offers unique vibrations that amplifies your vibe. With star events like solstices, equinoxes, and significant planetary transits, you can harness these celestial currents to align your actions with greater ease and potency.

For instance, the energetic shift marked by the 2020 December solstice heralds a time to reassess and realign your goals for a new way of living and leading. Use this potent energy to gain clarity on your soul’s mission and integrate this knowledge into your leadership strategies.

The key to leveraging star energies lies in recognizing their cyclical nature, allowing you to plan initiatives that flow with cosmic tides rather than against them.

Using the stars as a navigation tool to chart your trajectory combined with the alignment of your energetic signature is the difference between success and failure in the New Era.

2. The Energetic Signatures: Personalized Empowerment

Unveiling the energies from the 12-question Intuitive Success Signature quiz reveals transformative insights into how you operate to thrive in the New Era. Understanding your signature and knowing how its energy can be leveraged to make better decisions, balance work and life, improve your marketing and sales effectiveness and develop your intuition.

Understanding Intuitive Success Signatures

The transformative concept called the Intuitive Success Signatures invites you to understand the energetic blueprints that guide how you enter the world, make decisions, and navigate various aspects of life and business.

If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can do so by clicking here.

The Six Intuitive Success Signatures

  1. Wise Strategist
  2. Intuitive Visionary
  3. Collaborative Explorer
  4. Ruling Warrior
  5. Creative Superstar
  6. Loving Alchemist

Each signature offers unique strengths and tailored strategies to achieve a balanced and successful life.

Revealing the Benefits of Knowing Your Signature

✓ Empowered Decision-Making

One of the primary benefits of understanding your intuitive success signature is the ability to make confident decisions. This knowledge provides clarity about how you process information, whether you’re more mentally driven or inclined towards emotional and collaborative approaches.

✓ Energizing Life and Work

Knowing your signature also helps you tap into energies that naturally align with you. Whether you resonate with nature’s rhythms or more ethereal, spiritual energies, this insight can revitalize your daily life and work experiences.

✓ Reclaiming Personal Power

By aligning with your inner authority, you reclaim sovereignty over your life, understand your unique path, and embrace the abundance your natural gifts can attract.

✓ Enhanced Sales and Marketing Strategies

Understanding your signature can transform your approach to sales and marketing. Each signature has a preferred way of receiving information, which significantly impacts your messaging and campaign effectiveness.

✓ Intuition Development

Enhance your intuitive abilities by aligning with practices that resonate with your signature. Whether it’s meditation, oracle cards, or connecting with nature, understanding which tools work best for you is essential.

Practical Tools for Intuition

  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards are great for introspective sessions and are particularly ideal for Intuitive Visionaries.
  • Journals: Journaling is especially helpful to Collaborative Explorers who want to use this tool to determine their priorities.
  • Crystals: Crystals are grounding and energy-enhancing and preferred by Loving Alchemists and Wise Strategists.
  • Art Supplies: Creative Superstars benefit by doodling or making designs while listening to guided meditations.
  • Meditation Pack: A varied meditation pack of cards, journals, crystals, tuning forks or singing bowls are especially helpful for Intuitive Visionaries and Ruling Warriors who need variety in their mindfulness practices.

If you’re looking for more tips, make sure you white list my email kim@kimwoods.com to get all of your supportive tools.

3. The Strategies: Linear Pathways to Intuitive Leadership

Embracing strategic tools empowered by your Intuitive Success Signature can create a seamless path to achieving your goals. Here’s a step-by-step approach to harnessing these tools effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Signature

Take the Intuitive Success Signature quiz to recognize your dominant signature. Understanding your natural inclinations can help you determine the best strategies for growth.

Step 2: Develop a Customized Plan

Based on your signature, outline a strategic plan that incorporates personalized tools, such as specific task management systems for Wise Strategists or creative planning boards for Creative Superstars.

Step 3: Integrate Star Energies

Sync your strategic plan with significant celestial events. Plan major launches, client meetings, or reflection periods during potent star alignments to maximize success. Ruling Warriors, in particular, love the timing of star navigation to improve their chances for success.

Step 4: Implement Sustainable Practices

For lasting success, adopt practices that reduce stress and increase equilibrium. Use mindfulness techniques, seasonal work rhythms, and regular reassessments to stay aligned and energized. Loving Alchemists benefit from adopting these practices.

Step 5: Reflect, Adjust, and Grow

Regular self-reflection and adjustment ensure you remain in alignment with both your internal compass and external circumstances. Review your strategies bi-weekly to fine-tune your approach efficiently. Collaborative Explorers specifically gain the most by reflecting and adjusting in order to grow.

