Astrology Forecasts Lunar Cycle

December: New Era NOW


As predicted by the Mayans re: 2012, we’ve been working on the NEW ERA since  then with key celestial moments in 2012, 2016 and 2020.  

We’ve had to plunge deeply into the dark in order to find wholeness and only then  can we come to the surface, climb the right summit (which is unique to each one  of us) to declare victory.  

Big dates:

12/17 Saturn enters Aquarius  

12/19 Jupiter enters Aquarius 

12/21 Jupiter conjunction Saturn closest one since 1623- signaling epochal  social change (next one on Oct 31, 2040) Zero degrees in air – first time in  almost 200 years; every other has been in earth signs. NEW ERA 12/23 Mars square Pluto 

Week 1: Sunday 12/5 – Saturday 12/11 – Embrace the loft. 

There’s loft and supportive influences. You may still question and have residual  doubts, but for the most part, you’re relieved and actually looking forward to the  holiday festivities, even if they’re abbreviated. You’re especially anticipating the end  of this year. You can count the days until 2020 comes to a close. If you have the  energy, take advantage of the creative and inspirational energies.  

Week 2: Sunday 12/12 – Saturday 12/18 – Stay flex.  

Wacky communications, technology and travel (if there is any). Don’t be deceived – lies, deceptions and corrupt propaganda reign for the rest of the month. It will be  so easy to believe the worst, to judge and to abdicate responsibility due to  overwhelm. Don’t succumb. This is what you’ve been preparing for, it’s what I’ve  been urging and then bribing (5×5) to get you out of your mind and into your  instinct, intuition, wisdom.  

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse: 12/14 – Open mind and heart. 12/14 New Moon @ 11:18 am EST Sag conjunct to nodes of Ceres in Sag/Gem The higher expression is using your will power to bring new ideas, to understand  different viewpoints and to appreciate the various cultures, perspectives and ways of living. This can be the golden summit for humanity if you can let go of judgment,  narrowmindedness and fear.  

The lower expression is to hold onto dogmatic views, maintain prejudice and judge  anyone who is different or disagrees with your opinions. This can be incredibly a  righteous, angry and volatile time. The pinnacle of which hasn’t been seen in  decades.  

With this Full Moon and Total Eclipse, there’s more support than opposition. To  get it right, drop into your inner knowing, feel what’s in your heart and speak out in  brave and courageous ways. Be a role model for what you know is right and true.  

Week 3: Sunday 12/19 – Saturday 12/25 – Stay in your lane.  What a week! It’s what you’ve been waiting your whole life for – it’s the reason your  soul said YES. This can’t be overstated. How are you going to welcome the new era  into your life? How big can you dream? The power to be a huge success is right here,  right now. STAY IN YOUR LANE. DO you. BE you. LOVE you.  


The beginning of the next millennium begins today. The themes are innovation,  humanity and grass roots. They’ll be incredible tension as the outdated modes will  hang on with their last breath. The power structure is crumbling, but it won’t go  away peacefully, it won’t be a melting into the background. It’s going to go kicking  and screaming.  

In the abstract, it’s easy to think you’ll be on the side of the new – innovation,  humanity and grass roots, but you may surprise yourself. This doesn’t look like  government, big institutions and corporations holding all of the power. Again, that  sounds oppressive and it is. However, with the power, these institutions have also  accepted responsibility for paying, housing and contributing, financially and  otherwise, to many. Get real and be honest with yourself. What side of receiving  services are you on? What do you expect to be taken care of by big institutions?  Everyone wants the trash to be picked up, the internet to run smoothly and the  roads to be cleared after a storm.  

Think about it – it’s going to get real. It’s going to be a rocky road for the next few  years. For me, I’m holding the full potential and endless possibility for humanity.  You’ve heard me talk about it for you in your 1:1 sessions or in society. I may even have mentioned it in my free Facebook group (Power Up Your Intuition with True KLT). However, I also do this for the Mother  Earth and her inhabitants. I even do it for the celestial universe.  

Week 4: Sunday 12/26 – Saturday 1/1 – Glimpse of future.  Changes are happening and they’re positive. Stay on course with your dreams,  intentions and goals, but embrace new supports and opportunities as they present  themselves to you. The unknown and unexpected is the name of the game in 2021.  

Full Moon: 12/29 – Turn up the kindness.  

12/29 Full Moon @ 10:30 pm EST Cap/Can 

This is a time for sensitivity and tenderness. Breathe new life into anything outdated.  Feel positive about the future.  

Supportive magical tools

Tarot: Synergy – 6 of Worlds 

Represents Lover’s ability to bring resources together to create alliance of power  and success. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Combine your inner  resources and abilities with others. The collective has power. Organize, co-create,  and work in teams. Synergy requires you to think holistically and creatively, have  emotional courage and physical stamina. In synergy, everyone wins. 

Crystal: Morion Quartz 

This makes smoky quartz seem like a weakling. This is smoky quartz on steroids.  She’s the Queen of the Earth star as she helps you feel safe, provides protection  for all bodies, over time and space as she helps you make things real.  

Totally grounding. You are a human. Yes, you’re infinite, but you’ve chosen to be  human. So be it. Get earthly. Be real. Revel in your humanness. Also, huge karmic  cleanser. Seriously, no joke – soul DNA getting you stuck – work with her. For a total crazy healing (only for masters), use in conjunction with smoky quartz and  natural citrine. For even more power, use with elestial smoky quartz.  

Flower essence: Gorse 

The hope flower. It’s all about the solar plexus. Activate your will to live life to the  fullest. Get rid of those areas of your life where you don’t live fully.  

Spirit animal: Ram

Start. Begin now. Do the things you’ve been thinking of, wanting to learn, eager to  lean into – now is the time.  


Goddess: Aine 

Leap of faith. Even when you can’t see the next step – fling yourself into it – completely and wholeheartedly. Just do it.  

Supportive practical tips

Affirmation: choose one or two. 

I am powerful.  

My mind is filled with wonder.  

My heart is open with trust.  

I am 

– intuitive.  

– wise.  

– knowing.  

– my dreams.

My business is a success.  

I’ve realized my dreams.

I stay in my lane.  

I love everyone.  


1st ½ of the month: Stay flex. Work on things you’ve already planned. Don’t be  distracted by what’s happening on the political stage if that isn’t your lane. Same  thing for social media. Be focused. Keep your eye on the long-term. Be in lockstep  with your goals.  

2nd ½ of month: Use your intuition, wisdom and knowing to determine what’s real  for you and your business. You may have to pivot in the next month or two. Get  rooted and watch for signs. Remember your mission and your vision. There’s no  reason to get off track. Just be mindful the world stage is getting rocky. Definitely  don’t react. Stay on message. Be compassionate, certainly, but most importantly, act  in integrity with you and your business goals. 

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