Just for Fun

A Tempest opened the energy for my wedding.

The Earth literally howled, shimmied and shook, signifying the import of the marriage and the Earth’s welcoming of our children. 

Just for Fun

I love breaking the mold!

I’ve created new businesses, business systems, departments and divisions. I have championed not-for-profit projects. I’ve literally rewired brains and shifted leadership paradigms. 


Just for Fun

My birthright involves the true sense of money – I embody its infinite grace.

Of course, I had to break away from both sides of ancestral “lack”. How wonderful it is to be free to express my absolute love of money and what it can do. 

Just for Fun

My secret (or not-so- secret) pastime is collecting crystals.

I can justify my 3,000+ collection by using them in my work with you!

Just for Fun

I grew up in corporate finance and still retain my ‘number-geek’ roots!

My personal finances are organized, analyzed and yes, I have my own pie chart of investments.

Just for Fun

I’m a total foodie.

Since my heritage is Italian, I can get away with it. (Yes, my gravy cooks on the stove for 7+ hours!)


Just for Fun

My husband always lovingly says, “Loving you is an extreme sport”.

Now that I’ve stepped into my birthright, he says, “You’re the Perfect Storm!” 

Just for Fun

I’m a wife and mother of two.

My husband and I parented them magically as well as practically – even while growing a 7-figure business. (Don’t know what that means? Ask me about it.)

Just for Fun

My lineage goes directly back to John Dee.

What?! Who’s John Dee? Astrologer to the Queen. (I’ll use my oracle magic for you too.)

Just for Fun

I was 24 when I took off for Australia.

It was a pilgrimage to discover myself.

I found me – big time. (Psst…You’re looking at her.)