By blending the ancient wisdom of the stars with contemporary strategic tools, you create a holistic framework for unparalleled leadership and personal fulfillment. Remember, the cosmos is your co-pilot on this remarkable journey of intuitive leadership.

4. Tips for Each Intuitive Success Signature

Go to your signature below to get information to help you build your business and enhance the flow of your work-life balance.

Wise Strategist

Characteristics: Analytical, goal-oriented, enjoys reliable tempos.

Tip: Implement strategic plans that emphasize detailed insights and organizational prowess. Prioritize reliable and structured approaches to ensure consistent progress.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Embrace routine and structure. Create actionable plans that align with the natural cycles of the Earth, such as planning projects around the lunar phases or seasonal shifts.

Intuitive Visionary

Characteristics: Creative, easily distractible, mentally agile.

Tip: Introduce variety in your daily routines and give yourself permission to explore multiple pathways. Use creative brainstorming sessions to channel your innovative ideas.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness:
Integrate creative brainstorming sessions into your weekly agenda. Honor your need for flexibility by allowing your work schedule to accommodate bursts of inspiration and periods of reflection.

Collaborative Explorer

Characteristics: Outwardly focused, teamwork-oriented, peaceable.

Tip: Foster collaborative environments that encourage team efforts. Use your skills to mediate conflicts and ensure smooth, cooperative operations.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Focus on team-building exercises that highlight collective strengths. Implement regular check-ins to foster a cooperative environment and ensure everyone feels heard and valued.

Ruling Warrior

Characteristics: Achievement-driven, competitive, goal-focused.

Tip: Set clear, ambitious goals and actively pursue them. Embrace leadership roles and take decisive actions to reach the top of your field.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness:
Set clear and challenging goals that push you to excel. Celebrate milestones to maintain motivation and always aim to benchmark your achievements against the best in your field.

Creative Superstar

Characteristics: Original, creative, often misunderstood.

Tip: Focus on projects that allow for unique creative expression. Work on pacing yourself and setting a rhythm that suits your creative flow.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Allocate time for unstructured creativity. Surround yourself with inspirational materials and environments that stimulate your innovative spark.

Loving Alchemist

Characteristics: Deeply connected, intimate, intuitive.

Tip: Seek environments that value intimacy and depth. Use your abilities to create strong bonds and transformative experiences for those around you.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Prioritize deep, meaningful connections. Invest in activities that create bonding opportunities with your team and clients, emphasizing the value you bring to their lives.

To get more tips for your Intuitive Success Signature, listen to your special podcast episode


The 12-question quiz is a gateway to align with your star path to success. By understanding your Intuitive Success Signature, you’re better equipped to make empowered decisions, energize your life and work, and reclaim your power.

Whether you’re enhancing sales strategies, developing your intuition, or improving leadership skills, this knowledge provides a roadmap for navigating the New Era with confidence and fulfillment.

Aligning your path with these divine energies ensures that every step you take is fortified with cosmic support, making the journey towards your soul’s mission not just possible, but profoundly impactful.

If you’d like more information on the New Era, catch the 3-part series with special guide right here.

Until next time, embrace the starry flow and let your Intuitive Leadership shine.

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

How Fiery Mars Pushes You Beyond Your Boiling Point

Mars in Cancer/Leo Retrograde 2024-2024

Note: This is a long one, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in. The Leo-Cancer Retrograde Mars timeframe is between September 4, 2024 through June 20, 2025, so it’s worth the read.


In 2024, Mars is the power in action for this edgy year. He kicked off another wave of the New Era by converging with Pluto on February 14th creating an opening for Visionary Leaders to ignite the combination of the future way to do business without losing yourself.

At the top of the year, Mars by merging with Pluto in a new cycle opened the blending of the ancient wisdom of the feminine with the advanced technologies of the masculine.

Let’s explore how Mars becomes debilitated in September by entering Cancer as he travels completely through Cancer to enter Leo, where he loves to be. Yet, he then stations retrograde in Leo to pull ALL of this energy back into himself. This combination creates a volcanic underground fire that’s ready to blow without any relief valve.

As he moves back into Cancer, he gets more and more angry that simmers beneath the surface while increasing his emotional posture relating to those he holds dear.

This is a formula for disaster, but where there’s risk and chaos, there’s opportunity and reward.

Parsing out the star components helps determine the best way for you to take advantage of the opportunity and reward; Mars, Cancer, Retrograde, then Mars and Pluto in action to put it all together for you.

First, Mars

Mars is the fiery planet known as the God of War, who loves moving forward and getting exactly what he wants.

He pushes you to take action and when you do, you get what you want. When you don’t, you become the prey defending your position and in some cases, your life, making you prone to accidents and mishaps.

Mars is the star of will, energy and drive to create what you truly desire in your life. Additional martial words involve action, adventure, bravery and passion or aggression, anger, lust and violence.

As long as you’re willing to take risks, Mars has your back. The issue is he doesn’t care whether you’re taking positive actions or negative ones.

Bad actors come out of the woodwork, especially when things reach the boiling point. Staying aligned with your integrity is the key to navigating this difficult multi-month configuration.

Second, Cancer

Cancer is soft, gentle and full of nurturing support requiring a high emotional quotient while prioritizing home and family.

Think about the crab that symbolizes the zodiac sign of Cancer, the hard shell that protects the gooey crab within. The crab is sweet and tender underneath a hard-protective shell.

Cancer’s ultimate quest is to belong, making her vulnerable, sensitive, and empathic. She yearns for family, home and love. Her heart is wide open and her shell is the only protection she wields. She loves deeply and forever.

Her feminine gifts include intuition, healing and being genuinely connected to the deepest aspect of your soul.

When Cancer feels safe and secure, her love is beyond measure. When she feels left out or defensive, she becomes smothering, easily hurt, moody and overly sensitive.

Third, Mars in Cancer and Leo

The dance for Mars involves Cancer and Leo for many more months than usual. From September 4, 2024 to June 20, 2025, Mars is either in Cancer or Leo. Let’s look at how he acts in both zodiac signs.

Mars in Cancer

Mars likes his own sign of Aries and Scorpio and he also likes Capricorn, where he’s exalted. Mars doesn’t play well with either Libra or Taurus, but he actually loathes Cancer, where he’s at his lowest possible state.

In Cancer, Mars is stifled from taking action, but is required to feel his feelings. He HATES that. He’d much rather do than feel.

Additionally, when all of Mars energy builds up, it alters his ability to determine the best action to take, because the feedback, or lack thereof, isn’t familiar. He starts to misplace his trust or distrusts completely.

When Mars is off kilter, he reacts badly. Think of the negative words associated with him; aggression, anger, lust and violence.

The practical aspects of Mars in Cancer involve taking action regarding home, family, investments, real estate, and finance. Mars in Cancer could be good for cottage or home-based businesses, as well as family-owned ones.

However, in his retrograde stance, it’s a backward energy repressing any forward motion.

Mars in Leo

Mars adores Leo as both are fiery and love to be active and shine their brightest.

They preen under the spotlight and push themselves to take power and position themselves for success. Your courage, bold and adventurous characteristics are amplified. There’s a fearlessness and ambition to strive to win, regardless of the competition.

Mars feeds off of Leo and Leo feeds off of Mars. Together, their fire is unstoppable and anyone who’s looking for a big win is going to do anything to get it. There are no boundaries and this combination will do anything to get what they want.

The negative aspects of the Mars-Leo combination is huge ego, limitless greed and extreme power struggles moving from temper tantrums and dramatic outbursts to aggression and violence.

The practical aspects of Mars in Leo involve achieving dominance in your field, standing firm in your leadership position and performing in front of your audience with enthusiasm and confidence.

Next, Retrograde

12/6/24 – 2/23/25 Mars retrograde Leo 6 – 17° Cancer

Mars adores spending time in Leo and would have loved continuing his path in this sign, but he doesn’t get the chance yet. He has to move backward, reenter Cancer, which he doesn’t appreciate.

He loathes the watery, overly sensitive, home-bodied Cancer. He feels trapped by the ‘over-caring for others’ nature. Mars is more selfish, active and bold than Cancer lets him be.

From December 6 – January 6, Mars moves from 6° – 0° in Leo and then enters Cancer again, where he stays until April 18.

For 3 ½ months, Mars marinates in the syrupy family soup with its past history and stories about your early years. You have the opportunity to explore the depths of love with your loved ones, yet it depends on your patience and tolerance for hearing about your cute and embarrassing antics while growing up.

Typically, Cancer opens into Leo to take the love, connection and deep sense of belonging to come out into the spotlight and confidently express your passion, authenticity and creativity. The anchoring support of Cancer centers Leo to ensure he’s feeling safe and secure. When Leo feels powerful, he’s generous, stylist and an excellent leader.

However, in a retrograde cycle, Leo pulls back into Cancer suppressing his enthusiasm and knocking him off center. Mars feels unstable, fostering self-doubt and inducing a fragile ego. This is not a positive combination. The fire erupts without an outlet, so with each passing day the fire grows hotter without any star tools to cool it. It’s up to you to provide the tools to cool Mars retrograde in Leo.

Pay particularly close attention to the timeframe between November 4th to December 6th. Plan beforehand to be ready to progress through these difficult 4 weeks. Read below for timing, tricks and tips for this complicated period.

Then, Mars Interaction with Pluto

Looking back can help your path forward. Let’s take a quick look at the beginning of the cycle in Q4 2024 and then what I wrote about the Mars Pluto opposition on November 3rd this year.

The New Cycle: February 2024

Mars and Pluto blend to ignite the uncomfortable and to awaken your desire to jump into the profound and scary. You can face your fears and take the leap. Think about how you want to break free from conformity, norms or expectations.

Now is the time to do your own thing and to be your own person without interference from anyone. Your brave heart, deep desires and secret passions create an opening to let your ambitions run free. Remember to look toward the future.

With Aquarius, this an energetic push that began on the solstice in December 2020. The super edgy ignition at slightly more than 0-degrees makes your mind wonder, doubt and question. Stay in the wonder to manifest your future.

Expansion and Opposition: November 2024

There are opposing forces at play, where on the one hand, you have incredible tenacity with a propulsion for winning to ultimately achieve the goal you’ve always desired.

On the other hand, you want to play, have fun and socialize with abandon. Frivolity overcomes the hard knocks of power grabs and emotional wrangling for control or responsibility wins out with a lighter touch and self-indulgence.

From November 2018 – May 2020, you’ve felt the impact of your work-life balance in ways that you may not have been cognizant of prior to this time. This pressure hasn’t gone away in the last few years.

Right now, your work life balance is teetering on the edge. Which will you choose – love and family or work and success? You can have both if you figure out your own tempo and design your schedule to accommodate it. Get creative. This is your time to finally come to terms with what’s really important to you and to set up your life to reflect your terms.

In the coming months, Mars opposes Pluto 2 more times on January 3rd and April 26th, 2025. However, the tension between these 2 planets remains for the entire 5½ months from November 3rd through April 26th.

Finally, Putting it All Together

In order to know how your energy aligns with the martial activity in the New Era, take the 12-question quiz to discover your Intuitive Success Signature.

Key Dates to Note

In the last quarter of 2024 and the first of 2025, Mars in his retrograde position wreaks havoc. Here are the dates to remember:

February 14, 2024: Aquarius Mars conjunct Pluto 0, launching a new 2-year cycle
September 4, 2024: Mars enters Cancer, marking the beginning of its debilitation.
November 3, 2024: Cancer Mars opposite Capricorn Pluto 29
November 4, 2024: Mars enters Leo, fiery, aggressive Mars in fiery, majesty Leo
November 19, 2024: Pluto reenters Aquarius for 20-year sojourn
December 7, 2024: Mars turns retrograde in Leo 6, smoldering its fiery effects
January 3, 2025: Leo Mars Rx opposite Aquarius Pluto 1
January 6, 2025: Mars retrogrades back into Cancer
February 24, 2025: Mars stations direct Cancer 17
April 18, 2025: Mars reenters Leo
April 26, 2025: Leo Mars opposite Aquarius Pluto 3
May 2, 2025: Mars positions in Leo 6 at beginning of December. Returning your forward progress from the point you were on December 6th/7th
June 20, 2025: Mars enters Virgo

What It Means for the World

On the geopolitical stage, the riskiest dates for instability and violence are from November 4th – December 6th with Mars moving forward in Leo until he stations retrograde on the 6th, muting him and his aggression.

For the US, the presidential election is within this timeframe tightening the effects due to the Cancerian Sun sign of the US. Mars in Cancer relates directly to both either positively or negatively.

When the voting finishes on November 5th, the vote will be inconclusive and fought rabidly to the ultimate finish. Complicating this process is Mercury retrograde between November 25th – December 15th in the sign of Sagittarius, the traditional sign of gurus, religious leaders and dogmatic figures.

This timing heralds the fight between the new era and the old world, the future and the past and freedom and oppression.

For more on the New Era and the US election, listen to Your Star Path to Success Podcast special edition episodes.

For the Israel-Palestine, the conflict could spiral beyond its already out of control situation. The same can be said for the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

With the lame duck US political leadership after the November 5th election and before the swearing in, America is pulled out of any effective position of strength.

With the predicted US presidential election debacle, America is going to turn inward to field the diametrically opposing sides. With Pluto involved at the time of election day and not moving out of its opposing position with Mars until April 2025, everything that’s been brewing comes up to the surface to be resolved.

For the US election, voting rights, social justice and the origin of the constitution’s promise is up for power grabs and controlling interests.

Ironically, but not surprisingly, the 2016 contentious election involved Mars at the last degree of Capricorn, entering Aquarius after the close of the voting on November 8th, 2016. In the 2020 election, Mars was at the midpoint of his own sign Aries and retrograde for intense suppression energy.

I had said, “We won’t know the outcome of election for a long time, if ever. We may never know the results of the 2020 election.”

Now in 2024, these 2 elections set up the one this November.

In the Israel-Palestine attack, Capricorn Pluto squared off with Libran Mars in the same degree that Pluto stationed during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. For the Ukraine invasion by Russia, Pluto was within blending orb with Mars, actually only 10 days prior to the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn 27 and stationed at the same degree as the Israel-Palestine attack. Capricorn Pluto at 27° requires wholeness, while dealing with origin issues. The traditional hierarchy and operational structures get knocked out, requiring a new way of dealing with the previously unresolvable problems.

What It Means for You

Focusing on your pathway to success and what truly satisfies you is a set up by another star configuration and one worth noting here when identifying how to best navigate the next 7 months from September 2024 through April 2025.

If you’d like to listen to hear about the other big star configuration, click here or you can read the article right here. Each of the tips below relate to the intuitive tools recommended in the big stars of Jupiter and Saturn in the materials linked above.

Wise Strategist

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you’re able to drop into your heart and let your mind take a much-needed break. This energy helps you listen to your heart and soul, so is actually beneficial. Also, you won’t feel the negative impact as much as other signatures.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, it’s very difficult for you to get your tasks complete and to motivate your team. Your aggravation grows, but its internal, so increases your self-doubt and fear about achieving your dreams. Remembering who you are involves revisiting your values and the reasons you started your business in the first place.

Intuitive Visionary

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, learning to use your power isn’t easy. The lack of forward motion and the requirement to be in touch with your feelings doesn’t feed your love of ideas, solutions and brilliant methods. However, Mars in Cancer does help you connect to your audience to teach them about your solutions.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, the energies support of you being in the spotlight aligns with your original and creative innovations. Your following recognizes they need your offerings, so during November and March and April, leverage this relative advantage.

Collaborative Explorer

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, others realize how excellent you are in your position when negotiating, cooperating and connecting with others. Utilize your skills and talents to engage with others at their level and within their current circumstances. Coax them out of their shells by showing them how you’ve stepped out of yours.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, step into the limelight to secure your position to speak, teach and offer your expertise to your audience, prospects and clients. Allow these fiery energies to burn through your reticence and any feelings of inadequacy to put yourself in the best position for success.

Ruling Warrior

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you have the opportunity to heal karma, resolve issues and remove blocks. This is wildly uncomfortable for you, but the alternative is to rail against this energy with impatience and anger. Seeking healing is your best bet during these times. Take note of the dates and schedule time with your favorite support team.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, you’re in your sweet spot. You love everything about Mars in Leo, except when he retrogrades back. Take as much time off between December 7th – January 6th as possible. November, May and June are your best months during the Mars Cancer and Leo zodiac passage. Set your strategy and plan on committing to your growth during these times.

Creative Superstar

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, tell your story by connecting your thoughts with your heart to be engaging with your audience. Cancer softens your creations, but also makes you want to defend them. Be wary of your vulnerability regarding your offerings to avoid spiraling into a negative mind game sequence.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

Mars in Leo pushes you into overwhelm and fear and quite frankly, is not a good energy for you to fight against. It helps when you remember with chaos comes creativity. Be more of yourself to take your rightful leadership position. Take the first steps toward being honestly and authentically YOU.

Loving Alchemist

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you have the opportunity to dive as deeply into your family and loved ones as you desire. The trick is not losing yourself in the process. Develop intimate and shared bonds with others as they’ll be available with this star configuration. Others are more amenable to the connection.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, it’s more difficult to hold your position of power and stability. But you can do it. Use the force of the fire along with your element of water to form fire-water, like the storm energy to embed the massive forces to create a vortex of love, money and success around you.

Bottom Line

The New Era is here and the stars provide the energy and power you can use to effectively create the life you truly desire. Martial movement spurs you into action and typically his fast-moving, 6 weeks in one zodiac sign, offers shifting influences to move you through your life as efficiently as possible. When Mars goes retrograde, he creates complications and difficulties in one particular area. Focusing on this area benefits you in ways only Mars can create.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.